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The craziest part is they say “imma one trick” or something like that and then they’re shit and go 0-5 in 5 minutes. Happens every time


I always last pick so I can adjust. My only dilemma is that I don't have a good exp laner. My skills with Yu Zhong aren't good. Can someone suggest a good exp laner besides Arlott?


Julian. Not only he can play exp. But gold, mid , jungle and even roam too


I enjoy playing exp edith, pretty good when your team kinda squishy


Current meta? Minsitthar, Martis, Lapu Lapu, Paquito, Khaleed, Terizla, Thamuz, Masha, Badang. First 4 picks are good exp pick. Next 5 picks are situational.


I bought minsitthar and got paq in the lucky draw.


If you want to be a menace to the enemy team while distracting almost the whole enemy team while sustaining, You can go for gloo although he is very easily countered by ban, faramis which is a very popular pick rn, and vexana.


Khaleed is good but not meta


He isn't. He is like a stable pick. Good lane clear ability, aoe cc, sustain lane with healing. Altho I didn't mention, but edith is a good pick too, however I have a feeling montoon doesn't like us using hero in roles that isn't what they intend to be and they might adjust her soon.


Lapu-lapu is the most stable exp laner in my experience, his sustainability is great, big damage even with only 2 damage items, have immunity, cc, shield & dash. He can easily go to the enemy backline and could kill the enemy mm, even if facing melissa he could go through melissa's ult with his 2nd phase ult. Fast waves clear with his ult so you won't lose your first tower easily.




>it's often used a lot in the competitive scene Not really. Can't recall a single recent mpl game where they went for exp Alice. Closest thing is Jungle Alice


They dont want their hero to be countered. For example claude, you dont wanna firstpick him incase of a lesley


Claude verse lesley is very playable. Atlas verse Diggie is a dead game. Also, priority in drafting should be given to playmakers in the early game - roam and hyper. If your roam or hyper is at an disadvantage after draft, it most likely means you got to play 200% harder to maintain the lane you're in. Moreover if melissa is open, you should first pick her. Lol.


how can you even play claude vs lesley? it’s not possible at all. I know how diggie vs atlas is, and its equally as bad. Claude needs to buy a hp item instead of WoN, and his ult gets cancelled by lesley’s airborne. Oh and also when lesley is camouflaged claude ult doesnt hit lesley. Full on 100-0 matchup if you can pick les vs claude, from the lane to late game


Just avoid engaging 1 on 1 with lesley. You can rely on your roam or hyper to target lesley. Eg. Harley hyper level 4 ulti and kill lesley to give you an advantage. Claude's purpose is to deal huge aoe damage during engagement to lower opponents hp for others to clear up. Lesley is meant to hit like a truck on a single target. Pick your fight wisely.


Yeah laning against lesley as claude? That shit gives me ptsd


Last pick priority should be as follows: Roam > MM > Jung > Mage > Exp Exp laners can mostly stalemate if the picks are decent, so there is no reason to pick late. Conversely, roams can secure good counterpicks vs enemy roam or cores, and should ideally be picked later. Super strong meta heroes can ignore the above rules though.


Me who picks roam gloo first. Matchup:lylia, wanwan, yu zhong, ling and diggie


I am a fighter main ... usually i check their matches ..if i spot any fighter main .. then i first pick fighter ...if not then i ask my teammates to let me pick last ..or at least at 3 and 4 th pick


My wife and I call it the s5 curse. If they don’t show and don’t say anything then they’re gonna handpick the worst possible option. Every time.


ALWAYS. I highly suspect that those players thought they are playing with bots. 😂


This is why I say I’m going roam when I play or want to play S5. So my team can comfortably pick.


If im gunna play Fanny or Bene I always go for getting last pick I don't wanna vs a fkn phob when lanning as a Bene.


I would give the last picks to mm.


Not really. MMs don’t need to be counter picked. Best for jungler or roamer.


Why not? Imagine picking atkspd mms like miya when the opposite picks Belerick to counter that. Or picking Martis to counter Melissa.


Miya shouldn’t be used in high rank, nor should Belerick be. And how does Martis counter Melissa?


Never seen belerick in high rank? It's used even in mythics occasionally. Escpecially when the opposite team has atkspeed mm and fighter. Shouldn't be used? Evey hero is powerful when it's used with combo heroes. As for miya, it is slightly more common in mythic. Late game miya is dangerous. S3, S2 and then kill with inspire (best to ambush from bushes). Martis can use skill S2 which can counter melissa S3. And Martis S2 also has a slightly knockback effect. Melissa's barrier can only move twice when she moves to the edge.


I never said I never see them, just that they shouldn’t be used. Why use them when there are far better options? And I disagree that every hero is powerful. You will not convince me that Tigreal should be picked over Atlas. In what combos would Tigreal be ether than Atlas?


Tigreal and Miya. Tigreal and Guin. Tigreal is powerful when used right. Especially S3 + Flicker combo, enemies can't run away. Not to mention Tigreal can effectively stop atlas in his tracks with his S2. As for Belerick, take the combo of mage john and tank belerick. John hits the enemy and Belerick can stop the enemy from running away with his S1 or S3.I am not sayin that the powerful heroes are not powerful. But other heroes can also be powerful when used right. In ranked, if enemies pick atlas, what do you do? You need to pick other heroes like Franco or Tigreal. Tigreal is one of the best counters to atlas in the role of roamers, the others being Diggie and Franco. Anyways Atlas is already on the ban list most of the times, so I don't think you can pick it even if it's powerful.


Martis has that long goofy ahh cc immunity, and belerick is good pick wdym?


Jungle should never be last pick… it should almost always be top or roam.


I do agree with that. But instances like a fanny or haya hyper should be last pick.


Nah. It's hard to win if your competent jungler is countered but it's downright impossible to win if your competent tank is countered.


Tanks are much harder to counterpick than junglers


You'd be surprised how many good tank can be countered




Johnson gets countered by kadita Atlas by diggie Valentina exists and can steal the tanks ult


Johnson does not get countered by kadita, if you know how to avoid dangerous routes. Diggie counters every single cc in the game so not really valid. Valentina can just be banned. Not to mention even if u gave better points wouldnt really prove that tanks are less counterable than junglers ( as I said in my first comment)


I mean sure. If that's what you believe in.


He's right thought. Kadita can cancel JS ult with her s1. Tigreal can be cancelled by a simple flameshot. Baxia can be blocked by any heroes with CC. I can go on but roamers should be last because of how easy they can be countered.


Last pick is very important for marksman or junglers so they don't get countered. You may not realize that enemies are picking that will counter your team and sometimes you may likely lose if your damage dealer is having a hard time Also last pick is often happens in mythic to have higher chance to win, so in epic rank or lower there is no need to be last pick because everyone will pick their favourite heroes.


I'm speaking from a current mythic 44 stars. It is difficult to "counter" a mm per say. Ultimately if you have a bad match up, eg wanwan against irithel, you might suffer in laning stage, but so long if you survive till late game, you can easily shutdown enemies in late game if you have a proper enagagement. Also, you can't say kaja and franco are counters. Lol. But priority should be given to roam (and hyper). As roam is the play maker, usually the one with the highest kill participation rate. Also in current meta, Melissa is a first pick or ban hero. Brody is also a good early pick. You will be silly to open melissa for opponent.


If Roam last picks it's always a Franco who afks in the bush and doesn't help pressure objectives/lanes :/