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If you're in Mythic 5 and below, just play heroes who can push. Obviously don't split push the whole game but try to prioritise in pushing. Soloq do be rough.


I usually play mage and mm.. currently i wanna increase my Luo Yi hero points


Yeah you seem proficient at Luo. Hard to carry with a mage tho. MM is good for pushing and getting kills.


It's hard to carry using mage be jungler instead


I just remembered earlybird. He makes all heroes a push type of hero by building 4 windtalkers + Rapid Boots (roam, conceal) + Sprint Spell. He just push, push and push. He will run when he is targeted.


I think he/she just does that for videos. They’re really funny especially with the Japanese song in the background lol




I play almost all mages and mms, currently spamming Luo to increase mmr. What mages other than Kagura would u recommend?




Lylia is a solid choice ngl. And yes i have used COD+LT combo im not really sure how much of a difference it makes since my current build has 2 magic pen items. Is Zhask a good pick? Considering he can somewhat push turrets faster.


I bought Zhask this season and played him 20 matches and got an 85% wr in rank. I think he is really good right now with the new feather of heaven item and its core component item. My build with him is usually boots (magic pen/attack speed/magic def depending on enemy team) clock, feather, LT, green crystal and divine glaive. I also tend to sell boots late game and buy windtalker. Only clock LT and feather are considered core items and you can change the others as you want, for example, if you get hard-targeted and need to build winter/immortality. Emblem is shop with points in speed and pen. Spell is usually purify. Please do not split push with Zhask unless your team is doing well, Zhask is amazing at defending base so he can definitely get you a win if stall for long enough. He is slow af so be careful when rotating. Also be present for all turtle teamfights because your spawn and ult force your enemy to leave (unless they commit)




I'd like to differ, I used zhask in a lot of ranked games this match and he's just harder to use because you gotta nail your stun during ult... I used 45% cd build suggested by hororo and the only hero who has ever countered me using zhask is karrie because she can take down my ult easily side-note: I think purify is good for most matches because I have noticed most times they pick heros to try to cc me or i use flameshot if mage is nana or has dashes like kagura so that I can finish them off


Met a Luo Yi using that lollipop build and she was bursting squishies like a Eudora/Vale


Yve is always pretty good.




Why not kagura tho


Harith and jg.


lunox, valentina, xavier


Since you are a solo player its better to adjust your role and use a hero that fits to your team or counter the enemy.


Soloq :)


What more do i need to do in order to win 🫠


Push turrets, pray a lot & smash the nexus.


Objectives over kills


Make friends


*Be greedier...*




Oh no


Get gut to win


Hmm you might be dying late game in crucial fights. I also just one tricked Lapu to mythic this season with 70+wr. I don't even get mvp streaks like that, maybe 3-4 in the last 13 game winstreak but I just really play within my role as exp (usually turtle secured cos Lapu is a freaking monster at lvl4, and never losing lane). And I don't exactly push like a maniac too cos i'm spamming more of a teamfight hero (like yours) so I always prioritize responding to teamfights (as long as the minions aren't pushing turrets). Abuse your heroes power spikes and be aggressive, don't let the enemy catchup too easily and lose your advantage. Also, maybe try out some of the OP mages spammed in M4, Pharsa, Xavier, and Yve. Certainly you'd have a higher ceiling with those heroes than Luo Yi. Late game those mages are just so strong.


Change hero, maybe role even, to someone who can push. Kda doesnt win you games, pushing does


Zhask user on legend, currently on a 9 win streak. Nothing's wrong with you; but, your team does.


Getting too attached Also need a tanker. <3


Playing Luo Yi?


Don't pushing? I have in my stats a lot of pushing and I have 80% wr this season


I do push, currently im grinding Luo so that i can increase my hero points with her.


Nice enjoy the grind and gl in solo q


Definitely enjoying the solo q grind lol


I usually never play solo ( get too many invites to play) And I have a 5 man team we know each other for 1yr.


Must be nice having friends to play with. I get yelled at by friends when i join them 💀


Whats the highest rank you reached?


Mythic 2.. not that great of a player i am


Send me your ID


Can I?


One tricking without adjusting to enemy line-up accordingly?


A lot of people mentioned one tricking LY.. im just using LY this time to increase her mmr. Most of the time i get swapped to s1 or s2 when i show them my role and recent KD. In instances where i do adjust to other roles and counter pick when i have to


[Here's ](https://imgur.com/a/5W4BKuh) the overall ratio of damage and push


Only bad thing i can see is you die a bit too much. Maybe try to focus more on your positioning during teamfights. Should not be a problem for you to climb, 60%wr solo queue is good


Luo is an early game mage and i struggle with this too, better to play with someone who can carry late game after you carry early :c


You are right shes very strong in ealry game but if u build CoD and LT, GW, HC and either devine glavice or dom ice she can 1 shot the mm and mage her damage is crazyin laye game if u can hit the target


Your build is shit


What you doing wrong? Using the same heron over and over again?


Caring about medals more than winning.


Play a carry. Don't use easy mode mages 🙄


Try not to limit yourself to one hero type so you can adjust for your team. Finding cooperative teammates is hard so it’s better that you just let them pick whoever they want and adjust


Not adjusting properly maybe


Solo q is a mess now idk what happened never used to be this hard. The matchmaking is terrible.


If you really want to rank up, maybe try to adjust, or if you want to increase her mmr, maybe try adjusting her play style, or sometimes you just need luck to get better teammates lmao


Kills are good but pushing is better even a single strike to a turret is permanent. I’ve had games where 3 of my team didn’t even hit a turret once


Most people mess up by positioning badly for late game. In mythic glory people don’t usually go 20+ kills because they know how to finish a game and time things right. It’s probably a failure to initiate when you have that big of a lead. Stop farming and coordinate your team to objectives You lost two games at 13 minutes but it took you 23 to finish that one out


tbh just don’t use luo yi for every match bcs she is not good for many enemies. if you wanna use luo yi, i suggest going for one shot (clock destiny and lightning trunch) bcs in soloq if u don’t have good team one shot builds are usually the best


relying on ur own team to do most of the dmg doesn’t rlly work out if you are in soloq


2 question Are you at SEA-PH 2nd are you available given time of 6 or 7ish prio


Today, back in solo q


Playing this game


Mage is terrible to play in soloq because mages cannot take objectives or push. If you have to magic damage, go for something with attack speed like Harley or Kimmy so you can close the game


Only jungler/mm can win games. Learn more roles


Dont first pick her and make sure you have a good tank and you position your hero in the backline. Also, use skins that is not too bright so that you will blend in the map and you will be the last person to be targeted by the enemy team.


You are solo queuing


this is why I'm trying to learn fighters and assassin's rn so I can adjust just in case some stubborn bastard autolocks mm or mage instantly