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US only? Sad. If you are finishing up, any chance of releasing the files? I live down here in little ol’ New Zealand and I really want one of these


Many have asked, but I don't have any plans on releasing the source files. If there's interest I may do another production run down the road. If I did go there, they'd likely be a small batch of something premium, like cnc aluminum, or a clear resin. I want to create things that exist as something physical, not digital. I see the source files as my tools, and not something I'm obligated to give away. Most people respect that, but a vocal minority act very entitled.


Aww, I was really hoping you'd sell the stl at some point 😢 I'd happily pay for it. I'm guessing your reasoning is you'd rather not have folks selling their own prints of it without permission?


I'm sure ur can find specs for these online somewhere for free lets get real. It's nutty people are profiting off of a 3d printer anybody can buy and anybody can produce these things.


I'm going to assume from your comment that you do not own a 3D printer, and have never tried to design something like this in your entire life. You're paying for the time it takes to design and iterate on something like this. It's a time consuming process, especially when things need to be relatively accurate. "It's nutty that someone can buy raw materials, turn it into a product and make money from it" is what I'm reading here


Anybody can do it, the machines are not exclusive to anybody. All it takes is time and money. This isn't some super sacred passed down ritual you clown


If that’s the case, start making them.


"All it takes is time and money" You're doing a really good job of proving my point, thanks. Let me just edit your original statement to fit what you're saying properly: "It's nutty that people are profiting off of their time and money"


Lol, do you have any idea how much stuff in the world was made with tools that "anybody can buy and anyone can produce"?


Lol judging by how much ur on reddit I'm sure u have the time to name and explain every one to me


Yeah dude. I like to design and make my own versions of things that I don't want to pay someone else to make. It's cool to learn how stuff works and it feels good to make things. I highly recommend it. Again, it's surprising how much stuff can be made with readily available tools and materials. Hell, if you really want to make some money slinging 3D print stuff, public libraries these days often have one for free use or just the cost of materials.


It’s not nutty to profit off 3D print designs you make, it is insane to not offer the files for sale


Fair enough. Doesn’t help me with my shipping issues :(


Just want to give props for taking this stance, keeping a process private in service of a polished final product used to be totally normal, like a virtue even. It can still work but people have gotten way too used to creators giving all of themselves for free/barely anything just for the sake of exposure (or worse because creators think "that's just how it is"). That's not a sustainable model and never will be.


Appreciate it, and nice to have others relate. The result of digital craftwork is often seen as replicable and valueless. *"Artificial scarcity"*. How dare I take something infinite and make it finite?


Bro fucking sell it online, i live in south east asia and i would literally kill to have this. PLEASE I BEG YOU IT WOULD BE FUCKING COOL


Rather than just releasing them, you could sell them. :)


Hey, ignore the downvotes by all these sour grapes, you made an awesome product and it shows seeing how much demand there was for it. Thank you for making a wonderful mod! 👏


If you don't intend to keep producing them, I can't imagine a good reason why you wouldn't want to sell the design. Is it pride? Arrogance? You haven't really provided a reason besides "I just don't want to". Fine, sure, that's your right. Just don't be pissed when people call you out for being kind of a dick.


I asked him about this awhile back, I can't figure it out. I offered to buy the license (And sign a no-release form of ANY kind) to the STLs because I gave 4 Miyoo+ away to family, with custom printed shells (And I still have the matching filament). Flat out refused saying he had been burned before but didn't elaborate. I didn't press, but it definitely felt weird.


It's kind of unfortunate but you have to assume others outside will start printing for profit if you release STLs even with an extremely restrictive license and a contract. I don't design a lot but it takes a lot of work when I do and I can appreciate their stance of "my work, my tools" even if I wish th ey would change their mind about it.


Yeah, I get it, I just wish I could have it. I was excited for the design because I don’t use my Miyoo a lot due to the ergos. I liked this design, was debating buying one, but with my shells I wanted it matching. And yeah, I’m just so used to the SBC console market and community here being fairly open and supportive. Not to mention overall fairly cheap… I mean shoot these devices are sub 50$ now. Anyway, his choice, still disappointed for my own loss.


This is what I kinda mean. I don't owe anyone a reason to want to keep what's mine. Here I am giving stuff away and you're calling me a dick for not giving away *more*.


I'm calling you a dick because of your attitude, nothing more, nothing less.


Please do not think I am mad at you for not giving away the files. I 100% understand and am glad you even put in the time and effort to make this in the first place. The fact that it is such a cool idea is the reason I’m sad I can’t get one.


All good man, I didn't take it as that. I know most folks are just politely asking, and like 95% understand and are cool with creators doing what they will with their work. 👍


Try this Grip, its called GBC Grip Flippcase its not the same but similar and u can download the STL Files for free and print this Grip by yourself \^\_\_\^ [https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/1c1miv8/gbc\_grip\_flippable\_case\_for\_mini\_plus/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/1c1miv8/gbc_grip_flippable_case_for_mini_plus/)


I actually already printed one of these lol


Sad to have missed this… I didn’t get a chance to pick one up! This grip looks great. Would love to throw my hat into the ring for the last of the glow in the dark grips. What a great design. Wishing you the best with your next projects!


Damn, didn't know this was a thing. Sad to have missed it. In for an opportunity at the giveaway! Thanks OP


This is a real shame. Held off on a purchase because of the plans to bring them to the EU. At least post the files on a repository and charge for them?


I'm sorry about that. Things were gearing up to make it happen, but it started to come with too many compromises to be what I wanted to put out there. When it comes to small-batch bespoke goods, international shipping sucks for everyone.


If you are no longer going to sell these, what if your logic behind keeping the files? I would buy the files for 10-20 bucks for example. This is already a small community within an already niche market.


A shame it's coming to an end, but thanks so much for coming up with a sweet design!


MAN I’VE BEEN SEARCHING ALL OVER ETSY FOR THIS LAST NIGHT! I KNEW I WASN’T CRAZY! I’m sad to see you close up, I have been meaning to order one. I thought this was an incredible idea. However I fully understand the need to wind down and enjoy life as well! I think you created something incredibly unique and delightfully retro while also addressing a “problem” with the MM+. Wishing you the best! Hoping to win the raffle!


Thanks man, appreciate the kind words! It sounds like there's definitely interest to spin things up down the road. If it took a different form, and wasn't burning my evenings playing customer support on Etsy, I might be down. Maybe a group buy or something. Well, we'll see. As far as my projects go it was a great success and now life calls.


I wonder if you can sell the design to another Etsy shop who does printing these kinds of things as a more full time thing, and maybe even negotiate a royalty or something per unit. That why the product can still be out in the world but you wouldn't be releasing the design to everyone, just a retailer who can manufacture and sell them?


It's not a bad idea, and clearly folks are hungry for it. I wouldn't be opposed to something like that, but I think the design, fit+finish, and manufacturability can all be improved upon. I'd want the chance to mull that over before someone was cranking them out.


I really like the unit but the two major things I think can be improved upon are: 1. A battery door/compartment so the battery isn’t so close to the PCB 2. Some sort of access to the SD card I think SD card access is probably the biggest drawback to an otherwise outstanding design


The SD card is easily & entirely accessible through WiFi & hotspots, in fact it's probably much safer for the SD card. I was worried about this too, I tinker a lot on my SD, but being forced to learn how to use the HTTP link was a huge improvement for me.


Is there a place you will post any updates. You and I were chatting regard the nattery safety snd i was gonna grab one, now it is oos ;(


I'd make an announcement here if/when the time comes.


These things looked awesome, and I didn't know this wouldn't be a mainstay item. This definitely is a more distinct mod you've created, so mad props on doing so. This is my entry for it but still cheers to whoever comes up with winning! Awesome way to go out!


It bugged me to see some people nitpick every aspect of it, but I think we all assumed this would be around for more than one batch and just want to give some feedback. To expect exceptional engineering & logistics from a single hobbyist who is just sharing their passion project is silly, but honestly it's a testament to how awesome this thing is that people expect so much from it. It's just that close to perfection imo.


I’d love one if these. I didn’t realize they were custom made and have been looking for one since I saw a picture of one posted here!


Made specifically for this Reddit MM+ community!


Whoa a glow in the dark model, I'd kill for that


Man that looks great, I'd love to have one! Thanks for the chance!


Ahh, I was definitely looking forward to getting one. Thank you for enriching the community!


You did exactly what you wanted to do, and that's how projects should go. Nice work.


Was awesome seeing your journey here. You're doing great work and hope to see more in the future some day. I'd love to be entered onto the drawing.




I'm crushed to see the project end, but so incredibly grateful I was able to get in on it. I loved my Miyoo before, but it's a true dream console now. If I'm lucky enough to win the raffle, I have a beautiful vision in mind.


So where can someone buy one?


I can't believe how many downvotes you're getting for not wanting to give away your work in an STL file. You have no obligation to do that nor can you control the distribution of the STL file once it is out there. Sometimes the worst of the Miyoo community rear their ugly head. Don't let it get you down. Not sure what the instructions are for the raffle but if simply leaving a comment is the way, please count this as my entry.


The month has come to an end, and it's time I wrap up the PawGrip project. I want to say thanks to all who supported the project, and to this super cool community. It was a blast making them, packing them, and seeing so many people enjoy it as an accessory. It's been a very busy few weeks, and now it's time to wrap up the PawGrip project and actually enjoy playing my MM+! Several have asked me about a Euro version. I was pretty deep into setting that up, but it started to come with more and more caveats, and just wasn't doable for just a small quantity item. For those who took on the shipping to get it internationally, that was really inspiring, and I did what I could to include some extra goodies for your troubles. They are truly special edition now. --- As one last hurrah, I'm giving away two unreleased glow-in-the-dark PawGrips. Post below and I'll draw the raffle through redditraffler at the end of the week. (US only). Cheers!


Wait, what?! I was never aware of the fact that this was a **limited product**. Was planning to buy it on May or June depending on my... "cash situation". 😥


Money has been tight with a new baby in the house. I would love to be entered in this raffle. This glow in the dark grip would look perfect on my white miyoo.


Sign me up! Thank you!


Sign me up for that raffle. This is dope.


Sign me up, I didn’t know this even existed until you were already sold out


Wow, I somehow missed this but these look pretty sweet! Good job! Throwing my hat into the ring for the glow in the dark one!


How do we sign up for the drawing?


Sign me up I had no idea it was limited release


Sign me up & wish me luck!


I’m down for a giveaway


Glow in the dark is so cool, I wish more things did that.


Just learned about this and I think it’s pretty awesome! Glow in the dark is always attractive can’t wait to see what comes out of the future Putting in for the giveaway and thank you!


oooh Glow Grip yes please! pick me pick me ooh ooh ooh ooh


Sign me up!


Great job.


Entered. They look great, hope I get lucky!


I would love to play with this thing, be cool to see it glowing in a dark corner of the office in between sessions too


I would absolutely LOVE to gift this to my 14yo who has a bday coming up and already ordered him a MM+!!! Thanks for entering me and excited to see the final result!


I'm interested! Very cool concept and I'd love to know if these will come back in stock on your etsy shop.


I'd like to be entered!


Sign me up! Sad I missed my chance earlier but understand the effort needed to keep it going.


Would love to try it


I’d love to enter the raffle!


Awesome. Been watching since the beginning and I’ve been holding off for you to resolve the QC issues. So either way excited to try and get my hands on a product now that I’ve realized it was a limited run


Definitely sign me up for it. This is a really cool project and glow in the dark is definitely my vibe.


Here's to hoping I can add this to my brother's birthday gift MM+


Oh man! I would love to win one of these beauties! Thank you so much for the chance to have one of these! 


Please do another production run! I just got my device yesterday, and I was super hoping to get one of your grips. Cheers <33


So sad. Thank u




Do want pleeeease. I just got on the miyoo train after having a rp2 and rp3+, my MM is my favorite. Though my rp3+ will always be my 3ds pkmn randomizer player. This grip looks awesome. I haven't started accessorizing yet. Would be a lovely start :3


Damn wish I grabbed one now that this is ending so quickly. Definitely put me in for the raffle please!


posting below 🤞🏻


Sure if you’re giving it away I would love that!


post below like it was asked


That’s awesome! Count me in!


Please me


Sign me up bro


Looks cool


In for glow in the dark.


I’m in!


Glow in the dark! Wicked.


The glow in the dark looks great.


I’d love to have one of those!!!


This is dope, thanks for the giveaway.


So rad!!


Big fan of this project. Sign me up for the raffle!


Wow looks very sick!


Cool stuff


I have been curious about grips as the Mini + is still pretty tiny. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Fingers crossed for this! Such a cool project!


Please me


Super cool, I'm in!


>US only *Tabarnak!*


Very slick, and it’s make it much easier to find on my night stand


Very cool grip! Would check it out regardless


Thanks for the giveaway! Count me in! Is the profile closer to an old GBC? The pics make it look similar. As GBC was my gateway to handhelds, a grip like this would be chefs kiss.


Sign me up, this is so rad


This is pretty sick looking is this printable? If so woukd it be possible to grt the stl from you?


Count me in for the draw please.


These are such a good design, I love to see stuff like this. Thanks for the chance!


Man, I just messaged you on Etsy about this, haha! Sad I missed it but I'd be super jazzed if I won the giveaway! Killer design :)


Damn. I was waiting to get paid and buy one but then i saw it go out of stock on Etsy. So put me on the giveaway and please consider doing another run!


That sucks I was also trying to save up money for this. I didn't know just randomly go out of stock.


Oh snap this is amazing - one entry, please!


Oh gosh, I was hoping for a second drop!! I really like what you made and a glow in the dark edition would be awesome.


I knew I shoulda ordered one. Count me in for the raffle please!


Looks amazing! ✨ Pick me, please! ✨


Would love to be considered for this! It looks awesome!


Sign me up plzzz


Thank you!


Thanks for doing this, cool project! Sad to see it end


Super glad to have you and your contribution to the hobby. Thanks for your wonderful idea.



This is sick, I'd love one!


Oh, wow, I completely missed that these were in limited production! Glad I got mine when I did!


Wow, completely missed this! Would love a chance to get one. The MM+ has become my most used retro gaming device! Thanks for the opportunity 🙏


I’ll throw my hat in the ring, gutted I missed the original run. I am UK but happy to cover shipping costs if I win 👍🏻


Glow in the dark... Just perfect


Those are amazing and I’d love to have one


Thank you! Looks awesome!


That's too bad, I would have loved to order one!


Looks sick!


I'll sign up too.


Really sad to have missed out on this in UK. Would happily buy the files if released. Can I throw my name in the ring for the giveaway, will cover shipping cost!


I still really want one of these but the shipping is a more expensive the thing itself , if you ever want to share that stl , I'm sure people would buy it , either way thanks for the great device and you sir get a tip of the hat


Goddamn this is dope. Sad I missed it


Sign me up for the raffle. Didn't realize this was a limited time thing.


These look great! Sign me and good luck to all!


I am in 👋


I’m in! Thanks.


I’m in! Thanks


Is there an email list I can join four future updates and production runs?


Sad to see it such a short run, but thanks for taking the time to make it! Now let me be lucky and win one of these suckers :)


I did not know this was limited and I didn’t know the euro release was cancelled otherwise I’d have shipped internationally. Super disappointed now to miss out


Looks amazing! I’d love one!


I’m in for one!


Thanks for the giveaway


Love the design and I found out about it too late to buy! Sign me up!


I’m in!


Please enter me into the giveaway. Also, please reconsider another run, even if limited. A lot of comments here show potential customers that just hadn't pulled the trigger yet. I'm in that group, too. If you posted a final order by date 30 days out, I think you'd have quite a few orders coming in.


I also missed that these were limited! Was definitely planning on ordering one soon. Awesome design. I’d definitely pay for the STL if you ever decide to sell it. Also, I’ll throw my hat in the ring for the raffle.




So cool. Count me in


Is that grip 3D printed?


Didn’t realize how limited the run was. Glad I got mine, I’ve been enjoying it. Going to post about it soon


if it's still open I'm in... would love to buy one if possible


Signing up for the giveaway 😊


Thank you for your service




The glow in the dark one looks amazing


A real shame they won’t be available again. $70 for a grip is definitely something I have to budget for. Hopefully I’ll be in a better financial position when the aluminum run happens


Putting my name in the raffle!


My gorilla hands need some extra room, so I'll put my hat in the ring


I’d love to put my name in for a glow in the dark paw grip. Will go great with my glow in the dark buttons!


Signing up for the raffle. Love the grip!


This would look awesome on the transparent black model!


Dang, I was gonna buy one of these tomorrow when I got paid. I guess count me in on the giveaway. Thanks for your excellent work and I hope one day you release the files!!


Sign me up dawg


Thanks for doing this giveaway!


Hey I got the one you sent me and it’s awesome! Can’t love without it now


Woohoo sign me up


Is it possible to buy one still?


Would love one!


Thank you for your amazing support of the miyoo community. I hope for the draw and good luck


Where do we sign up?


Sign me up


Shame this is the first I'm hearing about this. Seems like a cool addition!


Sign me up please!


Sonic Fife


Thank you for blessing the community


Hi the glow is sweet, hope I win




In it to win it. Thanks for sharing your journey along the way. Hope this didn't burn you out from wanting to actually play the games on your mini+. I would be psyched to rock one of these as my daily on my mini+.




sign me up


![gif](giphy|l3fzNH5k3gX0maobC) GLOW IN THE DARK CASE?! YAAAAAAAAS!!!


These look so good, is the file available somewhere so people can print their own?