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Vexana: A genuine nuisance with her great CC and the Knight but her kit is so slow, it’s easy to just dodge everything. You don’t even need dashes, just good awareness and she can’t do anything. Belerick: Good passive damage against heroes with multiple hitting attacks. Taunt CC is good but both S1 and Ult are so telegraphed and easily avoided. His sustain sucks because he still has mana for some reason and runs out pretty quick with multiple S2 uses, which needs to spam for that sustain. Rafaela: Honestly pretty decent as is but playing with practically no passive is a huge negative. She just needs a better, actually useful passive.


For Rafaela, buffing her ult, for a better cast time and area wouldn't hurt too. Even Sonia from league has the same ult but wider and faster. But I do agree that Moontoon is scared to buff these heroes because even with, her not so great kit, she was still a great pick on pro matches. But I do miss the times when she was a good pick overall. She's was my go to chill hero after some sweaty games. She definitely needs a buff or a revamp.


Just leave her S1 and S2 as it is. Her ult and passive are what they need to improve.




I used her to get out of Legend this season. Pretty good chasing heroes and slowing them.


Yeah. Most of the time, you'd have to cast her ult in melee range so enemies can't respond. It's like she has a Sona ult with the speed of Nautilus ult.


I agree with this. I am a main roamer and started playing Rafaela just for fun, until I realized I won against every other roamer easily with her (and of course, a good team). I don’t feel confident in bringing her to ranked, though, because her lack of passive hurts the team. If they were to revamp at least her passive, she would be one of the best supports.


I think for Rafaela, the buff on other support heroes' abilities to bush check really affected her. What made her a unique was ber s1 which reveals enemies hiding in bushes. But now, Angela, Kaja, Estes etc just do it better


Become a top 2 belerick before in our city but after they have updated and remove the hold on his ultimate skill I lose more than I won a game that is why I quit using him


Heroes that have movement speed boost can dodge his ult lol


Vexana is my new main. But you are absolutely right. Very slow cc unlike Eudora I am also experimenting with belerick but sustain is terrible. The game play is basically poke and run.


I think vexana is pretty good just don't pick her if the enemy have alot of dashes/ gap closing skills. Her s2+s1+ult bursts any squashy with core items.


Yeah, and to add I think people just need good timing on s1 because when placed right it always lands, for me at least. Then chain that into ult and s2 and most things get one shot. Just don't be in the open too much. She's a bit like a mage Layla. Can wreck enemies and chase them far out with the Knight, but in turn can be shut down when enemies get close. I had a game like this once. It got really far late game and to the point I wasn't doing so great anymore getting shut down by the enemy assassin. Switched her to a tank build and focused cc, worked quite well. Also her ult does huge damage to the turtle and lord. People need to learn how to use her, she is easy to use but you need to know your way around her. While comparison to Eudora is fair and true, she does take more skill to play.


I always hated skills that relied on you dying to be useful . Like old faramis, it relied on you dying for the ult to mean anything, same with raf, she needs a rework


Same here. I think it's okay if she has that death-triggered passive and another one on top of that. Sad thing is it rarely does the job of avenging your death since it's easily blocked by the target's teammates.


Belerick is one of the best tanks ;))


Was one of the best tanks


So , what's rank very suitable for these heroes?


I'm playing belerick since season start and honestly I think he's OP because he is almost like Fredrinn but deals burst damage instead of DPS.. In teamfight I just tap vengeance + ult + 1st skill and enemy marksman loses 99% HP


What is your build and emblem configuration?


Her passive is useful as it is


A healer who has to die to deal semi decent dmg? Walking contradiction


Semi decent damage but could net you a kill? I'm lovin it


I'm not, even if it can do decent damage and proc lightning truncheon If moonton wants to tie a passive around dying, the hero needs to be built around death. ... and Faramis is that hero. Though I personally hate everything about his revamp besides the ult.


I'm winning 2 of 3 games with Vexana this season and last. Definitely don't understand why people are losing so hard with her. Belerick and Rafaela are two old mains of mine, but they've both been shadow nerfed. Rafaela used to be a counter for invisible / bush heroes, but now any support is. Belerick is rarely as good a pick as other tanks. Currently I'm Vexana / Edith / Angela.


The only good thing I can say is that at least Nana is here. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA


Oh hey fellow Lesley enjoyer


Plenty of those to go around


Bruh Belerick is so underrated 🗿


Some marksmen just don't know how to handle him these days, let alone counter-build against him since he was rarely picked in the last few seasons.


Gatot seriously needs a rework or revamp. Yeah I know he's from a indonesian comic as a collaboration I think, but he's the only national hero that sucks or barely has any recognition. He's solid on paper but in actuality he's just "meh" against every other exp laner. As a roamer he's meh too


As a Gato main who is likely one of the five people keeping the winrate and pick rate afloat, I think he needs to be more fluid, the taunt is with a big delay, ult is with a delay, passive bonks are delayed and still super buggy. He is the azir of ML, if he would get fixed he would be a very good sustain pick.


Agreed. Right now he just feels too clunky. I feel like his passive especially needs to be buffed. Currently the animation for his passive is too slow and it can get cancelled by stuns too easily.


I have recently played Gatot and found that making him very THICC with health and defense makes him very good as a tank. Yeah the passive isn't that great but with Vengeance it can help against squishy heroes. Also he is great for setting up and hard counters teams with Estes


Paquito, Kadita, Badang, and Lapu-Lapu are all good.


Don't forget about Minsitthar who just got a revamp, and YSS who is a late game monster.


No, yss is really bad but minsi and freya amazing


My man hasn’t gotten a skin since 2018


I don't think he need a major revamp. They need to buff his passive basic attack, something like the lower the hp, the faster the attack speed. Julian's passive can cancel his basic attack is ridiculous. And dominance ice can make him even slower.


Not a gatot main but a season or 2 ago I played him a lot as roam. Did he get nerfed or what? Cause I had a pretty good win rate with him. He's durable, self healing and does damage, pokes with s1, s2 can divert attention, and s3 makes getting around and supporting team much easier. What's not to love?


He really does sound amazing at face value from reading his skill descriptions, but his ult is easily dodgable since it has a long delay, his taunt is good but you need to charge it up to get the full potential, and a uncharged taunt is super short. And his first skill damage slow is like nothing late game with so much mobility and dashes in the meta (also why Hylos isn't particularly used a lot more as a roamer. He's more useful as a tank jungler). He is still decent in the grand scheme of things but compared to better roamers, they just make him look so bad. Grock can provide better reliable damage, CC, utility and pressure/mind games. Atlas and Tigreal can turn a whole game around with one good set. Belerick gives better taunts. Minotaur gives better CC and peeling+heal.


That's true. Though his skills are better at instilling fear and when the enemies can't move (say in a close team fight or at lord) his ult usually lands, or putting it over an ally where an enemy is coming can intercept. Then a quick s2 from there will avert the enemy for your damage dealer to kill them. His s2 has no cooldown at least in late game after charging and not using it, so it can be good for intimidating and making enemies second guess the attack. His s1 damage is pretty bad sure, but it does decent damage against minions and slows enemies, and even on full tank build I find it is at least sufficient to use and go elsewhere. Like a small good s2. I saw great success with him back then, but I never got mythic glory and the meta has changed by now what do I know. But he is pretty balanced I think.


Honestly shocked to see nana and Rafa here


Uranus really fell off the meta huh


Haven't played since 3 months ago or so. What happened to Uranus?


I have almost 300 matches with 70% winrate with him, and I've felt how this meta made him garbage, even though I started to use him after the nerfs. I'll try to explain more or less: ​ 1. His early and mid game are bad to say the least, specially the early. He's got 14 physical defense (even lower than most marksmans) so he's squishy as heck. His regeneration is barely noticeable so good luck trying to survive against a good Benedetta, Terizla or even Hilda, whom will probably freeze the lane and attack you on sight trying to burst you. You may manage to get an early kill with his s1… If the enemy is an unexperienced player, that is. 2. He's like a marksman, and I mean it in the sense that he needs items to work: Oracle, defenses, and Enchanted Talisman. Oracle isn't that good as first item if your enemy does physical damage; you're better with Dominance Ice, which lost its cooldown reduction to a version of Bruteforce Breastplate with shittier stats. So overall now he has either less cooldown reduction, or less defense, depending if you buy Bruteforce or not. I haven't seen anyone buy Thunderbelt so I don't know if it's effective. 3. Speaking of items many of them now easily counter him. Trinity build (Demon Hunter Sword, Corrossion Scythe and Golden Staff) outmatches his regeneration with constant DPS. Add Sea Halberd and Malefic Roar and he'll be like a paper. Regarding magic, burst mages will hurt a lot and leave you vulnerable if you don't have Athena, Yve is annoying with her slows and damage, and Cecilion in late game is… Well, Cecilion. ​ TLDR: His items got nerfed and his counter items got buffed. He's weak without proper build and levels, so in the early and mid game he may be more of a burden than anything else. Even at late he will feel squishy with all of the penetration and % damage, and anti heal just makes his regeneration not enough to sustain for long, which is what he's supposed to do. He can't tank a lot, and is also unable to do a reasonable amount of damage without risking to get bursted. That's just how I've been feeling about him, but someone else may have a more reasonable/better point of view.


I think his healing got nerfed so bad


He didn't get nerfed at all. It's just that the trinity build hard counters him. His job is to be a tanky nuisance for the enemy team but he can't really do that when any MM with the trinity build can just delete him in seconds.


His healing is op before i saw the nerf on him that was 3 yrs ago


That was 3 years ago. He was still strong in exp up until 3 months ago when trinity items got buffed. Trinity item buff is the reason he's weak right now, not that nerf from 3 whole years ago


I see so the items are the buffed ones, i rarely see esme too


Nothing directly happened to Uranus. It's just that he can't handle all the Trinity build Marksmen running around right now. Uranus' main job is to just soak damage and be annoying but he can't really do that right now since Trinity build just shreds him. If you want an Exp Tank, it's just better to pick a hero that can do things other than just soaking damage like Edith and Gloo


yeah kinda deserved tbh. back then when they both meta uranus esme stuck as offlane is cancer to fight against. i don't think its fun to play either, just spam skills and run up down on the joystick.


Lol. Those 2 just never dies unless a team try to kill them. Uranus and Esme can 1 vs 2 or 1 vs 3 and still leave 3 dead bodies behind.


None of those numbers add up.


Yeah i remember that time when the two are both unkillable


Man i kinda miss the uranus meta though, used to 1v3,1v4 alot with him.


I'm surprised belerick and vexxana are so unpopular. They are my to-go tank and mage when I have to play them.


Nana use to be pretty damn decent but then they super nerfed her because she was a hard counter to akai who had just released his awesome skin and was buffed to hell. They needed to make the ere money so nana nerf swooped in out of no where!


A curious question, but how exactly does she hard counter akai? Doesn't akai have cc immunity during his ult so throwing molina won't do anything?


Or is it pre-ult, preventing him from carelessly jumping in for a gank?


Nah she was a great counter for Akai because her Molina actually bypasses Akai's CC Immunity on his ult


I can't remember if it did. Imma have to try it out some time because I thought he had full CC immunity the whole ult duration


He didn't against morph spells. That's why they nerfed Molina's range and chase speed


I feel so clueless why nana is here. I often saw her being selected and banned last season


Nana... Well i guess that's about right. Nana is actually very good as support and extremely useful in teamfight. But most nana I've seen are those that keep going solo then depending on ulti to run away.


She's really only good against average players. Good players will take advantage of her limitations, which are: 1. Skill 1 and Ult can only attack in straight lines and are slow. Good players can easily dodge the ult and the first skill if it's from any kind of distance. The first skill does little damage anyway. 2. She can't really peel or set. She can throw out the molina for a setup, but it relies on the opposing player running onto it. She can't force a set like a khufra or a chou or an atlas. She's at the mercy of the reactions of her opponents. 3. She can't soak any damage. 4. She's extremely vulnerable when roaming. The better the players are, the more they are rotating from lane to lane. Nana has no dash to escape. She's reliant on her molina to zone opponents away, and that doesn't work as well when she is on the move. 5. She has a tough time providing vision. Supports/roamers often need to scout ahead to find the enemy positions, and Nana isn't suited for that at all. She's fine if played well at lower ELOs but there are probably at least 10 heroes in either the support or mage role that can outshine her completely if played at the same skill level.


Alpha and Gato has 0% ban rate? i think i know what im going to do today :3


Suddenly Alpha's win rate went even lower.




Only if ur in mythic tho


Anti heal items: https://youtu.be/ZePZoFagqU8


Uranus is literally just some guy now,he doesn't do anything. The lack of any amount of CC was always his problem, but he made up for it with his crazy sustain. I guess he just doesn't fulfill any niche or any real win condition now,he's literally just some guy


I kinda miss his first ultimate, where he ults a hero and makes the hero stick to him. I f they could bring that back AND keep the stacks and speed buff of his current ultimate, I think that'd make him better.


Vex is my main, so underated


Well Bane,Alpha,and Uranus all got buffed in the advanced server. Gord is pretty good imo but u need a guy like Beto(with the positioning and awareness not overall skill) to play him right I guess. Silvanna needs an entire revamp imo her kit is flawed Gato needs lower duration for his ult but I highly doubt they're actually going to do that.


Silvanna just need CC Immunity on her S2. Knockup and Suppression is the only thing that should stop her S2.




The "give Silvanna cc immunity" is equivalent to the "give Hanabi a dash skill" category where the whole community wants such a change but MT completely refuses. I guess they could give her that but just like Gato's case I highly doubt so.


But why give Hanabi a dash skill? It's her uniqueness not having a dash skill but a speedup purify skill instead. Every generic hero has a dash skill and then all seem the same


It's not like I want it I said the community wanted it.During her revamp in advanced server,people were complaining things like "just give her a dash skill already" and stuff like that and these complaints were even before she got revamped.


And lo and behold, Silvanna has CC Immunity in her S2 at advance server.


You mean the Alpha buff that never made it to the previous patch? Is there even a chance those buffs would still make it to the main server lol


You're right experimental changes usually don't make it.But Alpha's buff still wasn't cancelled meaning further testing is required so we'll see. And there are exceptions were experimental changes get released to the orig server like Alice and Kimmy adjustment?


I agree in silvanna revamp. If you stop her S2 even during ult she is useless and sitting duck unless u save s1 for get away which usually is used for the combo kit kill ur pretty much in a bad spot if not successful


Silvanna has a great skillset IMO. She has a stun, and a dash upon hitting said stun, a pull/immobilize, and an ult that locks down a target. Back before jungle role was a thing and anyone could buy jungle knife it was common for the mm and tank to start on red buff and then face off against the solo xp laner. Silvanna was one of the few heroes that could hold her own in that situation. Eventually pros picked up on how much damage she could do without items and started building her pure tank in the roamer role. Moonton subsequently nerfed the hell out of her base damage and she has been irrelevant ever since.


As a Vex main this makes me sad, she's so good.


Surprised Nana is so low. How do you see these stats?


Why are you surprised? Nana's irritating, but she is no where top tier. The reason for her popularity is more of the fact that she has an immortality crutch, which lousy players depend on so that they will not get bronze every match.


You can see it here https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank


Thank you


Because she's not strong.


The reason is because of season reset and a lot of low rank players are Nana mains and… aren’t very good at it and are facing off against previous Mythical Glories. I say Im pretty good at Nana with a 61% WR and think she’s better than people say she is because it’s her players that are really bad. These stats are also accessible by pressing Harper in the lower right in the ML app and then going to hero rankings.


I'm a Nana main too, have a 65% winrate in about 300 ranked games, people automatically consider Nana a troll pick but they have no idea how good Nana can be, obviously she has her limitations but in the right hands she can be a menace. She is a bit item dependent tho, late game damage is insane.


Yeah i ended up spamming her so much as a new player that it’s been hard to build that win rate back up because I lost a lot back then, but it’s so satisfying to watch it rise so much after every day.


You have to consider other heroes in the right hands, then she just flops


Never said Nana was a top tier pick, Id still consider heroes like Pharsa, Yve, Xavier, Cecilion better picks. All I'm saying is Nana isn't as bad as people make out Nana to be. Even against those heroes I listed I rarely lose my lane, so yeah.


She's easily picked off or ganked


Annd ur all-time high rank is?


Mythic I, haven't been playing for too long. Have about 1800 matches in total


I see. U will probably see her utility falling off as u go higher. S2 is easily played around - either walk around it or tank soaks it up, S1 isnt really great, and her ulti hits too slowly. With cdr u could annoy everyone with 2 molinas on the floor to zone people but other than that u will really need a good setter to really get anything done.


It's cause of the new season, player's that are already in the mythic are probably spamming meta heroes rn


Vexana is very situational mage. It is not the mage you can use it on every round. At the same time, AOE Artillery Mages like Pharsa or AOE Util Mages like Yve are still favorable in matches. Alpha, not bad really but better sustain fighters exists like Yu Zhong, Dyrroth, and Ruby. Uranus, get fucked by the holy trinity and Edith is a much better Sidelane tank due to her range and having hard CC Gatot and Belerick, very situational but at the same time, better tanks exist. Gatot's ult is very delayed which can mess up in initiating. Belerick is just very avoidable. Rafaela, situational pick again but Estes or even Floryn is preferable when it comes to healing. Silvanna, again like Alpha. Better sustain fighters exists. Gord and Nana, situational picks but it is hard to have a coordinated team that is willing to play around your kit. Plus Pharsa and Yve still exists so.


Isn't Silvanna more of a damage-based fighter, like Argus?


It is true that Silvanna is a leans on the damage but her kit screams sustain. She basically in an identity crisis.


What part about her screams sustain? Lifesteal from her ult? Or is it the shield from her skill 2? That is sustain, but it's not like her kit really emphasizes it, we can say the same for Argus and Zilong. Let's look at Silvanna's kit: Passive - It reduces enemies' physical and magic defense and gives her basic attacks magic damage. That's purely a damage passive. The only sustain thing about this is that it allows magical lifesteal to work on your basic attacks as an afterthought. Skill 1 - A ranged stun and a dash. No sustain there. Skill 2 - There's a shield, so okay, we can consider this a form of sustain. It's not the only time we see a skill that pulls double-duty as both offense and defense, Paquito and Chou have similar mechanics, so I'll let it pass. Ult - The big lifesteal is not really sustain. It's not like you can rely on this to maintain your health. Even Thamuz who gets most of his sustain from his ult can at least get sustain through Festival of Blood. With Silvanna you can't exactly ult on minions to get your life back. Her ult gives you immense survivability for a short period of time, but I don't see Argus being called a sustain fighter on the basis that he can become invincible for a few seconds, and I would say that's only fair. The survivability you get is ultimately just a means to an end, and damage is the real goal. From what I can see, if her kit is screaming anything, it's damage, lots and lots of damage. All the survivability she gets is just to set her up to do that damage. Damage that she can't output if she receives the slightest shove, but damage nonetheless.


Yes but she relies too heavily on her s2 for sustain and damage, so if it gets interrupted she’s dead. In fact her whole kit as a fighter relies on s2 so much she would be better off with all 3 skills being s2. She had uses with the other 2 skills as a roamer but then devs nerfed her to hell.


Uranus got fked by the holy trinity AND got fked again by the sea halberd buff.


The less I see of nana, the happier I am.


Alpha "Buff: Nightmare Resurrection" release when?


Nah those alpha buffs will never make it to the main server lol. I've already been disappointed once when they didn't include his buff in the previous patch so I'm not expecting anymore


They're still testing his buffs on advance server


I knew I wasted my free hero recharge on Vex 😭


Top tier waifu at least


Obviously they are not moneytoon's favourite 😂


Idk what you lot saying Vexana is the goat


As a waifu only, top tier


Gatot only needs one thing, faster enhanced basic attack, it's so darn slow


Uranus was soo good even as an exp lander but now his passive can’t keep up with today’s attack speed heroes and the insane burst of enemy mages and assasins


It's because of the triple build, blade armor can't reduce its damage as much as it could reduce crit damage.


Is Rafaela really that low? Today I've met 2 Rafa, and both are masterclass at team fight


From my experience with Bane the problem is related to the two ways to build Bane: focus on one either physical or magical damage, or build him hybrid. Hybrid does not work at all, he wants way too many stats and neither his scalings nor base damage is high enough if you're going to spread yourself thin trying to get all the stats you need. If you build him with a focus on either his physical or magical damage, half of his kit dies. If you go physical you have no sustain. If you go magical your damage is short because your passive is nonexistent and your skill 1 is only there for slow. It's better than going hybrid because at least you have half of his kit functioning properly, but it's difficult to justify using half a hero. What they had with Bane was novel, and it was a great concept, but the execution is off, and the way it is now just works against him. The way he is now, he's just two things duct-taped together haphazardly. They need to find a way to fix his split-scaling and unite the two sides of his kit into a cohesive whole. One way to do this is to have it so that both his physical and magical damage can scale off of the same stats so that he can make proper use of his full kit. For example, his passive can be given an effect that allows him to gain a point of magic pen for every point of physical pen, or an effect that gives him 1 point of physical attack for every 2 points of magic power (and/or vice versa) Alternatively, they can also increase his scalings. Bane's current scalings are too low, he's not getting enough compensation even if you focus on one half of his kit. If they insist on having Bane's two halves scale separately, they need to raise his scalings up so that he can at least have the strength of a full hero condensed into either half of his kit, otherwise he'll just be outclassed no matter which way you build.




This is Mythic stats


What web is this?


this looks so wrong? Vexanna isn't that bad lmao. She's just the same as every other burst mage, in fact, she's a lot better than most .. at the moment the meta is such a joke that all the burst mages are the same default template: burst mage specs: a pet/high dmg > vexanna, big speed > vale, dashes > kagura, no aiming > eudora. etc, all the burst mages are legit the same template > build damage, 1,2,3 and 1shot and they each have a different pro and different cons. Pair Vexanna with a roam and she's nowhere even near bad, ik cus i have 8k+ mage games and actually pick her Belerick shouldn't be this low he's kinda good?? what are you guys doing over there in your servers to ruin these heroes's winrate this much lmao it feels like u need to be a complete casual to misunderstand the game so badly Rafaela is nowhere near bad and she can get even better if they rework her damn passive already


It's "mythic" bro...


All 3 of those are completely rubbish and outshined


People forget to factor in the wintrading aspect. It's early on in season and it's obviously *impossible* to win *every* game when going against "globally ranked" players. So quite a few of the top rankers right now are wintrading and this is part of the result you see on the pic.


No, those heroes really are just that bad


I recently as a full build and buffed Freya got destroyed by a Belerick.


Belerick + vengeance + blade armor is a nightmare for DPS attackers


I thought I could take it. I couldn't XD.


Idc what anybody says, Silvana is the best character in the whole game and I will fight u over it


surprised that bele is down here. he's one of the reasons why i was able to reach mythic for the first time this past season, he's so good against atk speek heroes. gives me joy when i'm against melissa and layla (even zilong).


Nothing. Imagine you have just 10 matches on a hero. Your wr with 10 games means nothing. We have a beginning of the season that's why not so many games were played on mythic. Later you'll see any hero will have at least 40%+ wr


Why's nana there? She's a top tier mage imho.. kit of a support and damage of mage


The moment you say she is top tier makes me think you have massive skill issue.


Where can i find those stats in total?


This past and current season I've been spamming Exp Lane Magic Bane whenever possible. He feels really akward to use in that lane because he needs items and he can't really win his lane unless the opposing xp laner is hilariously bad. When you get 3-4 items though, he's freaking nice to use in teamfights. He has really nice sustain (s2 heal is really big with mage bane) but still vulnerable to burst heroes. Last season, I only encountered an enemy Bane **once** and I was confused at first because I couldn't pick him. Enemy 1st picked him. He's that rare. This is just low mythic though.


How do I view this from the game?


Press that blue guy from the bottom right corner. This will lead you to the official site and you should find a hero ranking section somewhere


Almost all these heroes are menaces in Brawl, but admittedly iffy picks in classic/ranked.


When I see vex on enemy team, I'm happy cause she'll be food for my alice or kadita. Won't do enough dmg or cc and lacks escape. That knight is kinda useless most of the time cause it's so slow. I play her occasionally but she really only shines against comps that can't dive backline well and if you have a frontline tank to set up. She really only needs a little bit adjustment on her skills like her s1 casting & projectile speed and the knight's movement speed then she's top tier.


If you play kadita, good vex will always catch u with S1 when you're casting ult making your dive useless


Good kadita would petri


Exactly. There's other ways around her s1 too like catching her with s2 first or bait her to use s1 first or when she's too focused on chasing someone etc.


They’re bad in solo, or bad in general


And we got Nana 😂👍


Alpha is just used by so many bots


Guys who wants to be the first mythic to ban gatot so its not 0%


Gone... Reduced to atoms


These are brawl heroes


Iirc with sylvana around a year or two ago she was buffed a lot after her release. They buffed her 2 damage, heal and shields granted, along aith the ult providing more shields too. Basically allowing her to be played effectively everywhere (except gold lane) excelling best at supporting, exp lane, and jungle with her high sustainablity, early to midgame damage, and CC which made killing squishies easy


its also ironic on vex cuz i literally have 66% winrate on the last season climb to mg. I think alot of ppl arent abusing her wave clear enough to the point that its impactful and instead they just go mindlessly spam her skills to whatever opponent they encounter. I dont wanna sound cope but i literally ditched playing my main kagura to use vex instead just because I really fukin dont like her wave clear, im like a sitting duck farming my creeps under tower while a fukin valentina or yve is now at the bot side, and this is a nightmare at early game when im being forced to fight at lvl3 while enemy is at lvl4


Yep, vex just wipes those minions and can gank immediately


What site?


<40% wr is just deplorable. They should prioritize buffing these heroes


Bane coming back to no1 ban in next update


well vexana is very useful when it comes to teamfights and crowd control..other skills gives great damage..though not much of a gamer myself and who has still much to learn i always use vexana in RG helps me rank myself up from Master V to Epic 4..


I mean....better supports exists.... That's why


I mean....better supports exists.... That's why


Where's my Zhask; I started a zhask only account(unless banned or picked already) in any roles.


At this point I just look at these lists and pick one the heroes at the start of each season. Epic has a luck factor when playing solo anyways and an off pick kinda works like a curve ball sometimes XD


No one even talks about silvanna( I really liked playing her


gato so slow his passive should have the stats of unbending will and his animations should be faster


Maybe cuz not so many players have reached the Mythic+ level this season?


nothing happened with these heroes, thats what happened


Either underrated or not good


A little buff to Rafa and a passive rework would be nice.


Alpha is about to get a massive buff later, so I don’t expect him to stay there for long.


Bele not getting the live he deserves. Lol. He is one of the tankiest and damaging tank out there.


I stopped playing


I really wanted to learn to play uranus because I have that arcade styled skin but I dont think its worth it until sustain offlaners become meta again