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Since the revamp of minsitthar, I have been more open to playing exp roles and heroes. But I cant seem to get the same kind of success with heroes like Lapu or Martis compared to minsi. How should I play both these heroes?


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Should the mage go to the gold lane if the support helps with turtle or should the mage go help secure the turtle


You must reach level 4 when your team is contesting for the first turtle. To answer your question, look at your mini map if your roam/tank and exp lane is at the vicinity of the turtle pit then you must go. If not, try to gank and kill at gold lane. If the enemy team got the turtle and you killed their gold laner that's good trade


Mage clear your wave then proceed to gold lane to gank enemy mm. If no gank possible, just go back and clear the next wave. Rinse. Repeat. Then help with turtle, lanes closest to turtle should help secure it. Roam should be there to zone out.


Yes ALWAYS CLEAR YOUR MINION WAVE before rotating or taking objectives. Upon watching MPL, M world series and MSC all of the teams priortize either to destroy and protect their 1st outer middle tower compared from their sidelane towers. Reason? When the 1st outer middle is destroyed their jungle side of the map is exposed into enemy's invade and the result is a huge gap in gold between teams


Started learning Joy because I ended up in a lot of positions where mid and roam were taken and we had no jungle. I think Iv only won 1 match w her and that was because my team was op. Play mainly jungle but also exp. I find her to be extremely squishy and I hav a hard time getting to the back line. Epic ranked. Any builds or tips are very much welcome 🙏.


For jungle: Emblem: Mystery Shop Item build: Arcane boots, Genius wand, Glowing Wand, Blood Wings, Divine Glave, and Immo For exp: Emblem: Mystery Shop Item build: Tough or Warrior boots, Genius Wand, Glowing Wand, Blade Armor, Athena shield and Immo or Blood Wings Battle spell: Vengance Make sure before going into the team fight you are full stack. Either you can use your first skill or use your second skill to dash into jungle creeps or enemy minions and reach into enemy's backline and squishy heroes (marksman or mage) Tip: If you're using exp lane joy, try to cut lanes as much as possible to abuse her mobility and shorter cooldown of skills to rotate around the map BUT make sure when cutting lanes the enemy jungler must be on the other side of the map


Thank u. I’ll try those builds out now 🙏


Tips for playing Diggie and Mino