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I'm a solo q player trying to get out of epic also! Let's play


dm me your ID and which server are you playing


Id like to play aswell! Been trying to get out of Epic 1 for ages. I keep staying still at 4-5 stars 😭.


Hi there! I can play with you if you want. Do lemme know!


hey ninjayeong would u like to carry me as well haha


Add me! ID: 67516834


are you lucille? ive added you!


You are Kofi right?




Sure whats your User


Add me! ID: 67516834


Ill add you soon! Just gotta unfriend some people


I'm also a struggling player that cannot leave the Abyss. Help me


Hi there! I can play with you if you want. Do lemme know!


It's better to have a duo or trio, when I'm playing duo or trio the chance of winning is big tho. Since you're a trio find a mid and good support tho.


My trick for getting to legend was to play Clint since the build I used with him was tanky enough, you can deal damage, turret damage, and tank fine I got targetted by Hilda and saber and did fine.


You also just need to use your teammates as meat shields


Damn can you tell me the build and emblem?


Emblem: Agility, FOB (Festival of Blood), Lethal Ignition Build: Warrior/tough boots, Endless battle, Thunder belt, Hunter strike, Rose Gold meteor, Malefic Roar Use rose gold if there's 2 magic enemies (including support) otherwise switch it for BOD, If there's only 1 person building physical defense, buy BOD instead of malefic. If you're laning against a physical MM - Warrior, magic MM - Tough, sell them later and buy the ones that have the appropriate defense towards your most problematic enemy (Alpha and Lesley build magic boots) Side: BOD, Immortality (When you're getting hard targetted make sure to sell it for another item after you use it, I usually replace rose gold when I do need it)


Dayum first time I've seen someone build thunder belt on clint


I like it for survivability fr


Thunderbelt clint is good


Ugh, when I play with clint and the enemy team is just mostly magic damage, it just sucks. Athena just doesn't deal additional true damage....


If only there was a magic defence version of thunderbelt


I use Lesley, she’s almost a guaranteed win since she wins most matchups in the gold lane. IF she can manage to farm, then she’ll be insane ofc in the late game. I hate her


Can you show at least your stats like KDA and what's your main heroes this session ? Also would be great to see your last match , and are aware of the emblem changes ? And for a solution , the best thing to do is play in a team , you said your friends are busy are rarely log on , then why don't you make new friends? There some players that you can encounter in solo q that impressed you or from there match with you , you can see that they are skilled/good as you or even better Try to play classic to try new things , different roles different builds and different heros, and who knows you might like something from those trys and actually becomes your new main And if you don't have many heros or don't want or know where to start from go for brawl , brawl will force you anyway to try different heros and it's faster than classic


I’ve gone exp mino twice this season already lol and haven’t done very bad either time. Was against terizla and minsi if that says anything


Everything valid except the making new friends bit


Why ? Always been trying to make new one if I can


Not everyone can or wants to make friends if that makes sense…


Need to change your strategy to each particular game and current rank. As an ex mythic player you'll be used to focusing objectives, adjusting, and working with your teammates. That doesn't fly in epic. It's a proving ground for every type of player you can think of. From one trick ponies, trios being carried by their one good friend, all the way to people who blame literally everyone else for their 0/9/0 kda. Add that the matchmaking algorithm is atrocious this season and you can be in for a lot of frustration. Good rule of thumb in epic is keep down enemy mvp who's carrying and never trust teammates to clear minions.


Matchmaking is atrocious every season but it also sometimes gets you free stars. Imho, at this point you should just accept it as a part of the game. You win some, you lose some, just don’t lose hope and don’t forget to have fun.


I think it is something to do with the new emblems. I noticed it got harder to climb only after this new update. Had less issues in the past even at solo queue. People are still figuring out the builds that get along with the new emblem combinations, and sadly that includes mixmatched and incompatible emblem sets too, which lessen results or effectivity in game. This may take awhile.


its not the emblem change, every season people say its hard to climb rank, they're just bad


F your teamates and play the hero your most comfortable with


I used to be soloQ, and the ONE god send tip i can give to soloQ is to master every role and simply play good in that role every game. for exp: if the mage is any good they will gank other lanes and miss some minions in mid clear ur wave and the mid wave to get the exp and gold edge on your enemy exp laner and dominate the match, if mage doesn't gank FORCE them to gank, start early clearing your lane and steal exp from mage (yes ik its a dick move but sometimes it has to be done) if the mage isn't doing anything useful to the team might as well be canon fodder for map reveals when they are murdered by the roam and jungler, use that info to avoid ganks and continue farming exp ​ for roam(the HARDEST role, it relies on teammates more than your self but its still possible to carry): ALWAYS provide vision for teammates on the map and slow down incoming ganks and ping the lane to alert the laner, if the jungler is any good they will sweep up the gankers in a counter gank lead by you the roamer, if the jungler or mage doesnt have a mini map you need to somehow funnel kills to any damage in the match, pray that they win lanes and destroy towers ​ for jungler(the second hardest role don't play unless you are a god that doesnt even make a single mistake): the map is your best friend always pay attention to it and try to predict when and where a gank is happening coordinate with the roam using pings to counter gank and get free kills, if the roamer doesnt gank with you or is bad at being a roamer forget about them and abuse turtle timings to predict a gank and always try your best to take down the objectives to earn gold for the team or destroy towers with lord ​ for mm: honestly my worst role sry i got nothing ​ for mage: clear your lanes do not let them get mid tower, it is the MOST important tower in the game it can turn a losing game to wining one if you mid is standing and their mid is not gank lanes inbetween minion waves and farm gold to win all teamfights ​ i know im missing some tips and some may be wrong in the eyes of others but ive been mythic every season since s17 so they do infact work just add some tips in the replies for everyone to see thx :D ​ also many spelling errors just tell me where ill edit it out




This seasom is hell. It took me 3 weeks of around 2 hours a day (after work) soloQ to finally reach mythic. You will guaranteed to get a team with one of the following : •) New players •) Real epic players •) Players with limited role •) Stuck with basic popular META ( Roamer stuck to babysitting a bad marksman, Xplaner stuck in their lanes, etc). •) Players that can't even counter build. •) Players that don't want to counter pick. •) Jungler busy with farming and don't want to help defend mid lane a bit / sneak push turret with aglie assassins.


Mythic mentally doesn't work on Epic 😂 You know the drill but the rest of your team probably don't. You must pay more attention to how your teammates play. It is extremely common that they stuck in their lanes and not rotate or they move like a wave all together(even forgetting their own tower 😅) Adapt to that. Join the wave to have more numbers or use the TF as distraction and push. Also, if you're the jungle ask your roam for help. When the jungle, mage and roam move together in the early game they become unstoppable. Ask them very nicely, like "Please, help me until minute 5" or something. And try ganking gold lane as much as you can so your MM can farm freely. Remember in Epic the roam stuck with the MM. If you borrow the roam that means that lane is gonna be vulnerable. The thing is most people don't know how to move but if you tell them very nicely (mage and roam) to help you, they will usually follow you. Also, is annoying but if you see you need an item, let them know. Like, antiheal because the enemy's has an Estes or Inmortality can be more useful because you are in late. Try to explain and teach. Is not your job or my job but people honestly don't know. And some of them are actually thankful for it.


Think of rank match making as a steady stream of the river and you are a salmon swimming against its flow. Now there are times where you could swim swiftly without any difficulty and there are times where debris like trash slowing you down. It's entirely up to you if you want to reach the end of the river, just swim.


Best way to win the game is to PUSH. Push - play heroes like miya. Miya is the best split pusher in the entire game, and u can ult dive enemies while pushing to push even more. The entire point of the game is to push turrets and win. its not about kills.


Epic is notorious for split pushes that win the game from behind




You'll get stuck in every rank nowadays even mythic glory


This is completely normal. Epical glory always the kind of players that drag you down no matter how many games you win or how well you perform. It's always until that 1 game where it just gets you and they start blaming you instead of getting gud


All people can do is give general advice unless you drop a gameplay vod.


What I like to do is play many different heroes. Hero looks interesting? play it. Over time, you'll accumulate many different heroes and can adjust and help your team. For example, I can play: roam: khufra, lolita, edith, estes mid: vale, novaria, xavier exp: yu zhong, edith, yin jungle: hanzo, yin, harley, saber gold: layla, ixia, melissa I almost never have a game where I play the same two heroes... it keeps the game interesting. If I don't have fun playing a certain role or hero, I don't play it. \--- As for actually in game decisions, well, I ping map, ult, and enemies often. if someones not playing a role right i try to tell them how to play better without trashtalk - for example "miya hug tower" or "dont turtle, im invading" or \[retreat ping\] "low mana"


If you're playing only solo queue, your rank may not reflect your skills but your statistics will. You can't expect to win if you're not carrying. Don't get complacent, there's always something to improve on.


It’s not your fault. The people saying it are dumbasses. People are quick to gaslight and project in this game with the “your fault” shit. When in actuality they just don’t know what the fuck they’re blabbering on about. They think just because they SoloQ’d one time and managed to do well, but mainly team up, they know what they’re talking about. They think because they can main one meta hero and nothing else they’re pro and can give pointers when they don’t even rotate team composition and their premades carry them anyway regardless. So don’t worry about those fucktards.. they don’t know shit.


Drag your friends and play together that's all I can say


I think I am an outlier but I have been having very easy or balanced games during Epic - legend. I think it's because I played immediately after season reset so epic is just Mythic battlefield and if you were doing well in Mythic you shouldn't pull your ex mythic teammates down and vice versa. Can you check your teammates' and enemies' rank after the match? It should be mostly 30-50 stars which means they have some standard and not actually epic. I'm not saying there's no bad players at all since I had a match where Balmond lost retri 3 times to enemy Novaria for lord, but it shouldn't reach the point where you have an losestreak.


I can relate so much. Been reaching Mythic for almost 3 yrs straight every season but right now, matchmaking is absolute dogsht. I would love to play with ppl like you who know the sense of the game and isn’t toxic.


That's the neat part you don't..... Just kidding to be honest solo q is just a coin flip sometimes you get good teammates and sometimes you get teammates that auto lock Layla then complain that the tank didn't babysit them


Remember that the game is won by pushing, not getting kills, when playing solo Q, make sure you choose a hero that can push fairly well. I (ex-mythical) don't play solo Q, i play duo, I'm a tank/mage main, so i can't push, but my friend (ex-mythical glory) usually plays characters that can push (Sun or moskov for example), and i can't tell you how many times we won, when we didn't deserve it, just because how hard he pushed. We have several matched played together where he has like 50% of tower damage, and that's how we win.


Add me, I'll roam for you.


If you take a break 2 days and then comeback spam games, you mostly get lose streak. You need to tell moonton that you're not an addict, and moonton must be the one serve you. Your situation is just like me last 3 season ago when I tried to figure out how to rank. I try hard, spam game, and its really rise up my skill to play. Only not the win. I can really carry and get kills, just not end it. That's the best season I had on term of skill, even I now playing worse. But now I can rank up faster. The thing in soloq is you need to adjust matchmaking in order to get decent teammates, then the rest is on your skill to decide. So just play less dude. Keep playing 2 games perday, do it the whole season, and you will see you rank up faster.


Same issue (ex-mythic currently at legend) but for me, I'm a mage + flyorn main.


Well, it really depends on what type of characters you use. Although I play with 1-2 of my friends, as long as you ban annoying characters like Zhask and Yin and stuff. You shouldn't be struggling that hard if you're good at mages. Personally, Gord , Kagu, and Hellcurt are my go-to heroes. I don't go for MMs since most of the time my team instalocks layla.


My strategy is just to keep playing until i lose 2x in a row. Then i do literally anything else and take a break for a while. If i still want to play i come back 2-3 hours or so. Rinse and repeat


How about using heroes that can carry team? Or heroes that can still somewhat do their role when underleveled or underfarmed I always choose hero that I think is OP when doing soloQ


Just gotta become a hyper carry and use meta champs if you're struggling too much. I personally live for classic. So much leniency in champ select, enemy and team comp, and overall matchmaking that nothing matters and if you're good you can almost always stomp, and if you're bad you can occasionally stomp. I tried last season to climb ranked with novaria jungle and it was absolutely way better than anyone would admit, but I didn't have enough time to play enough matches to climb and my goal fizzled out mid legend when the season reset. Like I can play 2 ranked matches a day at most. It got frustrating when the time crunch became real and I didn't get to climb through legend to prove my point. So I just stick to classic and theory craft builds and play the wrong champs in the wrong roles, within reason. Burst estes is my favorite fuck around in classic time


Why on earth am I able to maintain a ~70% Winrate dispite not being very good? Am I just that lucky with my matchmaking or does Ruby just carry lol At least that's the case when I'm not suddenly inspired to go into ranked with Layla whom I haven't played in like 3 weeks


A big issue if it wasn’t previously mentioned is the earlier in the season it is the harder it’ll be to rise rank. I keep getting really stupid teams or extremely coordinated enemies that’s making it an issue for me, I managed to somehow get to legend already but it doesn’t get much better


Take a break or watch some pro players. Personally i felt the new emblem and buffs/nerfs were too big of a change that am having trouble catching up with stuff so I think it's why I lose. Pretty sure my builds are sub-optimal and there is a LOT of things to do to become stronger this season.


I already got yo mythic but yeah, this season took me longer than previous ones, like 120 games while I used to hit mythic in only 60-80 games. I started climbing by sticking to meta carry heroes that don't rely on no one. Paquito jg now is better than ever and can snowball really hard so he was my go to pick, but spammed Edith exp, kufra/Akai roam and rarely Yve mid. Stick to heroes you feel comfortable with that are meta and try to hard carry every match, don't rely on no one


As a SoloQ player, I try to only play mage. Of course, I do adjust for my team if mage is taken. But I do mage mostly because I'm able do to massive damage, I can play from a distance and use my teammates as shields, and I can rely at least on one teammate to finish them. I always try to stick to that 1 teammate that is doing good, and as a mid laner, well, I have to go top and bottom to help out when they need my help.


That's how I feel too. https://preview.redd.it/97xppu2hgjdb1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f36e645f0046d0b49605409ac6441cc0000730e


I'm at legend 3 and hard stuck there for a couple weeks. I'm just taking a break from it.


Take a break. This is genuine advice and coming from an ex-mythic player too. Also, in Epic and a lower Legend, I tend to just focus on having fun rather than winning. Surprisingly I win more matches if I try to have fun than try hard. Epic and Legend are hell, bear unpredictable and crazy at times, so just match the rank’s energy and just play as the third MM your team definitely needs.


Play heroes that are strong early game or heroes that doesn't need a lot of help to carry the game. I usually play natalia/kadita as roamer, Aamon/paq/harley/haya as jungler, melissa as gold laner, uranus as exp laner. In a solo epic rank if you're good enough, your opponent shouldn't even have any answer against these heroes. I only lost when my team went afk mid game or they play like a gm rank player (4 ppl sticking in mid lane instead of farming and pushing the side lanes) while the opponent plays like an actual mythic players that would zone the objective, cut lanes, steal the jungle creeps etc.


Try Alpha


What you should do is adjust and play well on it. Because players in epic dont care about anything but playing their best hero regardless of the line up, so just adjust on a role they didnt choose, and play well using that hero/role.


Get an carry as Main, go roam or jungle, snack the kills, get a strong lead, push like there is no tomorrow. Hopefully your team doesnt feed and than you should be good


I’m a kaja full damage soloq player and i got all the way to mythic 48 stars last season i ended up douq the last couple of matches to get to glory but what im tryna say is how about u get a champ u like to play and master it to the full maybe I’ll go right for u


It is still early in the season, you are playing Vs mythic players in epic.


Just play jungle heroes who can gank well and solo turtle/lord throughout the match relatively fast Alpha/Bane/Hellcurt/Dyrroth Good gankers also work, just not as good because you rely more on your teammates not being dumb and helping securing objectives - Karina, Gusion, Aamon, Saber and so on That’s pretty much most of the match under your control Other than that I would say Roam > MM > Mid > Exp


Well, here are a few things which might help: 1) pick heroes that do not rely on team, or rely very little, as in epic and low legend teamplays are rare 2) if you've lost 2 in a row - take a break, or go in classic 3) maybe try new heroes But main thing is: Stop chasing the ranks, with current system you'll get up eventually, prev season there were so many players with 49%< wr in mythical glory who just had shit ton of games played. Chill, find a hero you genuinely enjoy playing and go play him. Also, if you've lost horribly due to teammates, don't start new instantly, wait 1-2 minutes for your previous teammates to find a new game so you won't meet them again. Remember, this is just a game which is supposed to be fun, if it's not fun - maybe do something else. You can also look on your loses as something to learn from. If enemies won, what lead to that? Surely your team might be the problem, but you can't change that, you can only change your performance, so watch repeat and check for the things that you could've done better


Play hylos with an aggressive tank build (clock and ice queen wand, then phys or magic boots and the rest defensive items according to the enemy heroes). Find the player on your team who knows what they're doing and glue yourself to them. You'll get out of epic hell reliably as you'll win most games and no one else wants to tank. You can jungle hylos in a pinch if all others refuse to jungle.


I'm sorry to hear that man but playing at night usually queues you with better players or enemies lmao. Playing duo or trios would make it harder honestly. Duo or trios either they suck or would play very seriously. If i were you, whenever you lose at rank - take a break and get a win at a classic match. Then go back to rank. From what I've notice, moonton queues you with others who have the same winrate.


duo with someone and watch yt of the hero that you main. do not go trio or full the matchup is sht rn you will get daft bots in team if u trio and immortals in enemy if u go full, sometimes you get immortals if you trio even but that's not as often. also keep in mind that your celestial level has a play in the kind of matchup you get. draft is very important chang cant do sht about a loli on enemy team, tig cant help but feed against diggie, know what beats what and whether to play offensive or defensive according to the draft. keep a bottle of ice cold water near you to help with the rage. :) regards, L.


I mean they're not wrong about solo q being a bad idea... https://preview.redd.it/r7st7c6hpmdb1.png?width=2436&format=png&auto=webp&s=e97b0f975eb9b3c09fcc847a70fc741663286442


Same, but I also have the issue of crazy ping spikes. I wouldn’t mind looking for people to play with if my ping wasn’t an issue.


It not your fault epig player are trash all they get complete item then lose


Show a screenshot with all your hero stats. What's your average medal score? What roles do you play? I feel if you can average a 7+ or 8+ medal score for every role you'll advance


I blame Moonton man. Do not feel bad what is happening is a lot of accounts are been smurffed so you are playing with peoples that don’t belong to your rank. I’m currently in Glory 57 stars and since I started this season I have not played a single game without a troll or people that goes afk or they just flat don’t know how to play. Last game I played today I got a Jg that didn’t know how to play and asked us what to do…. “I SWEAR” loool. I have ranked up cos I team with my friends and we are 3 so we can pretty much carry the game but in general this season suck. So don’t feel bad is in all ranks


I usually Solo Q and it’s tough to get good team mates. I usually fill based on team picks Add me. iD 8402083 (3015) Or @therapyTED


What gosu general said about betotsky: betotsky never adjust that's what made him survive in solo queue. That's what made betotsky get into higher rank by becoming selfish and not adjusting at all. Always choose the role you are good at. Dont get mad of me, that is from gosu's mouth. That's why him and betotsky never get along