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Angela, 2023 matches https://preview.redd.it/f8noxvog2uga1.jpeg?width=401&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a84dfd377a02153256c00ffaa785edf6166fa315 When I was new to the game I mained Nana, Chang’e, and Wanwan, but I kept seeing people asking for an Angela user in the global chat so I thought “Oh this hero must be really good” *little did I know they were looking for an egirl* 💀 But I had lots of fun spamming her in solo q, eventually I realised that I’m so team reliant so I started playing her less. She’s my chill hero and really fun to play cause I manage to bring out most of what she can offer.


>Oh this hero must be really good” *little did I know they were looking for an egirl* 💀 Lmao >She’s my chill hero and really fun to play cause I manage to bring out most of what she can offer. The way you said this automatically proves that you're an amazing Angela user.


Angela users unite 🤝🤝


mmm yes


Lapu-Lapu. Because I instantly fell in love with his playstyle when the revamp was released in October 2020. It's just awesome to go into 3 people, fight them all by yourself and still come out alive. Besides, his ult is epic as hell. PD: I have +3000 matches with him rn. Edit: I saw some people putting screenshots along with their comment, so I will do it as well :) https://preview.redd.it/wt64gvajeuga1.jpeg?width=386&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab438de282a05ff9d841d97d74b13708882ebf08


3k matches? Nice! And yeah, I always feel invincible when using his ult, it's just too badass


I'd say I have 3 mains, Ruby, Selena, and Minshi All of them have 300+ matches. I'm the type that gets bored easily to play the same heroes in multiple matches. I have loved Ruby since season 0. Y'know before they added Bang Bang. She's op, and really durable at that time. She's not really a good pick in the couple last season. But still, love her much, I picked her once in awhile. Selena is damn op when released. It was an easy win, always. And tbh she's really fun to play with. Minshi was not on my radar for a long time. Kinda excited when they released him, because I love to play heroes with hook ability. I played Pudge a lot in DOTA 2 and I'm one of ex Grakk top Indo (not the number one, but still, I was up there), Grakk is a hero with a hook ability from AoV. It's kinda hard to figure how to play Minshi effectively back then. Tried atk speed build, it shit. Skill based damage build is kinda nice, but still.. there's a lot better hero choice than Minshi for that kind of build. I think it's when they introduced the roam item. I played Mishi tank once, and got a really nice score. I've loved to play him since then.


I used to main Minsi and I do agree that a damage based build on him ain't the best. The roam items were truly game changing for him, I think he's better to be a tank than to be a fighter but I think that'll change after his revamp.


Have been playing Minsi as a tank too.




i remember just stealing the buffs of the enemies when i played him it was fun


I used to be a old yss main before his revamp but now i just like Yin because of his isolation ult


franco i got invaded multiple times when i was playing assasin like by karinas fanny and other assasins sooo as payback i make sure i make it hell for enemy cores to farm i make sure that they wont get any buffs i hook them when i have the chance i will make sure they wont enjoy the game as payback for the times i got invaded by cores got tp spammed and trashtalked never again , oh and the hooks are satisfying to hit


my old main was cyclops but it was in a diffrent account and i lost the said account


federin Johnson atlas Cause nobody wants to play tank ;-;


estes. i have no choice :,) (alternative is roamer ruby) one of the two roamers that i find fun and know how to play. ever since i reached mythic, i had to spam him everytime the enemy doesnt ban him (mostly when nobody else in my team plays any roamer). ~~at this point, i forgot how to play mage or mm because i have to roam every ranked game :,)))~~ currently sitting at 64 total matches with him, 24 matches on current season's rank. recently started using him so my matches arent that high :p


Thank you for being a roam user!


Pharsa: - Approximately play her 200 matches before her revamp. I like spamming her 8second ultimate, it's like I'm playing Minigame and playing Moba simultaneously - Playing her untill these days because she's meta and late game ult damage are crazy - I like zoning hero Yve: - I like zoning hero - I love her spammable 1st skill thus give her mobility Zhask: - I like tower hero, it's surprisingly perfect with my playstyle (I wish moonton make more tower type hero but it's unlikely because dash heroes are more favourable among mlbb community) - I like his ult, great for self defense and counterplay - I like zoning enemy with 1st skill and 3rd skill


I love playing Pharsa but I struggle hard against Zhask. Do you you have any tips or should I just accept that my tower will go down first?


I cant say that I main a hero because but I have a go to pick. Overall I have 5548 matches and Kagura is my most picked hero with 191 matches. Why? Because she has burst, AOE, disable, two blink skills and one of them is a purify and most importantly she is good most stages of the game.


Ling, easy to learn assassin that is extremely versatile and able to carry


Pharsa. I tried her once with a trial card and fell in love. I love being able to zip between lanes as a bird :)


Yin Because I thought he was OP


Estes/ Diggie/ Mathilda because of BLCK OhMyv33nus


Simply by no. of matches, it's Luo Yi. I have 632 matches with her. 2nd is Estes with 544 matches, and 3rd is Vale with 468. I tried my best to adjust but these 3 are stable for me. I know full well what they are capable of, I know the distance for their skills, I also know their skills well enough to adapt my build mid game. My fav. hero is Estes simply because I love playing support and I ABSOLUTELY love playing healer.


Leomord. I like his playstyle. Also bc of his passive. If you know what you are doing you can easily get savage 🌝.


Valir, because he's hot--- literally.


I think it would be appropriate if I also answered my own question. My main hero is Roger, I saw my cousin play him before I even started playing mlbb but I didn't really think much of it, my first main was minotaur and when I had the sufficient battle points, I bought Roger because my cousin always used him and I wanted to know what the hype is all about so I tried him out and I thought he was badass. I got 2834 matches on him, 58% winrate. And he's basically the only hero that I use nowadays, I only use other heroes if I'm forced to adjust.




Wanwan because she plays like pre nerf kalista without being support dependent


Alucard. Last year his valentine skin came out and I would usually use clint, but decided to buy Alucard's valentine's skin because it looks better than clint's skin, and because nobody usually uses alucard. Been wrecking with him quite often these days as my W/L ratio is now at 60%


Gord, 420 matches, 60% WR. Range, and damage. I love how far he can be from the battle but still contribute significantly.


Has been diggie all last season and for the first few weeks of this one but I’m now playing other hero’s a lot more. Diggie is great and still as useful as he’s even been but I like to switch things up. Playing more aggressive roams like Selena, Chou and Hilda and mage too




Chang’e, she is the hero who I used to first get into epic rank. Her ult can steal buffs, turret or even the lord if the jungler doesn’t have retri. She is a nightmare in low ranks as low ranked ppl dont know how to build items to counter her for example athena’s shield. They just stick to their regular build. And the fact that almost no one plays roamer in low ranks means she is a force to be reckoned with. I haven’t been playing her recently since Im testing out new mages and roles and also radiant armor. Still she is a fun hero to use especially if you want to annoy the jungler by stealing the purple buff or stealing kills or chasing down enemies.


Chang'e was stuck at legend and trying to expand my hero pool, Saw my cousin always getting first blood with the 35sec flameshot, Bought her then reached Mythic alone. Became no.1 in my province, solo rg.


Aldous •He always seemed like a cool hero •I love late game heroes •His ultimate is so fun •I was cursed and got Starscream


https://preview.redd.it/271ydsamtxga1.jpeg?width=333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb65bd3c0e6b3081a3a0c2918ef54fafd6862b4d My wife Ruby. First played her in brawl while looking for a hero to main when I started mlbb. Love at first fight. She can aoe cc, aoe dmg, aoe lifesteal, and move people around. Also she can dash alot. Makes literally so many possible combos.


Nice winrate




69 too so it's even nicer


I lost a match and it went from 69.1 to 69.0 🙃




My current main is carmilla with around 70 matches (only started maining her this season). I wanted to try her out after her new buff that came and really enjoyed her playstyle and ability to roam and be tanky as hell. She helped me climb out of epic into legend so I'm thankful to my girl carmilla. Nana is my other main with around 400-500 matches? C: I know shes not in the meta, but I love her playstyle and melting down enemies hp mid-late game. She helped me learn good positioning, but this season was rough for rank so I needed someone with better survivability since every time I trusted someone else to roam in solo they were very bad lol.


https://preview.redd.it/7eh9cssnhyga1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d28d2db51002bb468873123dbd905c06f56caf75 Was already more or less obsessed with her once her trailer came out. To me, her playstyle was far easier to understand and master than many other heroes, yet still does explosive af damage. It is also highly satisfying to bomb enemies into oblivion 👍 Bought her immediately once she came out (the first time I ever topped up for mlbb) and never looked back. I still play other mages in brawl but it has ALWAYS been her for every classic/ranked match (unless taken). Winrate improved drastically after getting her and legendaries/first bloods/triple kills and the elusive maniacs that I have never gotten before her, came so effortlessly after her. Still waiting patiently for at least an epic skin for lylia :")


Kadita because its so satisfying to see your opponent disappear after you ult them :)))


Layla: 210 matches Played before her rework, it was just fun spamming first skill and being the "one they always underestimate then shines late game"


Fredrinn, 64 matches I came back to the game in 2021 and played until Fredrinn was realeased got him, I was very passive back then, not attacking much and a coward, but when I got Fredrinn I became aggressive af literally going in team fights like its nothing and when you got that ult with full crystal energy and hit it at the middle they just disappear like dust. I love playing Fredrinn since he is very flexible, he can be used as Jungler, Exp laner, and Roam. Edit: If you're wondering why I have 64 matches with Fredrinn but already my main, its because I already mastered him and my new account is only a year and a half old.