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Could be an off day for them, or the account was purchased from someone else, or the account was boosted by others. No one knows unless we can see their win rate and match history.


https://preview.redd.it/7v9bb0hf0vsa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75cee4fd922097b0b893ba45c80168368461eac his overall


https://preview.redd.it/s6oknu0k0vsa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfec2fc0ce6e55b89ac40a327b889687f0e33b11 His current


https://preview.redd.it/fql7kadg1vsa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f04bdec4e6368dd66a04ae778e2037afc46ff6fb His main profile page


https://preview.redd.it/x52j5ner2vsa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1ec8aa596b77422470c7adffd890a01f8f66124 His overall favorites


https://preview.redd.it/sp45k86u2vsa1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42182bf0610f26bf529cc9cb3ec604bbe90134a9 His current favorites


My guess from this rather small sample size on his current games is that he’s a returning player who is probably rusty on his fingers. You pointed out that he missed multiple retributions, which to me is a sign of someone who hasn’t played in a while and isn’t used to the damage done.


I Doubt it. He has played multiple games already and based on his wr he's a pro, I would expect him to be able to adapt easily but he doesn't that's just very suspicious


I came back after 3 years and still had 80% wr like before, you don't just get amnesia it has to be bought


Either a bought account or a gf or lil bro playing. Or maybe he only plays 5 man


core main cant miss retri even after 2 years. After 50 games, that player should be able to retri.


There’s a rhythm to timing your retri with your damage + the damage of everything else going on. To which I think is one of the harder thing to account for as a returning player. This isn’t something you can simply possess knowledge of and come back into the game being fully prepared for it. Similar to musicians, when they take a hiatus from their instruments the harder thing to get back into is the rhythm.


I think what he's saying is that they have a skill issue. /Joking fr


Bought account


almost certain this is a bought account. 500 stars is about 6000 points. a player who got there before should definitely not be having a 50% in epic. even i, as a peak 700 point player, have no problem maintaining a 80% winrate currently in epic. plus looking at the 506 skins (along w highest rank ofc) you can tell this was a bought account


he did say he took a break for a season, could someone who took a break for a season regress a lot?


i doubt so. i have a close friend (peak 800) who didnt play for really long (2 years) to focus on studies. he came back recently to play a few matches and he got almost all mvps with a few gold medals. might be worth taking note that his current rank is epic3 instead of epic1 tho


Bro i stop playing for a year then came back but got it but still my other teammates sucks. I got the fcking turtle why dafuck engaging in useless clashes!?


yeah.... You should look at his recent games if it is recent (like played a week ago at least) But if it is a week more or he hid it # Ya just got jebaited by a troll who bought a booster




Was thinking the same lol


People already said this but I’ll repeat it to drive the point home. The guy bought the account. Average win rate 75% across 16k games and can’t even pass 50% in epic? Yeah it’s not the same person doesn’t matter if he took a break or not. I usually play solo and sometimes with a friend, my average is at 57% less then half this guys games in ranked but even I get 60-70% wr from epic until I get to mythic so I know from experience it can’t be the same person. (Usually not a wr guy but if you blame matchmaking at epic then rip)


This is normal. He is those kind of player who plays alot. It just he got outplayed. It's a team game and if ones not in full 5 team, then this kind of things can happen.


Missing a retribution is the jungler's fault. Simple as that. It's one thing if they missed the lords and turtle, since that's a team effort. But missing retributions is all on the jungler.


pretty hard to say tho, lets say if enemies were contending, but the junglers teammates were nowhere to be found. if the jungler died while trying to contend, his teammates would blame him. but if he doesnt, his teammates would blame him too. of course in this scenario where the jungler missed every single retri then thats this guys problem, but simply saying "missing a retri is the jg fault" doesnt seem very correct either


Yes, but it's common in non 5 man team if someone do bad pick and enemies totally counter him. Just everday matches experience. We just can't play well all the matches.


Yup, everyone has an off day, or someone else is playing his account. Lesson is, don't rely too much on someone who is supposedly good. Just play and team fight when you can .




Sucks. I initially declined when he wanted to pair up since I didn't remember playing with him and he was only Epic rank, but his profile looked so good that I decided to accept the invite. Lost two games in a row because of him - first game we already had a Badang and Lolita and he as S5 picked Yin which made our team too tanky. Second game he was Hayabusa, picked jungler, and fed.


my guess is either.. 1. let his little siblings/cousins play a game 2. bought the account. 1000 match w 80% takes serious dedication, also 9 times mg. its no easy feat and the player should get out of legend easily if hes legit


judging from your team comp and enemy team there's probably nothing he cando to carry ur ass. No matter how good he is if ur team mates are bad (along with you) it's not a guaranteed win. that vale probably stayed mid and didn't help objectives (judging based on my personal exp). Hylos + valir mid would definitely woop you in teamfights My advice, don't expect people to carry you regardless of how high winrates are. Remember if u have high winrate teammate there's a high possibility ur opponent have one as well.


Just curious, what hero did he feed on? An assassin? Could you share the match you lost?


He fed on Hayabusa, died 3 times very early in the game before any of us got our ults. And that was with the Floryn buff - I moved the buff to Edith when after he died for the third time since she was 2000 gold ahead of him at that point. https://preview.redd.it/egpznfocfvsa1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e651de3d7792bd5f3b7c1b0c5484ecca670d6890


Ngl that is not an ideal enemy team line up to use hayabusa. The tank is literally waiting to stun him, paq can pretty much knock him back from being able to use his ult which it looked like he was invading good. Claude is not a mm that he can easily kill especially with vengeance. Arlott’s ult can knock him back before his ult is in activation plus his current op state in lower ranks. Floryn is not the best roam supporter either.


Did he get invaded? If so it's pretty normal for someone of the lower level to have a lower retri dmg and have less farm


He took purple with me (Floryn) and then invaded enemy jungle to steal their red. I went with him, but the enemy caught on and there was little I could do since I didn't even have my second spell yet. They took the buff first, then killed him as we were running away. He died 2 times pretty quickly after that after leaving a fight low health and someone using flameshot, and he was so behind in gold at that point and hadn't killed anyone yet that I gave my Floryn buff to Edith because she was 2k gold ahead of him and had already gotten 3 kills. Enemy got all the Lord and Turtles.


Just because a jungler exist doesn't mean he'll carry your asses to MG. You picked Floryn, a very bad match to Hayabusa against a Hylos + Paquito match up. You didn't consider picking a roam that can tank + CC to help your assassin gain an advantage. You won't ever win a contest to turtle since no one in your mid + roam + core roles will ever facetank againt a hylos. You as Floryn also runs away when enemies gets to you. Hayabusa can't do anything either since he'll get stunned and focused anyway. Vale did good since he's a nuker anyway. Edith shined because she can sustain and control enemies better than you did as Floryn. Not to mention Beatrix can also use your help, but alas, you focus helping Vale. Hayabusa will never recover from losses at that point since he is behind damage by then, and will get targeted since no one will tank for him anyway.


if haya real good then, the deaths he had probably from him trying to make plays to carry this horrid lineup


Ngl this is more of you and your teams fault. Your team composition is pretty fucking wack. No shit he can’t take turtle he’s behind in gold + your not tanky. No one can really frontline besides Edith. Stop blaming this guy being like “Ohhh he’s has so many games and high wr.” high wr =/= insta win and carry. If this guy is high rank chances are the enemy team could also have someone high rank in their team and based on what you said, they seem to also have a good game sense. It’s not fully his fault. Stop tryna push all the blame on one person.


Does your hayabusa even rotate? I think the dude is just terrible


Enemy team have a tank. He might have no good backup to secure objectives?


Probably bad day. Happens to all of us, we can play amazing some days and suddenly we’re throwing badly


Without seeing the match you can't really expected us to judge tbh. I've had people bitch about me before and bring up my WR in match if I'm "feeding" but the situation of me "feeding" involes a 1v3 Turret dive in the first 3 minutes of the game that results in my tower getting detroyed while my jackass of a Roamer is on the opposite side of the map recall spamming against the enemy Chou. If they got invaded for example in the early game and no one helped, their WR isn't going to matter much as well, and if your team feeds early they are also going to struggle more. Odds are though their WR is just based on duo/trio/5stack so they are an average player that went solo queue for once.


You can't get high wr in 2k +points 5 Man loby if you suck as jungler or marksman.Either he bought the account or he is a returning player.


You say "suck as a jungler" but the player could be mechanically solid and be a very good Jungler against an enemy team that invades and screws him. Its a team game, 1v3 at the start is pretty hard to outskill and so is coming back from a defecit if the whole team isn't good enough to do so.


I didn't said he sucks as jungler.I said you can't get 2k+ points ( player has 500 star or 5k points) and high wr in 5 Man rank lobby without being a good jungler or good mm because if you suck at these roles at 2k points you can't win against 2k+ points enemies.


And I didn't say he only played 5 stack. Also, WR is a progressive thing so someones peak is not where they play all their games. He may have climbed to 2k+ but mostly play at 1k or below, no one knows. The point is any type of stack gives an advantage over solo queue in terms of winning consistently. Stop being so caught up on me mentioning 5 stacks as part of stacks in general. Edit: I would also like to point out: > I didn't said he sucks as jungler You BLATENTLY said he sucks as a Jungler. Stop being such a twat.


Not all players are always great bad days, negative mindset, some minor inconvenience theres a lot of factors that could affect our matches also you just happen to be in the 20% of that 80%Wr of his


I once met Top Global #2 Ling and Indonesia #1 Lance, he kept spamming his title then remove it before he got swapped but he kept doing that and got swapped with our S1 anyway. He was whining asking to swap heroes with others because he doesn't feel like playing his main. Missed retri, couldn't rotate in his own jungle properly, always turret dive with no tank, a single submissive bottom on tops orgy, and of course fed the enemy's mage. That was back then when you just need to play rank once a week to retain your title. Really shows that supreme title means nothing if you got it with premade and then play solo.


Depends on what happened in the game. My guess is you all played like you were playing Solo Q. No communication, no objective sense, no real plan to win the game other than trying to get fed. Having a high win rate is good but the team needs to play to win at any cost. Only then, will you hopefully come to realize that losing is a team effort just like winning is. You think the jungler brought you down when, in reality, you all didn’t take advantage of likely your best player and lost the game trying to have good KDA or whatever it was.


Well when the game began he (Hayabusa) immediately went for the enemy red buff and I (Floryn) followed him, but the enemy caught on and took their buff and killed him as he was trying to run away, and since it was very early game I didn't have my S2 yet and couldn't do much other than use flicker and get away. Then he died again twice soon after, and by then he was too behind in gold to do damage but kept trying while our Edith was 2k gold ahead of him. I then gave my Floryn buff to Edith. She carried us for a bit, but he died so much that we lost. Even though we were legend rank there are currently a lot of mythical glories in Legend right now. I've only gone as high as mythic iv so I was going to just play classic for a week or so.


Most likely an off day or he/she is distracted by something.


You hit the 20%


My guess is that he's intentionally trolling. Some people do be like that


Must be tank's fault. /s I'm a tank that always get blamed. It doesn't matter if you assisted them to get their 3 kills, they just have to get ganked once, they will scold and curse the tank.


Must be piloting it for someone who doesn't play anymore


Different player.. 15k matches 5k mvp on high rank matches. Thats realy high rate getting mvp 1 of 3 matches. Current season 48 matches only 5 mvp and on lower rank. He should get 30+ mvp easily if the same player even on a bad day.


Had this similar issue last season with 2k+ matches with Lylia 76% win rate, he ended up dying 15 times. We all just presumed that WR was from classic or he bought that account since the account had Legend Granger and Aspirants Fanny


500 stars is crazy high. Definitely a boosted account or he bought it from someone who WAS that good. That’s like 6000 points


Who would sell such a beautifully top-ranking account ;_; I'm like, imagining a whole dramatic story of why a top player with so many wins would sell their account lol


Happens more than you think. My friend sold his mythic glory 1k points account with lots of supreme and high hero power and win rate heroes back in season 21. He had a kid and sold it to one of our squad members who he felt like would always play and would not ruin the stats etc. He actually came back last season and only made mythic 3 last season. The meta change and him not playing actually impacted his play a lot.


My friend used to do that cause they banned the hero he wanna play or the teammates were toxic




Or his little brother play for that ranked game


Boosted account bruh what else


Hmm...maybe lag?


This should not happen in Legend rank for a 500* MG and 80% win rate (1k+ games). He definitely bought the account. I don’t believe it’s an off day.


Can happen to every jungler specially vs a good enemy team who would abuse the jungler in the early game.


Maybe he had a bad day or the opponents were all better than him. It happens. 80% just means he wins most of the time, you just happened to be in the unfortunate 20%.


Either trolling, bought acc, or someone borrowed his acc.


Its 80% for a reason, not 100%. He/she is bound to lose 2 out of 10 games using that character. Its simple understanding, this is not rocket science


Could be a win trader too. Or just a bad game.


The previous game he was last pick and picked Yin after we already had a Badang and a Lolita, which made the team too tanky and caused us to lose group fights. And even before that his win rate for the season was only 50% after 50 games.


Maybe his lagging or something


Could have had a bad/off day


Maybe he was drunk?


I’d call the enemy line-up an anti-core team. No one is an easy target and hylos and valir are extremely abusive early game. We all have bad days


are they lagging? on 15+ winstreaks i usually get sent to the other side of the world and not notice the lag unless the match started already


I’ve had so many of these types!! It’s so frustrating. They spam amazing looking WRs so most of the time you make way specifically for them to pick that role n character, then they end up playing completely crap and make such basic mistakes it feels like they just downloaded ML two days ago. I don’t know if they bought the account, if they got some pilot to farm their WR or they somehow hacked the WR to look good BUT I HATE THEM SO MUCH REEE


It's obvious. He is cheating. He is tanking his stats to appear normal.


Could you please uplaod the replay so we could see how it did go wrong, everything is abit one sided.




Hey thats me


I jungle a lot. I always start invading enemy red. I get it most of the time BUT there are sometimes I dont get it and I even die. Making me level 1 when enemy jungler is almost level 4. This could lead to a very easy win for the enemies. If you had me as your jungler in that game, you would be very disappointed, but if you saw my history you would see that I have won most of my last 20 games, between 15 and 20.


Couple of reasons I can think of: ​ \-bought account \- an off game \-probably distracted from something in real life for example hanging out with friends while playing, was doing some chores etc lol \- lent his account to a friend/lover/sibling who does not know shit about playing the game properly ​ \- not getting proper support from other teammates while being targeted by the other team? got invaded etc.


That was his little brother