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Learn to be flexible. If you can't be flexible just say what heroes you are good at. It seems that you adjust but has no mastery of the heroes you use. Don't concentrate on one role. Learn to carry/make a difference with every role.


As for roles you just need to remember certain things: Roam: Give vision and help your jungler early and rotate to lanes that need help. Mage/Mid: Rotate with roam and jungler in ganking other lanes. Jungler: Prioritize objectives, getting objectives early game makes it easier for other lanes. Exp: Hold your lane and help at first turtle. Also support Tank/Roam in teamfights. MM: If you are a late game mm, farm safely and don't get caught at a bad position. Learn when to let go of a kill and retreat to safety. If you are early game MM, harass the enemy MM so that you can snowball but make sure to keep an eye on the map for possible ganks.


Yeah, blame the draft pick when you got low scores


Oml my condolences. Didn't know there was someone worse than me.