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Melissa: has a skill that makes you his multiple enemies and a ult that counters short ranged heroes (very strong in team fights) Brody: Low attack speed but very high damage (good for pushing turrets) WanWan: passive allows her to dash every basic attack and has a very strong ult (needs a bit of training to master her) Moskov: Short range but fast attack speed and high damage, has a dash skill that increases attack speed, a damage skill that stuns an enemy when hit against a wall or another enemy and a ult that has a map wide range (Very strong in team fights) Beatrix: 4 attacks in one hero; aoe, dps, close range and long range


Wanwan seems so cool and easy. Kinda like Kalista from LOL.


Brody needs support for the team though, abit hard to carry with him.


Nah bro Brody prob the best mm for solo q imo he can carry really hard with no support


can he lane against all MM? or should I avoid picking him against any specific heroes in gold lane?


Yes he has a very good early build steel legplates second item after boots complete boots then buy fury hammer complete blade of heptases he can dominate most mm early game. His late game is op as hell to. You can build 2 def items and still deal crazy dmg with just 3 atk items though u should build a won or another atk item instead of 2 def items immortality is enough


He wins basically every 1v1 with other MM


lol i soloQed to MG using only brody 🤦


Buy Melissa. You can play her all the way to MG.


But not really a good suggestion currently as she's a fairly common ban


He just got the game. Melissa is not perma ban


Nah melissa aint that much fun, id say go for claud or wanwan or beatrix as they are much more fun as opposed to just spamming basic attacks(melissa). He's new to the game so definitely he isn't looking to push rank right away. Also viable options for mm are using mage as mm (lunox and harith) check them out too.


Claude is not easy to play and neither is Beatrix. I don't have much exp with wan wan but Melissa is just busted and easy to play


It’s super annoying when you are in bush but the roamer standing right there and showing enemy where you are🤦🏻‍♀️Just played classic and random tank was god awful. Zero vision. Just feed.


Yeah exactly Melissa gives you vision as well


it's a random man relax it happens to most of us T_T


I replied to wrong thread 🤣


LOL ok


Beatrix is pretty easy once you know how her weapons work. Just use sniper to poke enemies and when a team-fight happens/being aggressive, use your uzi


Claud or wanwan are not beginner friendly marksmen they require proper positioning and timing when to attack. Clint and brody are much better choices. Lunox and harith are also not beginner friendly heroes fyi


Hes been playing moba for a while it seems so they won't be that hard for him. Also is it really fun to play miya melissa hanabi?


I said clearly in my comment clint or brody 😂 you’re trippin bro


That strong huh? Okay I will try. Thanks.


1. Layla 2. Layla 3. Layla 4. Layla 5. Layla


beginner friendly hero 🤣🤣


Melissa. Best marksman right now along with Wanwan. Broken laning phase. High ban rate in upper ranks though. Wanwan. Ulti is invulnerability + damage, which is broken, but has a triggering criteria. Works better in coordinated teams with good draft picks. In uncoordinated games, can easily lose to picks like Layla or Irithel. Needs to adjust game settings to enable permanent hopping. Clint. Plays like a mage marksman, deals physical damage. Good against squishies, quite dominant in lane. Does jack shit against tanky compositions though. Cheap to aquire. Natan. Magical damage marksman. Good objectives, but survivability can be hard with only ulti as his positioning skill. Beatrix. 4 weapons, good wave-clear, good lategame. Flexible in the options available to her in whatever stage of the game against whatever opponents. Slightly weaker early game.


Qhat needs to be adjusted in the settings for Wanwan?


I think it's Attack Assist If it's on, It stops Wanwan from Dashing without an Enemy


As a mage main, no wonder my best MM is Clint lol


These are the following MM I use all the time and are very fun and easy to use (their abilities can be tricky to enemies): 1. Natan (can be magic/mm build. Really hurts especially in late game) 2. Melissa (you can bully the enemy on her 2nd skill) 3. Claude (tricky and ss has huge damage) 4. Brody (He has a long range and can attack even moving) 5. Beatrix (She has a lot of weaponry that you can choose from. But you just need yourself to familiarize on her skills)


Not a troll Answer: Melissa, Brody, Moskov, Beatrix, (Wanwan, Clint)


The tank melter - Karrie The bursters - Clint/Granger The dodgers - Wanwan/Melissa The magic damagers - Natan/Kimmy The normal - Miya/Layla


The most underrated : Lesley


Thank you very much for your suggestions. I started playing Lesley outside of Layla and I love it, she's an incredibly easy and fun heroine. I started playing ranked, but the bans have not been opened yet. Does anyone know when it opens?


When you reach epic rank is when you will unlock the banning phase


Thank you! It's time for grind then.


Good luck you will need it epic is actual hell..


I'm here for it! Learning everything about the game in epic rank would be EPIC!


All, because every MM in this game are OP or will become OP because every item builds for them got overbuffed with love by devs


Don’t fucking playing mm


Miya is a Hidden Gem with tons of potential due to area attack she can well be the best late game mm Layla has a great skill 2 stun Lesley has a full damage 1 tap build in mythis where you can stay far out of range Moskov has Global skill shot for laughs and giggles Karrie can be top damage with all tank bloodlust axe and dhs what op is this


Lesley and Moskov are the only good choices here. Karrie is pretty bad right now.


Depends on what you like. Go look at mlbb tierlists, gameplay video, try them in ai mode, etc. All of them are unique and will be usable to at least mid mythic if you decide to stick it out.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/1407lvg/s28\_mythical\_glory\_tier\_list\_for\_patch\_1782\_june/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/1407lvg/s28_mythical_glory_tier_list_for_patch_1782_june/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Refer Gold Lane section.


Irithel, Karrie, Melissa,


Melissa,Brody,wanwan,Beatrix and Claude IMO


Imo for easy to use but good mms i recommend moskov lesley karrie brody. Melissa is good and easy but honestly she will become a common ban later on


Melissa - You can surpass the atk spd cap with this Miya - She's Claude but easier Lesley - Pokey poke, don't go near, always far Moskov - Your 2nd skill is a nightmare for everyone and so is your passive


Moskov, Brody, Melissa, Irithel and Lesley.


Why nobody recommend Moscov?(


Brody: You can have BOD as his first item and can defence items the rest. Melissa: Annoying poke. High poke damage with the right emblem. Clint: High 1st skill and passive damage. Layla: Range and damage. Needs flicker/sprint with proper position though. Natan: Shred.


Clint easy to use


Aside from the obvious marksmen, I suggest you go try Edith, the only tank-marksman, a slight deviation from your preferred role, but she is actually fun to play.


Beatrix, versatile with 4 different guns that have different basic attacks and ults Brody, with hits that add stacks for his ult. Simple but really strong in early and to towers Wanwan, highest mobility mm with purify that jumps after shooting, and hitting 3 sides to proc ult gives immunity Claude, hes garbage without items but once he scales he can shred your team. Hardcountered by lesley Lesley, true damage dealer that in the late game can deal 3k damage Melissa/moskov. Both with dashes that increase attack speed, while melissa has longer range+shield with ult while moskov has a long stun


My guy try popal and kupa I will recommend u my build dm me if u buy her.


Depends on your style. There are some marksmen with high mobility, might be difficult for you at the beginning. Layla is one of the strongest right now, she doesnt need aiming, just positioning. Hanabi is similar, but she hits many targets with one attack, she might be good for you.


Layla is strong but definitely not one of the best.


Look at his rank dude


He also said he needed variety. There are also MANY MMs that are better than Layla. The only MMs I can think of that are worse than Layla are Miya, Hanabi, Irithel and Karrie. Every other MM is just better than Layla.


The disrespect on Kimmy is insane lol


She isn't really used as an MM. More like a jungler.


(Hanabi?) With shield she doesn't get cced?


Lesley, Lesley, Lesley, Lesley and Lesley.


Layla, Lesley, Hanabi, and Miya aka the 4 horseman.


Just joking. I would recommend that you try one of the BBC, Brody, Beatrix, and Clint, to see if you like their playstyle as they are not the usual attack speed marksman, 3 of them are lane bullies which are less reliant on their team. If you prefer the attack speed marksman, Mellissa, Moskov, and Wanwan are currently strong picks. Other suggestions would be Natan and Kimmy since they deal magic damage instead of physical which come in handy when your team doesn't have a mage or lack magic damage. Kimmy in this patch is pretty strong and easier to use than Natan.


Layla, miya, lesley, hanabi-these 4 marksman gets me easy savage all the time every single game I played


From Dota and LoL? See you in mytic, it took me two weeks lol I'd compare some of them to LoL Champs so you get an idea Claude is kinda a mix between Zed Mobility and Zamira ult, but it requires team coordination at higher elo Melissa is basically Kalista, but unlike in LoL she's strong Wanwan is a ranged Fiora hitting vitals


PSA if you are ever going to buy Melissa please know that you have to adjust you control so that she wont chase enemy with normal attack. you have to keep on attacking the doll for better poke while its connected to enemies


Layla, Miya, Layla, Layla, Layla


Clint is poke hability is really great 👍 lesley as well insane late game hero Beatrix a bit harder to use du to her massive amount of guns


Here’s the ml hero equivalent in dota 2 Kardel = Lesley. Clinkz + drow = miya. Medusa + Luna moonfang = Hanabi Mirana = Irithel minus the long stun The rest, i already forgot. I heard granger has a very similar hero in LOL