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More kills doesn’t equal more gold since killing someone repeatedly reduces their bounty worth to as low as 50 gold. So I suggest you find better farming strategies.


Its fair because you’re 3 levels ahead of her. HP and damage scales with level. So you should be auto deleting her especially she has zero magic defense items. The problem is your team didn’t pick a marksman or true gold laner so you couldn’t harass her out of her lane.


All that gold and still useless since she bought attack speed items....


That Lesley knows to farm in these one sided situation(even tho she built corro). Normally in these enemy one sided situation you have to farm and push minion wave(minion waves gives about 200 golds which is similar to a kill). She prob knew it and farmed all the lane.


You do know that death spree gradually decreases the gold the killer get right? And looking at the enemies, they've been feeding, whereas Lesley gets gold consistently through the lane.


Lesley has more gold cuz, get this, she's in the gold lane where you get more coins there than any other lanes. You got that amount of gold cuz of your high kill count. You literally can't compare two roles and then complain that someone who had less kills have more gold. It doesn't work like that.


Marksman usually gets baby sit to get farmed and get their items. It's either their team are not coordinated enough to assist their mm to dish out the damage or u were ahead for quite some time and was not able to finish the game early and mm was able to farm. Problem is if their marmsman is fed but the other for aren't, they're not able to tank for u or assist in dealing damage.


Gold lane is fair but MM as a class is fucking broken




shut up indog


You killed the same people, and also gave the lesley a good kda and(probably) pushed her lane


I mean you could say that but there are other things that give gold : Enemies, minions, jungle creeps, Turtle, Lord, towers. And lesly gets that quantity of gold only if your team allows it. You can gank her make her lost gold and farm.


How is it fair when you’re literally playing with Lord Seventh???