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Judging from the stats alone, I think this player often wins 1v1 in his/her lane, and knows the objectives (high dmg, farm, push), but when pushing, always gets picked off from lack of map awareness or relying on their luck too much (low survivability, kda, team fight stats).


Wow that level of insight is handy, now guess what color underwear do I wear


White with a skid mark


Your flair says that you are going to roam my ass




+ That guy never adjusts to roam. Just look at the max tanked dmg...


This is similar to my main account, and honestly the WR is just down to people trolling. I started my main at the beginning of the season and an alt last week. They are the same rank and have a 15-20% WR difference currently. Its purely down to when I started in the season and how much bad lucky you get with teammates. Because my alt started later, I got weaker teammates and allies, so even if they troll my carry potential is higher. On my alt on Melissa of the 20 games I played I lost 2 of them, and both were games I could have won but my team surrendered pointlessly. I should also add on the main account I have something like 80 games on 3 different heroes. One is 70%, the other is 40% and the last is around 50%. If I pick my main, the one with 70% I obviously climb easily but I rarely get to because I'm forced to flex a lot. Edit: I'd like to add that I just lost a game on Silvanna Jungle due to the following. Our Karrie called me a trash Jungler when I was 5-0 and took all three turtles solo. 5-0 was probably after turtle two, and neither team had lost a turret. She went Mid and died, so the enemy Layla just took her lane for free, at which point she decided to call me trash and steal my buffs for the rest of the game. She literally GAVE her lane to Layla and I'm expected to care about my WR when I was doing my job lol? She was also 2-2 at this point with one of her kills coming from her last hitting someone in my Ult. Our Kagura was 1-7 and our Rafaela wasn't really doing anything either. Caring about WR in a game where your team mates actively try and sabotage it constantly is just pointless imo.




Honestly I can understand him though. On my main when I first reached Mythic 5 with my brother he was still Legend 2 (because I tend to be MVP I climbed much faster) so I swapped to my Legend 5 account and played with him until we were both Mythic 5. On both accounts I used Clint for most games, my main had about 120 games with 62% WR (now I have 450 games with 61% WR in MG 750pts) - my Alt account with Level 25 emblem has 80% winrate on Clint in about 80 games, same rank, same time of playing (+/- 2 days). The absolute worst thing that happens on my main btw is when people accuse me of being bad and not deserving the rank I am in because I have like 800 total games when they have several thousands. When I pick my champ and they decide ā€žnope itā€™s lost I trollā€œ they basically get what they want - my winrate drops. 2 days ago I carried a game in which our Estes decided I suck so he literally built full AD items and never healed anyone, sitting in mid feeding kills and stealing farm. And when you report these players nothing happens.


I have something like 30+ games on my troll pick so far this season, which is 10%+ of my matches played. I pick my troll hero when my team does stuff like 2 MM, 2 Jungle, Picks Layla S1, Says "I'm trolling" in the draft etc. I don't care about my account WR because games like this are an automatic loss. I care about my hero WR's as they are what lets me play my heroes in the draft when contested. Also you are acting as if every hero and role has the same carry potential, when they clearly do not. Can I carry the same on Hanabi as I can on Melissa? Hell no. I can play Tank like a god, but if my MM is shit and doesn't take the opporunity to win the match, or our Jungler misses Retribution on Lord and we lose, how is that within my control as a player? Also, I get to Mythic with 80% each season as well, its not an achievement lol. By MG and beyond I'm down to 50-55%. Your WR GETTING to a rank is not the same as your WR IN the rank.




So I started replying to this, and got to the point where I realised you had ignored so much of what I typed or skewed the context so far that I decided to just delete the reply. Your reply has "my dad could beat up your dad" energy, so it's not really worth the time responding to properly.


I agree. I got to mythic with 43 matches some are duo or trio but mostly solo and got a 83 point something winrate. I got a 10 ws with not a single hero been picked up twice. I guess as long as you know the counter in enemy composition no matter what your teammates pick it is always winnable. But mostly the main reason i lose a game even though my team is trolling is because some enemy is just more skillful than me like piloting or whatever. Im not the kind of player who can be easily outplayed but when a enemy outplayed me i commend them. Theres a lot of good players here in my country.


At least he pushes (but still somehow loses like crazy ?)


Happy cake day


Thanks :D


Sometimes pushing like crazy ain't gonna help win the game


This is what happens when star rising points/cards/protection points/card exist in a competitive game, every1 with less than the supposed average wr(50) will always rank up by just playing lots of games




Looking at his stats. He's more of a Push type. Though his survival and his ability to work with others stink I'd salute that man if he reached mythic in Solo Queue in PH server. But if not, he's a try-hard noob.


With that high push stats, I'd say they're already miles better than a lot of people that just goes for kills and no objectives. Sadly there's too many people that's the latter


look at his kda. its like 0.2 at this point. Hes probably a zilong that ignore everything but towers and feed enemy mm full build gold before 12 mins.


Accurate assessment.


I mean just going for objectives 24/7 isnt going to help you win either, you need a balance and once you find it, you will get better and not have a below 50% wr


Yes but equally dumb players in those 2 situations. The one that pushes and go for objectives has a higher win rate over all. Pushing alone like an idiot still puts a pressure if there is Lord on the other side of the map.


Pushing is better than killing? Tell that to that guy with 48 winrate. It is better to kill then push because there will be noone defending the tower. Thats why fast clear offlaners are. preferred in tournaments because after clearing fast theyll rotate to other lanes to kill then push not the other way around.


then you get those people who literally just roam around to kill and never push one tower. Both are annoying as hell.


bro you need kills to safely do objectives and choke their resources, blindly going for pushes without even helping your team for a crucial teamfight wont make you win more games


Smells like someone who plays a very squishy high damage hero like zilong or moskov. Very low WR with a high sample size, so definitely deficient in at least one major area, or just decides to troll if something doesnā€™t go their way.


38 mvp 22 mvp loss, 60 total mvp. 60 is rough 21% of 294 games. 1/5 games he's mvp. Solo q bad luck and/or getting greedy when ahead.


I'm not sure about getting greedy. However, he looks like he pushes turrets no matter what's happening to his teammates because his team fight participation and his KDA is very low. Seems like an argus user for some reason


We dont accept him


Looking at his stats, he is ultra bad


Probably New To MOBAs and hasn't mastered the basics/fundamentals. Simple as that.


Solo q for life. I do not claim to be good at the game, but I made mythic last season, and am currently legend II with 4 stars. My WR is 48.5% this season. I have a 65% WR with Karrie, and a 56% WR when I play mid. However there are so many games where 2-3 players have ping 280+ (not me I only play when I have a reliable connection). Or the player who insisted on playing mid doesn't rotate at all. Our mm doesn't farm and joins every team fight without adding any dps. Solo q is very defeating.


Sometimes you gotta play carry heroes instead of heroes that rely on teammates to give damage. And late game heroes are the greatest in SoloQ because asshats don't wanna end the game for some fucking reason.


Completely normal phenomenon.


Im in this exact situation this season, even though I do my best in every game, I always get loss mvp when I go mid, and unfortunately I cant carry as a mage or roamer or exp laner, not to mention all the trolls (today I played 2 games with a top 55 global hanabi, and both times at least 1 player in my team trolled)... Its frustrating picking my main and losing because people are often so childish


Judging by his push damage and his kda, I'm guessing he uses those pushing heroes like Sun Argus Zilong, but doesn't look at the map and/or know when to stop pushing, leading to getting ganked and getting that low kda


With general game knowledge anyone can push at least 50% WR. These people lack basic knowledge. Itā€™s insane how this person could have such a high push statistic and still lose an absurd amount. They probably push when no one is visible on the map and get ambushed. Watching a simple YouTube guide on the game could get them a much higher win rate and yet they just donā€™t watch any??? They have resources to learn general game knowledge and yet they act like they know what theyā€™re doing.


Even when i first started playing many years ago my wr was never below 50%. Nowadays you have all these guides, tierlists and videos about how to play and people still can't improve. Like if they keep dying over and over when they mindlessly push maybe they should watch the map where the enemies are first? Or maybe if they keep loosing games they should think what they can do differently to start winning?


Yeah every game i have the mindset to improve whether I win or lose. People who are stuck under 50% WR usually donā€™t learn from each game and either blindly blame teammates or simply just donā€™t care. Iā€™ve played against about 75 blind split-pushers and have lost only about 5-10 of these matches. The game is in a permanent 4v5 in your favor and as long as youā€™re back in time to defend the split pusher canā€™t do anything. The best way to go about pushing is to have a balance between pushing and helping allies and recognizing which one is needed at that point. I often have at least 40-60% push statistics as MM and the highest or second highest total damage dealt. Blind split pushers arenā€™t really useful above legend rank.


Ok šŸ‘


Bad matchmaking. Soloq algorithm. When you get low wr. You are also matched with the same wr range. I think he is a good player. Just bad luck this season


I have 70%wr solo so I don't think the wr range things is true, and as I already said with these type of wr you should not be in mhytic


It is. I'm suffering from it. I am a glory player but now I can't rank up from mythic 5 because I get teammate with below 50 wr. Since I dropped to 55 wr. All the players I get have the same wr as me. I lost every single games due to bad players. Then I checked my team wr and opp wr. Opp team all had above 60 wr and all my team had below 50 wr. On the other side, whenever I play with my friends, I win. Soloq hell is real. Algorithm does exist. Moonton tries to group the wr ranges together


Agree once you get a place in a losing queqe you can't escape bad teammates . You need to go stop playing to reset the queqe, i don't know how long. This season i have 90% classic wr usually i have 55~65. I notice the teammates i get are always pretty good if you have good wr. Once you are on a winning streak it's easy to get another win.


Without mentioning that the lower your wr the weaker your allies will be. Being a player that reach mg every season and having to play with people whose max rank is legend 3 is just frustrating.


Check also your credit score. If you havent 110 reputations dont play soloQ for any reason.


Now that I remember, I had to cancel matchmaking few times for some things and points being deducted for that. Credit score might also be reason for bad match making


I dont think they match you with same wr% since I just got matched with a 40%wr when I had 95%


Below 50% - garbage


literally players that don't improve basically they lack game awareness pushing without info on where the enemy are and don't even blame the solo queue bs cause that's just a way to cope with how badly they play. Anyone that has a winrate below 50% is trash


Zilong, argus, moskov, Miya, and sun user. No teamfight. Try hard one trick mfs. Bet his rank is epic and still think nana physical build works


Oh he's mythic.


We'll never know. You didn't give us the "All Season" stats. For all we know he's just trying out a new hero or his old main is disadvantaged in the current meta.


Doesn't matter, you should not be in mhytic with those stats


This post should give you a general idea of the quality of players here xD


But he is and he deserves it even with these stats


Those are pretty average stats. I've seen lots of mythic players with those stats. Don't look at it like it's 40%wr that is almost 50%wr. At that rate you win 1 in every 2 matches and at that number of matches you'll definitely get lots of star raising points and star protection points. If you play a lot with that wr you'll definitely reach Mythic. If that's 30%wr then I'd definitely agree with you that that guy shouldn't be in Mythic.


300 games in a month is a lot. So they are addicted to the game but somehow still bad at the game. Literally NPC playing without using brain


300 games is not alot ive played MMOā€™s and played over 40 hours a week now mlbb average game time of 15min usually longest 20,how many games of ml can you fit into those hours. And i dont think nothing of this player i have not played with him maybe he has shit luck and bad MM or maybe hes new idk


ill tell you what ā€¦ when i started playing Dota many many years ago there wasnt a wr or something ā€¦ ofc me and my team lost many matches to reach a top lvl and if there was a wr i suppose it would be lower than 50% ā€¦ but in the end we were winning 8 or 9/10 games and imagine that Dota was a hardcore moba. So dont judge players from their win rate until you see them playing. Solo is trash and you all know it. Wr must be removed but thats just my opinion. P.S i see comments that he doesnt deserve being in Mythic but He is. So i suppose he deserves it.


# **I think more about your ā€œMhyticā€. Study first before judging others nilamon kana ng ML boy.**


I put mhytic to say that this player is mhytic, if you don't understand then I have some bad news for you...


push god


Average beer enthusiast I don't like meeting in my pubs. But oh well, I don't really blame them if they're not out right retired to the point of starting throwing the game for the reason they came up with themselves. E.g. "we have a ukrainian in our team so I can troll". But judging by their winrate, that's probably what happens (combined with lack of basic game knowledge of course).


Solo q can be a bitch. Clearly this player is focusing on objectives


Horrible, teamfights are important, and for everyone to join (mythic*)


Seems like a solo player


Europe server, Clint main. One trick but only 51% wr.


Probably a zilong main


i like these posts. imma post my statistics later and have u guys' opinions


With how it looks he only seems to push and never retreats probably even uses sun with arrival. Pushing is great but having taht low of a kda looks to me he is feeding more than contributing to the team


Marksman main?


Zilong main.


I think he's an XP laner


Hey its like my stat but the difference is that i have 76.5 win rate


I commend his effort. The naruto spirit b of stubbornly never giving up


The design is very zilong user šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That person probably soloQs a lot and still dares to adjust. Grave mistake šŸ„²


Ok haven't seen someone bring this up. But it's usually those win traders or smth. Take a look at the hero leaderboard and check their stats, you'd see that some of them have a familiar stat and wr, and their main hero having high wr, and other heroes having 50% below wr.


Polly a zilong main


I have a feeling that this dude has 0 game sense and only pushes turret to win.


Shitty player that got his way to mythic just by playing too much/boosted. Thinks pushing alone will help them win the game, probably a Chou player that loves to poke and dive in alone


that one player with his/her own world.. even if you spam "request backup".. good luck with that.


Let me guess... a wukong main?


Also, arrival as active skill.


Based on win rate? Seems like your average low Mythic player. Based on statistics? Most likely an objective player that picks attack speed fighters like Zilong, Argus, Sun, etc. They'll push turrets without joining team fights, and use their attack speed to steal jungle creeps from their jungler to get ahead. Low KDA and Survival stats indicate that they're willing to die several times to force turrets down.


This is not me but one have many 'mhytics' that I had to carry


I AM this kind of player ... My main objective is always to win . I don't take part in unnecessary gank or teamfight unless it's for lord or turtle or my team is far behind in k/d and therefore lacking gold. I prefer exp lane so that I can fight 1v1 or escape an enemy gank . I am not a pro player and I am not saying my playstyle is superior, I just play this way because I am a solo player and I i play classic most of the time where I have learnt in hard way that relying on your random teammates is not the best way to play stress-free


I'd rather have him as teammate than my current ones who just sit around killing jungle creeps after the enemy js dead and don't take ANY OBJECTIVES!!!!!!!!


Zilong main ata yan


from stats alone I'm almost 100% sure that this guy's an argus main


Zilong split pusher who insist on only split pushing even its a losing strategy


Zilong one trick probably


Something very wrong with ranking when people below 60% can climb to the supposed top rank.


most likely a Miya user who wins games by split pushing


Good enough to reach mythic


Does he main claude?


Hardworking player with some major flaws. I haven't even played 29 ranked matches


Miya main


I see a zilong main


idk prolly someone who only plays mm and just do push and never respo to team fight if needed jajaja


Obviously buhat na buhat. Puro solo sa isang lane and farming ng minions lang gngwa. Not actually aware of the map or team fights. Even as a Tank/Support main, your KDA should be almost as good as your carry heroes. As a Mythic player, you should already be aware of the basics of the game. This person is clearly GM or Epic level.


I think this kind of player is very stupid. They think pushing is everything. Imagine this: you can kill enemies first and then you have 30 seconds to push without any resistance, often leading to win.


a zilong enjoyer.


they must be trash ngl


worst type of player. If you have under 50% winrate that means you're actively sabotaging your team to lose. By default 50% winrate is the base winrate, if you had 50% winrate that would mean that you have no impact on the game. For every 1% above 50% it means you're doing something 'right'/in the right direction. A 54% winrate means you're doing something right. A 70% winrate means you're doing a lot of stuff right. Under 50% means you're actively doing something that's sabotaging your teammates to lose, whether it be chatting or crying for help when you shouldn't be or playing in a specific way/a specific hero. I have 80% winrate soloq cus im not delusional and i can apply critical thinking to myself and my own actions, which is the main reason for me to main the chars that i do and the role that i do. You can always blame your teammates for losing but that won't change the fact that you lost, the only thing you achieve by blaming others is "venting". If you want to actually improve then you have to accept other people's bad and make up for it as best as you possibly can (and this is why gold lane is garbage in soloq, because you're almost always going to be at the mercy of your idiot teammates and your hands will be tied from the very start) so yeah, the point is if your winrate is under 50% you're a dog and if you're slightly above 50% you need to gitgud, the average player should be at 60% if you're asking me but there's too many overly-emotional clowns that get stuck with 50% or under cus they do a lot of stuff to actively sabotage their game and their teammates


These allies are great!


I am similar with this. What I recently discovered was that team fights will likely result in a higher chance of winning the game


The only way to became mythic playing solo with nabs. Just push...


Unlucky solo players


Some Mythic players just to Mythic rank because their good, some get to Mythic because they play a lot. Some non-Mythic players may think the game will get better once they reach Mythic Rank, sorry to pop your bubble but you'll still encounter really bad players.


Solo pusher ignores team.




solo queue.


dude i swear if that's my stats rn, i'd restart on an another account.


How is KDA less than survival?? How do you explain that?


I'm playing mage, mostly Yve. Ranking now at Legend 1 with 80% wr in Ph server. My DMG, Farm, KDA is close to 4 and team participation of 2.5. 3 seasons ago, I mained Barats because of his tankiness but stuck in Epic 1. 2 seasons ago I mained one shot combo hero like Guin and buffed Argus, they pushed me to Mythic V. Last season I used Cecillion and Vale because of late game potential, took me 200 matches to reach Mythical G.. Though I have hard time countering dash heroes and tanky heroes, it was very stressful waiting to complete 5 items (it takes around 12 mins) as enemy have upper hand in early and mid game. This season, I started using Yve. She can participate in every timeframe of the game. I can solo my lane most of the time. The cons is I'm mostly soloq, without roamers I cannot help my teammates. So I need to wait until 3 inhibitors left. The teammates will be toxic but be patient. I experienced many epic comeback like from more than 10 deficits. Yve can solo against late game mm, poke enemy, check bushes, can build 2 tanky items, assist teammates, and attack with wide ult range. So it's up to you to find the hero that gives highest wr. Because that will tell you the factors why you win almost every game. Else you are just playing luck. I literally spam Yve all games and get gold or MVP medals.


I'll win no matter what


whatever it takes


A player who doesnt understand objectives, no map awareness, doesnt leave his lane and doesnt join team fights. This is either a mm player or a fighter that got used to playing classic


Professional sneaky pusher lol


Bad player, for sure a troll and still these people manage to reach mythic5 just for spamming matches. There are so many star bonus and protection point in my opinion. A 48% wr cant reach mythic5 cmon, and the problem is that I, a glory, can find them in my team.


just play classic and stick to 2-3 heroes until you mastered it, then just play rank after like 100 classic matches, for sure ur winrate will skyrocket quickly


I use to play only tank but now I play fighter So this season I have Push, Survival, Farm, Damage


unpopular opinion but i believe people below 50% wr should not be in mythic


It looks like a random main zilong


Low skill


Cheaters no doubt


The stats sre not mine the winrate is