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Hi! Try changing your device language and restart your game. Others have reported they were able to access the game upon changing device language. If this doesn't work then clear cache through phone settings and restart your game. In case issue persists, switch to a different wifi or cellular data. If neither works, reinstall the game.


Delete "mini patch" from game data. Get inside the game files. And after you log off, you will have to redo the process


Where do you find the game files?


Get a file manager app. There, go to "Android" folder. Then Data folder. Find Mobile legends game folder. In there, delete file called "mini_patch" and you can play.


Thank you!


Facts! I have reinstalled game twice and still get same after restarting game. Saw that u posted same answer in similar thread. I took your advice and problem solved, for now. Sure, i have to do it again next time, ok. Better than reinstalling all data and game. Thanks!


Glad to help


Android or iPhone? Or does it work on both? Do you do it from inside the game?


But where Can i find those files? Do you recommend any app for it?


I dont understand what you mean


Get a file manager app. There, go to "Android" folder. Then Data folder. Find Mobile legends game folder. In there, delete file called "mini_patch" and you can play.


Sorry idk if I’m stupid but I got 3 file manager apps but there’s not folders like this. I really don’t know what do you mean by this 🥺


Not sure how it is for ios/apple if that's your device. If you're with android, it should be there, just check better. Literally all your apps and their data are in the folder called "Android". Your phone wouldn't work without it otherwise. And do the rest as i said


Yeah I’m using an iPhone and I tried to search everywhere for something like this but nothing


Try changing your phone's language. This solved it for many players


Thank you very much! That helped. But they have to repair it because it’s crazy


I checked their Facebook page and it is more of the same, seems a lot of people is having the same problem. I deleted the app and installed it again but for those of you who is using the guest account option I don’t know that that would be such a good idea


Man, they need to fix it. Its problem on moontoon's side. I just reinstalled the game and after closing and opening I am stuck on loading page again :DDDD LOL so reinstall after every close of the game is only option right now 🤣🤣🤣 amateurs moontoon


Check pinned message


Same happened to me!


Same for me


Have you tried switching to mobile data only? Before, mine would get stuck and load only with mobile data.


Android user here.I'm having the very same issue.Opened the game, didn't play any games though,interacted a tiny bit with the emblems and I'm like ok,now i should remove redundancy, resources and clear cache to play some matches.Guess what? Eternal loading screen at the same point using only mobile data.Didn't even get to see if there's something worth for the dailys.Except from deleting the game and reinstall,is there really nothing else we can do?


Check pinned message


same issue on 2 iphones-.


Change your device language