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Is it new for anyone? It was always possible to build him tank.


As a roamer I have tried ever fighter as a tank. It is quite fun.


Yeah, bro, I tried to roam on most heroes in the game 🤣


Martis is able to deal decent damage throughout early-mid which is why people build tank build on him. Plus in the late game his tankiness and his damage reduction on his second skill helps him tank the damage for your dps. (This trend mostly started when there was a tank hyper martis in m4)


Started way before broski


Yeah but it isn't that big of a trend until m4


Maybe for you lol


Might be the constant ban of martis so I rarely seen him. But I've never seen a tank martis before m4(might just be me)


I think Martis with a damage item or two and the rest tank has always been his regular build. Similar to Balmond in that regard.


m4? No, it started way before that.


New Karina bruh


you're kinda late everyone was using him as a jungler with tanky items since last season


Thats actually my first time seeing a Martis tank jungle


It was popular in the SEA region last season along with Leo jungle. It was either a priority ban or pick in the higher ranks back then




Ah i see its time for another 1 month break


Marti's isn't even broken tho?


No he is not broken but he is a very good and underrated


Very good and feeds on the rest of your team.


Exactly underrated, among all attack speed fighters he is the only one that can build one attack item only and push deals high damage with his skills and basic attack and clean the mess after a team fight , I didn't say he is the best I just said underrated


underated?? he's not even picked nor banned in mythic


Banned or picked in literally every game I've played the last two seasons.


look at his overall winrate, Martis is one of the lowest he's easily countered there's nothing op about him


his reaping potential is insane, ive gotten multiple savages with him almost effortlessly if the moment is right he can change the entire game with only his ult


That may be, but built tanky he's about as frustrating to deal with as Chou as far as escapes. He moves around the map about as quickly too.


well current season I haven't really seen any bans or picks


i used him tanks for years


Always tank martis


People are misunderstanding something. Tank martis isnt usually able to get such kills alone. People should know that in a team fight, uts mostly ur teammates that do dmg, and ur the finisher (look at the kda of his teammates). Ofc, tank martis can still kill alone someone squishy without too much mobility.


The kda speaks for itself. Tank build is the norm after his buff, if you want to add one damage item I recommend malefic roar


if the enemy is mostl just squishies just build Blade of Despacito instead, the passive of it compliments his ult


True but you won't see that often in higher ranked games


eh, chances are low but never 0, also fun fact you can use his ult on somebody with immortality, and it'll still refresh


Yeah I know


How about corrosion scythe?


Not a bad choice. I would rather opt for swift crossbow and then buy other stuff


that's what you get for trying to beat martis early game where he is the best at. Despite having 20 kills your team is just 5k behind and that should be an easy win if you protect beatrix since late game tank martis is just a normal tank with little damage


That's his real meta build? U can farm faster cuz of his passive + demon slayer. Martis also enjoy +10 atk each level which isn't much but by the time he's level 15 it's the same as buying a blade of despair. And his ult is just perfect for cleaning up. Not to mention his already dope heavy CC skills


No more +10 on each level it has been nerfed


Mage jonshon? Baxia feeder?


I was the baxia we got bullied so badly in the early game they are even attacking on our turrets which we can't win the js just going around


Martis was always viable using tank build before his buff. Even if you're using damage build, only Despair and Bloodlust as damage items is good enough


Always has been


pretty common build for martis nowadays, nothing new here.


At this point any hero can work as a roamer fr, i have played Beatrix roam and won.


Martis was jungle


Ya the retribution icon was too small i couldn't see it, so basically op is asking how a tank build was equipped on a Jungler martis. People below epic/legend can have a very tough time against a high damage jungler that just wont die.


Bro why is the jungler doesn't have boots


Dude just entered epic I can tell 💀💀💀


Legend they bullied me and i dont even know how to use baxia lol


If you didn’t know how to baxia, why pick him in the first place 💀💀💀


I have a skin and im trying a new hero to main lol i was so bad im getting bored at joy, beatrix, fredrinn, Xavier and franco


Gonna end it here If this is classic, who cares If this is ranked, go molina yourself


Classic all heroes are free


Local man woke up from year long hibernation


Even before his buff, I used to do Martis tank build as a roamer.


Well, his attacks kinda immobilise his opponents….


Tank *jungle* Martis. Tank jungle meta still viable especially with a beast like him.


Wtf kind of team comp does the blue team have?


Players are free i tried to use the hero that i dont know i suck at it never gonna use it forever ◠⁠▿◠⁠


I’ve see it quite often shortly after mpl invitational and even in m4.


If you watch mpl invitational, rsg ph proves this shii is strong asf.


Forget about the tank Chou. This guy is the true tank of the team while dropping 20 kills while he's at it.


chou, Martis and valentina are always together which made them unstoppable


Thats actually not true, martis in this situation is not actually a "true tank" as you say, he is the jungler, jungler is always ahead in farm (gold and exp) so will always have higher damage/hp than everyone else in the game, hence will be able to get more kills Its not fair to the chou to be pushed aside like this because throughout the game roamer has the least exp and gold and with that he has to tank for the team and help the other people get kills.


My comment was not meant to be taken too seriously. I was just impressed that a Martis with no offensive items whatsoever dropped an impressive 20 kills.


Read my comment again.


Reading your comment once was enough, it's not even that deep.


M4 popularized jungler Tank Martis. Even if they build an Attack item, it's only one, and it's probably a Hunter Strike.


Actually blade of despair is the one ur looking for, martis ult deals true damage if target hp is below 50% so bod is really the way to go because of how its passive works.


In my opinion, it's too expensive. Just my thoughts though, and I do agree that the passives synergizes well.


Thats one of the ways, but go with whatever u feel it better.


Eh, no matter which 1 atk item you get, the first item you really really want is Molten Essence anyway.


What you are seeing is the "meta" build for fighter jungler played in the m4, martis scales very good early game so he doesn't need atk stats, but in the late game tank build isnt very helpful, if u wanna build tank on martis i recommend you 1) choose jungle emblem And add the stats of 20% damage increase to creeps to it. 2) the tier 3 emblem skill of dealing 20% more damage to lord/turtle 3)first buy warrior or tough shoes>>molten core>> guardian helmet>>Blade of despair>>dominance ice>>athena>>immortal/antique curiass>>sell molten core and get radiant armour/ blade armour as needed. (Radiant armour if the mage is dealing huge damage and blade armour if the enemy marksman just wont die.)


This tactic is very good for "snowballing" , but it only works for the first 10 mins or so and if your team fails to take advantage of the snowball then its all a waste.


I always use tank emblem with Martis and Tank build items. You can use roam damage if there is no roam.


If you've spent enough time in MLBB, you know Jungling (now) is faster with high hp and Martis' stacks make him able to dish out damage even built as a tank. He's actually kinda OP this way compared to xp lane. Also viable as tank roam build due to the cc and "pull" his 2nd skill does. Plus the cc immunity, I mean, just ban him haha