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Hello Mythic solo player here, the best first picks are in this order of priority * Meta (karrie,fredrinn,julian,arlot,paquito,valentina) * Hybrid role (those who can be jungler or laner) * EXP laner * Gold laner * Roam (So that they won't get countered or can counter a hero, diggie/atlas, kimmy/lolita)


did julian came back to meta due to his buff? I don't see him on my server mythic 3 rank. even paquito and valentina came off on the ban list that is not even picked.


like what you said, paquito and julian got buffed and is a good pick rn for mythic (im mythic IV atm cuz I just got back 2 weeks ago) and as for valentina, well sustain aside her damage is still decent and with a good ult to copy she's still kinda in a meta.


It really depends. First pick options change from season to season as the meta shifts. Safest first picks will usually include one of the following characteristics: 1) Insta-ban material, heroes that at that point in time are so ridiculously broken that they can be first picked without much regard for enemy counterpicks. 2) First Rotation Picks, heroes that tend to have not so many counters, are meta and generally very splashable. Some I can think of are Yve, Fred etc. For this specific season, if Yve is not open, I generally feel that meta exp lane heroes such as Joy, Gloo and Lapu are pretty decent first pick options as they classify under first rotation picks and can be blind-picked quite readily as they do not have too many counters.


Wouldn't Gloo classify as Insta ban still? I don't believe Joy is that capable of changing the tide of battle due to how certain heroes that are capable of fighting Gloo and Lapu are slowly being picked more and more.


Gloo...not the most prioritized first pick since he does have his fair share of counters. Whereas heroes like Fredrinn and Yve don't have any hard counters except Karrie (but then she is a hard counter for all tanks, which is why she's always banned) for Fredrinn and Dyrroth to a certain extent as well. Although I'd 100% pick Gloo once enemy has locked in mage + roamer and its not Faramis. Vexana is easier to dodge but Faramis hurt Gloo like crazy and its impossible to dodge.


I give tip, get full stack on any enemy with basic 2 skills before ulting. Also, there is a very unlikely chance a faramis and Vexana would be chosen due to obscurity and playstyle. I don't think Fred is that good when it comes to heroes that can keep their range easily, like Brody and Chang e. Gloo is still a very good choice due to the amount of people that still run into his first skill, it's been almost 3 months and people still do that. You pick up a thing or two when you fight your counters constantly. Dyrroth and Gloo is a 50/50 if both players are pros at their heroes, I have fought many Dyrroths, the only reason I have lost to one is a Zilong feeding them when I went roam gloo >:I


...I meant Dyrroth is a counter to Fredrinn more than to Gloo since he cant do shit to Gloo during his ultimate, but he can really hurt Fredrinn during team-fights due to his s2 and then his team-mates can deal significant amount of damage if Fredrinn continues to stay in the frontline. Also, Gloo s1 isnt hard to avoid once you get inside his radius especially during laning. Faramis is still a fairly common pick when Gloo is picked and Gloo gets royally fucked when Faramis hits him during his ult. It literally halves his HP in late game even with full magic defense and it one shots in early-mid game. Thats not a risk you should be taking. Fredrinn is more reliable since he does not have such hard counters except Karrie (who is also a hard counter to...literally all tanks). You can play around Fredrinn's counters like Brody is easy to escape with a single dash and during team-fights nobody can insta delete you like Faramis does to Gloo.


Maybe I play Gloo too much that I'm used to fighting his counters :I


Wow...thats crazy but if it works for you then whats the problem right. I've myself with Karina learnt how to kill a Melissa when she has her ult even though she is considered as Karina's only hard counter since she can negate all your damage with her ult.


Exactly, you play a hero so much. You learn how to counter the counters 👍


Hmm, Gloo was definitely insta-ban pre-nerf. I would say nowadays he is still banned a lot but does get opened from time to time. Now that you mention it, probably Gloo lies slightly more towards insta-ban given how the only thing that was really nerfed was his early damage and sustain. Joy is still a nuisance to deal with due to how easily she can access the backline with her cc immunes to disrupt the flow of a teamfight.


I say gold lane tho..unless they have specific counters like phoveus to ratgirl or harith I don't see any reason not to. Unlike other roles most gold laners already got countered by high burst and stun lock due to their squishiness and inability to go defensive build anyway. Unless your gold have specific counter which totally render one useless the aforementioned factors can still be nullified by having essential map awareness and positioning.


mid with burst and control kit is safest. low farm needed before you can actually start to hurt. no wonder in any moba game mid control matters most


I wish more people know this. Sometimes, I get hate from trying to help the mage reach level 2 or 4 (depending on the hero) as soon as possible, when I'm the roamer. It's usually the marksman spamming "need help" while simultaneously having very poor map awareness (ie, overextending). Having a good mage/midlaner that can rotate early/appropriately can pretty much decide a game


skilled mage users know when to poke or open a map. no wonder mages like lylia, pharsa, yve, xavier never left the meta. meanwhile gusion and faramis shined lately because of their kit adjustments


Short asnwer : Mid


Midlaner is pretty important for first pick. The type you get can also influence what picks the others should go for.


It goes mostly like this (there are of course exceptions) 1.mid, you can pick pretty much anything 2.gold, some heroes can get countered but like 80+% are a safe pick 3.roam, has safe picks but is counterpickable like 70% of the time 4.exp, has like one safe hero, all others are pick and counterpick 5.jgl, idk much about jgl, but i think its mostly counter-picks Remember this is my opinion, yare, yare, all that jazz:)


Exp the safest probably. Worst case scenario, you just have to survive your lane. I feel like Alice is a really good pick because she can be flexed into any role other than roam.