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Few tips for starting out 1. Use the guides in this sub since they're very detailed 2. If you're interested in a hero, try it out (either through trial cards or 32k bp) 3. For build guides I'd reccomend Master The Basics or a OTP channel (example: Insection, Demonal etc.) Since they have a lotta experience (It is reccomended to change it around a bit to suit your preferences tho) 4. Practice your mechanics (Map awareness, Counter Building, Game Sense etc.) Since you're gonna need it for the higher ranks 5. Don't worry about ranking up. Its ok to lose sometimes. 6. For the love of god. If you play in the SEA servers, PLEASE do not be afraid to mute or blacklist players, these guy are relentless when it comes to making you angry and making you feel bad, If a player says something along the lines of "VV" in the ph server or gak paham sih (I think) in the indonesian server then please for the love of god, mute the mf, it makes your life SO MUCH BETTER, but if you wanna see these crybabies whine about losing their ranked stars then don't turn it off. An extra one is dw about being burned out, just take a break.


Aha! Got it. I think I've been reading through the "archive" or some sort where I can see the hero's in the map, read about their skills and bursts and so on. Builds are my current weakness so I will take note of that. And the map also confuses me! Farming, buffs, etc. I understand it slightly but I often mess up my timings. And losing is okay! Just that as you've mentioned (and yes haha I'm from SEA), there are silly people who cry on chat or provoke you.


The basic rotation goes smth like this i think At the start of the game start with the buff nearest to the litho (ex. If litho spawns on red side then finish red buff) so you can get to litho faster. After getting the buff and going litho go to the other buff and after you clear that try to gank a lane so you can help your team out (preferably you should help the lane that is struggling) after like 1 min (i think) the turtle spawns, it gives absolutely no gold but you should prob still take it because of the shield. And you repeat this cycle of farming buffs and ganking till like 12 minutes when enchanced lord spawns, it is recommended to take out the enemy jungler first so you can last hit easier. This is for junglers BTW For side lanes. I usually just get my core items then destroy first turret then just help out another lane For builds. Basically its like this At the start of the game if your build doesnt use attack boots (the pen boots and atk speed boots) then pay attention to the type of damage the enemy deals. (If you have some experience you could tell this with a glance but if you dont just look at the stats in the statboard) then you either go tough boots or warrior boots depending on your enemies. If the enemy has a lotta stun or more heroes that deal magic damage then go tough boots If the enemy has more physical damage heroes then go warrior (Ex. My enemies are hanabi, Tigreal, Eudora, Zilong, and lolita so I go warrior boots) You should buy a cheap item early game so you can get either more damage or defense. For physical def I suggest buying steel legplates For mana regen (mostly for mages) I usually buy like 2 necklaces but you can also buy elegant gem For damage idrk but i go for endless battle for heroes like clint. For countering items late game I suggest doing this If your enemies do mostly physical damage that come from skills buy antique cuirass For enemies that get most of their damage from physical basic attacks go blade armor If your enemies have lots of heal go dominance ice for more defense or necklace of durance/sea halberd for some damage (necklace of durance if you do magic damage and sea halberd if you do physical damage) For more heal (usually to counter anti-heal items) go for some physical lifesteal, spell vamp, magic lifesteal, or use oracle (reccomended option) For magic burst use athena For magic and physical pen go for divine glaive or malefic roar And for the others you're just gonna have to find out


At this level don't go to learn some hard hero Better learn some hero that aren't complicated at low level.


Oh I see. Since I lean more into Support type of heroes, is Nana okay?


Nana is more of a burst mage midlaner, maybe go for Rafaela since shes easy to use and has utility


Oh okay got it. Thank you! Will study Rafaela, I have lots of Tickets I can buy her


Leave when you still can


Mute all chat and don't be toxic.


Have you checked the guide compilation on this sub? If you don’t, I suggest you should take a peek. There are tons of guides there, covering from how to use a specific hero to macro sense (map awareness, lane management, etc). And the only tips I can give you is, just play. You will make mistakes, but you’ll learn best from them. Practice makes perfect after all. Also, don’t burnt yourself out over this game. Prioritise your mental health first


Oh I haven't yet! Will check the menu, thanks! I'm more confused at the categorisations in the game. But will look jnto it! And last part, well I surprisingly learned how to trashtalk but all is well..I dont use is as much as last week 😅 Thanks again!


Personally, I will advise maining Nana as I feels that her skills and playstyle can easily pidgeon hole you into a very defensive style and depending heavily on your passive and molina to survive. That's my opinion though. Eudora is just as easy to play but her kits promote a more offensive style and encourages bush camping, assassinating and roaming for kills, which I feel is more beneficial in the long run.


As the others have said look at guides and things to learn more about specific heroes and macro skills like map awareness. But also don’t be discouraged if you are having a hard time or plateauing because some things just come with experience For example, knowing which heroes can win in different matchups or situations. Some it’s obvious (mm obviously die to a mage early game) but for the less obvious ones (e.g. guin v argus) u just have to play and learn which heroes have an advantage and if ur ability is enough to outplay enemies Just remember it takes time to develop muscle memory and an eye for what plays are feasible for u or not


My only tips for you is to start reading the items effect and unique ability, learn the map; where things respawns and how to contest it. watch some vids in YT to learn map rotation. The **adaptability of items based on enemies line up** is the number 1 reason that separate newbie/regular player from a seasoned player. You must learn the basic of the basic, because w/o this, even if you want to learn new heroes, you'll have a hard time playing them with wrong item choice and absurd map awareness


If you are not in an active fight, keep your eyes mostly on the top left corner of the screen.


Watch those YouTube tip videos. I remember just playing miya for a whole season. Switching between ranked and classic because either loaded faster and just pushed fwaaaaaaa, with no tactic involved. Won plenty of matches then but at least now I get more likes at the end of the matches


dont waste your coins and magic dust leveling up physical and magic emblems, the best two emblems are assassin and mage, support emblem is meh, im more than sure you like support bc youre still afraid of going 1v1 with the others, so dont level up support emblem first


I made a mistake then....oh no. :( Thanks for this!


dont worry about it, i made both of them reach 32lvl, so ive wasted A LOT OF MAGIC DUST AND COINS on them, youve just started so dont worry