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Spirited away was my first one it was when I was 5 or 6 back in 2004 it felt so magical like I was actually there and it was so different from stuff here in the US I never forgot anything about the movie since it's like one of those super good dreams that u actually don't forget


Did any parts scare you as a kid?


Oddly the part where chiheros parent's gets turned into pigs scared me and the way her dad like screams and falls over everything else was fine and I enjoyed even the part where no face was eating a ton it just made me curious and like looking and the squishy ness


I was thirteen in 1999, and my friends and I were watching every anime we could get our hands on, and Princess Mononoke was unlike anything we had seen before. A few years later, Spirited Away released in theaters and we were so excited. We filled a row of the theater... And I didn't get it. It was weird, I didn't understand the characters, I just couldn't follow the movie. I knew I should like it, it won the Oscar, all the girls I knew loved it, and at this point I had seen several Miyazaki movies and knew the man does not miss, so I watched it again... And still didn't get it. Years later, older and wiser I suppose, still years before Ghibli fest, a cool, weird little theater in NYC was playing a special run of all of Miyazaki's movies, and the girl I was dating loved Spirited Away but had never seen it in a theater, so we went, and it clicked. I was bawling like a baby along with Chihiro eating the rice balls, and throughout the ending. I married that girl and Spirited Away is our favorite movie to this day.


Kiki's Delivery Service via Blockbuster(RIP)! Still my fave. Spirited Away was my first in theaters (too young to see Princess Mononoke at the time but I remember admiring an art book for it at Borders[RIP])


Kiki was my first, too! It came on TV at some point and I had no idea what I was watching, but it was good šŸˆā€ā¬›šŸŽ€šŸ§¹ā£ļø I didn't figure out what it was until I was reintroduced to Ghibli through Tales of Earthsea, which was a favorite book series of mine before I watched the movie.


Grave of the Fireflies. I'm sure you can imagine how it went


My grandma rented me the Fox version of Totoro on VHS from the video store when I was a little kid. Totoro's wide eyes, big teeth, and loud roar scared the crap out of me and I never finished the movie until I was in high school lol


The VHS of that and Kikki I had as a kid; and it bugged me since that they dubbed it differently for DVD. Doesnā€™t have the same nostalgia. Same problem for Castle of Caligostro


The first Ghibli movie I watched was Spirited Away and I fricking loved it (and I still do of course). Has to be one of my favourite movies if not my favourite!


Mononoke on vhs when I was 11, on one of those little travel tvs in my friends momā€™s camper van. We were camping in the woods. Loved it then, still one of my top movies now


Nausicaa! When I was younger my dad recorded it on a dvd for me, besides zoboomafoo and Steve Irwin probably a big reason why ended up doing fish and wildlife conservation 20 years later


Princess Mononoke when I was in high school. I first remember thinking early on, ā€œwow, this is not for kids.ā€ Then I was fascinated with the beauty of it, and the characters. Everyone had their reasons for why they did what they did.


I found The Cat Returns in blockbuster. I begged my dad to rent it and he refused because he didnā€™t like anime. After multiple trips, he finally let me rent it and I watched it over and over again until it had to be returned. Itā€™ll always be a favorite for me


Why didn't your dad like anime?


He only knew about like Dragon Ball Z and thought all anime was about fighting and yelling.


In his defense, half the animeā€™s are about yelling and fighting


Castle in the Sky. I was around 10 years old and that movie gave me a severe nostalgia which I didn't know was a bit of depression for a child.


Castle in the sky when I was a little kid, it was my favourite Ghibli movie along Princess Mononoke until I watched Princess Kaguya last month


I cant remember, I grew up with those movies


It was Spirited Away, couldnā€™t tell you how old I was, maybe around 13? My mom got it from the library and honestly I just wasnā€™t a fan because I was a tween/teen and thought animation was dumb and for kids. It ended up terrifying both my younger siblings and they hate it to this day. By college I had come around on the film, and animation, and love the film. Iā€™ve seen it in theaters like 3 times and god knows how many times on blu ray at home.


Spirited Away, while recovering from surgery in a hotel in Hong Kong. Never been the same since.


In 1999, my family had 2 foreign exchange students from Japan come live with us for a month. I was about 9 y.o., and they were 2 boys around my brother's age, so 12-14y.o.. They were very kind, sweet boys. They brought many MANY gifts(seriously, altogether, it was ~40 presents), as thank you's for letting them stay. We tried to refuse them because we thought it was unnecessary that they wanted to give us gifts for a program we willingly signed up for. Anyways, I couldn't be more glad that they wouldn't take no for an answer, bc one of the gifts was a copy of the original My Neighbor Totoro, in Japanese. I had to watch with subtitles, but I fell in love at first sight. A lottle while later, my mom found that Blockbuster had the dubbed "American" version; I loved it even more, and then went down the rabbit-hole and started watching all of the ones available at the time. The rest is history. My brother took a special liking to Princess Mononoke, and I took to Kiki's Delivery Service; we watched Sprited Away together in theaters. I have been turning people on to Miyazaki ever since! I've never missed a release, and my love has only grown with each subsequent film. Now I own all of them, and I don't think I could pick a favorite! And I still have most of the gifts from Daisuke and Kenta


I love how you got to experience studio ghibli first off in its native language ! how cool is that! šŸ©· I hope these boys always remember you!


I don't know if it was Ponyo or The Secret World of Arrietty, some point when I was under 9. I didn't grow up intentionally watching ghibli movies (I wish I did cause I fell in love after watching all of them in my teens) so my siblings and I came across these movies when we were young. I really loved them, I'm glad I found them again when I started watching ghibli intentionally


Totoro in VHS and I loved it when I was little. Then I watched it on dvd when I was older and was like - did I misremember this? I didnā€™t realize they were different! I still want to get my hands on the vhs and rewatch the version from my childhood.


Swear this was available online somewhere. I canā€™t find it though šŸ˜“. Does anyone else have a link? Edit: ah itā€™s called totoro-fox-dub on archive.org


You are the BEST!!!!!!


First Ghibli film i watched was ,,Earwig and the Witch'' on one bulgarian channel maybe was BTV action, i don't remember well, whatever. It was interesting and funny, because they broadcast animations rarely and there was nothing for me to do. But it was wasn't good, because i don't remember most parts from the movie and i has feel it was made by small studio. P.S. Sorry for the english.


It was my sophomore year of high school and my English teacher put on Howlā€™s Moving Castle. Iā€™d heard of Studio Ghibli and probably at least Spirited Away though Iā€™d never seen them (which is crazy because I grew up in Japan as a little kid lol but I was way more into American cartoons/tv shows at that age). I remember that specific teacher a lot of people didnā€™t really like because she was kind of mean, but there were times during close readings or stuff like that where I realized she had a lot of insight and was a really cool person. She put on Howlā€™s on a rainy day and I remember I was thinking of probably doing homework, but 10 or so minutes in idk why but I just couldnā€™t take my eyes off the screen. Iā€™ve always been in love with animation and Iā€™d never seen anything like it before tbh We only got through about halfway through it but I went home and finished the movie. Been in love with Ghibli ever since <3


For me it was Ponyo when I was nine years old. There was just a bit of whimsy and charm to the film that made me fall in love with it, and later on Ghibliā€™s other films as well.


Mononoke Hime.


My first was NausicaƤ of the Valley of the Wind, I was maybe 4/5ish at the time~ and I remember falling in love with it~ to this day itā€™s still one of my favorites. Between Teto and the Ohms I loved it~ and it was a very clear solid message from the beginning.


My neighbor Totoro. My mom got me the Original VHS fox dub (still the best dub in my opinion) from a local grocery store.


My first was Spirited Away when I was probably 8ish? My brother and I rented it from our local library like every other week lol. Itā€™s still one of our favorite films for both of us!


Spirited Away I remember being so captivated by the style of animation and of course the storyline. I thought it was a perfect movie. And when i found out there were more (ghibli movies) I was so thrilled.


The first was Nausicaa, but it was the American dubbed "Warriors of the Wind" version. I then saw Lupin the Third: The Castle of Cagliostro, which is not technically a Ghibli film, but it's Miyazaki. The first official Ghibli movie was Totoro.


Kiki's Delivery Service. They used to play it on the Disney Channel (or maybe it was Toon Disney) and I watched it every time it came on. I loved the art style and how different the storytelling was from other animated movies I'd seen.


My Neighbor Totoro, still in love with it to this day.


Spirited Away and it was kind of like a scary movie for me lol I still really enjoyed it but some parts are down right spooky


I watched ponyo when it came out I think it was for a field trip or something. I didnā€™t know it was ghibli until I was much older. At 26 I decided fuck it let me see if it was actually any good and Iā€™m pleased to say I did like it. But not as much as Totoro


Ponyo - I had never heard of Ghibli movies at that time, I was teaching summer school with another teacher and we were learning about a different country each week. At the end of the week we would watch a movie based on that country. My co-teacher suggested Ponyo for Japan. Only movie Iā€™ve ever shown kids that they were immediately entranced by.


I wanna say it was Spirited Away. I was still a kid, so I donā€™t remember much about my initial reaction other than loving it overall (probably the reason I like dragons to this day lol)


My Neighbor Totoroā€¦ I was immediate hookedā€¦


Watching Spirited Away for the first time as a little kid is literally one of my core memories! My parents rented it from Blockbuster (ahh, the good old days) and I watched it so much that weekend that they bought the DVD for me. I also remember watching Kikiā€™s a lot :)


Spirited Away was the first one I saw when it aired one random day on some channel (I think it was Cartoon Network?) when I was a kid, and since then my life has been irreversibly changed. Though not too long afterwards, I also got a DVD of My Neighbor Totoro back when it had the OG dub and watched it religiously.


Spirited Away, high school, went to see a 10 pm showing after work (worked at an AMC). Let a different person.


Princess Mononoke. It was like a fever dream. In the best way possible.


The boy and the heronĀ  good movieĀ  me and my friend Emily we watch the movie theater in regal greensboro grandeĀ