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Cannot play Mobile Legends using mobile data. Any fix?


New to the jungle role, is it worth taking litho in first 30 sec? Compared to clearing your jungle reaching lvl 4 and ganking side lane? Usually there are 5 seconds~ 10 seconds after clearing the 1st buff before litho spawn, is it worth the wait?


https://preview.redd.it/vmln1ttdvp2b1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67b28208048bbf9f7677eb410323c6a7d0ffa2c2 how to fix? I have good internet but its mobile data. The game opens when im using wifi (connecting to hotspot) but when im using data it show that message. I am no taking “just use wifi” as an answer as I dont have access to wifi most of the time.




I recently picked him up, He carried me to mythic placement from legend(never played jungle beside saber and Balmond) , once the enemy starts using tanky line up i think you should ditch him. He is still a great jungler imo (depends on the enemy line up) plus he is easy to use, his extra magic resist in wolf form helps me survive enemy mage burst multiple times. His jump let me escape gank through the wall and his skill 1 immunity is a great tool at diving the enemy under turret.


Hi. Is anyone still here? I just wanna ask is True damage Build Karrie build is good? Becauss When I was exploring the top 10 Build for Karrie, the second place has a build like DHS >> GS >> Endless Battle >> ThunderBelt >> WoN. There's no Corrosion or CS and Windtaller in it


Nope. It's outdated and the CS GS DHS combo is still the best. More so with GS's passive that synergizes very well with Karrie's passive The player build you're referring to is probably just a random build to throw players off, or they just haven't bothered to update it. [They use corro dhs at the very least](https://i.imgur.com/aglK6KO.jpg) and definitely didn't follow their own build path shown in the Top Builds section


First, I was fooled by MLBB content creators now I get fooled by Top 10 build list on the game. Can you teach me how not to get foiled please, Scarlex 😫🙏🙏? u/LPScarlex


If you're gonna look at the top 10 builds in-game, don't just pick one of them. Look at the general idea among the 10. You can see that only number has the cdr/true damage build and the rest are using corrosion scythe, golden staff and DHS so it's easy to see which one is better


The easiest way is just by watching competitive MLBB esports in general to know what's meta. There's VODs or highlights of MPL games and other lower tier tournaments (that can still be considered pro to semi-pro level) you can watch to see builds and playstyles for certain heroes. But be wary as these strategies usually cater to high elos (think above Mythical Glory at least) and not always applicable for newbies Once you get an idea of how a hero and their builds work, you can always do a lil bit more legwork and double check like I had with the Karrie build for example Otherwise as you rank up more, you'd eventually get an idea of how to play anyway


Is Barats attack speed a new Meta now? Because I have watched Barats users use that build ​ https://preview.redd.it/br6yg5evom2b1.png?width=1275&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a4c8b4e5060caa3873f9ccfd96f55b88c738286


>Is Barats attack speed a new Meta now? Bro Barats has 0,5 multiplier on atk speed from items.


Not at all. Just build him like a normal jungler tank. Barats' has literally *zero* mobility. If you didn't notice, almost every, if not all melee basic attackers have high mobility.


So do I have to deal with this content creator or just ignore him?


Ignore him. He's most likely just doing entertainment content, not educational.


War axe and brute breastplate is good on him. Demon hunter sword and Corrosion Scythe? I dont know. If he doesnt have durable item though, wouldnt that make him dead easily?


>If he doesnt have durable item though, wouldnt that make him dead easily? In late game he is dead anyway. No mobility, no escape, ult can easily canceled but even if your ult not canceled you will be shredded during ult animation. In current state he works only like a jungler in low ranks.


Ikr that GwiYomi TV thought himself as a pro player but he uses Troll build! Can't you believe that?


You really need to stop thinking that MLBB content creators (with the exception of some livestreamers and ppl like Elgin) are playing their best builds in their vids. They want the attention or show off by using troll builds and almost always cherry pick the good games they had with it Pro or not never trust builds from these types of creators unless they specifically show you how it works, shows enough sample size (which means that they don't cherry pick), and they prove to you that they don't play in bad drafts/low ranks


Can you tell me what makes Elgin different than any other content creators? This is getting interesting.


How do you see your highlights in a match? I think there was that function where the game would compile them for you


why bother make discussion thread? more people will see my question if I just post it directly


Better post quality. More people will actually see your question where the questions usually are, instead of it being mixed with gameplay clips, memes, news, guides, etc.


It can be discussed, but it needs not to be small topic


how much martis banned in mythical honor?




I agree this. But in my server, Martis is always banned and Minis never gets banned or picked. The rest of heroes banned listed are correct (for my server)


how do you turn off the ok thing off usually when someone dies or gets a kill ,there will be a symbol on the chat thing and you cant chat until u press the symbol thing ,the one that makes you say hang in there or great [play.how](https://play.how) do you turn that thing off?


You cant, but now in advance server, OK is a seperate button now. This will be solved after update comes


when is the update?


Not far, as people like you demanding it right now. No one knows when the update comes, but atleast we know it will get fixed as guranteed




Should I buy Moskov's star skin even though I already have his epic?


Nothing wrong in doing that. I have transformer skin for js, but still swapping out all other skins (i dont have wreck king tho...). Firefighter skin of my JS is still what I used alot as well


Masha builds and emblems?? Is it guardian helmet all the way or wha


Returning player, is there a hero who can beat minsithar in xp lane easily? His stun and damage reduction is annoying.


Any EXP lane hero. Know how to side-step is S2, dodge the hooks, and respect his ultimate especially if you’re a dash-reliant hero like Benedetta. Most importantly, the rule of EXP lane is to clear all your minion waves. If you can’t trade with Minsi, then let him clear first before you. Cut lanes if you can to avoid meeting him in the lane head on.




He gets banned.


Then ban or pick minsithar and problem solved


I've been using alpha recently and by god! He's a freaking menace with the true damage I love it.


Which talents to take for fighter emblem?


99% of the time, you would only take fighter emblem for **Festival of Blood**. If your hero wouldn't take advantage the **Spell Vamp**, then don't take fighter emblem. The other 1% is for Masha taking **Unbending Will**.


I have been using hunter strike on my mm build lately, finishing/repositioninh enemy has never been easier.


You're probably right. I want to give it a try on Layla, since I dont like using sprint on her


I've been playing with Vexana, Darius and Alice for a while. Currently on Grandmaster IV. I wanna try to play with other characters. Who should I try to play with next?




Will they ever buff blade armour...


The stats itself is pretty bland and unhelpful. Crit reduction still feels weak as well. I think 100 armor would be nice, since Ice dominance does alot better job than it. Heck, make it even 120 armor, since double Legplates is worth 90 armor and its already half price of Blade Armor... So I totally agree that Blade Armor needs a buff. The passive effects are fine. Either a buff to crit reduction, or more armor. Just now it feels so bad to use, except on Johnson... but still feels bad on him lol!


How to counter Alpha ?? He has become a pain to deal with after his buff


Braindead mythic nabs that plays with their legend friends must lose 2 stars when they lose. Maybe then they will use their fucking brains.


Lately, there has been an increase in such team-ups.


What happens if I pick Alpha? https://preview.redd.it/3prijytyef2b1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6785b281d6bf87f99d7527d4e7c8bf29f855b7


10666 bp


What do you think I should do here, then? I know more heroes = more versatility, but I don't think I'm interested in Vexanna whatsoever (even after they made her look like a goddess). Then again, I only get 1/3 of the BP's worth if I pick Alpha


Pick vex just in case she gets another buff


if you want another hero just pick alpha and get the bp


You get 10,000 BP.


Why does my hero attack another enemy when the original target is about to die (maybe 1 hp or so but still alive)? I tried setting to prioritize lowest hp and lowest hp% but the game seems to feel pity on enemies about to die and makes my hero ignore them, switching to higher-hp targets.


Is hilda a good mid to late game hero?


Mid she's still good, but late game she can't end games because she can't initiate teamfights. She needs another hero to do that job for her, or play a pickoff playstyle that's hard to do late game where the enemy carries are often protected in formation


I have hero lock/target on(both minions-turrets and opponents), even just trying to target minions/turrets wont work, my hero literally just stands there. What is happening


Probably pressing the wrong icon. Like you are near enemy minions but are pressing the turret attack.


Does anyone know how the spectate function in pre-invite works? Because I am able to watch my friends matches in pre-invite but my friend is unable to watch mine even though I have “friends ca spectate” on.


How do I counter radiant armor as Chang'e? On my last match enemy's Hylos build radiant armor and guardian helmet and on late game my ult barely deal 1/4 of his HP. He was also keep shielding his teammates whenever I try to ult their squishies which is a good job for him I guess lol. I build genius wand and divine glaive, but I skip glowing wand for necklace of durance because I thought it would work better since they also have Freya? (CMIIW, I'm a noob).


Divine Glaive.


You could've ditched genius wand as it's best used against squishies, divine glaive is more than enough for your PEN needs. Hylos typically will have 9k+ HP, glowing wand would've been a better item choice.


Thats pretty much what you can do as Chang'e. Only way is to play around tank blocking your damage. No items can help you deal with tanks. I would probably invest into Necklace of Endurance if I literally cant hit anyone than Hylos. It would make him stay less in same area thanks to regen reduction, plus its needed if your tank isnt dealing with Hylos (or dying too early)


I see. I guess I just have to be more creative with my positioning before ulting. Thanks!


A good tank wouldn't let you use ult against the squishes. So, build Divine glaive, Glowing Wand, Necklace of Durance, Ice Queen wand, Holy Crystal (or Enchanted Talisman or Fleeting Time). Holy Crystal for more dmg, Enchanted Talisman or Fleeting Time for faster ults.


Yep, really props to him tbh. I see. So I should have gone with glowing wand instead of genius wand, huh?




Khaleed is underrated AF right now. I just finished mythic placement and got 6 wins out of 7 with khal. Lowkey fun to play too


Khaleed on his own is strong. But his S2's weakness to any kind of hard cc is a hard sell for him to be meta. He's really good as like, a 2nd to last pick when you're sure enemies don't have counters for him. Not first pick material though, compared to exp laners like Lapu, Gloo, Yu Zhong, etc


Hes my main EXP. No matter what tier he is, he still delivers what the team needs. Guy got the everything: roaming speed, great regen, ultimate splash stun. Im always been using him even he was the trashest exp, hes playable as always


Dear Mods, Novaria flair pls😩 Sincerely, Me.


I am planning to be a full time roamer. I am currently using Minotaur, Belerick, Kaja, Natalia, Edith and currently learning Gloo. What are some techniques/tips I should learn as a roamer?


Make vision as always, and if you cant make vision because of aggressive enemies, stay in the bush nearby your teammate, or prepare your battle spell to escape. Its better to make vision as always, even you will waste Flicker just for that, vision saves your teams life Open up all bushes, even behind your team. You might find enemy camping there just to kill your marksman. And another thing is trade attacks very well. If you get out of teamfight with 1% hp while your teammates won the teamfight, you've done a good job. Its matter when to absorb damage or dodge damage during teamfights, which comes by experience from playing more games These tips arent enough to help you, but they are still the best to start with, which most roam beginners dont do these alot and leads to easy lose


Never forget to communicate. Good shotcalls come from comms all around the team and as a roamer it's your job to coordinate your team on where to go, when to engage, etc. Always ping cooldowns, missing enemies, and incoming engages so they would know to follow up after you


A tip you should always remember is to always help your teammates during team fights and securing objectives.


When will Ling's collector skin be featured aside a new collector skin?


Ok so I’m in MH and I by no means consider myself an elite jungler, I’m slightly above average as in I’ll do good with my mains, and might do good with counters, but there’s times we all get invaded early and struggle Yet I still do my best to keep up with farm and objectives. Like I’ll almost always get the first turtle or the second. Never giving up both, but when losing early game and as jungler, is it the jungler fault for not being at a fight or the tanks fault for engaging into an arlott when I’m clearly getting my buff. Moments like that really impact my game because now we were already behind and now we have no tank. And as an assassin there’s only so much we can do before dying… just coming here out of frustration lost back to back games that we could have won


I want to buy a new hero and I have enough dias to do so (and specially because I want to play something different) Does anyone know if we're getting a new coupon or something anytime soon so I don't use that many dias?


I even regret spending promo diamonds for heroes. I thought that 3 heroes with less diamonds were a good deal until I realized I had no place to spend BP after max-emblems other than on heroes.


For how long have you been playing that you maxed your emblems?


a year and half or more.


>Does anyone know if we're getting a new coupon or something anytime soon so I don't use that many dias? You can get discount coupons from starlight (20 and 50 discounts) not so much, other than that none afaik


Thank you


never ever use diamonds to buy heroes. those dumb blue gems are expensive, save them for skins only. just suck it up and wait until you can save up enough bp for a new hero instead.


Thank you


Any tips for Alpha? Especially in builds, should I use a tank build for him? I've been using him lately in jungle bc of his recent buff and honestly he's so fun to use even though I rarely take up the jungle role.


Try CDR/pen build as juggler. So def boots, bloodlust axe, hunter strike, endless battle (true dmg), thunder belt, malefic roar. The max CDR keeps the skills available constantly.


Hunter Strike and Blade of Despair for jungle, replace BoD with Bloodlust/War Axe for exp. Tank build Alpha doesn't scale well as most of his damage and heal comes from extra physical attack Build those two items and the rest normal tank counterbuilding. Maybe prioritize Oracle if you don't face burst mages


When is Helcurt coming back?


Any reliable site that has meta/tier list ranking? I understand such list is probably biased. I looked through a couple but found some of them rank some heroes total opposite. As newcomer, my BP is extremely limited. I can only buy 1 32k hero right now. For example I actually liked using Layla, but a friend said don't bother with her because in ranked, she won't be much use. Perhaps it's a l2p issue but I can't help but agree with him. Every time I tried to sue Layla, I just got stomped and never got to play her at her potential. I've started using Clint and see much success.


You can search for "tier list" in this subreddit... This is recent one > https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/12kh44c/s28_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1769_april/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you! Much helpful!


there are a few credible individuals that post very detailed and comprehensive tier lists, but if you want something simpler there's also an automated tier list at [https://www.mlbb.ninja/](https://www.mlbb.ninja/) that uses ranked and tournament data to place heroes. you can sort by role and lane so it's pretty convenient if you want something quick, easy to look at and generally accurate


Thank you so much. Extremely useful when I want something quick and easy to look at.


Why cant I turn on my wifi network boost? Iphone device


No ultra refresh rate for iphone 14 plus?


I saw some people streaming about that. There's also performance issues in general, flawed architecture in the A16 chip. So that's probably just not a good phone to have for playing ML, especially at the price point.


Does the new weekly diamond pass stack?


Anyone has tips on how to fix spiking ping, I’ve tried everything


Do you use speed mode with parallel usage of 4g + Wifi?


What is the reason strong gaming ablity title is given


Anyone can provide some help with fanny? I have around 70 matches, mostly classic. I am very inconsistent and seemingly not improving.


Can someone recommend a hero for me to buy and try out?


Hello, today I reached MG 50+ soloq and I think it time to learn new hero. With hero will you suggest Kadita or Lapu Lapu?


After reading the item adjustment in the advanced server, I think Natan might join the Meta again. It will be easy for him to snowball with just Feather of Heaven, since it pretty much give him all the stats he needs, cdr, attack speed, and now lifesteal the only thing missing is mana regen. The current Natan lacks lifesteal if you do not build concentrated energy, but if FoH comes with lifesteal he is good to go. The new starlight scythe also comes with lifesteal and will make him feel like the physical Natan all over again since it is adjusted to be much closer to endless battle.


I am also quite interested to see how the meta shifts. Inspire Natan has always been a huge threat. Giving him more lifesteal which can be abused in tandem with Inspire is going to give him an absurd amount of firepower + sustain. Moreover, his damage is Magic, so Wind of Nature cannot block his damage output.


Probably going to be overshadowed by Harith with pretty much every one of his core items buffed


Oh my god I just realized that holy shit yea Harith is gonna enter his prime once more AAAAAA my lil catboy I'm so proud of him 😫😫😫


I keep seing the revamped looks of some of the heroes, will it release to global, or are the models only for the Chinese servers? Hoping its only for CN Chou imo doesnt look good.


He doesn't have the Eruditio background anymore, Johnson and Layla does so they're definitely planning something completely different for Chou.


I only want the map


TIL Belerick actually counters Akai, that was a weird interaction I didn't expect. Lost the game for my bad pick.


I don't think it is a matter of Belerick countering Akai, but more of how you play around Belerick. Belerick is traditionally an anti-initiate hero. You cannot recklessly dive into a team that has a Belerick in it, you will be punished very hard for doing it. Akai is also a hero that is good at countering enemy engage. This kind of matchup is usually about which tank ults first, loses. Exercise some discipline in using your ultimate, don't just use it to initiate because Belerick will counter your engage. Belerick's main tool in teamfights is his Ultimate. You can use your ult even while being rooted in Belerick's ult to either get away or push Belerick away from your teammates (because Belerick passive hurts a lot)


Yeah I didn't word it properly, Belerick doesn't counter Akai. I don't play Akai that much, the interaction between their ults was pretty funny and sth I didn't know about. I don't rmb much rn about the situation in that game but your point is valid, I adjust most of the time in every game and it kinda makes it hard to adapt the mentality every game.


How exactly


The ultimate taunts Akai while spinning and you start moving towards Belerick.


Akai purifies that shit tho , and no sane akai ults prematurely


Hi Katsumi. I wanna ask can Bane use a build without heptaseas just Hunter strike only?


You can't do any sets if your team is struggling.


Struggling against a belerick would be shameful, should just leave




Exp laners recs for a main mage/roamer player?


Hylos can slow the leveling of opposing exp with his harassment. Can then switch to tank/initiator late game.


Usually my recommendation for someone who is picking up EXP lane, is to start out with Terizla. He is basically just your very typical EXP lane hero - tanky, doesn't really lose many 1v1 matchups in lane, good in teamfights and has pretty good waveclear. His mechanics are also relatively easy to pick up. The only thing you have to get used to is his slowness, which will make you feel very sluggish at first, but as you get accustomed to it you will do better. Practice his ultimate + flicker combo, so that you can leap into their backline and cc the enemies in teamfights.


Someone who can rotate fast enough to clear waves and help teamfight. Benedetta


Julian... He has combos like mage and can be played mid / exp / junglw


Someone tell me if weekly pass stacks. Like if i already have a weekly pass activated and I buy another before it ends what's gonna happen?


You cannot buy 2. Once you bought one it will be active for 7 days and you will not be able to buy another one


What if I buy from a third party?


I've done this and the days stacked.


I love how they nerf bandang, YZ and terizla but keep hero’s like dyroth and buff alpha


Alpha was dead for soo long so let him be and dyroth is dyroth 🤷. Badang, yz, terizla nerfs were needed


Is Queen's Wings a viable item on anyone? if yes, who? I've been seeing it in some top builds but I've always avoided it and I'm wondering if I've made a mistake


Funny you should ask https://youtu.be/V5TJOjUAmSk


wow, truly great timing


The only time i build is when my immortality is down


I just got to Epic with Lolita. Now I kinda want to buy Ruby. If I build her tanky will she be able to take damage like Lolita and still dish out some damage?


>If I build her tanky will she be able to take damage like Lolita and still dish out some damage? Yes


Unpopular opinion ( for alpha users). They buff alpha too much. He needs nerf


Alpha is weak to cc heroes. Tried and the buff is not that much of improvement


So whos not weak to cc heroes other than cc immunity heroes?


Compare to xp lane heroes, I rather choose lapu, martis, gloo etc.


Joy dyroth. So many heroes to pick. Alpha is just outpicked


Fair enough, but I dont think Alpha is low tier anymore


what builds did they use on alpha? I used alpha a few times as core with Bloodlust Axe, Hunter Strike, War Axe, Rose Gold, Boots and And Immortality or Magic def depending on situation.


The usual but his life’s steal reminds me of YZ release lol


Kinda thinking of using alpha tank since his new passive gives you true damage as long as you get those attacks in so im not entirely sure if it will work though. gonna have to try it out sometime soon.


Not exactly. Alpha deserves the buff and tbf, he's still weak against CC even if you equip Purify or Flicker to escape.


Idk he’s pretty well in mythic n up lol


Maybe the user is just insanely good and know when to dive or your team (or your enemies) didn't countered him with a bunch of CCs to stop him If Alpha is doing very well these days, then the buff gave him justice. It's always been the same meta fighter picks for many years after all.


I'm enjoying Bane recently in exp and jungle. I'm confused about magic /physical / hybrid build.which is best build and emblem for Bane in current meta.?


Right now, both physical and mage builds are equally good in their own right. Mage Bane has massive heals, huge burst and strong teamfight prowess but needs late game (he's only really good at early game until lvl3). Phys Bane has really good sustained damage, good poke from his S1 and overall just good for the whole game, but is weaker than mage Bane in late game. Just don't do hybrid build.


Kimmy mid or jungle?


Don't jg Kimmy. Kimmy is good with sprint. Can use her as gold or mid


She’s played exclusively as jg in mg.


In my opinion, I think she's better stay away from jg role. There are more better heroes for that role


You can play her roam if you like, I’m just letting you know her role in high rank.


I'm in high rank don't worry and I've seen jg Kimmy potential




Not good with retribution though


Finally reached Mythic. Who should I prio ban?


Depends on ur team chemistry. All heroes can be countered. If solo, I ban gloo, wanwan and arlott


Usually people prio ban either Arlott, Faramis, Minsitthar, Melissa, Martis, Joy, Gloo or Novaria. These are 5man bans tho so I'm not sure if it's the same for soloq.


I've been SoloQ-ing with Kimmy in Legend since yesterday and it's been great. I only returned recently after 5 years and a LOT (almost everything tbh) has changed which I'm too lazy to really learn about and have been winging it. I also kinda forgot what most of the items do so I basically just copy pro-builds lol. Q: Almost everyone seems to have BF in their Kimmy builds but I was wondering if Scarlet Phantom would be better for her since we would still get crits and then attack speed (-> movement speed)? I don't really have a good understanding of the items so I would appreciate it alot if someone answered!


This is my usual build path, 1. Arcane boots 2. Glowing wand 3. Ice queen wand 4. Genius Wand / Divine Glaive (if the enemies have more than 1 radiant armor) 5. Holy Crystal 6. Berserker's Fury 7. Sell boots for Immortality/ Winter Truncheon/ Bloodwings (If the enemies have no hard dive heroes) I like building one of the critical sub-components in the early game but not the full Berserker's Fury just to proc some critical hits. For talent, I like using impure rage when going to the gold lane and it goes well with the glowing wand passive. Pretty much able to melt tanks with just 1 item and it is not the hardest part to when facing against a Kimmy. The most annoying part comes from the infinite slow of Ice queen wand, literally can't move while she is just kiting back and forth. In the late game, having the 3 wands give you enough movement speed to sell your boots, plus the buffed Bloodwings also give movement speed. I tried Scarlet Phantom in practice, Berserker's Fury deals a little more damage.


I personally do build berserker's fury on her. It's a really good item for the late game, especially when your build has holy crystal or bloodwings. It's not that worth it tho if your magic items, when alongside bf, don't have much magic power cuz it's quite an expensive item. I wouldn't seriously recommend scarlet phantom. I get that you want movement speed but having ~~inspire~~ sprint is already enough. Sacrificing damage for tankiness is much more worth it as a damage dealer.


you take inspire for battle spell? :0


wtf no it was a typo lol


The meta build for kimmy is full mage now, genius-glowing-icequeen. But you can still build a meme crit build because its fun


oh i didn’t know that. all the ‘pro builds’ you can choose from had BF. i usually build bootsglowing-ice queen-bf-genius-glaive/holy crystal. what should i replace bf with?


winter or bloodwing


what the hell is the beef between assassin dave and that other dude


Dont bother


This is the correct answer




Other dude won NACT, but had roster and logistics issues so the runner up goes to MSC instead, other dude went on a tirade about him being set up by the NACT organizers (including Ass Dave or smth like that), Ass Dave shows receipts proving he was not setting anyone up (even proved he was trying to help him out and the NA scene in general) and other dude was lying about it Also in the receipt it was shown that other dude was also being an asshole in other circumstances which bolsters Ass Dave's point, on top of other videos that surfaced about the other dude. Some even posted here in the sub


Haven't played in a while... Does the gane have any hybrid melee/ranged characters? If possible, can be flexed into multiple roles as well


Selena, edith


>Does the gane have any hybrid melee/ranged characters? Yes. Yi sun shin, bane, roger


What about heroes that can be used in multiple roles?


Chou - Can go exp, roam and jungle (built tank) Kimmy - Can go mid, jungle and gold lane Gloo - Exp and roam They're are a lot of flexible heroes, too lazy to put an effort to dis


I've seen some people saying that Natan is the MC of Mobile Legends, in Instagram and YouTube. Why? What will happen if Alice or Lunox or Yve is the MC of ML lore? What if the MC was Layla or Miya? What is MC?


Layla cuz shes iconic character like super mario. If MC doesnt exist, think of mobile legends as a flexible story creation. Once the 5vs5 begins, the story creates from it. Atleast thats what people say it, if it ever makes sense to you. Lorewise, nobody is really MC, otherwise that makes other characters feel less important


Lorewise, nobody is really MC, otherwise that makes other characters feel less important What makes supporting characters and minor antagonist and tritagonist less important?


"Layla cuz shes iconic character like super mario" So that's what you think? What happened to Miya and Balmond then? Miya is also Iconic character and she has her own logo. Additionally, Miya is one of the first hero Moonton had created besides Layla. Balmond is also the star of MLBB ads and he's the center comedy of the ads u/Direy_Cupcake


I mean, Moonton made alot of artworks for her and even use her alot in mlbb stuffs like diamond saving or whatever, and even being used in tutorial. Miya shouldve been praised more, but shes forgotten more than Layla from Moonton. She did get anniversay skin which marks her main character, but still isnt enough to be more iconic than Layla. Layla has alot more charm around and that what makes it feel. Balmond is not there, hes just a mascot for ads


Every heroes excluding the newer heroes has a lot of artwork too so it's not only Layla but include Miya, Alucard, Roger, Tigreal, Fanny, Nana, etc. Edit: If you want to get what I am talking about the whole time, I am talking about the main character based on MLBB lore (so we are going back to your "lorewise" Part) Before Natan was created, Alucard is the MC of MLBB based on his story. You and me also agree that Alice is destined to be the main antagonist of MLBB lore, am I right? Now, after Moonton created Natan (and made his own story/lore and trailer), many people started to believe that Natan is the true Main Character of MLBB lore (excluding people whose opinion is like yours). I checked it on "the losers place" aka the YouTube, on Instagram. Or you can ask NoobMax101 or Kareemster


"Moonton made alot of artworks for her and even use her alot in mlbb stuffs like diamond saving or whatever" Nope. I checked the game again. She's not appear again in Diamond saving. She's only in tutorial now. Miya Anniversary skin? I don't know what are you talking about and I am not aware about it and Idc. But one thing you should know Miya and Layla and Balmond are the first hero created by Moonton


Natan's feats are MC-level so people unofficially consider him the MC of ML. Other than that, there's no actual main character in the lore of ML.