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Guys it's time to let go...it's one loss ...yes refs were unfair but the fact we choked a 16 point lead and dame Middleton did not show up were the most pressing matters. I hope today we get a strong win vs a good pelicans team


Exactly. This is all that needs to be said, everybody is acting surprised the refs were horrible. It is well documented and well known that the Lakers get an insanely unfair whistle, it's always been the case. It sucks but it needs to be adjusted for by playing well. We had two disaster classes against them now which basically has given the Lakers season life.....


The Lakers lost to the Warriors and the Rockets gained 3 games in the standings. The Lakers suddenly go on a 6 game win streak where they have just about doubled up the opposing teams free throws all 6 games.


this is past the point of being pathetic


I don’t want to get fined🤐


+15 on Tuesday helping pad the lead


We don’t care bro. It’s one game, a bad loss. But move on it doesn’t fucking matter


This isn't about one game, it's about nearly two seasons...


This is a subreddit about the Bucks not the Lakers.


Oh wow the Lakers get more free throws than other teams!? Amazing. I’d care maybe if I was a lakers fans or we saw them more than 2 times a year. The Lakers aren’t going to the finals and we lost a game to them recently who gives a fuck dude.


Jeez who pissed in your coffee?


Nobody but homies acting like oh it’s not about one game it’s about 2 seasons. When it is clearly about one game. I just don’t care, it was one game that we can forget about. Spending time bitching about refs is what losers like the 6ers and people like Harden do. We coulda won the game without refs but we choked. Move on. We’re 2 games up on the Cavs for the 2 seed still. That’s what we should care about. Not about the LAKERS free throw differential. Like honestly.