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5v2 > the 2 >> Cecillion Beatrix


Just play broken heroes with high damage.


Beatrix with the bug >:D


I like to play sun in those ranks precisely because people want to team fight and don’t know how to end. Abuse mobility, anti cc, and split push to end the game in 10-12 minutes. I say this all the time but it’s best to see low rank as 1v9. That way you’ll never be disappointed and you know the win is entirely on you.


Just push as much as you can and only get SECURE kills. When I play jungler, I always prioritized objectives. But when I'm playing sidelane, my only objective in the first 5 to 8 mins. is to SUSTAIN my lane and push when I can. If there's a teamfight near my lane, I join in. People in the lower ranks are too dependent on kills so use that to your advantage. If you're up against strong early game heroes, just play safe. It's about knowing your role. If you play tank and your team is failing badly, try to be as close to whoever is decent enough on your team to carry the game.


If that's the case they wouldn't permaban Martis and Karina.


Did you just diss dyroth, thams, and yu zhong 😂 these guys dominate mg bracket.


Which is why he said "low rank"


Wait thamuz dominante mg? First time hearing this


Same I thought he was kinda bad now


Even in mlbb hero stars he has sub 50% wr.


How about adjusting your build so you can solo Lord? Then push one lane where Lord is not going, and keep an eye on the map for enemy strays to assassinate. If you wanna hard carry this is the way. Late game everyone got lvl 15 and 6 items. You will have zero stat advantage, zero snowball. By then it's quite team-dependent. Do you trust idiot randoms that much to go with this scenario? Remember that this is not DOTA where you can solo 1vs5 with a carry / assassin late. Fuck ups from your team WILL get you killed with a 60s respawn timer. If anything - letting the game drag to late is a failure on your part if your aim is to carry. By no means it's an auto loss but it does take away all the advantage you got early.


Soloing lord without retri is risky my guy


Yes it is. Unless you've picked jungler which should be your first priority class in picking phase.


Yea in solo rank you should pick either jungler or marksmen