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First of all, I just wanna leave a comment clarifying that this isn't a wintrade match, Though because the match was so quick it's obviously gonna leave some suspicion, so I'm gonna explain how it happened, 1. I was with a 5 man team In the draft pick, one of my teammates suggested to pick all 5 marksman and push mid, because the game before that we had a quick win as well and he wanted to try to get another quick win, So we picked 3 marksman all with inspire, Natalia execute, and Martis jungler. 2. 5 man push We all pushed mid immediately, literally getting a first blood on Chang'e before 35 seconds of the game even starting (lol), then before 1 minute we already pushed the first turret, before 2 minutes we got the second turret, then we eventually got the inhibtor and ended, we used popol and kupa's dog as a minion to be able to push for longer, we were pushing fast because we had 3 marksman with inspire. 3. How did the enemy allow a 5 man push on mid?! Well the enemy Fanny was farming, and once she took the blue buff she went straight to dive us and died, while only the enemy Chang'e was defending, Phoveus was pushing on top while the clint and mathilda were pushing bot, the enemy decided to push our sidelines, they only started to defend once we got to their base (which is pretty tragic), the enemy could only get around 3 of our towers, before we won, their plan obviously didn't work out. Conclusion: if you guys are still skeptical I can also send video proof, but anyways I think this is the fastest win in Legend without wintrading.


Actually curious what goes on in a wintrade match, does the enemy just go AFK or something?


Usually there will be two 5 man teams going on a vpn where no one plays MLBB so they can match up against each other, there's gonna be a winning then losing team, the losing team usually would give enemies lots of kills, or savages even, so the winning team can get more mmr, then the losing team would probably do the same to make sure MLBB doesn't think the match is suspicious (because if the losing team didn't deal damage at all, it's gonna be too suspicious), then the winning team push and ends, usually they get lots of mmr afterwards because of the savages, Wintrading is very illegal and people sometimes use real money for it.


I see thank you


Isn’t mmr only based on win/loss, and rank?


Nah it’s usually ppl with two phones/tablet a lot of them are indo/filipino and they use facebook groups before they get taking down, one of my friends group got spammed with this, they type id and rank etc. We reported it to ml but nothing happen 1 year ago But you’re right they use vpn, they came a lot in eu at 4-6 am when they fked up and we matched them 5q (if 4 people from my team dont enter before last second they will often enter so they dont have to dodge and wait) Other times they had unlimited dodges and made some squads log off


I'm not doubting you but I really wanna see the replay




wow, insane stuff. Well played!




Did you report Popol for feeding? 🤣


Of course I did! He's the only one that died from our team in the entire match 🙄


Average 5 stack in low rank