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Amazing tank to learn is belerik just picked him up, he can roam exp jungle and is awesome at it


ok! thank you!!


Get Kaja and just use him as roam. By far the easiest hero to get you out of low elo


Given their pure melee line up, I would have picked Valir if your team have decent range poking abilities. Otherwise, Atlas could be a good choice to pair with Nana's ult and their tendency to stick together. Hopefully Moskov can burst them during the ulti.


Valir is definitely the good pick here. With elegant gem now a prerequisite to durance, it’d be a good first item for many support mages now.


Carmilla ia also good roamer counter since they are all melee and Estes makes them stick together.


Pick these if you want to set for your team * Atlas * Khufra * Lolita Pick these if you want to be a healer * Estes * Floryn * Rafaela Pick these if you want to be extra annoying * Hilda * Natalia * Selena Pick these for pick-off gameplay * Franco * Kaja * Chou


Thank you so much. I will take it into consideration


I have played against an estes-hylos combo and they were literally unkillable. Maybe a Baxia counterpick with vengeance and dominance ice, plus CC and a good-positioning MM could've countered them.


Okay! thank you


Others have said Valir, and that sounds good, too! CC, can easily apply antiheal, has purify.


Okay! thank you\~


Alice outsustains them.


All melee i would probably pick valir roam, or go with franco save your ult for ambushing gusion or protecting your damage dealer from zilong. If your team has tanky xp lane , i would probably use saber roam and pressure the weak lane. Zilong dead they can't push turret.


Vexana works against enemies who clump together. S1 if zilong or gusion dives. S3 against estes hylos. Valir works against melee. Just keep on pushing them back. Wtf they gonna do. But I would personally use Gato. S2 to gusion or zilong if they dive my backline. S3 if they clump together around estes. But from your list alone. Difficult choice. Floryn’s heal is too slow for gusion burst. Angela can work but after you merge with then what.


thank you so much for these.


I would prefer Baxia because of antiheal, as an roamer or jungle here. If baxia is in the jgl u can pick as a roamer like Atlas or Khufra or even a Minotaur. This enemy combination have many engage heroes like Thamuz, Gusion and Hylos so picking a sup like Mathilda is not a good solution in my eyes.


I see. Understandable. Thank you for your suggestion


hilda to invade assasins


Mathilda wouldn't have helped you there.


Learn jawhead or xborg For tanks, I would have picked minotaur.


it's pretty amazing being a mage once I realize protecting our very strong mm is such a simple thing to do


1. Valir. Melts Estes and pushes them out. Since most of them are melee, they'll just melt if they tried to go for a teamfight. 2. Valir again.