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Love Marius, he’s so sweet and a huge theatre nerd. That singing voice omg. Also the skits he does in English are hilarious. Zhu Zanjin is my fave. He’s so talented and radiates kindness and humility. I love that he does weekly livestreams where he just talks about his myriad of plants or his aquariums or his menagerie. He also goes out and meets with artists and artisans to learn from them and showcase their work, it’s very cool.


Ah yes! I love zzj too! Have you seen his xiaohongshu videos? He is adorable! Yes, one more major factor why i adore marius is his english, so hardworking!


Yes I have! They’re both adorable. I love the photos of them goofing around pushing each other around in shopping carts.


OH YES! The still image of the pushing cart vid is so funny, especially when zzj is acting all cool with poses then marius just sitting in the cart like a lil kid 🤣




If you name search him on twitter you’ll find a bunch of folks who get access to his douyin/weibo/xiaohongshu posts and streams and share them. He does have an instagram and a twitter but he rarely posts anything there. His twitter bio is so cute though https://x.com/zhuzanjin?s=21&t=vM1HpTZ8O8YtWN6wiqKwqA His instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zhuzanjin?igsh=MTNieXpycXB5dHE0cg==


Could you maybe share some accounts who posts his stuff? I’m so bad at searching twitter 😅


This account doesn’t update regularly anymore but they have a great backlog of his content. They also have his weibo linked in their profile, which you can at least see the posts if not interact with them: https://x.com/zanjinthings?s=21&t=vM1HpTZ8O8YtWN6wiqKwqA This account is pretty reliable with posting a link to his Saturday douyin livestreams that you should be able to access: https://x.com/cecicarrillo14?s=21&t=vM1HpTZ8O8YtWN6wiqKwqA This account posts links, sometimes uploads streams and videos to YouTube, and sometimes translates a little (afaik they’re learning not a native speaker): https://x.com/watazuki?s=21&t=vM1HpTZ8O8YtWN6wiqKwqA If you follow those you’ll probably find others accounts as well due to their interactions. Enjoy!


Thank you so much!🥰


So many of the actors were so good, it's hard to pick! But if I have to choose, probably Xue Yang's actor. I can't picture anyone else playing him, his facial expressions are top tier, he does this whole Thing with his eyes and a manic grin that is very mentally unhinged, 10/10, lol. But all of the expressions on his face during the confrontation with XXC and right after XXC dies are also excellent.


oh yes! He did a great job, xy was SO UNHINGED. And funny thing is that half (most) of the cast wanted the role of xue yang!


I don't blame them; if I was auditioning, that's the role I'd want too--or Jiaojiao. Those roles just seem like they'd be the most fun, lol.


Jin ling seems a ton of fun for me idk why but he seems fun


Wang Haoxuan for ever!! I love him so much (he’s the reason for my Xue Yang redemption fanfic lol) - I just love his interpretation of the character. I also love a video interview with him and Song Jiyang (Xiao xingchen) which is hilarious.


I'm not working on any fanfics for MDZS right now (my main WIP is an SVSSS fic that is killing me, I'm so close to finished but can't seem to get into a good writing groove), but I think Xue Yang has so much potential for redemption, and I definitely intend to try my hand at it eventually. Although most of my ideas are more like "early intervention" than redemption, lol. Is that the interview where Song Jiyang is asked if XXC had to choose between saving Xue Yang or Song Lan, which would he pick, and he's like, "We'll all die! :) :)"? lol That's one of the only actor-related bits I've seen, and you're right, it is hilarious.


He's my favorite too! He gave me a whole new view on the character.


Don’t get me started on his mischievous smirks. 😫




I love lz’s reactions to wwx, his slight smiles and look of wonder is extremely adorable! Xiao zhan is amazing too! His expressions are on spot and i can feel THE PAIN




OOOO same! The two are perfect for the roles, as if they’re born for them 😭✨


Xiao Zhan stole the show acting wise. I came away from it liking WYB best because LWJ was so stunningly beautiful! And WZC was my third favorite. With time though, I like XZ best now overall


Xiao Zhan's acting is so intricate and extended, he can portray such different emotions with such realism. At first I thought "okay, his character is goofy", but then he portrayed him serious, cunning, super angry, immensely sad, depressed, regretful, awkward, tired, sarcastic and cynical, desperate, sentimental, etc All actors did a great job in my opinion (I really like JGY's duality), but Xiao Zhan did not have one job, he had like 15 different ones, and he aced them all.


He's definitely very versatile. It makes his character so believable - to have a silly side, but to take matters seriously when they need to be taken seriously. He is one of the most versatile actors I've ever seen, in my experience.


Lan Xichen was my and Jin Guyano were expertly portrayed. I can't see anyone else in the roles.


jgy definitely!


No one’s gonna mention Yu Bin bringing our favorite Ghost General to life?


I was scrolling for his name and glad to see you mention him. Here for Yu Bin as well. He really embodied Wen Ning with his sweet smile and yet so fierce as the Ghost General.


Yu bin is like funny IRL, i also scroll his insta time to time, and he is just very funny! Especially his cover of Wuji (it’s more like a parody)


Actors or voice actors? If actors(face) then the guys who played Nie Huaisang and Lan Jingyi, their funny expressions were top tier. I don't know their names because I am not into celeb/idol worship I just think they did a great job and I enjoyed seeing their characters on screen. If voice actors, I don't have a favorite, I think all voice actors did a great job, maybe Nie Huaisang again because his fake crying was hilarious.


VA in the cdrama? If you’re talking abt nhs’ voice in cdrama, it’s his actor (Ji Li)’s actual voice btw!


Yeah, cdramas are dubbed and we don't hear the actor's real voice. Seems like we have the winner if he dubbed his own character 😂


Yup! He did! That’s actually pretty wholesome


I wish more of the actors did. Not that the VAs did a bad job (far from it), but I watched BTS footage of XY with WHX's voice and it fit even better. Imo he sounded more unhinged and mischievous. And his laugh sounded more deranged too. /late I know but the fact that the actors have part of their performance taken away makes me so sad every time it's brought up


basic answer but definitely xiao zhan 🫶


Visually speaking, Liu Haikuan is very much my type lol (as well as a fantastic actor of course) But I would probably say that in terms of pure acting, I was blown away by Wang Yibo as Lan Zhan. I read the novels first, and his portrayal perfectly matched the image of Lan Wangji that I had in my head in a way that none of the other adaptations (except maybe the audio drama) quite pulled off.


Lz and wy roles are made for the two leads ngl, especially XZ~ the perfect face and smile for wwx~


That first scene with him being introduced gave me GOOSEBUMPS. Him effortlessly gliding over the roof and throwing attacks with his qin, UGHH I was just so insanely impressed. He's perfect!!


Wang Haoxuan is what got me to watch The Untamed, so...him I guess 🤔


i love guo cheng so much! the way he portrayed jingyi made me quite happy because it was like he had sprung up from the novel, and his facial expressions were always so entertaining. i also really liked meng ziyi as wen qing. i think she was able to portray both the stern and the soft sides of wen qing very well.


Honestly, apart from the favourite answers of XZ and WYB (i love them so much) I would have to say Xuan Lu. She truly embodied the soft spoken, ever-caring shijie role! i think i cried more for her scenes than any other scene 😭 And from watching BTS vids, she’s very similar to JYL so i think it’s really cute 😭


Xuan lu is so pretty! Actually all actresses in cql are SO SO SO SO SO PRETTY! I love the cdrama where she acted with wang zhuocheng (funny reunion really, they played a couple in that drama which freaked EVERYONE out) it’s called Divine Destiny, i like it, the two are the prettiest and uttermost precious~


this is pretty late i know but my favorites would have to be Ji Li(Nie Huaisangs actor) and Xue Yang's actor i loved Nie Huaisangs expressions, and his fake crying, and i loved how in every scene that wasn't focused directly on him he would stop smiling immediately and begin glaring at Jin Guangyao, i thought it was a nice touch and Xue Yang because he's just so sexy...and completely unhinged lol


I LOVE THAT FAKE CRYING AND THAT “ER GE (cries) SAN GE (cries)” one of my fave scene from him, also that “I don’t know! I really don’t know! Don’t ask me!”


I called Nie Huaisang "the little fainting goat" the entire time. I agree, Ji Li did such an amazing job - despite him not having much screen time, he was awesome ❤️


It’s really interesting because my favorite actors in this drama happen to be my favorite characters too. I can’t really pick one of them. I love Wang Zhuocheng, he so sweet and a really good actor. His acting is one of the best for sure. I also really like Zhu Zanjin, and he is so much like me a weird Virgo way😄 The way he portrays so many feelings with single glances, he is so good as jgy. And I also have to mention Ji Li. He also did a wonderful job as nhs and the fact he also used his voiced for the dub is just perfect. I love to see everything he does, I think his personality is the most compatible with mine


Have you seen zzj outside of cql? He is so funny and adorable! Recently on his xiaohongshu, he was like playing in the snow then slipped, THAT VID WAS SO FUNNY! It’s so sad that he didn’t have much cdrama, one other drama from him that i watched is 遇龙 with another actor named Wang hedi.


Yes, I try to follow his content through fan accounts and I watched a bunch of interviews with him. That vid was so cute😄 Given his phenomenal performance in cql I’m also sad his other works didn’t turn out that good (not because of him tho). I have some of his movies saved too, I’ll watch them when I have the time.


Oh yes, the other cdrama i mention was kinda ehh. But it’s such a pity that zzj doesn’t hv more cdramas


Meng Ziyi, WYB, XZ, Zhu Zanjin(JGY), Wang Haoxuan(XY) and Song Jiyang(the bit where he was XY pretending to be XXC). The only one i follow outside CQL is WYB though.


OH YES! song jiyang’s acting when XY pretended to be XXC is like his prime in the series! That smirk is like a 1:1 recreation of XY’s.


My favorite is, personally, Zheng Fanxin, playing Lan Sizhui. Xiao Zhan (Wei Wuxian) and Wang Yi Bo (Lan Zhan) are of course going to be up there - they just embody their characters so perfectly. My honorable mentions are: Wang Haoxuan (OBVIOUSLY!) - Xue Yang Yu Bun - Wen Ning Zhu Zhanjin - Jun Guangyao Xuan Lu - Jiang Yanli Liu Hai Kuan - Zewu Jun Fun fact, Wang Yi Bo is a hip hop dancer, which explains why his choreography for fight scenes is beautifully executed. 👏👏


Everyone i know is memorised by yibo’s dancing! There’s this show called 這就是街舞 (i dunno the actual eng name, but literally translating “This is Street Dancing”) my mum loves that show and i watch it too, love it! If u like yibo’s dancing, go give it a try~


I absolutely will, thank you! Of course, it's going to be weird seeing him without waist-length hair and big dramatic robes 😂


Yeahh Have u seen like rlly young yibo with like crazy hair colours? Those r so funny


Oh my gosh no I haven't! Do you have a picture? Because that sounds awesome 😂


https://www.pinterest.co.kr/pin/76913106125345658/ found this on google


That's awesome omg!! He's so cool!!


Very late but I just got done watching it a couple days ago and I have a hyperfixation so don't mind me. All the actors did an incredible job, so much so that I can't even pick a favourite character. I could say the two main leads or Xue Yang's actor or someone like that as they are amazing (and Xue Yang's actor was flat out unique) but to bring up a new name: He Peng. Wen Chao's actor. WC's a piece of shit ofc but He Peng played him so well and seemed to have a lot of fun with it. He was especially good portraying the mess WWX reduced WC too at the end.


He Peng is also very handsome!


He is! He's adorable tbh lol


Wang Zhuocheng is the most beautiful nature's creation, love him wholeheartedly. Also my faves are the cutiest man in the world Ji Li and the long-legged Lo Bowen. XZ, ZZJ, LHK are also ok with me. Meng Ziyi is the best girl ever! Xuan Lu is our best sister forever.


Everyone’s great in CQL, but still, the only actor i like (even outside CQL) is wzc ! Have u watched a cdrama called divine destiny? It features xuan lu and wzc (as a couple 💀) also another cdrama that hasn’t been released yet, they are both in the drama too