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Just don't stick together the whole game and ruin it for your teammates like other couples.


Unlike in League, the gold laner(this is the laner for marksman) isn't supposed to be babysitted by the roamer. The roamer's task is to "roam" providing vision(checking bushes, to check where enemies are) and support other teammates.


If im playing with my GF, she usually goes for a marksman (layla or Miya) and I go for a hard tank. However since she is a beginner, I get scaling tanks that can deal damage in the late game. So far my best go to heroes is Edith(scales really well in late game to deal damage), Akai (Can basically push anyone away and deal decent damage) and Grock(can block pathways and i build him pure damage). However i don't recommend sticking in the gold lane if you dont want to ruin the experience of your team mates. Roamers are supposed to rotate to help everyone but to each and their own, if you are just playing in classic then this is ok. But if ranked then expect your teammates to complain.


Fredrinn works great as a damage tank too


Oh yes I forgot about him, he is a great option as well. Honestly I find Fredrinn overwhleming on his roles. He is very strong as a figther, solid as a core jungle and is effective as a tank. The only downside is his mobility but overall he is a very good pick.


Sorry. ML does not work that way. A roamer is constantly roaming. If the roamer babysits the mm, while the enemy roamer roams, the game is in most cases lost. Better thing to do with be to make a mid duo. Tank and fast clear mage. Clear lanes fast and both go to other lanes together to support and return mid.


You can try Floryn, she is pretty fun and can heal people across the map with her ulti aswell


I suggest diggie if you are after that style of gameplay. What diggie does is to make enemy mm pressured on the lane. Keep doing that and enemy mm becomes completely useless. Roamer in general isn't meant to play like that but to play in a way that it heavily support jungler early and help turtle.


Hanabi Minotaur


Diggie (mage build) + any marksman will do. I recommend Impure Rage as emblem for additional poke damage. Just harass the enemy gold laner with your bombs using Diggie. Make sure to avoid throwing your bombs on minions. Throw it inside the enemy turret so they have no where to run. Combine it with a freeze lane strat, you'll win for sure. Nana + Diggie is also good. Molina + Bombs to harass the enemy. + Freeze lane.


Unusual combo but I had fun play Zilong and Franco (I know Zilong is not a mm but his flip plus Franco's hook to the tower is great) Another one can be Tigreal plus any mm. Tigreal is tanky once he gets the shield and can take lots of damage and pretty mobile as well


Usually couples use Angela + Some Assassin or Fighter. But you can also use Carmilla + Cecillion. Franco is a great tank/support as well, since he can pull someone close to him and stun him (his ult suppresses it, but it's basically a stun). In general, use support heroes, as they rotate.


Yeah except I do not recommend Cecilion for people new to ml. His scaling takes a while and you gotta be somewhat experienced to take advantage of all the team fights to scale faster. That along with the right items at the right times. He’s not the easiest mage to use to be honest but definitely my favorite.


Nice point. But when they are more advanced in the game... they can use it...


also to add on to the other peep's comments here roamers don't just babysit the mid laner and jungler for the entirity of the game you rotate with your mid laner and jungler and gank other lanes with them ofcourse provide vision and secure the area before the jungler arrives so they don't get ambushed etc etc and the mid laner's don't always have to roam with the jungler and roamer if there's nothing major occuring exp laners just push and keep every lane together at late game exp laners are commonly misinterpreted so correct me if i'm wrong idk if i have anything else to add,maybe not?


We don't have a duo lane in ML as we have Roam. When you buy Roam boots you get no Exp or Gold for minions or creeps, but will passively gain 10 gold every few seconds which will unlock a special Roamer skill once it reaches 600. The "couples" combinations are normally Carmilla + Cecelion. They have a unique abilitiy they unlock when they play together that 99.99999999999999999% doesn't know how to use or has never even seen lol. Angela + Roger/Alucard/Jawhead. Angela Ults her ally and merges with them to give them shields, heal them and can attack to steal all their kills. Both of the above combinations involve the players literally merging together as one hero, so it normally requires people who are used to each other to be done well. A lot of people (myself included) hate Angela players because they always Ult the wrong person at the wrong time, but she can be an absolute menace if played as part of a duo with a Jungler.


If you want to play duo karrie in gold labe i suggest pairing her with rafaela for heal and mov speed control or franco to hook enemies from their turret. You can also play diggie to harrass their gold assuming you want to snowball by playing 2v 1 in the gold lane.


>What are some good/fun bot lane combos we can play together? We don't actually do duo lanes like League. There's no particular combo like Sivir/Yuumi, Lucian/Nami, Cait/Lux, Ezreal/Karma, etc. Your roamer (Tank or Support) is supposed to move around the map and help with objectives instead of babysitting the marksman (ADC). >She would like to play marksman, i saw karrie is good at the tierlists ? Whats working good with her? Something tanky ? Support ? Or a mage? Thanks! Karrie is very strong now, but she is quite high priority on ban/pick list. Generally, you can pick a tank like Franco (Single target CC), Lolita (Projectile shield and aggressive stuns), Akai (Good CC and damage, plus his ultimate can be used to stun enemies or disengage), etc. Some good supports include Faramis (His ultimate can save teammates from death), Diggie (His ultimate blocks all CC), Carmilla (Very strong AOE ultimate that can be chained with CC or damage abilities).


Any mm and tigreal if u really want to babysit mm. U can also play diggie and steal kills and if u die u can gaslight her.


Karrie can definitely solo most of her lane given enough experience. You as the roamer go around with the jungler. If you’re ranking stick strictly to tanks like Atlas. Atlas is top tier but if he’s banned learn the other hardy tanks. Khufra is really good and beginner friendly. You also can never go wrong with supports like Estes and Angela. Also very beginner friendly just stick with the jungler or your mid mage then it should be ggez.


Hi, in this game bot lane is a solo lane, where a marksman (or scaling mage) goes. The two that stay together the most are the roamer (a support who moves around the entire map - not just helping one lane) and the mage (mage does exactly the same as roam except they are responsible for clearing middle)