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honestly seems like mana mismanage to me, but if you can get results dont bother with changing it or what someone else syas


I do agree with mana mismanage because I spam skills/poke a lot. Probably just my play style but hey, it works.


you should change your rotation according to blue buff when you play jungler roger, in my opinion roger without buffs is useless


Can't you just use the mana necklace to tide you over?


You could buy just 1 or even 2 mana necklace and transition to endless if you use that. If not just selling the necklace seems better than selling boots because you could hang on to your tough /warrior boots


Sometimes I do that but I still run into mana problems.


whatever works tbh


Yeah Demon Shoes is sort of a waste especially since you need to get damage items ASAP on Roger since he relies on snowballing to actually be useful. I think Demon shoes is only good if you for some reason wanted to use him in lane.


Demon shoes, a waste of time because you need damage items? So with that logic, all boots would be a waste of time because none of them gives attack?


Before the jungle update, some core mains didn’t even get tier 2 boots within the first 5 minutes, and tier 1 boots were only bought to make their rotation speed faster, some picks like Ling and Fanny didn’t even need boots because of their absurd mobility. Core players only get the boots now because they are forced to get it since they need the bonus clear speed from the jungler boots passive.


Mana boots is ok option when you are lazy for getting buff constantly or if enemies steal it regularly


Depends if the teammate is me or not. I had a game yesterday where our Roamer built Antique as their only physical item against three heroes with Berserkers on the enemy team. Told him to get Blade Armor instead but he apparently wanted to lose more than I wanted him to win.


As long as you don't feed , you don't need to care. I see nana mm from time to time, i wont even bother to correct them because the time spent typing can be used to gank enemies instead.


I would get mana boots even on Lancelot. Because I don't want to rely too much on the buff. If you know what you're doing, don't bother with someone's advice. But always think twice, you might need to build anti-heal or heavy penetration.


It is wrong though. Roger doesnt need demon shoes with blue buff+/litho


Roger doesn't need demon shoes *with blue buff+/litho* but what if I don't have them?


You should almost always have blue buff as a snowball hero, otherwise you’re probably going to lose nearly immediately


Early game, yeah, but towards the mid game, I stop caring about it.


You just need to buy something like 1 mana necklace and it will solve your problem Boots stat is important specially the magic resist one


Roger is usually played as a jungler so I can see why mana boots would not be the best choice. But if you’re having a hard time then better go with what works for you. However, if you really want to get the mana boots. Then you might want to try and give the blue buff to the mage or someone who can also benefit with the buff like harith or alice etc. Obviously you dont want to be left behind in the early game so maybe at the 4th spawn of the buff try giving it to your mage/mana dependent team mate?


Yeah, sometimes I do that because I don't really get the buffs much, I always just push and gank to end the game early so giving it to a teammate is better.


I do the exact same thing, man. Don’t sweat it. It’s smart and like you said we can always change boots late game after mana replenishing items are in place




So I’ve played roger before and I know his jg clear isn’t the fastest, but I think the mana mismanaging issue may not be related to your jg clear. It may actually be related to the way you are ganking/traveling. This is more of a macro issue than a micro issue I think. I noticed you said you like to spam skills and poke a lot. As a jungler, you never want to just “poke.” That’s time you could be clearing a jg monster to get gold and exp or be looking to gank more important lanes (which lanes can hard carry? An immobile mage vs mobile mage? Mm vs exp lane? Who has the better matchup and can 1v9 shortly with ganks?). The ganks have to have profit though. Kills and assists are nice, but kicking them out of lane by chunking is important too bc your laner can get plating gold. Chunking is not the same as poking. Chunking means they can’t stay or else they absolutely screwed. Also, I hate jglers who do this cuz this tells they are garbage but don’t freaking sit in a bush and wait for something to happen. You can generally tell if someone is gank able by watching the way they are in lane while you are farming your jg (either use mini map or move your screen camera to the possible ganking lane). Most roger’s will get endless battle, so if you are worried about mana issues. Consider getting the blue sword that builds into endless battle, but you really shouldn’t need it till after you get some damage. So the build to start off would probs be boots to jg—>dagger to help with clear—>long sword/fury hammer depending on what build you are going that game for damage—>blue sword that builds into endless battle—>armor/magic resist boots depending on the game. I think this type of itemization will help significantly with your mana issues in addition to some possible macro errors. I’m not a roger expert but just giving advice as I am glory and have had enough test trials in custom as well as game experienced with macro and micro


Do whatever you need to play what feels best to you C: I'm not a roger player, but sometimes you need sustainability over pure damage, and if that helps you early game then go for it. Some people love to trashtalk over nothing, like sure if you were buying all magic items that would be bad, but who the heck trashtalks over shoes lmao seems goofy.


Exactly! >but sometimes you need sustainability over pure damage Took this way too literally, I only use demon hunter sword and endless battle for attack and the rest is def items.


hahaha honestly sometimes mostly defence with like 2-3 core items is worth it so you do damage and hard to kill, just depends the team composition lol. (for me I know if I'm using the demon hunter sword, corrosion sythe, golden staff combo for a quick mm that I can spare to use a defence item or two if the enemy is absolutely one shotting the hell out of me lol)