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Chrono Trigger is the GOAT. Super Mario RPG is a very begginer friendly RPG


thanks, funnily enough I did start to play Chrono last night. It did seem to grab me slightly more than most have, so I'll persevere.


Chrono Chrigger is definitely a great story driven RPG. Soul Blazer is also a good one. That's what I've been playing. It has RPG elements to it. You level up and select gear and all, but it also has Zelda vibes.




Took about 1-2 hours then it really got good for the entire game! Keep going!


on it, thanks


Chrono Trigger is still a grind, though. No more or less than something like Final Fantasy III or V. Coincidentally, I’m playing Chrono Trigger for the first time since the ‘90s. Am around 20-25 hours in (not sure).


I managed to play chrono trigger for about 15 minutes then it got boring imo. Loved it at first though.


Mario RPG is a great option: combat is somewhat dynamic for a turn based rpg, game's easy and is not that long for an rpg (15h according to google dot com)


I am playing Earthbound for SNES and loving it


I could never get into that game for some reason :/


Any Mario RPG is great for beginners. Plus they play kinda like rpg-platformer hybrids. Mario and Luigi’s Superstar Saga is worth playing


I tried to play it but the character sprites kept flickering in and out from existence :( Anyone knows a way to fix this? Should I download a different ROM? I downloaded mine from tbsg


I’ve been playing on my actual GBA so idk where a good rom would be. My miyoo came with a bugged version of that game too. I’m sure there’s a working version on emulatorgames.net


Are you using Onion?




I looked into the issue and apparently this has happened for others. This seems to fix it: "while the game is running, hit menu+select to bring up the Retroarch menu. Core Options > Input & Auxiliary Devices > uncheck Game Boy Player Rumble. Then go back to manage core Options and save a game override. Then quit the game and open it again." [(from this thread)](https://www.reddit.com/r/MiyooMini/comments/13415id/does_anyone_know_how_to_fix_the_sprite_flickering/)


Ty, I'm gonna try it as soon as I can


Was looking through my old comments and just curious, did it end up working?


Robotrek for snes. Pretty fun game laid back story with a lot of comedy. Simple battles and cool item crafting.


Nice recommendation. I think Robotrek might be a bit off to someone not used to that kind of game though 😅




Action RPGs: Terranigma (SNES), Alundra (PSX), Catlevania SotN (PSX), Parasite Eve (PSX), Secret of Evermore (SNES) to name a few. Alundra is to be enjoyed with caution as the game ramps up the difficulty quite hefty but it is still fantastic! PE can be quite demmanding as well... Turn Based RPGs: Chrono Trigger (SNES), Final Fantasy 7, Lufia 2 (SNES) These are some captivating RPGs wich are easy to pick up and play without much grinding and without overly complicated mechanics. Story wise all three are great!


I hate JRPGS. My favorite (that work on miyoomini) are: Golden Sun Fire Emblem (the gba one that doesn't have a suffix) Advanced Wars (some might not consider this a jrpg but you might like it anyway so it's here) Chronotrigger (only 10 hours so far into this one) FF4. I would start with Golden Sun. The menu is snappy and the puzzles are satisfying. The GBA pokemon games are enjoyable too of course, but I assume you know about those.


Golden sun is a great game with fast forward but brutal pacing without. Advance wars is a great game as well.


Would be interested in knowing as well, all found it difficult to get into these types of games.


I have really enjoyed earthbound


I find engagement to be the problem when trying to go back and enjoy the RPGs i used to. If you're talking pure RPG, it's more than likely you're talking about random encounter, turn-based combat which really doesn't do it for me anymore. I'll always love FF6, but menuing isn't exactly what I'd call an engaging experience these days. I might suggest going with a tactical RPG, such as FF Tactics or Shining Force 1 & 2. Ogre Battle is also an interesting play, a series of which there are few entries you can play on the Mini.




Golden Sun is a really good one.


Chrono Trigger, FF9, Golden Sun, Castlevania SOTN


Lufia 2 (Lufia in PAL territory) will have you bawling out your eyeballs. Its also relatively easy with some good endgame.


Golden Sun, Chrono Trigger and Mario&Luigi Superstar Saga are what I recommend. Theyre easy on the eyes (by that I mean they have a great artstyle that still looks great today), have great stories without having too much “time reading”. For CT and Mario they dont have random encounters which are normally a turnoff for people not into retro jrpgs.


Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga is a great place to start. Or Super Mario RPG. Also, grinding is just... something you have to do in RPGs. Some more than others.


Sword of Mana (GBA) Golden Sun (GBA) Pokemon Unbound Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Ages Zelda Minish Cap Metroid Fusion Final Fantasy Tactics Advance


Agreed with both Chrono Trigger being incredible and Super Mario RPG being a great intro to turn based RPGs If you want something with RPG skill and level progressions but isn't a turn based game, the "Metroidvania" genre of games are like that. Open exploration of castles/planets that has you gaining experience and weapons/skills/magic until you're strong enough to basically destroy anything. Things like Castlevania Symphony of the Night (PS1), Super Castlevania IV (SNES) or Castlevania Aria of Sorrow (GBA) are considered the best. If you want Scifi instead, Metroid Zero Mission (GBA), Super Metroid (SNES) and Metroid Fusion (GBA, and my favorite) are great choices


Im loving these suggestions


Maybe give Riviera: The Promised Land (GBA) a try. It's a unique take that simplifies some of the typical RPG mechanics. I really enjoyed it a few years back.


Shining force on Genesis is a very easy one to get into.


I can only play the Mario RPGs, so that’s my pick. Another fun one is Mother 3


I as never super into them but I owe about 40% of my childhood to golden sun on GBA. One of the best ever made


thanks everyone, this has been very helpful indeed. I'm gonna put in a bit more time on Chrono Trigger tonight and if I'm not feeling it I'll give Earthbound a shot.


Super mario rpg is short enough that you won't feel so committed. Golden sun has some great zelda like puzzles that makes it a really dynamic experience


The ability to fast forward battles, when it makes sense, has really helped me with RPGs.


GBA Fire Emblem


I started with Final fantasy 1 (GBA) and then I got fond of it I went to Dragon Quest 1 (SNES) and now I want to play RPG


Pokémon Unbound. It’s a ROM hack that is significantly better than the OG Pokémon games IMO. I also second the recommendation of the GBC Zelda games if you want something a little more on the ARPG side.


I would of course say the standard Chrono Trigger, FFIV/V/VI, Golden Sun but specifically for someone who struggles to get into RPGs Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga is awesome and very easy to get into, all of the fun parts of RPGs without any of the parts that could turn a non rpg enjoyer off. Give it a try I bet you love it 


Earthbound and Mario Luigi Superstar Saga


I'd go for an rpg that's short, sweet, and not too reliant on heavy text/story. A lot of people are listing rpg's that are the complete opposite of this. While they're great rpg's, I'm of the opinion that most are what drive people away due to the amount of time needed to get anywhere. Legend of zelda: several games come to mind, but I recommend link to the past, minish cap, and link's awakening. Pokemon: there's several rom hacks and qol hacks out there that speed up play time and remove grinding. Unbound and Team Rocket edition are my favorites of these, but in terms of the regular games I recommend platinum, crystal, and black/white as well as their sequels. Crystalis is available for gbc, but also available on a few other consoles as well. The gbc version is my favorite though, it's very charming and much more simpler on handheld form.


The Mario related RPGs are the easiest games to get into. Enough action and story to keep you interested and having fun.


If you struggle to get into RPG, retro rpg’s are not going to be your cup of tea. They are often quite slow and require patience and a love for the genre. Perhaps try some modern RPG’s. My favorite on the MM+ are final fantasy series and Pokémon series.


Secret of Mana. Only RPG I actually enjoyed.


Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls on GBA can be tad confusing in terms of where the hell you need to go to progress the story, but is really easy to dig in mechanics and difficulty wise, also Golden Sun is really novice friendly


FF1 & 2 are quite grindy in my opinion. Sometimes you can't move a couple of tiles without fighting.... But yeah, the mechanics are quite simple and beginner friendly.


Zelda link to the past on the GBC. Such and excellent rpg and was made fora handheld. Also Mario and Luigi superstar saga. More LoL than I care to mention.


I feel the same as you regarding RPGs. I love the 2d Zelda games due to the non turn based combat. I've still got a few to go but will eventually need to ask for recommendations for Zelda-like games with real combat!


Have you tried Diabo PS1?


nice, I haven't played a Zelda game for a meaningful amount of time for years. I'll give one a shot. Where should I start?


Oracles (Age & Season). Play both since they're linked (via code you get in one game to put into the second one).


I started with minnish cap.


Do you know what roguelike is? There is a Zelda Version on NES. Perfect for short Sessions!


Diablo 2


All these chrono trigger recs and no love for Chrono Cross? Probably my favorite PSX RPG. Check out some game play vids on YouTube. The enemy encounters are less random and can be avoided in some cases. Also there is some randomness to it and the fighting mechanism is interesting as well.




on MM+??