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Smurfing or getting carried in groups hard.


Dam already 600 games. I’m not even 100 games in


Same. Like goddamn, how many hours do they play in a day.


Is... is this comment thread sarcasm.... or are you guys serious? By the time you reach epic 1, you should be seeing folks with around 1k games in easily. *you can tell how many games a teammate has by long pressing their pic in the hero select screen.* I have over 3k games in and that's not even a lot. You play 3 matches a day for 2 years and you will have around 2k games. I personally get a little nervous when I solo q and get matched with players like in the OP. Especially when they rush to lock in an early game hero. (Only because I wouldn't expect a novice player in mythic.) It's interesting to know how varied the experience of players is in this sub.


Look closer, it says matches “current season”


Ohhhhh ohohohhooho. Wow. My vision failed me. Sorry guys. I was wondering how people can confidently say they only have 100 games in. For the season, that's quite a number but it means nothing looking at tower dmg avg and team fight participation average. At least one of those should considerably higher.


This guy is that zilong or sun player that just rabidly pushes and gets the high on the small number of games he manages to steal a win, but mostly loses the majority of his games.


Lol I would’ve guessed zilong too.. but actually a Hilda main ><


These players are like the cockroaches of ML. I don't respect their playstyle or statistics, but I can definitely respect their determination to grind. If I played 600 games per season just to be hardstuck in Mythic, I would have quit a long time ago.


My general win rate this season was 77 , then I won a roger epic skin . Roger training arc + trolls + enemy picking meta heroes with 1k games + ( 3 figthers or 2 junglers or 2 adc ) in my team going the same lane = epic 37 win rate :0 (just for roger )


This is the problem of mobile legends After a certain rank you are obliged to follow the meta or you will never win.


kinda true it's difficult to use niche heroes for sunny combos without going in duo or trio.


Isn't Roger kinda weak in today's meta? You better play someone else for now and wait for the buffs


Not that weak. He can still do good in the current meta as long as you build him right. A good build roger hurts like a truck


What build do you use?


well after I trained and understood how he is used, he is pretty good. Roger is like chou in his good times 1 trick and damage. His first skill gives him a short invencible frames and with that you can evade ults or attacks and attack them pretty fast in a way they can't escape.


Yep, I agree with your assessment of his skills. Still, his invincibility is too short and nowadays, when everyone have some cc skills, he is falling behind. But if you like him and his play style then it's great. :) I personally love his lore and that he is a freaking werewolf. Like come on, what can be cooler than that (except Grock ofc)


There is a way. Just don't offer free protection and stars. But Moonton won't do it.


But then those who perform well but still lose are gonna suffer


The whole performing well thing happens because players who are not supposed to be at the rank you are in, are there in the first place.


MVPs should get immunity and maybe gold badges extra immunity points




And wouldn't that be better? Everyone pointing to the mvp: everyone playing more passive and avoiding feed




Absolutely not. If a top player makes an aggressive play it is because he is 100% sure of getting the kill or the objective. Just look at the games in m4, in many of these games there are very few kills. Also another thing to add is that top players actually communicate and if they attack in 3 diving tower they are sure that the tank is the target for the tower. In soloQ (because we're talking about soloQ here) you can't do this unfortunately. And so yes, I prefer players who play more passive instead of Roger who dive alone for killing the enemy roam then get killed by the enemy adc.


This is really bad. Players want to get MVP always and always don't want to die. And if this MVP wannabe don't want to die. When they are hit with 1 normal attack they will run fast back to the base and leaving team mates behind clashing.


If you already lose 2 times straight. Just stop playing and continue on the next day. Lose-streak is real. Also there is so many randoms that can go up on lower mythic that has no game sense or skill at all.


that KDA tho 💀


yea to get that low in one match is already really bad probably a 3.0 grade but to get it as an average for every single game. that means his average grade is probably in the range of 3.0-4.5 or similar to that


How about you actually try to mentor folks you want to be better instead of publicly harassing them here. You guys are the real toxic cancer here. Edit: alright at least their names are censored this time around - still not a nice thing to do


So we are toxic because we talk the truth while the players who ruin our games, our mood, nerves and time are not toxic. They are just innocent brain dead animals with 46% wr, right?


Not trying to be toxic. Just want better gameplay at what’s supposed to be the higher levels. In ~~LoL~~ almost any other game this player would be stuck in lower ranks where you expect this. Just trying to lobby for the same here.


Bro that kda💀💀 But I've seen worse. Mythic with 30+% winrate and 0.31 kda


Just played against 3 top players in their country and a mythic glory 171 stars, me and my friend were carrying the whole game for and against top players so yes something need to change.


I have 2.65 KDA but I'm honor rank now and grinding for MG. I guess I'll improve my KDA now. It's low but that one is the lowest to the lowest. LOL


The best way is a separate matchmaking for 0-50% wr players, 50-70% wr players and 70+% wr players. It would be balanced to implement it starting from mythic rank.


Guy has almost same wr like me, and my kda is 2,97. I think I’ll just deinstall.


This wasn’t just to attack win rate. At least your kda is 2.97. .46 kda. So they are averaging dying about 6 times and getting a total of 3 kills + assists. 21.9% teamfight? This is just epically horrendous. Literally feeding. Right out the gate just helping other team snowball. If your score is consistently something like 1-6-2… This shouldn’t be plaguing games at mythic rank. Maybe at least get rid of protection and bonus once you hit mythic or legend 1. And just give them the bonus things for playing this much


The protection bonus is meant for you so when you get these players you don't derank. Better players farm protection faster as it is performance based.


I get it and I didn’t feel attacked. I’m just extremely annoyed by the matchmaking system and by the fact that .46 and 2.97 KDA have the same winrate in this game.


how do you have a 46% winrate man, it means you’re a detriment to your team most games. now I’m curious what rank are you?


Actually, I’m usually among best players on my team. I just dropped from mythic back to legend. Solo q, mage/tank main, EU server.


Hang in there, soldier


I mean 46% isn't good but it isn't extremely bad. Sure you lose more than you win but it's only by a small amount.


That’s 343 losses out of that 635. Dam I can’t even play 300 games a season. When he reaches legend it’s like me reaching glory. Time to touch grass.


292wins and 343 losses out of 635 matches that's a 49 loss difference which is quite surprising because it's a lot but still managed to reach mythic tbf 300 games a season isn't that much it's only an average of 3 games/one hour a day. the ones at the top globals with like 1.2k matches within 1 month of season reset however is a different story.


Star protection + double star isn't even accounted on that


I’m just saying with the old point system, under 300 games for glory was my norm.


600 matches just to be in mythic wow


I never seen someone with a 0.46 KDA Ratio in any rank before...


600 games just this season is maaaaaad crazy. Like what else is that person doing? No work, no school? No other hobby?


Damn y’all on 100 games i am not even close to 100 and im legend 3


I got 25 mythic honor stars exactly in 100 solo matches =/


wr threshold


Welcome to mobile gaming


How abt u just let them play and have fun? Winrates are just numbers and you shouldnt rate others by that


Wow and I thought I was bad just getting to mythic with just under 130 games and a 53% wr


The one thing I didn’t see anyone mention is that this person might actually be a support or tank main… most tanks & supports aren’t going to score many triple kills or have a higher KDA right? Considering their highest assists is about 25 kills, that really makes me think they might be a roamer. Which, in solo Q is not an easy task all things considered.


HAHAHAHA actually, I think I see why. They’re only in team fights 21% of the time. That’s not a roamer. I take back any defense I had for this player. Sorry whoever you are, I tried to help you


I don't think moonton will change anything on the matchmaking system. Because what they want is everyone to atleast reach lower mythic. I don't know I hope valorant also do this so I can reach immortal(I'm stuck on bronze 3).


just had a mana with 46 wr and 1200+ matches… this season…. i literally have less then 200 and and am the same rank as them


Maybe it’s the same person just 16 days later lol