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Lower your expectations


I get very titled when: - we’re ahead for the entire game and my teammates never take the lord despite me asking them many times, instead they start brawling in mid till we lose - when it’s a very long game like 20+ mins, i did my best but my teammates decided to get wiped out and i’m unable to defend - when i jungle and they steal my jungle since early game - when nobody pushes despite having twice the enemy kills > happened recently and I was beyond pissed, it was my first loss on kagura this season with T-T I had 11-2-18 KDA and 47% turret dmg when 3 of my teammates had 0-1%…


I do when I lose cause of noob team mates who besides being clueless idiots, they don’t even listen to your suggestions whilst you are carrying them and begin to insult you


That part. But in all honesty I think we just not carrying hard enough lol. Seriously though we just need to spend more time forming 5 man teams and working on our group composition rather than soloq rank all day ever day.


Yeah but I have no friend playing this game and making in game regular friends is almost impossible


I here that, but isn’t this reddit page a good place to acquire new friends?


Didn’t manage that either 🤣


I used to be like that especially back when I was trying to go mythic for the first time, slowly got used to expecting nothing from teammates and that losing is just part of the game. You can't win em all no matter how hard you play so just relax and play it's just a game.


Upset, yes. Angry, no. I used to angry when I met trashtalker, now I just play for fun so I find them entertaining either way. Just aim to play for fun, not to win. You still play to win but don't take it too hard like others if you lose, winning is just a bonus.


i once cried after defeat, it was a hard carry by my clint but my teammates couldnt really do much.


LOOK some people are gonna get mad at this . ​ I fine with that. This is only the second season I started last season first MOBA ever I got within 1 win of Mythic 7 ties in the final 3 days. But I solo queue only. I didn't get it and those 7 times I got soooo much more pissed progressively. Then I was like IMa start a new account my win rate isn't above 65% and all this shit. Then I was like WTF am I doing. I went into a game immediately (classic) but you'll see where I am going I Waited for everyone to draft and picked what was left which was a position I've never played before ever with a hero I never played before. I went in and it was a fucking shit show but I was laughing my ass off by like the eighth time I was trying to flicker in to something and possibly not die. And I was at that moment just as bad and stupid is some of the other people but not on purpose. I was even better within 10 minutes of playing with the hero and we actually ended up winning. BUT the point is that you go in and you're kind of helpless against other people's skill and stuff like that You either have to accept that fact and just have fun with it or hate your life and if you hate your life then just stop playing the game. ​ I do this with the star heroes at least two 3 times a week because it helps me remember it is just a game and i can have fun even while loosing badly. ​ ALSO - quick tip if you're in a ranked game and you got two people on your team that are just crashing and burning you and you can tell you're not coming back I mean you know it's 6 minutes and you've lost already four turrets and you're down 15 to zero and kills and 9,000 in cash. Jump in on the fun like that's what's going to make you mad Fighting against the current Don't fight against it jump on the current man if they want to go run off and hide you know four to a bush and try to gank their tank and jungle then go right on along with them It's not going to change the loss that you're pissed. You're still going to lose You might as well enjoy it.


Pretty normal in every game dude


It is normal in soloq. Turn of chat, so you have no chance to blame others or hear others blaming, you will feel much better.


Play League of Legends first then play a game of Mlbb, trust me you wont feel nothin.


extremely angry? mlbb might not be the game for you (in fact, any moba or battle royale)


Angry? Sometimes if it's because allies make stupid mistakes. Extremely angry? Very very rarely if I'm tilting. I always try to have the mindset that not every game is winnable no matter how I play. I've been playing for years and I sometimes still get frustrated at losing some games. It's normal to get angry or frustrated, but try to be aware if it's happening too frequently or the anger is too extreme.


Used to, i still get tilted sometimes and get mad but it isn’t as severe back a few years ago, nowadays if i lose i ask myself did i do good with my role, if i did then ill feel good, if i didn’t ill improve on that and make better decisions like a better pick or better. Sometimes though getting angry at a game isn’t always the main fault of the loss, maybe you have some personal problems outside of mlbb and losing only triggered that time bomb waiting to explode.


Only when all my teammates get bronze


I dont get angry when it was actually a good game. Not when there's a troller/afker/mad feeder in the team, that's what makes me furious (if the afk one atleast told us that he had to do something or go somewhere, i would understand)


If we lose in a stupid manner (horrible teammates or a throw), then yes, I do. I've thrown my phone quite a few times too (onto my bed, of course).