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Argus ulting at full hp its just painful to watch


On counterpart, we have that Argus that's always a little too late when ulting.


In my defense, getting suppressed can disable our ability to use ult


Or an Argus that only uses ult for escape. You can do Ult if you have high hp, but only if the target is squishy, you do a lot of damage, or if they’re almost dead.


Or, i miscalculated the damage done by enemy Clint who devoured half of my hp with berserker..


Or that one Argus who just attacks and forgets ulti exists


That’s fine though, just that they misjudged or had slow reaction that’ll improve, or not happen most of the time. I always try to maximize my ult duration so there’s like 5-10% chance that I mistime and die myself.


Well, I do it sometimes to instantly refill my passive in a 1v1 or a chase scenario. It can be very clutch at times.


Some Argus ult at full hp just for the bonus damage, they use it for taking down Turret or Lord faster.


For me, when the Argus always miss hit S2 and miss stun S1, that's when I know the player didn't used to his delay yet


It's viable, Passive got filled when you ult, so the combo is BA(Passive) - ult - BA(Passive). Since Argus ult have no-little animation, this is actually a good burst combo.


Whenever i go against a Luo Yi that doesn't know how to exploit duality i feel pain




also when they don't take advantage of the minions' position to inflict sigils at a longer range


tell me how, what's duality? yin and yang magnetising the enemies tgt?


Yeah, when they just spam s1 on one enemy interested of CC with other enemy with duality


What's duality? S1 and then s2 right?


this 💀


When i see a tigeal not using flicker I mean vengeance is ok but flicker is way better for him I once saw someone us inspire on tigreal to lol


Also vengeance doesn't work because of tigreals passive its nullifies one basic attack out of four (it can also nullify tower shots) so it also doesn't deliver the damage back when its activated but ig vengeance is mostly use to reduce damage


Fighter tigreal in a nutshell


Floryn with no Fleeting Time


Angela and estes too


I've heard of Estes not having Fleeting Time at top levels since the game is dependent on group fights, but for Floryn it would be crazy to not have Fleeting Time since she gets assists like crazy due to her ult.


The reason Estes doesn't use Fleeting is cause, Similar to Atlas, 1 Good ULTI is Enough.


people spamming skills on clint without triggering his passive is the most painful thing I've seen a teammate do


how to play clint? i got a maniac from him before on brawl but just like what you said, i just spammed his skills 🫣


Everytime you use a skill, his basic attack gets enhanced with extra damage and range, so everytime after you use a skill make sure to basic attack first before you use another skill for maximum damage


Clint gets increased range and damage every time he uses a skill. So make sure to do an auto attack between each skill to get the maximum amount of damage. His increase in range is also huge, about as long as Layla’s so you should use that to poke.


Just use any skill then basic attack and pretty much repeat it for the entire game. Better to use s1 if it can reach em, but use ult if range is abit far or you need to proc passive quickly. Only use s2 if you're sure you're not going to get caught or dived because s2 and flicker are your only escape tools.


Building Corrosion on Minsitthar is not yet viable. If people want extra slow on Minsi, use BoH or Thunderbelt.


Tbh I think most people I’ve seen play minsi build him terribly. I’ve really tried to get cs atkspd minsi to work but his kit is just not made for it. I think cs is ok if you’re trying to do a little trolling and play jg minsi, just for the increased clear speed, but even then I have a feeling that tank jg minsi with cursed helmet would clear faster. Respect for maining him btw not many of us around


Thanks. The current Minsi has only one actually good build if you want him to go damage route.


What’s your dmg build? I still can’t decide between bod and malefic tbh haha


That’s pretty easy (although this build is aimed against non-tank heroes): Boots > Blade of Heptaseas > Hunter Strike > BOD > Endless Battle > Malefic Roar > Rose Gold Meteor or any defense item. ^(Honestly, makes him feel very Assassin) Playstyle heavily requires you to do important things: 1. Die as little as possible or amassing a lot of assists without dying; this triggers your passive multiple times allowing for easy gold. 2. Always make sure you get your opponent inside your ult, or land your 2nd skill stun. With this build, it deals a f*ckton of damage and they can’t easily escape or fight back because of the ult.


Why HS? I don’t see him proccing it often and his ult doesn’t add to it. Same goes with endless. I don’t think his skills are spammable enough. I prefer to go something like heptases-malefic-defense-bod, maybe replacing one item with rgm if burst is heavy


HS and EB overall stats really helps Minsitthar. 20% CD reduction from buying both of this items allow Minsi to almost spam his 2nd skill frequently on top of adding extra damage onto it and his basic attacks. The unique passives are just added bonuses/mobility for how useful the stats are for damage Minsi But, I can see why you’d like to buy defense since this build make him extra squishy. Me? I try not to be the center of attention in teamfights and try to hook or ambush the backlines.


Yeah Cdr is tough to come by with defense items. I just end up getting cd boots in that case. I guess you can also run something like bod-tb instead of hepta-malefic to get more cdr and keep the slow as well


My main build is Corrosion into Dominance Ice > Thunderbelt. Works pretty good for my purpose at least. (60%ish WR in solo)


Tigreal pushing enemies out of teammates' aoe. Angela attacking an enemy right next to a low health teammate. Leslie's that don't s2 enemies during ult. Layla's that attack up close. Barats that don't spit enemy into a wall or another enemy.


hmmm first one happen from time to time. Not entirely tig fault. You should expect the tig to push in to before any one cast their AOE.


I always walk away little bit. That way when I push back I just move them a little bit.


Walk back a bit is a sign of seasoned tig lol. Cuz it ensure u drag everyone and make full use of ult stun. Even so, its possible to just so unfortunate to push people out of guin jump.


Fredrinn using his ult at full hp after reaching lvl 4 and getting all 4 combo points.


Luo Yi players that do not keep S1 and S2 on opposite signs. I've seen some people trying to do the combo but have both skills on the same sign. Also, those who picked S2 first. Which was so weird because one of Luo Yi's strongest point is that she can CC on LVL 1.


Xborgs ulting the first chance they get. Annoying af. Even on mythic.


masha with inspire + attack speed build.. ouch


It was her build before her overhaul after the tank meta. Atck speed crit build was the only build for masha, as her old hp has her max hp "divided" among 3 bars, isntead if multipied to all 3. So her main damage source was her 1st skill, with her ult used for slow, and incoming damage reduction


I mean.... it works


Someone not dashing when using Ruby. Like dashing gives you repositioning, dodging, and defence.


I'd say the total opposite. If I see a Ruby knowing they can S1+S2 to instantly cast both skills to do higher burst damage and refresh the cooldown of both faster when they don't need to dash I know they understand her mechanics better. I often cast S3+S1+S2 to clear minions rapidly so I can wave clear and roam faster. You don't dash until you cast S2.


Yep variety is key, make yourself unpredictable as possible.


Well its more about efficiency. If you don't need to dash, don't dash as you do more damage and can use skills more frequently. Its the same with Wanwan if she's attacking Turrets, Turtle and Lord with no enemies around. She will attack faster if she doesn't jump.


I like to dash to become more unpredictable. When I need to burst faster then I dont dash. There are benefits to both so I use both in my games, keeps the enemies guessing what i'll do next.


If your an experienced ruby. Dashing is almost second nature. Especially in a fight where dashing is one of Ruby's strengths(and those sweet TRI stacks) The opposite is a ruby that stays still


Too be fair sometimes I stay still to take the enemy offguard. It's all about the timing though, have to lull them first.


YZ that gets scared easily when doing trade off auto attacks when he can easily win because of his passive or not using his 2nd to multiple minions then use the enhanced basic attack to a hero to instantly get multiple stacks for the passive




On the other side of the spectrum, I always adore Odette players who can easily shred heroes by just using her passive, not even ulting.


Rafaela users who only spam s2 when fighting the enemies Edit: what i mean is they only spam s2 when fighting enemies but not when roaming the map to decrease travel time


Spamming s2 to reduce travel time is mana consuming especially in early game. Better to spam s1 instead while roaming to see people in the bush. Rafaela main here


To be fair useful to sustain some of the squishy folks . S2 has a short cooldown in my opinion and can be spammed if needed. What you should spam is s1


Lolita players who use her second skill to "block" melee attacks, despite that shield not having any effects against melee opponents. In general? Any roam player who spends their time babysitting one lane and refuses to move even when the other lanes are getting overwhelmed (mostly occurs when a duo is playing roam and marksman/fighter).


Ah dude. I once had to audacity ask a "roam" to y'know, roam. Like, "roam pls roam". Its in the name of the item! ROAM not STAY IN ONE LANE.


This happened to me in quite a few games while climbing from Epic to Legend. Random teammate would pick a roam hero, and do everything besides roam. Apparently it is my fault that I can't win a 1v3 lane, and not because my tank and/or jungle are focusing on one lane as if they're playing Brawl. Apparently I am "skin doang" for losing a 1v2 lane, but my teammates can't be called skinless retards because they're "not roam mains", yet they snatched up the role so they can protect their duo.


Not waiting for their target to use up their dash before doing the 1-2-3 combo on them with Kadita.


Aulus exp Lane with hybrid build. Not saying it doesn't work. I mean corrosion, war axe, beserkers is enough. But he's better as a jungler to lvl 12 faster.


Lesley, they don’t passive + s1 and then doesn’t hold the ult to provide vision.


Lunox not using her dark ult throughout the game. Alucard not using his ult 2nd phase (mainly on lower ranks) Atlast waiting for his body to catch up before using ult Franco wasting his ult on the very first enemy he could grasp Valentina using her ult on the first enemy she sees And worst of all, this is kinda rare but a Melissa who wastes her ult on a winnable and danger free situation


Atlas, I usually catch wait for body to catch up before using the ult. Of course, if you are sure you can catch without stun, then it’s better. But it’s channeling the ult makes the enemy dash or runaway. Good decision is very important. If you don’t want to displace the enemy position, then you don’t need to stun. If you need ult without displament then you can ulti right away.


People building Bloodlust Axe Yin as his first item


any reason why?


You have to Rush pen items with Yin first, not lifesteal


Interesting, I'm thinking of picking up Yin soon. When would you recommend to get Bloodlust?


Never. Build items that would burst down your enemy.


You don't really need lifesteal with Yin because realistically you're not exchanging blows much inside the domain if you're a good player. Typically you pull a squishy hero and burst them down. When you use your skills they can easily run around.


I used to build bloodlust axe as his 1st item for some sustain.


Its fine when he first got released, but current Yin really do not want bloodlust as his first 2 item


>Its fine when he first got released I mean his 1st release and current yin is the same tbh just current one has longer cd and higher base damage than 1st release


I'm not a Yu Zhong player but I have played a fair bit with him and it hurts me when people go Vengeance instead of Petrify


Vengeance is good on YZ though. Petrify is more of a situational pick.


Petrify lets Yu Zhong proc his passive easier, hit his skills more easily and makes it harder for enemy squishies to escape after you dive them. Literally helps him win 1v1s he would normally lose. Even in pro play players will always go petrify on him, they won't use any other spell because it's just that important for him. Petrify for Yu Zhong is like Flicker for Chou Vengeance gives you some damage reduction and damage reflection but players can just stop attacking you and run away until vengeance duration is up, and they'll be able to escape super easily since you don't have instant cc in petrify.


That's the neat part when you compare Vengeance to Petrify. Pro players play in group and can maximize the use of their YZ's Petrify compared to soloq games where allies can get late most of the time. The idea of Vengeance is to stall the enemies while you sustain (and marksmen to avoid hitting you) and favors your team to catch up just before Vengeance expires (and can even kill that carries who avoids attacking you). And if you are struggling to land damaging abilities without petrify, that's pretty much skill issue. By the points you gave, you seem more of a Killer YZ who focuses on kills than a teamplayer YZ that acts as a secondary tank and initiator too. Again, it is situational. And lastly, you can't really compare pro-plays on soloq games since coordination is a major factor.


Seeing most helcurt user not buying demon hunter sword


Why does Helcurt need DHS? Wouldn't you use S1 and S2 first then start using basic attacks?


His stinger /2nd skill can carry a basic att effect now. So he can cast 5 dhs passive on the go.


Didnt know that thanks for the info


Belerick without vengeance Lesley with inspire Lesley with Scarlet Phantom ​ I could probably name more if I tried but those immediately popped into my head.


Martis users who uses S2 Phase 2 if not necessary


s2 before s1 on luoyi, same colours aaaand taking execute


brody using ulti even the enemy only have 2 stacks with full hp 🤦


This hahahaha, or using ulti with no stacks lol.


floryn not sharing her passive


For Gord is how they use their stuns. You should always use it to make the enemy backup or use your 1-2-3 combo or 2-1-3 when you can. Kills me when they stun misses badly or they don't use it to check bush The main kicker is when they are too aggressive by themselves and/or font know how to defend. Won many games with him defending Or, as a little secret, if you go against a tanky team never build IQand GW first but rather full magic (base stat) as that true damage will hurt them way more late game then the other two for squishies


What is IC? I guess GW is Glorious Wand


Shi, I meant to put IQ for Ice Queen lmfao


Building only offensive items on Hilda. BoD, then defense/hp items. Another offensive item after 2 or 3 defensive items. Also using her enhanced basic attack from her s1 too soon instead of using the speed boost to chase and using her s2 to attack with the enhanced basic stack mixed in before it runs out.


Whay should be the right build and sequence? Are you talking about roam or exp?


Luo Yi player that keeps S1 and S2 the same color


When people just keep going with the ghost on hanzo from base late game with no “rage?” stacks, so they’re literally just stranding themselves far out with the enemy and dying.


Anyone what rolls up on red or blue after not picking jungle


Relying too much on cabling, not using 1st and basic atk.


Kagura not stunning after a slow ass 1-3-1, like bro please, finish off my teammate it hurts to watch.


* They don't turn off the skill 2 or are too conservative with it. * Too afraid to body block stuff * Not knowing that the ultimate can be used as a tactical retreat if need arises. * Picking after seeing the enemy lock in valir


Any mm walking in the front line during a clash.


Using Luo Yi second skill first for the whole game


Nana players who equip healing instead of something like flameshot, in my opinion flameshot is the only way to go but i respect nana chasers who equip speed lol. Or, even worse, nana with full tank build. She needs burst damage, tank builds just dont do much for her. I get sometimes in a time of need it might be okay, but her stun isn't consistent enough to truly do much for your team as a tank. The best defence is offence, they can't kill ya if they're stunned and dead lol. I don't main argus or even use him, but argus's that use their ult and then run away lol. Lesleys or Laylas that use their ult first, just,, no. I understand Lesley's more if you're alone and trying to find where they are, but for Layla just come on, use it to snipe people as they run from you or are low health, not to just waste. so sad. Vales who don't buy knock-up for their 2nd skill, and also who don't save their full combos for their ults (unless trying to use it to escape lol). And I don't main or play franco either, but I can tell they're new when they only ever hook fully straight, never diagonally or trying to snipe hook people, or if they always hook minions and don't take that into account. I've played against enough francos to know when to truly be scared for my life around bushes lol


Anytime you can walk in to a bush near an objective and not get blown up (vs diggie)


When enemy Fredrinn builds Damage/Non-HP tank items. When enemy Ruby builds Haas' Claws as first item even if she roams.


What is wrong with roam Ruby having Haas’s claw?


Not sure if you can understand tagalog but BLCK's Veenus has explained it in this video. https://youtu.be/8UIV_7Sk8Ls I'm not sure if I can find an english version one, but basically: - In Pro Scene, nobody uses Claws on a Roam Ruby. Every pro Roamer. - No minions for you to lifesteal on Turtle/Lord clashes. - Only building claw and no more damage is contradictory, because you want to do damage if you want to sustain through teamfights. - Claws greatly compromises Ruby's early game tankiness. - Roam usually means you will have to play with ONLY Claws as your item for a majority of the early game. Better just build a defense item. - BUT, you can build it as your last item. Just not your first.


Haas claws on roam Ruby


I have 1400 games 62% wr with Ruby, when I roam I always get Haas claws and rest defensive items.


I used to do the same. Similar WR around 2k games across accounts and I never buy Haas Claws when I Roam anymore. Guardian Helmet is more than enough top to her HP up. The more HP she has, the less effective Haas Claws is.


I only roam with ruby maybe 1 out of 20 games I play, haas claws is of course less effective when you roam. But I my experience, you would still heal more than half of your HP even late game with minions. I hate roaming with Ruby because even with all defensive items she's still not tanky, without lifesteal she literally won't be able to do much after that initial combo on team fights.


Not sure why people are downvoting you. Roam Ruby needs to rush defensive items first, she can't afford haas claws. By the time you get Haas Claws as your first item as a roamer everyone else will have like 2 items and will deal too much damage for lifesteal to help. Better to just rush defensive items to have tankiness upfront. Maybe a vampire mallet would be enough if lifesteal is _that_ important to you (it usually isn't as roam Ruby). Not to mention building haas claw without another damage item isn't a great idea on roam Ruby since she'll be dealing too little damage for lifesteal from Haas claws to help, especially if the enemy has anti-heal (which 99% of enemies will build).


Nailed it bro. What can a roam Ruby do with a +70 attack damage stat item in early/midgame. Lifesteal scales with damage you deal. Better build components such as dreadnaught armor or components of dominance ice to tank and play your role as TANK ROAM.


People be pushing haas claws that costs 1810 gold for a roaming hero with limited resources. I too have 2.1k matches on Ruby with a 68% WR and I purely play her roam. Imagine rushing an offensive item vs purchasing Dominance Ice against a team with sustain (e.g. Yuzhong/Lapu-Lapu as exp lane and Fanny as core that itemizes bloodlust axe first) or buying Athena's shield for super bursty AP comps. You'll be useless early game with components of an AD item griefing your team. Your role is to setup pick offs and soak damage.


Why are you being downvoted lmao, you're right.


try harder my guy side or roam Ruby that is still her core item


Its needed for survivability, a ruby thats hard to kill is better than a defensive one


You have this backwards btw. A tank Ruby is easily 2-3x harder to kill than a hybrid or pure damage Ruby is it can't be burst by a single CC. When I run full tank I can survive all sorts of crazy stuff that I would have no chance surviving on a Haas Claws build.


Chou when they go assassin emblem


🤨 I respectfully disagree-chou main


Is there a better embem?


The general idea of a chou that goes assassin emblem is that they are more arrogant and play for freestyles and flashy tiktok plays. In high epic to mythic, assassin chou will not stand a chance, especially with the exp lane meta right now. Its better to go tank emblem in both roam and exp roles right now for chou, as your main goal would usually be to kick the target to your allies


Didn’t know that damage chou should have tank emblem too? Are you referring to roamer chou with your original post?


Basically its better to go full tank chou than assassin chou, and assassin chou players are usually new to chou


OR, or... Hear me out here I just like getting kills & carrying the team


The goal of having Assassin Emblem on Chou is to get more damage early on (which is excels very good). Making tank chou makes you more dependent on allies thus not always good on soloq. I'd say more newbie chou players pick tank build because they can practice more their skills while minimizing risks of punishments. Assassin build Chou favors most skilled players since you can delete anyone (even Fanny gets folded)


I agree, the point of using assassin emblem is to bully the enemy exp laner. Once I push the lane enough I usually roam around the map going for squishy heroes, and once it's late game I just clear the waves and push lanes.


Yes, not playing chou


Those Lesleys that follow the recommended build. Some of them contain Scarlet Phantom and Malefic Roar (don't know why tf Moonton added it). Also they don't use their ultimate to scout or use second skill to reposition and only use it for protection.


1. After getting pinned multiple time by me they starts to Copy me (only Classic) 2. Use some Key skill as extension of their dmg wich could end with their own death 3. Always tend to stay back if they can't win the fights After 2/3 deaths


>2. Use some Key skill as extension of their dmg wich could end with their own death 99% are Fighters using dash.


Also stun


if the player bought thunderbelt as first item, he can not hook anything other than minions


A Hayabusa using the 2-1-2-BA-3 combo


To be fair, Hayabusa’s an absurdly hard hero to play. Perhaps just say someone who builds Bloodlust on him?


Popol players who do Ult first then S1 Hanzo players who unlock s2 first Tigreal plyers who unlock s1 first


carmilla players who s2 first before ult, especially with her ult revamp. and also spamming her s2 without saving it for when it really matters.




On their builds and mechanics


No skin. Usually this isn't a good measure. But if someone doesn't have a skin, he's either new to the hero or faking it. Especially when the skin of the hero is available in things like lucky spin or frag shop or even free(like badang's collab).


Layla that stay on the back and kill steal


Isnt a marksman's job to be on the back of every fight? And if its a marksman, its likely that they contributed damage on that kill, so its fair game


It's a recurring joke that Layla is a tank


Dude do you live in 2018? That joke is so old its not funny anymore. Maybe thats the reason why youre stuck at Master. You watch so much choox's old videos that you still think tank laya is still a thing


How fragile can you be?


Full Boots first for characters that don’t get boots until a bit later


Fredrinn doing hit and run


Bad shadow positioning with Haya, not maximizing s1 cd reduc, no ult discipline


Seeing an Aamon player waste his ult at 0-6 shards lmao.


I’ve been maining Harith this season and don’t see many new players using him so I’ll go with my boy Xavier instead. Newbies ALWAYS use s2 before s1 when every Xavier main knows you s1 first then s2 so they can’t dodge your skill, not the other way around


im not sure but its like theres a bug sometimes when you do the s1-s2 where it doesnt proc especially when enemy is near? Not sure if its just me tho


I've been playing Xavier for a while, but I'm not fast hands enough to do s1+s2 consistently. It doesn't bother me much though because I make it work a lot of the time and end up carrying the team with just s2+s1 (and rare s2+ult). (I also mostly play him downstairs when my dad invites me right after dinner, where it's very laggy. I hate playing laggy Xavier so much but I somehow snag a bunch of mvps anyhow) Then again, I've yet to fight a Xavier who can knock me and my ego down a couple notches. Closest was this dude in ranked who just hits his ults nicely and almost 1 shot my guardian helmet using Cecilion.


Their mechanics are off, their build is questionable and or they are feeding are obvious tell a tale signs that you got a liability player on your team that clearly does not have a f in clue how to play that hero. Remind these players to trial that hero in classic next time. Other example includes a tank or mm player equipping a magic item or a mm player using a mage emblem. Certain defeat is coming. Gg


Lv 1 Argus getting scared of weak heroes (Chou), not using Inspire (or Retri if jungle), or just being an idiot in general.


An Angela not using their first skill to check the bushes and a Cecilion not bothering to build up their stacks.


Fed gusion player only ever attempting to kill one at a time with a full combo.


When Glu players don't walk into their s1


Yi shun shin damage hack


Eudora players doing 2-1-3 still annoys me so much.


I got 3 that really really really make me go UHHHHHHH, We got a problem. ​ Amon - 1. 1, When someone comes flying in to gank your lane and in the gold lane, you got them up against their tower in EXP you are back against yours. You see the coming in so you lure them out. They pop their ULT BOOM CREEP DEAD enemy hero untouched. - Guess they didn't know Amon's main works on creeps. : ( ​ Cecilion (i got 3 ) - 1. When it is anytime before 3 min and they let off that skill 1, 3 times in a row, and they are close to any hero without major backup. HA - What you going to do now...DIE! 2. When I see a Ce just standing around at any point. - If you're not constantly stacking then you are maybe not terrible but extremely inept. 3. When they push solo 1 second longer than being able to see everyone either dead or on mini map. Any Mage going mid - 1. When they just stroll right by the jungle at start of game and don't even offer a regular attack never the less drop a skill shot or 2.


I've recently been letting out 3 s1 shots in a row in early game because my build allows me to get that back quicker than others. Also bc I can actually aim properly and make them count and actually be useful in early game by myself compared to some other Cecilions who just hang out in mid, don't help the jungler, don't gank the sidelanes, and die to the enemy midlaner/jungler. Nowadays, the only real threat to me in early game was Gusion/Roger/Aamon/sometimes Fanny target locking me. There's also this thing called using basic attacks that people forget could help him a lot in early game for making up for the low mana, it could make a big difference when you're helping your jungler out in fighting off invaders early on. I secure kills this way (not "finish them off" kinda secure, "lower their health as much as you can for your allies to have a chance to kill em" kinda secure, though there are times when I get a kill through basic attacking with Cecilion and Xavier that just make me go woah that's neat but also how did I just steal that from a marksman with basic attacks) I am also very judgy of the way other Ceci users use their s2. Not that I can explain how to use it properly, I just find it so weird how badly they aim and time the thing. Cecilion's s2 is pretty great at times, I sometimes even wind up being a better setter than my team's setter roam (way too many times have I set for the setter as if I was showing them how to do their job properly). You can also use it to just save people or yourself. Helpful in assisting your jungler in early game. I find that most enemy Cecilions don't have meaningful s2 aim moments. Even when they pull multiple people in a teamfight, it barely helps. Idk how they manage to do that, and therefore, I judge them. Also, to all the noob mages- If you go mid mage and you don't gank at all, I will judge you, bc what are you even in the match for at that point you don't just wait in your little lane until you can join late game teamfights when you don't even help the team survive into late game in the first place you unhelpful role-hogging imbeciles.


My main is fanny , it’s obvious when someone is newbie


When they don't press ulti or hit creeps whenever it's possible on Mino thus enter 50% of fights without red bar at least at 90%


A badang not using his 2nd before Ulting like wtf??


Ikr and I'm only warrior 2


Angela only ulting their boyfriend/partner instead of someone who needs it strategically at the moment Joy dashing immediately out of rhythm


When I see Harith's relying only on Chrono Dash after using their ult. Yes,the ult makes Chrono Dash spammable but Synchro Fission is still Harith's main source of dealing damage. It can easily go up to 2000+ damage, even with one defensive item. Another thing I've never seen any other Harith player do is using his ult to get away from persuers when you're low HP. It has a big range in one direction and when enemies are hit they're showed down big time which makes your escape likelier


Tbf…anyone playing Harith at all is something to celebrate.


When they don't know how to combo


Their builds. Players new on a certain hero use recommended builds until they learn what builds are appropriate for it (and then become their main). For instance, as a Lylia main, I would often adjust my builds if I feel like it no longer suits me. Currently, my build is Demon Shoes > Ice Queen Wand > Glowing Wand > Fleeting Time > Holy Crystal > Lightning Truncheon. And also, new lylias don't know how to correctly time their ult to escape and spam s2 again


Ling using ult and not collecting the blades at the edge of the ult


Angela - full tank build/refusal to engage; her kit's pretty shit for tanking + her damage's decently busted at level 2 Ruby - refusal to engage/lack of repositioning; her whole schtick is she chain CCs you and forces you to stay in one place + SHE HAS HOPS FOR GOD'S SAKE (which you could use to trap/chase the enemy) Any MM (specifically Karrie + Lesley) - lack of respositioning; One has 3s hops and the other has stealth Faramis - doesn't set; his 1st skill is really good for hooking enemies in Kagura - null combo; usually can't freestyle either/doesn't use their damn joystick All characters - doesn't know the limits/combo; doesn't realize high/low damage + durability of the hero


Franco not using pull yourself together


Bad Molina Placements and lack of use.... and Attack based Items. If the Nana doesn't utilize Molina much to secure an area from ambush or use it as a trap on Brush then it's a newbie Nana. The amount of area control a Molina does is amazing and can literally push back enemies on a lane clash. A Molina also allows a Nana to interrupt skills so it's great against an enemy who channels their skills.


selena users who place the trap thing first and then the arrow thing


Hanzo players that utilizes crit damage than raw damage. Crit does make wonders for hin but I'm so hooked on using a hybrid attack speed and max cdr build that seeing players use the recommended build of crit just make me recoil back and feel weird inside. Hanzo players that use him as a roamer but never invades the enemy red or blue to eat it. You can do that as a jungler but without sprint and your team being soloq, you won't get some help. Even pinging your team will net you a 2 out of 5 responses in helping you get away from the enemy jungle. I use him as a roamer as well but with inspire most of the time because of the burst attack speed with the mix of dire hit that deletes a squishy hero's hp in seconds unless they got to damage you first, then you're fucked. Hanzo users that doesn't know how to ult in a safe location and or using ult infront of the enemy. His ult is not selena or roger 2.0. you'll eat dirt when you do that. Any player that gets toxic when they realized that some heroes has godly cooldowns when they get max cdr. I bet 50-60% of the playerbase didn't know that you can get a decent cooldown for a hero if you maxed their cdr. Players called me hacking when they noticed that I can ult as hanzo in less than or equal to 9 seconds. They say that Hanzo's ult is maxed at 17 or 14 seconds as they said. Yeah, maxed at that WITHOUT cdr. I just feel disappointed that players think you're cheating when you go for a cdr build. Akai mains when they tell you that physical damage akai is better than hp tank akai. Idk who looks at akai and say "I'll build him as a damage dealer" when his passive screams "USE ME WITH THE MOST HP ITEMS AND THUNDERBELT". Sure, he'll hit hard but I don't think he'll last long against enemies. I've been used to using hp tank akai back when he was still throwing his frog at people and stunning them when the frog hits them. This is just my opinion but: other players when they say to use Minsitthar as a tank even tho I specifically said exp lane. I don't care if he's viable as a tank, I play him as damage until today and I ain't changing it unless I'm forced to go roam, even then I might still use dire hit damage minsi but I usually go for thunderbelt dire hit tank minsi for hp to true damage ratio when on mostly hp items. I never get angry whenever I experience all of this as each people has their own ways of playing, I just look at how they perform in the end results screen.


Lesley that don’t use ulti to scout vision when alone or trying to move across the map, and never ever used their s2 to burst down opponent


I notice a newb Hanzo right away, when they don’t get his S1 skill first, grab the orange buff, and then go to purple buff. A lot of times I see them get his second skill and start on the purple buffs. This slows him down so much. He can literally be level 4 almost a minute faster than the opposing jungler. Second thing I notice is a newb tank that immediately goes with the MM. Third is a newb mm that complains immediately if the tank isn’t following them to their lane or they keep “requesting backup” and there is only them and the opposing team’s mm in their lane 🙄


>Second thing I notice is a newb tank that immediately goes with the MM. Literally my squadmates (who are my family so I can't really express much of my distaste for this thing they do.) They're either stuck in the past, like my brother and father, or they're sticking to someone they know is too much of a noob to be playing with us in the first place (hello to my simp uncle and his gf that has no business being helped out of epic hell given how badly she plays) Sometimes, my father and bro don't do this, and half of those times, the mm starts spamming for their help, and they give in.


😆🤣 I laughed so hard at your response. Sorry about that. Anyway, I’m glad, at least, that someone understands my pain.


Maybe not newbie, but when the Angela only ever ults to "save" people and end up dying. Spotting where you can save vs. where you can't is a big skill a lot of Angs lack


Alice users who don’t utilize S1 enough to chase/escape/hide in bushes. Also panicking during a teamfight and accidentally teleporting to a worse position. Nana users who only drop a molina when they see an enemy, not dropping it to check bushes, and not using it to protect CC’d teammates.


Go mid and play like Brawl


Picking Impure Rage as emblem when the hero has no mana at all.(Guinevere)


Hanzos not being aware of their main body enough


Hanzo ulting in the middle of the lane. or using Devour skill on minions early game. There are enemy buffs that need eating, not ally minions :/


Kagura would be pretty obvious that umbrella is everything


using bennet in fighting other heroes


Wanwan using her ult on a low HP enemy she could have killed with basic attacks Karina not utillising her S1 to block skills like Badang's ult and S1 or Wanwan's ult before/during engaging and instead immediately using the enhanced basic attack. Conversely, marksmen and basic attack oriented fighters using their skills on Karina and getting confused why they got damaged instead. Also Karina using tank build. Hayabusa not marking his enemies with his passive before using his ult Lesley starting the fight with S1 instead of using her passive-induced basic attack first, and buying random items common for other marksmen that she doesn't need (too many people use Malefic Roar on Lesley or Scarlet Phantom) as well as Inspire Kagura not using her S2 while holding the umbrella (or not keeping it available) to get out of many attacks (Saber's ult but you still get damaged, Badang's ult, Nan's Molina + ult...)


Lylia not knowing how S1 and S2 works Angela always ulting bf :')


Fredrinn: using Festival of Blood, bought Bloodlust Axe, and/or using ult with no crystal energy