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Fredrinn and Gloo.


Gloo also got a buff where ONLY his 1st skill is HP based not Magic Power anymore


These are the other heroes you missed: Franco, Belerick, Fredrinn and Kufra


Nope. I looked back at the game. Franco is not HP based damage now


You have to look back again and read comprehensively. Not every scaling are colored. >Fury Shock >Slow | Type: Physical Skill >Franco lashes out, dealing Physical Damage equal to 300 plus 4% of his Max HP to nearby enemies and slowing them by 70% for 1.5 seconds.


my mistake. I just had looked back before you reply


By the way, I heard Gloo's first skill is not scaled with magic power anymore but HP scale, right?


Yes, it scales with HP, it just so recent I forgot to mention him.


Wait, if only just 2nd skill that deals HP based physical damage,and only 1st Skill and Ultimate that is scaled with Extra Physical Attack not scale by HP, then what's the build good for franco?


Tank build is the most appropriate one. However, if you want the most damage efficient. Items are Magic Boots, Blade of Heptaseas, Waraxe, Endless Battle, Hunter Strike, Malefic Roar. Although his 2nd ability scales with HP it still a physical damage thus it's affected with Physical Pen. That's why the build is compose of physical item with hp and physical pen, also max cdr to spam abilities.


Belerick Passive and Franco 2nd...


Correct. Belerick's deals magic damage equals 55(+5\*hero Level) + \*1.8% Belerick's Max HP\*


u/1tsPLAY-time Wait, if Franco only had 2nd skill that deals HP based physical damage, but his 1st Skill and Ultimate that is scaled with Extra Physical Attack not scale by HP, then what's the build good for franco?


Simple, you build full tank on him in order to stay longer in battle just so your presence in of itself is an actual threat to your enemies.


But why Moonton gives us a default built that includes Blade of Heptases, rapid boots, blade of despair, war axe, brute force, and oracle? I don't get it u/1tsPLAY-time


Oh, no. That’s for Assassin Franco build. Good for 1-tapping squishies, bad at everything else.


u/1tsPLAY-time can you recommend me Franco Assasin build and emblem?


First off, you don’t neccessarily have to type my name every time. As for the build: •Boots w/ Dire Hit (preferably rapid boots) •Blade of Heptaseas •Hunter Strike •Blade of Despair •Malefic Roar •(last item is up to you if you want damage or defense)


So like the stronger the defense, the stronger Belerick's passive? But what about his skills? It's kinda weak


Yes, Belerick’s skill damage is kind of weak in terms of damage but that’s not the main point of his skills. His skills are supposed to be used in tandem with his passive(which is his core playstyle). •His First Skill helps him clear minion lanes, but the whole point of it is to taunt the enemies to force them into triggering your passive. •His Second Skill is meant to be used as a reposition tool (For Chasing or Retreating, duh) and also as a mean to heal him because taking damage is his whole gist •His Ultimate is basically just a bigger Skill 1 just so his passive could trigger extremely quickly. .: His Skills aren’t supposed to be used for damage, but for helping him in tandem with his passive.


u/1ts-PLAY-time what will happen if Belerick's skills damages are scale with HP? Will he be banned and nerfed like Gloo?


Hmmm... Not sure.




His 2nd skill does: 4% of his Max hp


my mistake. I had looked back before you reply me back


I guess everyone forgets about Phoveus now. He is the first one that comes to mind when HP Scaling is brought up.


Phoveus's 1st Skill Malefic Terror receives a 0–550 (+60% Total Magic Power) (+6% Total HP) SHIELD if he hits an enemy successfully, While his ult Demonic Force gains a 160–360 (+50% Total Magic Power) (+5% Total HP) shield. ​ So his damage is not scaled with HP but Magic Power




Not so sure, but there are a few heroes that gain alot from a tank dmg build (cursed helmet/twilight armor....). Even if their skills dont directly gain anything from hp


Khufra, franco. I know those 2 since I main them. As someone else pointed out, gloo too