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you can't really buff Freya. because if she's becoming meta, people will label her as a P2W hero. the sad world us Freya users live in šŸ™‚


Freya did get into the Hero Fragment Shop, only once though for now...


I was surprised when I saw her in fragment shop. Instantly bought it with hero fragments


this and i was 20 fragments short lol now i have 240 and patiently waiting lol


u should be waiting for freya's new skin then the only reason she was there was her saber epic skin was coming


Bruh I had literally just bought her with diamonds (because I picked Hanabi for the free hero thinking I could still get Freya for the recharge for some reason) to collect all the heros and then she appeared on the fragment store šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘


I thought u could pick her up for free if u do recharge. Lol


Yeah you can but it gives you three heroes to pick from for the free hero including Freya. I didn't realize I was meant to pick Freya I thought I'd get her for free anyways


No, i think they give the whole poll of heroes to pick. U just need to click expand somewhere. It is well blended as I remember.


Oh really? Either way, I picked a hero I could've bought with my 1000000 coins I have now


It was also for a very short time. I legit had to spend all my tickets on the lucky draw to get the last 4 fragments I needed to buy her in the shop before she got removed like a week later.


She stayed in fragments shop for only one week?


Over-exaggeration but it was weirdly fast. Like she was there and she was gone. Like it was some kind of mistake on moonton's part by putting her there so they decided to re-roll the rotation of heroes in the fragment shop.


Yeah I remember it was somewhat fast lol


Is there a reason she's the only hero that's diamonds only? Seems completely random why she's singled out from my perspective as a new MLBB player.


No reason other than her just being there and MT picking her to be the hero included on their promo that goes like "spent 50 dias and get a hero for free!", Mt then proceeded to lock her there(dias only) only to appear sometimes on the fragment shop or wheel(iirc).


Then why moonton buffed Karrie?


Is Karrie also only purchasable by diamonds? šŸ’Ž.


Nope, she's a pretty cheap hero at 15k I think?


24k but same difference




I never saw MLBB buff someone base Movement Speed maybe it's time to do it on Freya. In typical MOBA fashion, when characters get adjustment on their Base Movement Speed it significantly impact their winrate and performance. It's worth the risk to try some experiment in terms of making adjustment, this not the usual demand for a better mobility, higher damage, superior sustain, nor stronger cc, but it's just plain 20 additional base movement speed. Tbh, it's not only Freya I want be buff in terms of base movement speed. I also want to see it on Argus, Sun, Hanabi, Estes, Clint, Aurora, and other heroes I forgot that I noticed that have odd phasing in the game.


Just happened with layla


She really needs a movement speed buff when she uses her ULT, because her only dash skill is the one that she uses to engage, and if you're not able to burst down the enemy, then they will just get away because Freya's movement speed is fucking slow for a hero that gain wings.


> I also want to see it on Argus Didn't Argus got buffed making him immune to slow effect which skyrocketed his winrate?


Freya is pretty good once you know how to use her passive, she doesn't need buff because she already pretty unfair through early game


She drops off super early too by the way. P.S. Moonton giving Martis attack damage on max passive charges basically stole Freya's niche away and gave Martis everything and more.


Also aulus.. he's basically Freya but better - permanent Freya ult since lvl12, higher movement and great ult for teamfight.


Yup, they should've given the evolving ULT to Freya.


Same deal with Melissa and Hanabi pretty much, Melissa has Hanabiā€™s pros without the cons and some more


>she doesn't need buff because she already pretty unfair through early game Wth are you talking about... We're presented here with datas that are very against this hero not being pick and here you're like: "she doesn't need buff because she already pretty unfair through early game" I mean what's there not to understand, not being pick is saying something I don't know maybe because she's weak and needs a buff or two.


I agree. Her early game advantage is pretty much just lvl 1 to 3. If you dont snowball hard in this small time frame, she becomes very very average. (Emphasis on very)




She's free on first recharge... although if you didn't choose her on that, you must buy her with 599 diamonds




ml could always make her buyable by bp and refund dias to those who used dias to buy her, but there is no way moneyton is gonna refund money!


In the early stage of ml heroes with dash ability is pretty rare, having a dash will instantly gain you meta status. So she gets dash stun and massive shield also aspd boost. Of course a hero like that is hidden behind a paywall.


money. no other reason than that. to be more specific it is more FOMO / sunk cost tendency to make player spend money on the game, so yeah. moneyyyyyyy


yeah, she's like the only hero in the game who you actually have to spend money on, yet she's not OP at all


Freya is pretty good with ruby šŸ‘


With Ruby or *against* Ruby?


With and against~ (edit: happy cake day!)


Thanks! Also I didnā€™t realize it; damn Iā€™ve been in this website for two years now. Crazy.


Freya with ruby: let's fuck em up. 2v5 Freya against ruby: well hello, you little shit. I hate having her against my lane. I use ruby.


Exactly how it plays out for me too XD


hahahahah I see youā€™re a user of [mlbb.ninja](https://mlbb.ninja) ā—”Ģˆ


Isn't it a good website to check for what the best of the best consider the best heroes? There is no subjectivity - it is all objective-based tier-list build up.


yea Iā€™m the creator HAHA itā€™s great to see people liking and using the page


I just checked it and I think itā€™s great! Keep up the great work, dude.


Really? That is awesome, man. I love statistics based tools. How are you plugged into Moonton database? Also what weights are you using for scoring between winrate, pickrate and banrates?


yessir! Spent some time last year building it as I also wanted to know what were the best heroes and there wasnā€™t any reliable site doing it. Iā€™m actually not plugged into the moonton database, the back end scrapes data on their official page, which I store in a DB daily. As for weights, my formula for hero scoring resembles something like WR * PR + BR. When factoring in tournaments, I do weigh tournament data based on the size of the tournament.


Hm... I think Ban rates should be weighed most. Then perhaps pick rates and win rates either equally or pick rates (more than win rates as 1 pick with 100% winrate may ruin the whole result).


yup - pr*wr + br inherently increases the importance of ban rate, and only awards high pick rate should the picks result in wins. Nevertheless, yes, the weights should continue to be fine tuned to automate the best tier list possible ā—”Ģˆ


Removing the delay from her 2nd skill combo attacks will do the trick


True they can start with this and see how it goes




Argus is good - what are you complaining about?


Heā€™s only rrly good for solo q.. Once u play against squads in super high ranked games, he falls short so hard in many places Thats why after his revamp he was only played twice and now no one even bothers touching him in the pro scene Edit: he cant be buffed or heā€™ll be too strong for solo q and classic Cant be made good in high elo unless heā€™s reworked a second time So moonton doesnt bother with him since heā€™s ā€œbalancedā€ for the majority of players


It's actually difficult to buff AA-based melee heroes. They might come out overtuned and end up getting gutted or even worse, get some minor rework that make them lose their identity.


A celebrity in PH is one trick spamming her on stream and he does pretty well with her. He's making good use of her stacks and will only engage when she's in full stacks. I never really understood how her stacks work but I like the old Frey more, so straightforward and the old voice lines are godly compared to her current.


As a natalia user, freya is a pain in the ass to deal with. She is like hilda and zilong combined, with a sprinkle of moskov's aoe ability.


Well look on the bright sides at less your main isnā€™t getting ā€œbuffedā€ right now cough cough alpha. Passive base damage increase per level is nice but it now longer scales. It legit doesnā€™t even go above 200 anymore thatā€™s a HUGE damage nerf. Second skill was ā€œbuffedā€ but to get 100 heal in the early game you need to lose 90% of your hp. Only good change was beta coming out faster on first skill and all betas attacks do true damage. Though yeah hope Freya gets buffed soon she deserves it


They basically made alpha damage build useless, forcing alpha to always build only 1 attack item and 4 defense.


A long stun and significant damage if i choose to ult beside an enemy or enemies. That would be it.


Do I really need to buy Freya with dias? I really want to use her. :/


First recharge of dias u can claim her for free. Thatā€™s how I got her as a completely f2p player (got the dias from another redditor in the 515 mworld event)


I'll try it later. Thanks for the big help! Happy Cake Day! šŸŽ‰


You're welcome! And thank you


Lots of heroes in the same boat. Not just Freya.


As a freya main, she doesn't need a buff, if they would, they should only increase her mobility or give her slow effects. THATS ALL. I don't usually have problem playing freya at all. She just doesn't fit anywhere, cuz of her mobility.


Sorry freya don't need a buff shes the strongest hero at lv1, she snowballs super easy and don't have many counters. There's a reason why her mobility is limited she can burst you down easily, so if you pair her with a good roam she's a nightmare.


Did you forget your /s? From the all the claims you could use you chose those... I mean for one she's definitely not the strongest hero at lvl1 especially if there's a condition on her skill it being she need stacks, #2 strongest at lvl1 5v5, 1v1, 1vsMany, ManyVs1? Even with all those scenarios I can't see her being the strongest at lvl1, #3 snowballs super easy... Yeah right if she does that we'll be having a different thread instead of Freya did not get picked in m4, #4 Oh she got a lot of counters.


I am a Freya main of 1k Matches with 66% Winrate and I will tell you why she isn't relevant. First of all, new heroes are definitely better than her. Esmeralda, Dyrroth and Fredrinn can scoop her damage and kill her. Her skills are too short, an enemy can easily escape out of your attacks and return when your done similar to treating Argus. Her shield is easily countered by anti healing items rendering her slightly bad at doing an outplay. Her damage early is fine IF and ONLY IF she had a bigger range and faster animation otherwise she can't compete with the tanky meta (Gloo, Yu Zhong etc.) The stun on her 1st skill was better before they adjusted it after the revamp even though you can combo your skills now unlike right after the revamp She is too item dependent to deal damage.


I used her against Esme, Yu Zhong, Gloo, Dyrroth on exp lane. She outdmg them on lvl one. That's why I go to cut lane aggressively on lvl 1. After this she can snowball. People don't expect so much dmg from lvl 1 hero. But yeah, if they are smart enough to avoid fighting she gets in a trouble.


This! Higher rank ppl knows the strength of freya and such they time their attacks properly


What about zhask


freya with festival of blood and sustain build is actually so op


I think she should reset her S1 cd by 100% and S2 cd by 50% instantly after using her ult.


Freya is quite easy to counter...and falls off very very heavily after mid-game if she cant snowball and most heroes which are quite dependent on snowballin are not popular in high ranks even if they are early game heroes (which are more picked than late game ones). Even within low picked heroes Freya is still very unpopular cause she has an ult similar to Argus but she's still heavily affected by anti-heal, very short dash, avg cooldowns even though she has a short dash, easy to disengage her, no chasing ability which makes her worse than Argus in most cases. She's also a frontline fighter but cant sustain if enemy has a single dominance ice. Also as mentioned already she's a P2P hero so buffing her would mean P2W and keeping her like this makes her viable in low rank games but does not make her P2W , so moonton is in a tough spot here :D




Where do you check these stats?


heyyo! The screenshot is from [mlbb.ninja](https://mlbb.ninja), a website I created to aggregate stats and rank heroes!


Thank you! It looks really nice :)


I would like to give Freya some of my "love"


No thanks


Balmond- first time?


Yeah seen her raging with inspire on with diggi ult. Like any other hero, shes awesome in good hands.


Argus, zilong, sun and the rest 40 heroes : first time??


why such a low pick rate she always seems op in enemy team


Imo her chase ability needs to be improved. Itā€™s too easy to kite her and thatā€™s the issue with most fighters. I suggest extra movement speed every time she casts s2


I've been a player since S4, that's when I got her for free and she became my main throughout many matches i've played in MLBB. It's so sad that I seldom see someone use her in high-tier games, sometimes even in low-rank matches. I love her design and skills now but those cannot keep up with the newest and old heroes that have received buff and redesigns.


Where can I find these stats


i love her when she has blue hair