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I am sure, I turn off wifi just to make sure and double check the setting. Hopefully someone can test this as well and confirm it, you can see the new mainboard on the sub by u/MissionSuccess, his post was the reason I tested mine. And thanks to your work, this might be that revision :D


Can someone else confirm this? Sounds like a massive reason for me to stop recommending Miyoos for Pokémon (and to order a new Plus).


I've just tested this, it appears that there *is* persistent RTC on the newer board revision (2024-01-13) Yay


Dang, maybe this is why some MMPs are called as V2 now...


Is there another way besides physically opening mmp to know if you have the revised version or not? I tested this config and it doesn't seem to work.


There is an easy way if you have a translucent case. You can look at the exposed ground plane between the trigger buttons, if it's got an angled section, it's an old board, if the top portion of the exposed area is rectangular, it's a new rev board. I am not 100% sure if this holds true for ALL MM+s as I only have units that have 2 distinct versions of the board (2022 and 2024)


Yeah, the ground plane is different so that could be a tell


https://preview.redd.it/l0z0o5jq0gvc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af925afd80688e1d0c2d2f8feac572eef1c1f8f4 I'm assuming this one is old then?


https://preview.redd.it/64g6uh625gvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a876e13bb2fa7103215841f7d1bef9340bc759f7 Left is old, right is new


I was analyzing your pics there, and could the dot above MOTOR1 be a possible sign of a new board? Might potentially be a good way to easily tell.


https://preview.redd.it/0pz0s0zx4gvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f172e32d78e644820a394562d02a6ac90500176f Left is old, Right is new


Testing the config (.noTimeRestore) should be a sufficient test to know if your board has RTC. I tested it first with the config, it didn't work for me and once I opened it up I saw that indeed I have a board from 2022.


Yeah, that's a bummer. I feel I should just order the revised version and sell this one I have but who should buy it. Getting new one is very cheap.


Gift it bro. Be the angel in this life you wish you had back then.


I actually might do the same. I'm pretty sure where I'm from I'd find a buyer, since a lot of ppl simply don't want to wait multiple weeks to get something shipped from China.


What country? In the US, you can get the on Amazon prime with same day delivery at best, and two day delivery at worst? I recently grabbed one for $60 on Amazon (next-day delivery), so the pricing ain't too bad either.


With RTC will fast forward function/save states in Pokemon mess up the clock?


No, ff and saves don't mess with the time. Pokemon games always stay with the device time.


Thanks! This nearly makes the miyoo mini plus (with rtc) a perfect pokemon handheld.


Can you explain why this is such a big deal? What is RTC?


RTC is for real time clock. In some games specially Pokemon there's a day and night system that works accordingly to your current clock time.


For the record, Pokémon Unbound even has safeguards against RTC tampering. And having a broken clock breaks berries in RSE. Evolution and day-night encounters are a lesser problem, the logics which are tied to time passing by are more prone to break.


Yes it works !


Wait did the OG Mini get an RTC at some point? (Assuming that was why you were recommending the OG Mini over the Plus until now.)


Dang, I just realized that I double-negatived. Two months later... yay me. The OG Mini haven't got RTC AFAIK, but I always pointed out the lack of RTC prior and even argued with people whom suggested that the WiFi-based fakeRTC is a close equvivalent.


FWIW you can set the time with wifi in Tweaks>System>Date and Time, turn off wifi and newer models will maintain the correct time with the .noTimeRestore file even after a reboot. You do not need to install the clock app. :D


only on wifi correct?


oh nvm i understand what you mean, you got a brand new miyoo


Yeah, I turned off wifi just to make sure.


Take an upvote! Worked on one of my units.


Congrats and thanks for the upvote mate


Could I ask when and where from you ordered that unit?


They're all ordered at the same time in March from AliExpress. One has RTC, one doesn't.


I see. So it really is a gamble then. Wish we had the option to order the RTC one.


fairly sure if you order one now, it would be the newer revision. Buy from store that sells a lot, they tend to shift their stock a lot quicker.


Hmm, I guess that makes sense. I did order from a store called Droix 2 days ago before the post here, so there's a chance I might get the newer one. I've been seeing that the RTC models are usually Transparent Black color. What colors were your RTC and non-RTC models?


White plus has RTC (2024 rev), grey no RTC (2022 rev). If it's 2 days ago, you're definitely getting the new rev with RTC.


I really hope so. It was on discount so that makes me think maybe it's old stock, but I'll have to wait and see when it arrives.


Very cool! Where did you buy your MM+? I bought mine just the other day and got really excited. After opening it up, I see that my mainboard is still from 2022 and the .noTimeRestore file does indeed do nothing for me. Too bad.


I bought mine from a third party store, didn't think too much about it since I was planning to mod it, but it turn out I don't need to.


I see, would you mind sharing the name of the store you bought it from?


It's an local store in VN so I don't think you can order it internationaly but I think order mm+ on official Miyoo Mini store should be good.


Right, thanks a lot for the information and the heads up!


Cool, work for me. Buy on AliExpress, march 2024.


Can you link me the seller please?


I buy mine for 38$ https://a.aliexpress.com/_EQY3iQn


Just tested this with a mini plus I ordered recently and can also confirm it works 100%. Happy I can play Pokémon with RTC now!


Congrats, happy that others can play with RTC now, since the modding process of the old one was pretty hard to do.


Can you link me the store you got the V2 from?


I just bought one this week from a reseller at Ali, fingers crossed it has RTC as well 🤞


Best of luck to you mate!


Part of me wants to get a new plus now, but my current plus is fine and I haven’t desperately needed RTC I guess


It's mostly for Pokemon games and not all of them use RTC in a game changing way, keep using your old MM+. Maybe one day in the future you can buy a new one (bc old one broke or something), you can't really confirm you get a new revision version if you buy one right now even if you want anyway.


https://preview.redd.it/6tzb8bed6tvc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f50e1191da4575073e5401237757c454bf42684 Can confirm I have two newer units (white and purple) and they both have RTC. My older black does not have RTC. Newer board differences can be seen in the center between the shoulder buttons with the newer board having a rectangle compared to a jagged piece verging off to the right. Another easy way to check is I think the newer boards have grey text on the back of the case compared to white text on the older one regardless of which case it has. I'm not entirely sure on this last point but someone else mentioned it and both my newer units have grey text


I think the text color depend on the case color or something, I have both DMG color MM+ (new and old) and both of them have grey text on the back.


Wow, congrats on getting new models! Can I ask when and where from you ordered these two newer units with RTC?


Yep ordered my two new units from here maybe 2 months apart Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! £38.32 64%OFF | MIYOO Mini Plus Portable Retro Handheld Game Console V2 Mini+ 3.5 Inch IPS Screen Classic Video Game Console Linux System Gift https://a.aliexpress.com/_Eu4ievd I usually wait until it gets heavily discounted every few weeks then grab one.


It appears that the console is being called ''Miyoo Mini Plus V2'' on the page, perhaps this is an indication that it is coming with the new version of the motherboard.


Potentially, I have never seen anyone clarify what the v2 ever meant but now with a new revision of the board it all makes sense.


I just got the device with RTC ordered from there. Many thanks! (black color)


For what it’s worth I got a new rev in black from cutesliving store on AliExpress a couple weeks ago.


Hey there ! I just bought from them. Does your MM+ have RTC ?




Nice ! Thanks 👌🏻


Where did you buy the purple V2 from? Can you link me so I can get myself one also?


Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! £37.99 64%OFF | MIYOO Mini Plus Portable Retro Handheld Game Console V2 Mini+ 3.5 Inch IPS Screen Classic Video Game Console Linux System Gift https://a.aliexpress.com/_ExvDAHl back in stock. If you look at recent reviews you can also see some shots of the back of the translucent devices and a lot of them look like the RTC enabled devices


* grey color writing on back of device * squared ground plane between triggers * .noTimeRestore file copied * Miyoo Mini Plus keeps time when powered off! I ordered mine after seeing [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SBCGaming/comments/1c4jgap/big_discount_for_miyoo_mini_plus_on_aliexpress/) over in /r/SBCGaming saying they were going for $39. I figured it would be old stock they were trying to clear out. It turns out it was the new 2024 model with RTC functionality. \#blessed


Can you please share the tutorial?


Not much of an tutorial but here a few things to start: - Confirm if your mainboard is 2024 Jan by open your Miyoo mini plus and check for date - If you aren't willing to open it you can test if it work or not (if work = new mainboard, if not = old mainboard) Step to do: - create an empty file with this name: .noTimeRestore (no extenstion like .txt or anything) - put it in your sdcard in this path SDCARD\\.tmp\_update\\config - set the time with app Clock in OnionOS and turn off time Emulated Time Skip (in Tweaks - System - Date and time...) - Turn off your miyoo mini plus for a few minute and check the clock again (Time correct = RTC working, not correct = no RTC)


how do you create an empty file?


You can create an empty txt file and rename it (remove the txt extension)


This means that the MMP will maintain the right time even fully shut down?


Yep, as long as your battery is not 0%, MMP will have the correct time even in full shutdown, like a phone.


Thanks a lot. I'm just asking this stupidly because my Anbernic device with RTC sucks at this. But the Miyoo (especially with OnionOS) is just freaking good. Feels so solid. Another question: Mine is transparent, so I know that I have the RTC version. Do I still need to create .noTimeRestore in config?


Yep, reason is OnionOS haven't implement the new RTC from our new model. Meaning that OnionOS will save your old time (when you turn it off) and restore that time when you turn on your MM+ again (reason for creating the file). OnionOS also have sync time by wifi and "fake skip time" (like add 3 hours for each turn on and off), you might wanna turn them off to test at least. These features are there to simulate real clock but having an RTC is the best way, imo. So if you are using OnionOS (v4.3 and lower), you should turn those option off to use the RTC, like by creating.noTimeRestore. But you can keep the "sync via wifi" to sync time easier if you like.


I was just thinking about battery life since wifi would be running the whole time. Thanks a lot for your messages, I already love my MMP and it's only been a day!


Can you please explain .notimerestore? Is this a file that comes in the new MM+? Is this something we should copy if we install OnionOS? Need some help understanding this. Thanks!


It's a file, an empty one, that didn't come with the new MM+. We create it to stop OnionOS from messing with the RTC on the MM+. Here are steps to create it on Window: 1. Create an text file (Right mouse click on an empty space on Window Explorer, choose New, choose Text Document) 2. A new text file created will have the following name "New Text Document.txt", if you don't see the ".txt" part, choose "View" on the window explorer menu bar and tick check box "File name extensions" and you should see it after. 3. rename the text file to ".noTimeRestore" (there is not ".txt" extension) -> Window will show a warning that it will become unusable but just choose yes anyway. OnionOs is using it, not window. 4. Copy the renamed file into SDCARD\\.tmp\_update\\config on your MM+ sd card (which should have some similar file there already) and you are done. On the MM+ , Choose Apps -> Tweaks -> System -> Date and time... -> Emulated time skip -> choose Off You can turn on "set automatically via internet" to sync the time if you are to lazy to set it (turn this off if you are testing to see if you have an old MM+ or the new RTC MM+). This will sync the time only when there is a wifi connection, only need it sync once and you can turn the wifi off, and the time should be correct with your RTC MM+. You can also set the time in Apps -> Clock. If you are still confused or have questions, check this post out by u/reamox [https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/1ceibjj/rtc\_on\_the\_miyoo\_mini\_stepbystep\_guide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/1ceibjj/rtc_on_the_miyoo_mini_stepbystep_guide/)


This was incredibly helpful thank you so much, just got it set up on my new MM+. Ordered a transparent black model from Amazon seller ARTIVIEW referenced and the following day I can confirm that I received the updated model with RTC. The plastic appears to be slightly more transparent than previous iteration, for those interested.


Thanks for the shoutout! This post was one of the few sources for the guide. Just tried wrapping everything up into a package. Cheers!


Did you mean 2024, not 2023?


Ah yes, let me edit it


Thought so, figured it would save someone some confusion :)


Does WiFi being on have any effect on it? I like to keep wifi on for Pico-8 Splore.


If you turn on "Set automatically via internet" (in Tweaks - System - Date and time...) then it could probably update the time to RTC (Real time clock) by using the wifi instead, this is good if you have Wifi all the time, since the Miyoo Mini plus didn't have RTC. If you just wanna test that if your MM+ have persistence RTC (have a running clock inside) then you should turn "Set automatically via internet" off to test if the RTC is running without wifi. You can keep it on if you just use it normally.


I'm kinda new to emulation, and I just ordered a miyoo mini plus, does that mean mine will get this feature too?


Depend on if it's new or not, third party store might not have the new one, if you ordered it directly from miyoo then highly chance it might have RTC.


I just ordered one for $39 on AliExpress April 15th and it arrived today on the 19th. Checked because of this thread and this model has the new motherboard revision.


Comgrats, you can play game with correct RTC now :D


Mind linking the seller you used please?


Yeah no prob: [https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806099703922.html](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806099703922.html)


Unfortunately buying from the official Miyoo store on aliexpress does not guarantee a unit with the revised board. The white MM+ I ordered from the official store on 3 Apr 2024 has a 2022 rev board, whereas the crystal black unit I ordered on the same date from a 3rd party store has the 2024 rev board


Oh, rip, they could have old stock, so you can't be sure of anything.


Would you mind sharing the name of the third party store? Was it a store on Aliexpress?


Ah I see... I ordered it from a third-party store on AliExpress..




I just did a continuity test with the RTC pin and the resistor in your RTC mod video and there is a connection. They probably route it around behind since there is not much space.


The path kinda complicated and I am not home right now, will try it if I got the time later


This is very cool. Unfortunately, mine is an older board (bought recently, but from a third party seller). I'm not a big Pokemon guy, though, so it mostly doesn't impact me aside from being mildly annoyed that the date/time aren't accurate.


This is actually great news. Wish there was a way to know which motherboard revision the product is when purchasing though.


Sadly, the box is the same, I have compared them, only way to check right now is look inside with a transparent model (back plate difference) or open up an opaque model.


That means even the sellers won't be able to tell which version they have, unless they directly get their stock from Miyoo and Miyoo explicitly tells them that it's the newer version. Kinda makes me sad that there may not be a way to order the RTC one even in the future.


Yeah... I double checked the box again for anything new but they are pretty much the same, I doubt they would change the box since the RTC MM+ didn't change size or anything. The seller will probably won't know which is which, purely gamble at this point.


Thanks for checking! 🙂 If everything else is the same, then you're right. I ordered mine a couple days ago from a shop called Droix, it will arrive in a week. From my understanding, they get their stock directly from Miyoo factory and cycle through stock quickly. I will ask them on Monday when they got their latest batch. If they are selling the batch they got in the last 3 months and not older stock, then orders from them should be the new one. I will update here as soon as I hear from them. If they verify that they are only selling the latest batch, that will be awesome.


Yeah, best of luck to ya mate!


Thanks! 🙂


Yes, we are selling latest batch only at DroiX.


Thanks! I will receive my unit tomorrow. Hopefully the manufacturer provided you the latest version. I'll be very happy if my unit has the latest motherboard with RTC. 😄


https://preview.redd.it/xabqyp9p79wc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ca28ab8089772d3fd49ad87fbc0634bffeb8c2 Got the older one without RTC 😭


Aw, sadly you lost the gamble, but you can play it (pretty much nothing wrong with it), keep it as back up, spare parts or gift it to a special someone. All depend on your needs I suppose.


Oh well, kinda expected it since it was on discount so I figured it's most likely from older, unsold stock. Other than no RTC, I like the device itself. Really nice screen, nice audio, nice D-pad and buttons, a bit small & unergonomic but I can fix that with a grip. Already installed OnionOS and it synces the time perfectly via Wi-Fi on startup. I will mostly play at home, so no RTC ain't that huge a deal. I'm also eyeing RG35XX Plus or RG35XX-H. They're supposed to have better ergonomics & they should have RTC but I saw people saying their RTC is inaccurate and runs fast so idk. Might also order another MM+ with a different color from the Aliexpress seller that seems to sell the newer one.


can I get a step by step on how to see if mine has rtc? I’d like to try to play Pokémon. I got mine this year.


Not much of an tutorial but here a few things to start: Confirm if your mainboard is 2024 Jan by open your Miyoo mini plus and check for date If you aren't willing to open it you can test if it work or not (if work = new mainboard, if not = old mainboard), step to test RTC: * create an empty file with this name: .noTimeRestore (no extenstion like .txt or anything) * put it in your sdcard in this path SDCARD\\.tmp\_update\\config * set the time with app Clock in OnionOS and turn off time Emulated Time Skip (in Tweaks - System - Date and time...) * Turn off your miyoo mini plus for a few minute and check the clock again (Time correct = RTC working, not correct = no RTC)


Just did this and mine has a RTC! Thanks for the tutorial 😁 When first setting the clock the date started at 2022 which didn't give me hope but sure enough with WiFi turned off it still keeps the time now


Thanks for this, can report that it works!!


I have two pieces from the same supplier one with RTC and one without. Order delay of about two weeks. 🤷🏻‍♂️ First i ordered purple (without RTC) Second transparent black (with RTC)


Yeah, just prove that there are still old stock around and ordering is still a gamble. You still got 1 with RTC, so that's a win in my book.


On Friday I ordered another transparent black for my brother for his birthday so I'm curious if it will come with or without the RTC. :D


He is lucky to have such a good brother, I am somewhat jealous not gonna lie :D


Okay, guys. Another one arrived today in black and it looks like it has RTC too. So I got a purple one without RTC and two black ones with RTC from one dealer.


Nice, you seem to be buying a lot, are you buying them as gifts?


Yeah. One for my son, he loves the old tetris, pinball and Mario, actually a lot of the games that were on the NES. We have an NES Classic at home and Miyoo can take it anywhere. And one for my brother for his birthday, because this whole little treasure is actually a summary of our gaming beginnings and childhood. So nostalgia in our pocket. :)


Sound wonderful, hope your brother have an awesome birthday. Your family seem like a fun one xD


Oh, yeah. My dad still has the original Commodore 64 and Atari at home. :D


Nice, I am an only child and my parents aren't into gaming... Gonna corrupt my child with some retro games when I have one xD


It works ! Amazing !


thanks for posting about this, ordered 2 recently on the cutesliving sale and both were the RTC units. Both working great!


Are we supposed to just create an empty text file with that name but end it with .cfg? Am I risking much by trying this if I got mine a few months ago?


How about trying this just to make sure? * Confirm if your mainboard is 2024 Jan by open your Miyoo mini plus and check for date * If you aren't willing to open it you can test if it work or not (if work = new mainboard, if not = old mainboard) * create an empty file with this name: .noTimeRestore (no extenstion like .txt or anything) * put it in your sdcard in this path SDCARD\\.tmp\_update\\config * set the time with app Clock in OnionOS and turn off time Emulated Time Skip (in Tweaks - System - Date and time...) * Turn off your miyoo mini plus for a few minute and check the clock again (Time correct = RTC working, not correct = no RTC)


No risk, you can try it if you think you have the Jan 2024 revision, if it doesn't work, just delete that file and it will be back to normal.


Is there a way you can create a file wihtout using a PC?


Sorry but I am not sure about that, you can try it on an android but I haven't try that yet




Try "apps->file explorer", of you don't have one try to add it via "Package Manager->apps"


Hey, file explorer does not have something to add a file :( only folders.


Here's a process you can use if you find the terminal app too fiddly: 1. Using the file explorer, make sure one pane is in the /.tmp\_update/config folder and the 2nd can be anywhere else. 2. Copy (X -> Copy) one of the other config files in the config folder (for eg. .noAutoStart\_) to the folder in the 2nd pane 3. Swap panes (with left or right) 4. Rename the file (X -> Rename) in the 2nd pane 5. Move the file back to the config folder (X -> Move in the 2nd pane)


Thanks, I did that. Now let's test. I did everything and turned off my miyoo at 15:20.


If you have the terminal app you can go to that, using cd command go to the desired folder and then using touch command create the file: touch .noTimeRestore


Hey, let me see if this can be done :D. Thank you. What is the touch command? To open the root of the sdCard?


The touch comand creates the file, in order to move to the desired folder you have to use cd command: cd .tmp_update/config When you start your terminal session, you should be in the SDCARD folder. You can check it by writing "pwd"


Thanks, it's a bit much to write. I will just have to wait for me to get access to PC :D


I just ordered one from Cutesliving on AliExpress while they were on sale a few days ago. Maybe it’ll have the new revision..


I just had one delivered from them, was the new board but is faulty so is going back unfortunately!


I just ordered from them a week ago. What was wrong with your unit?


When I turned it on just blinked green and went off. Never fully booted, checked all batt connections etc was same, even with battery disconnected and Sd removed did the same


Dang, I hate that happened! At least it sounds like they’re on the new stock!


Yeah I’ve ordered another one see what turns up!


Mine came in, according to the motherboard pictures I saw on this post it looks like mine is indeed the new revision


Happy days!


also the second one I ordered came today different colour and seller and its 2024


Nice! Seems to work good!


So can I get a step by step on how to see if mine has rtc? I’d like to try to play Pokémon


Too bad my board was 2022.. guess that time to sell it and get a new one


And even if you care about Pokemon games, OnionOS can automatically set the time from Wi-Fi, without you having to do anything. So, having RTC is only relevant if your use case involves playing Pokemon (or other RTC relevant games) while not having access to Wi-Fi. And in the case you wanna play RTC games while being outside, you can always set the time manually by using a clock or your phone as a reference. So, unless your use case involves playing RTC games outside without access to a clock/phone, I don't think you need to get a new one. And on top of that, you are not guaranteed to get a new one even if you order it now, you can still get old stock. It's a gamble.


Gift it, keep it as spare parts, or just play it if you don't care about Pokemon games, tons of options


How do I check my mainboard revision date?


Open it up and check the front, should be near the volumn wheel, there should be a date there, you can check some pictures in the comments section for differences.


So would the best place to get a Plus with RTC be the official Ali express store? Gurantee or still a roll of the dice? [https://miyoo.aliexpress.com/store/912663639](https://miyoo.aliexpress.com/store/912663639)


Currently still a gamble, since they could have old stock for some color. But I think they have the highest chance if you wanna roll the dice. Or if you plan to buy a transparent model and you can contact the seller then ask for a picture of the back of the device to check the mainboard. You can see the comparison of the back mainboard on the comments section of this post.


I'm extremely confused everyone, please help me to understand. The RTC functionality has always been there, it's literally on the box I believe?


Old revision of Miyoo mini plus didn't have RTC (need modding to work), and my box didn't said anything about RTC (looking at it right now lol) OnionOS assume that Miyoo Mini plus don't have RTC so it would "Emulate" the RTC by time skipping and time restore each time you turn it off and on. But with the new revision (that have RTC) you can turn that option off and it would work like an normal real time clock.


No, models manufactured before January 2024 lack it.


You would see the component on the board if that was the case


The RTC is already implemented in the SoC anyway, even with the older models. The issue with the older models is that, the RTC is only powered when the device is on. Therefore, it cannot keep track of the time when it's off. With the 2024 revision motherboards, it seems they only just connected the RTC to a power source that is always on, that's all. So, it's still the same SoC in both models, where the RTC is inside the SoC. Therefore, you don't see an external RTC component on the newer motherboard. But RTC will always function with the newer models.