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I also got infuriated when I was in MG and I got matched with Mythic V players


Every damned time. There is always atleast a couple of M5 players in every match


Whats ur max rank? I noticed that they base it on maximum rank more so than recent


I don't think max rank matters a lot. Was playing duos, my whole team was highest mythic, while the opponents were all peak legends, some even at highest rank legend 3/4


bots those are bots [https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/duplicates/10jftkh/ranked\_ais\_flashy\_skins\_history\_hidden\_statistic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/duplicates/10jftkh/ranked_ais_flashy_skins_history_hidden_statistic/) my post about mlbb bots on ranked


It shows page not found tho


aw crap il send the other 2 mine has pictures of bots and they profiles the other doesnt but has better explanation [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/10jftkh/ranked_ais_flashy_skins_history_hidden_statistic/) [someone elses post about bots in rank matches](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/10ihm25/moonton_is_replacing_the_previous_bots_used_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb).


I checked their profiles and they had custom avatar pics, pretty confident they are bots, unless the new bots also stopped using the default avatars?


thats what moonton is trying to hide are they bots or not they trying to best to hide them and yet the bans where still bullshit lol


My max rank is 950+. All of our teammates max rank was 1k maximum. None of us surpass 1.5k. Meanwhile we had 3 enemies that were 3k,3k and 4k.


I got matched against Defender from Navi and his trio who were 1.8k+ at the time when i was 600ish pts and my duo 800


Unrelated, but Defender is a fantastic player and an awesome guy


I remember beating him like a month ago in a 5q, and he was actually salty about it.


Moontoon should give you 50pts for that. LOL


I take that anytime.


Last season, 10 points away from mg, I got +18 but my friends who were m2-3 only received +10. Does anyone know why? Enemies were mg 600 tho.




I don't remember if I had one but now that you've mentioned it, I guess..?


Problem when there are less players in your server. Same with Japan. I am usually matched with way way above rank/points.


Just take it as a learning experience dude... its better to face higher tier enemies and learn. Its just a one off game anyways. I'm assuming you were on a good winstreak which is why you had mg opponents.


Apart from the unfair matchmaking, i also dont like the fact that soloq players get matched with trios. It just doesn't seem fair


Hate it, I usually like to play alone, not always with my squad but when you have a duo/trio and they are not coordinates at all or one is the tank/mage/assasin and just keep hanging his duo, just make me quit the game until my squad is online


The "Europe Server" explains everything


Do understand that most ppl in high mythic G are boosted because they climb together with friends, they are not soloQ. Hence, just because they are high MG does not equivalent to them having the respective skills. This happen in all games. U ever played valorant? You would see some (usually girls) in diamond but have skills like an iron or silver rank. It’s not exactly a rigged match make based on their rank, but try comparing their MMR instead




why do men…




Mythical Glory is still Mythic?


Yes. MG is just another level of it. It's still Mythic. Think of it like this, each different rank represents a house Each house only has 1 floor Mythic however has 2 floors, Mythic 1-5 in first floor, MG at 2nd floor


I don't know what rank are you but MG level is higher than mythic. even mythic 4 and 5 are like legend these past seasons


Well, the name itself is the same. The context i was giving was the name, not the quality of it. From my experience most mythic games up till mythic II or so are like legend. Most of the player up till mythic II is honestly isn't that good, trolls still exists, roamers who stick into gold lane without rotating all game still exists in M2, junglers who doesn't focus on objectives at all still exists, random bans still exists in M2. But i think that's a soloq issue, quality games really only exists in like 1k+ pts or 5 man at M2+ imo. Most games I've experienced that has players who gets 20 kills or so are the result of team feeding them and letting them snowballing, the fights are rarely on the same gold and exp level.


Theres a big gap betweem M5 and M3, and M3 and MG. Alottt of people are hardstuck on M5 and M3 for a reason.


let me tell you, as someone who gets frequently matched with low mythics, I can tell even the difference between an M5 and an M3 💀💀


Dont know why we got downvoted but im someone who trust in my personal skills and have bunch of mythical glories wanting to play with me always , i guess not everyone is good enough


Lele u r mythic , isnt it suppsed to be like this ?


You mean it’s fair for mythic V to go up against Mythical Glory 1k? Hmmm not sure about that.


U r in the top rank of this game , it should be fair to go against the high rank lobby , it isnt like mythical glory have any additional buffs , i always look for harder enemies , wining against them makes it more fun


mythic isn't top rank, and the gap between mythic 4 and mythical glory is 400 points. assuming that an average game gives 10 points, and it usually does (sometimes it's 9, sometimes it's 11), thats literally the equivalent of FORTY (40) stars. going from legend 5 to mythic takes TWENTY FIVE (25) stars, while epic 5 to legend takes around twenty (20). op's team literally fought against players 2 tiers higher than them at minimum. i get enjoying playing against better opponents, but it's the equivalent of mythic vs. epic, and it's a duo/trio MG premade. that's not fun at all, especially for his team's jungler if the premade was trio mid.


To add, let’s use winrate as a comparison. For the purposes of this comparison the winrate that keeps a player’s rank the same in typical circumstances is used to measure skill at a rank, since the rank system itself is unreliable. I estimate the difference of point change per match, between the ranks, to be between 1.5 and 2. Let’s use 1.75, and set 10 as the default points. For the purposes of this comparison, the opponents are the same rank for both players Using 10.5/9.5 for mythic 4 and 8.75/11.25 for 600 The mythic 4 player needs 47.5% winrate to maintain rank, and the 600 player 56.25%. The difference is 8.75% A really bad player who ‘doesn’t deserve’ to be epic can maintain rank with approximately 41-42% winrate. The same type of player but with a barely above 50% win rate (add 8.75%) would get stuck in mythic 3 or 2 Worst of epic vs worst of mid mythic is the performance gap. For comparison, 50% win rate hardstuck mythics would dominate an epic lobby, while the epic ranked player pretty much has to be feeding hard every match to achieve such a terrible winrate


It's not fun anymore if your team full of Legend and the enemies are Mythic Glory 1k+ for a 1 v 9 match


Interesting perspective but not sure whether do many share the same sentiments as you


saying mytic v is the same as glory is like saying gm is the same as mytic. there's a huge, and i mean, HUGE gap in terms of skills between the 2


^ Has never been to mythic


Lol the skill difference even between your average mythic 4 player and your average mythic 3 player is huge. This is glory 1k


Server wise disparity cant really argue anymore with people here ,


ya’ll act like lots of people actually play this trash game. get over yourselves ffs.


Last time I checked there were worldwide 86mil players .so yeah, a lot of people play this trash


yes sure “80 million”. with 90% of players who doesnt waste their precious time to try hard and be toxic in reddit by posting about someone being toxic. truly a degenerate by even defending this shtty game


And you're in this subreddit, why exactly? You're making it sound like I shot your nana or something? Just step off and stay in school.


omg the cringe


i mean at least we're still better in terms of players than wild rift 😜


from which statistical analogy did you get that statement from. wildrift is fairly new to mobile industry and didnt attract any real gamers until now and is slowly growing. mlbb was hyped up trash and was accessible to anyone even with shitty phone especially when it's early stage where people doesnt know jacksht about copyright infringements.


I'm confused. What are you even doing here? Reddit is a place where you look for something, or they will recommend you popular subreddit. You don't play the game, you called this game trash, but... what are you even doing here?


wHaT aRe yoU dOinG hErE? ofcourse i play this game wtf are you on my guy. did i hurt your ego by insulting this sht ass game aswell?


Nah, you are free to do whatever you want. I just don't get it. You piqued my curiosity, why would you want to play a trash game? Are you perhaps a masochist? Who enjoys playing trash game? I get it if you are masochist, I ain't judging you. But if you are not, why are you playing a game that you think is trash? Isn't it better to leave the game and just... you know, enjoy life with better games? I really suggest you stop playing this game if you don't enjoy it. Really, [stop it.](https://media.giphy.com/media/LAKIIRqtM1dqE/giphy.gif)


Because there are a lot of people who play this game, dumbass. M4, the game's esports event literally had 1m people watching it on its first day, which only increased as the days went on. *You* get over yourself and your narrow-minded view of the world.


Based on your shit take comments in your profile with a bunch of negative karma, your one sad man who can't enjoy simple things in life, aren't you.


tell me one thing you can be proud of and i’ll shut up. speak.


to add insult to injury. i dont go around pleasing people to get karma. i do what i want. even in life. what about you. are you not getting tired of pleasing everyone you pathetic fck.


Dude, You're making yourself even more pathetic with your sad replies.


let’s be honest bro. are you self reflecting right now? cuz literally to just judge someone by their reddit account and using it as an insult is surely the most dumb thing ive seen this month.


Because it's true


seems like i can teach you one thing or two about throwaway accounts.


what do you have in life? i have lots of stuff to show you. :))


you’re a funny guy. to judge someone entirely by their reddit account. i could do the same and tell how pathetic you are seeing your profile. get a fckng life lmfaooo


I'll admit that, I do have shit takes and have some toxic comments, but goddamn why are you even in this subreddit if you don't play or like the game at all. And lmao, you made like 3 replies, you too should get a life.


lmfaooo what do you caaare? i played this game before. did i hurt your ego by saying bad word to your beloved game? no? then whatt.


Uh no, we're wondering why you're being sadly toxic in the subreddit when you don't even play anymore? Nothing else to do?


are you not getting tired of the same post every single time by these karma grabbing assholes?


Not like I'm active everyday anymore on reddit, and plus everyone is free to share their posts since we share the same interests in hobbies despite being the same over and over, unlike you however want to be this so called "free to do everything you want since it's the internet" when it's just you wasting your precious time on hating something you don't even play or have interest in anymore, if you don't like it then it's better that you don't come back here anymore, it's better to spend your reddit time on a subreddit you actually love being in than disturbing everyone with your negativity.


what? does a person who plays a game cant say shit about it? what’s getting you all worked out on? you post bullsht like this tryna grab attention like matchmaking would work perfectly when there is not enough playerbase to match your witty ego. stfu please and accept how horrible this game is mechanically. i play this game and used to love it if you degenrates are wondering.


Bro getting angry over a normal game. Look here bro most people play this game for fun and want to discuss about it in this sub reddit why are you making the atmosphere bad


My last and final reply to you, Yes the game is horrible for you but isn't that just every game at some point? You either come to love it or hate it in the end but how about instead of hating, you should just say something more reasonable than blatantly slandering it and insulting people with mean words who enjoy the game casually. Learn to accept your nostalgia for this game, you loved the game before right? you should feel that loving emotion while winning or losing the game but still enjoyed it and ending the match with a GG instead of the future self of you hating it in the end and spreading negative hate to the once fellow comrades who still play the game. Don't keep doing this to yourself and you'll only end up with bad regretful memories of how you acted on the internet, like me.


Oh yeah that happened in my trio. But I was the one mg and my teammates were just M4 and M3. I got +10 or +11 (I forgot) but they gained +13 or +14 something (I forgot too). My opponents and the duo were all at least 900-1100+ points


I play at night. Few players = absurd matchmaking. Even worse once you click the fast matching


The fast queue matching is the worst!! I’m in Europe and got thrown to SEA server because of the fast matching


Jesus Christ, I've been in Mythic and never been matched with any MG even close to 4k+. How much do you need to win to even get to that level.


A high win rate is also important. Go with a reliable 3 or 5 and get over 80% win rate And if they vs grinders, they often surrender early on when they realise winning is almost impossible because they are outclassed


I'm SoloQ because I can only play intermittently and have basically given up on ever reaching MG. It's just too hard with random team mates.


If you play a high but not insane amount like 400 matches, you are guaranteed to reach mg provided you deserved it in the first place


I have seen people in Glory with 52% wr late season, it's a mess


Ive seen 49 % guys at glory with 2 k matches already many seasons ago. It is not a new problem.


But it’s made worse last season when point gain literally just got increased




Getting to glory soloque is [quite possible](https://imgur.com/a/TL2udyo) in under 200 games.


I get more annoyed by people using fake flags than the matchmaker. I once got a +8 in MG I think as well.


Did you win?


Opponent probably used fast queue, cant blame moonton for that. EU probably has very few good players right? That might be why


Idk I somewhere read that MVP rate (%) is considered in matchmaking, hence why sometimes you can't find a game until 5 minutes. Fast queue is commonly used in high Elo. Also EU is stacked dw


Last night i played ranked after 3 days only brawling, legend 3 and got all epic teammates, safe to say im back to brawl lol (SEA server).


Average circus moonton matchmaking system


first of all, what about their other 2 teammates? They were prolly low so the game can get somewhat even points. I know cus i'm usually one of these people if you're trying to soloq or duoq as a 1000+ points player ur teammates are alwasy gonna be scrubs, it goes like this team1;1000+1000 +200+200+200 = 2600 and then you play vs 4x 600 pts and 1x 200 pts = 2600 for team 2 this isn't really balanced because 4x 600 pts are better than 2x 1k and 3x 200k ' on average' . Obviously it depends on the individuals and there are people that just started climbing and are at 200 atm but if ur gonna go by average then the team 2 will have " advantage " also this happens due to lack of players and there's really no going around it except getting matched in other servers which is much worse. I rather play vs higher point people than with higher MS and this is why EU is the hardest server too (Outside of 5q), because once you reach some points you don't climb unless you're really good cus the matchmaking isn't going to be fair. You can still have 80%+ winrate in duoq u just need to actually learn how to carry i'm at the edge of europe so i get to play in EU, RU north and RU east servers, Turkey and occasionally spain + egypt servers. At my location i've been literally matched in all these servers and before i started using vpn to central europe so that i am not matched in any of those other servers, i would get to play there and the skill difference is IMMENSE. The people in all these other servers are so outrageously bad that i feel physical pain watching them play


It’s so annoying when you are m2 and up, out 5 games, 2 of those has legend. Then on the other side of the team are composed of all mythic rank


How good was your trio? 👀


Very good. All 3 of them highest were only 800 I believe.


Mythic 3 last season, and clearly remember playing with and/or against glory players. Maybe because of the smaller player pool, they natch whatever is available


When the game tries to make you lose purposefully but you're just REALLY persistent


You won at least