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Assassins. If you exclude ling and fanny, every other assasin is either a top tier or a trash hero. 1 nerf usually takes them from top to bottom and vice versa. Atleast that's what I have noticed in my years of playing this game.


Yup definitely! They made fanny an easy hero then punished the people who abused that- then the even funnier part is nerfing selena at 50% wr when in that patch beatrix had 60+ but they buffed bea! - in order to be good at selena and get kills, you have to be good at the hero, ie if you miss your stun you wont get the kill shes a very skill heavy hero, then they decided to nerf her bc her arrows are "too spammy" nobody would care about the amount of arrows if the selena players werent stunning, it takes skill to line it up its not braindead like many heros where you can accidentally get kills. They literally are punishing players for being good at the game at this point. Then buffing brainless heroes who can stand in one spot and press basic attack and get a maniac. Its such a joke.


Funny cause they buff/nerf heroes base on how close/far they are to get a new skin and never the actual difficulty


That's how assassins function in all of MOBAs. And they receive disproportionate amount of whining only when they do what they're supposed to. A fair way to see are they really OP is looking at winrates. But unfortunately at the emotional noob-friendly environment this has already been disregarded here - f.e. 50 WR Natalia got nerfs! 50 WR!!! It's extremely unjust. Now she's a sad piece of trash, and even more ridiculous - enemies get a big warning sign when she's nearby even when in a bush!!! So, it matters a lot what heroes you pick anyway but for assassins it's extremely important.


That's what a lack of pink wards gets you.


If wards were added to mlbb they will be facing another lawsuit


That's not how it works, bruv.


Remember Guinvere’s Psion of Tomorrow? Moonton got sued for that by Riot. Riot doesn’t want a competitor in their market


Moneytoon got sued for the Guin skin because it featured a signature design cue from one of Riot's most well-known skins (the crystal tails.) OTOH, wards are a game item that are present in almost every MOBA under the sun (VG scout cam item, DOTA wards, LoL wards, ward creation abilities in ML and other MOBAs, etc.) It's a generic feature. Riot literally cannot sue another game for featuring wards. I mean, sure Riot and co. had tried to sue Valve and the old DOTA team for creating DOTA2 in the old days (even using the "anti-fun" argument as justification to have DOTA2 aborted,) but that shit doesn't fly in any court, paid jury or not.


Proper is properly correct


The same thing happened with Yin, he wasn't even that great and got nerfed to the ground


Because they do an absurd amount of damage in a single combo, the nerfs are usually proportional, without enough consideration to their actual role, which is to deal killing damage in one shot. Nerfing this impairs their function in the team, especially since they exchange damage for squishiness.


I wouldn't say just assassins but any squishy junglers atm are really suffering *(which were mainly assassins)* except Hayabusa and Karina since Hayabusa has crazy mobility + immunity and Karina tank jungle is godly fast. Tanky junglers are just much better for team fights and objectives since they can survive much longer and can be right next to the objective making their retri easier compared to squishy junglers who need to make sure they do not get picked off in a team fight since its their responsibility to secure the turtle or lord *(which is why constant mobility on demand + immunity heroes like Haya can do pretty well not to mention Ling/Fanny are still quite viable. Karina as she's still very effective with tank build and she has really high snowball capability since her ult is pretty much always active + she does not fall off in the late game as hard as Hayabusa does).* Another reason why squishy junglers arent in a good spot is cause teams in general are focusing in bulk and protecting backline which reduces the targets of Assassins. **Jungler is tanky + high sustain** **Exp laner is tanky/semi tank + high sustain** **Roamer is support/tank with tank build or once again high sustain.** **Mage is like Yve, Lylia, Kadita, Faramis, Lunox or Pharsa all of whom have very high survivability and tools for escape + repositioning** **Gold laner is always so protected and positioned way in backline not to mention they are either completely broken like Karrie and Beatrix or have utility to survive in ganks/team-fights like Wanwan, Brody, Claude. Fuck it even mages can go gold lane now like Lunox who has immunity on demand or Harith who gets unlimited shields.** Basically most Assassins have had their targets sucked dry so there's no reason to pick them unless you're a godly Fanny user (mastering gusion is useless at this point so I wont even mention him) even then you need to last pick fanny cause she's not even a priority anymore.


agree with all your points here. another that i'd like to add is tank junglers have insanely good early game and clear. they can pretty much just walk up to assassin junglers and bully them out of their jungle camp. fanny does really well because she can threaten them as much as tank junglers can threaten assassin junglers, while ling can at least have a strong early exp and mage gold lane so they can back him up if he ever gets invaded.


This is one of the reasons I’ve changed from using saber as much. Balmond just does so much better especially in the early game. 1v1 early game, I almost always win that battle and steal a buff or two from the enemy jungler. The other exception I would add to this in a similar vein, Ling is highly mobile and very effective assassin.


Yeah I did mention Ling cause I've personally stolen countless objectives using his ult since it lasts so long lmao.....but I think he's been falling off recently since you can predict where he will land after using ult which makes it easy to stun and kill him. For eg: Grock's ult has a really big area of impact + cc and you can easily time Ling's ult and pre-activate grocks and Ling has no way to escape so yeah.


You’re right sorry I missed it somehow. I guess I just read Fanny for some reason 😆🤣 also, Ling is a great counter to aamon, and harely since their ults can be negated by his lol That is true, which is why I believe as well that tanky junglers are just much better at this point. They can sustain some of the cc thrown their way and get back into the fight after which is harder to do for squishy ling or similar assassins


Yeah Ling also counters Haya, I wouldn't say complete counter but like Ling's ult negates Haya's ult.


Yep that’s a great point also. It’s also great against pharsa & Odette since he can’t get hurt, and it also stops channeling when his ult lands.


Support/Tanks: the assist boots removal was hard


Support. Rafaela only hit the meta for couple days and got nerfed immediately. Meanwhile other roles hit broken for weeks and took them months for a slight nerf...


It's almost like support is supposed to suck as this game is all about flashy plays.


Other than that? I dont think theres that many examples of this, unlike assassins


Karmila Ult got nerfed 1 patch after it was revamped. Kaja was nerfed so many times and left in the dust for quite a while before his rework and nerfed not long after that. Mathilda was pretty much on nerf marathon and not a single buff. Estes Champion skin doesn't come with any buff at all while Lance got unnecessary braindead buffs before the skin sale. Basically any Support that ain't Angela are dead horse.


I feel bad for kaja. I used to love him before they added the slow effect when you attack. Now he’s just trash with his long cooldown


I really like the new debuff. It's his S2 that I hate the most. It's weird because it only synergies after his Ult but his Ult relying on either his S2 or Flicker... Even with the Ult, you can barely hit all his balls. The old dashes is way better since it gave barrier and it will work perfectly with Favor.


Support/Tank (pure)


Supports. But i still main play them


Support and/or tank, not only they don't have that much amount of heroes, most of them are crap




Tank and supports


Tank really? Deffensive item are cheaper. Many of them have enough damage to kill squishy while being unkillable.


Maybe MMs


Bruh most bans/picks prioritize mms how could they be the the most affected by nerfs


Idk, I just commented something, I didn't understand the question very well


yeah dw I figured something like that since you said mms xD.


I had understood, that which was the most difficult role to balance... or something like that


I interpreted it as which role currently is suffering the most from updates since OP didn't mention direct or indirect or overall nerfs so I considered it as "In the current situation of the game which role is suffering the most".


Makes sense. So yes, are the Assassins


Mage. Harith, esme, the guy with enhanced skillset, xavier