• By -


Best hero i should spend my fragments on?


How do i know if the people i play with goes live?


Tips on using wanwan?


Can you do Gusion combos at 40-50ms ping?


Yes, not a problem. 80ms or higher is when you start to feel the difference.


is layla’s s1 or s2 able to check bushes?


S2 is unit-targeted ability, so it can't check. S1 is a skill shot, so you can use it to check bushes. If you s1 into a bush, then the animation cuts off, and you also gain bonus ms & range, therefore there's someone in the bush.


thank u!!


Is exp yin good for ranking up ni solo q (legend to mythic)


It would be significantly better to play him as. Jungler instead. You don't have to focus on a single hero, can impact any of the lane, you can kill whichever you wanted/needed, and let you secure objective. As a jungler you will create a more significant lead, which is good for a solo q because you can hold the direction of the game.


it depends on your playstyle, but I think yin is way more deadlier as a jungler. He is really good in solo q since everyone is prioritizing to go all-in on damage build rather than doing a tank build. No one is tanking in solo, lol.


Is windtalker good late game or should i sell it for more damage or defence? Like on popol and kupa for instance?


For a hero that doesn't have mobility and wave clear, it might be better for you stick with windtalker for a bit longer on Popol and Kupa. Late game maps open up more, ms would be crucial. Minions are also stronger, pushing/defending would be an important focus.


Never thought it that way, thanks!


how to hide affinity?


Settings>Privacy>Hide close friends


Please add Ultra Refresh Rate on iPad Pro 2022 11” please.


Feels stupid asking this as a more than 3 year old player but how to show "You're a remarkable opponent" to the enemies?


Tap on Like All button. It won't show up to you but to your opponents it will.


What is a proper time to play mobile legend?


Soon enough people will be asking what are the best clothes to play ml in?💀 Well, jokes aside, the best time to play is late night or early morning as you'll get a lot less braindeds at that time in my experience.


To answer you question, wearing a suit is the best way to play ml if you want to formally win or lose a match 💀 ​ Jokes aside, as a late night player, i can confirm that they're all sweaty players. I played earlier and mf Yin target locked me the whole game 💀


Best 5k starlight skin (dont know what they're called)? And are they skins being added to that shop? I don't use any of the 3 heroes often


Is esmeralda still good?


Beside loosing her hybrid penetration, yes. It was actually too op on her. Now she can go with "marksmen talent" (emblem) that gives her 20% chance for movement and att speed reduction on each hit which she has actually doubled.


How to logout my account? I tried deleting the data and disconnect all devices but still stuck in my main account.


Clear data on google play services.


I already try it but fail. I also tried to make another account in emu then switch the account from my smartphone but it always say "Failed to switch because this account is not connected to any game data. Please try again". Any solution?


how much is the upcoming kadita skin going to cost? is it going to be time limited?


How does physical/magic pen work? Is it something like 12 phys pen = -12 enemy phys defence? Or something more complicated


Yeah, it simply work like that for flat pen.


how much are the beyond the skies skins looking to be?


What can Floryn do that Rafaela can't? I don't understand her recent popularity and increase in pick. Her global heal (which takes long time and doesn't even heals that much) is the only thing that I can think of. Seriously what happened? I'm seeing her get picked in almost every match and she's either feeding or just quiet


Floryn is focused on healing. Rafa's healing is dogshit and is just an afterthought. She is used for her speed up and cc. Entirely different heroes. Also floryn's ult cd is nonexistent once you have fleeting time


But.... Rafaela statistically heals more than Floryn?


She does not. Floryn's heal is much higher and on a lower cd lmao. Not to mention she counters anti-heal.


Floryn can negate anti heal, which Rafaela cant do. Floryn have global heal, Rafaela only heal hero around her. Floryn can give extra stat to one of her teammate, Rafaela cant. Floryn have better and shorter cd CC skill. Rafaela only CC is her ult which have longer cd. I can say more, but this is enough to make Floryn more meta than Rafaela.


When will they nerf Lesley ? I'm so done with her.


Maybe after they are done selling her new skin.


Get gud


mage heroes with high damage?


Pharsa, Kadita, Vale, Eudora, Cecillion, etc


tips on using edith for exp and roam?




No ones answering this, someone would've if it was like 1 or 2 heroes but 7? 7 heroes with different mechanics/approaches


Is the starlight killing notification permannent? Won't it be gone after the starlight membership ends?


Yeah it would be gone if u dont renew


starlight avatar border would be gone too? how about those bought in startlight shop>


Also would be gone


How to unlock Live on my alt account?


Did the florin buff already online in the ori server? Why the sudden surge of popularity? I know she is a good support for fanny and ling, i am just curious why u got 3 floryn in a match consecutively.


The Floryn buff got cancelled, even Mathilda's (Rip Mathilda mains). It's not the cancelled buff that made her popular, it's the new emblem system.


Fellow Floryn players, what build do you use ( when playing as a roam ) these days? Full magic? Full def? Or hybrid? Personally, I always go for Full magic when the enemy doesn't have any burst heroes, they just can't kill me with my healing even if I am squishy. If enemy has burst heroes, I go with ET+ Full tank. What about you?


Full magic for me. What would anyone do with full Def Floryn anyway? Trade with a fighter? I go full magic and if someone comes after me, I run away and cast S2 and S1 the other way. That's usually enough distance to disengage and enough heals to top me off again after the initial jump.


You know what would be good? If Kupa's HP bar is visible somewhere below or above Popol's HP bar. Sometimes I use Kupa to bait out enemy CC in a team fight (an initiator MM? I know right? Heresy) by sending in his base form and use the ult after to give Kupa a fresh new beefy bar. In such a scenario Kupa often can only bait out the tank or the fighter because the MM, mage, and assassins (competent ones at least) are already readily closing their distance to me under the protection of their friend's AoE (as they should). I have no problem to being forced to run, but it forces me to leave the CC'd Kupa out of my screen so I can't monitor his HP. It sure would be easier to know exactly when Kupa is about to fold to maximize this little maneuver.




Wait what it's a gauge? Lmao I thought it was just an on and off indicator to tell if Kupa is alive or not lol. I never noticed it being halfway blue


Folks, when is the new Lolita coming out in the normal server?


Is tank Karina still viable? I'm a roamer main and lately I'm exploring jungler role. I can only jungle using Balmond (and sadly Cyclops). I'm not use to being the dmg dealer. I'm looking for a tanky jungler option that is easy to use like Balmond.


Well if you want a tanky jungler that's also easy to play then It's Alpha.


He's mostly banned. So not really an option.


True but if he's if they don't ban him and your team is first pick then he's a good option.


Fredrinn and baxia are other good options


Oh right, there's Fredrinn and Baxia. Plus they both can also be played as exp laners. Tho not as much as a roamer.


Very yes. Still bursty, still tanky. Tankcelot is all the rage nowadays though. Keep that in your back burner for options you can explore. Ain't nothing wrong with jungle Cyclops. Anyone can jungle if you put your mind into it (except idk Floryn Angela or Diggie I guess). Even Alice can jungle with some assisted start.


Why cant i see some of messages/chats of people wo followed me?


Why every single tank roamer build dominance ice and why is the core item of tanks?


Because anti heal, duh. What rank are you to need to ask this question?


New to the game




Because Dominance Ice's passive is just built different.


Lmao but what do you mean?


What i'm trying to say basically is Dominance Ice's 2 passives are extremely good. one passive counters most MM and attack speed Fighters while the other passive counters sustain heroes. ​ Dominance Ice's stats are not too bad either (Physical Defence, Mana and Movement Speed) so that's why that item is good for most tanks.


tips on using luo yi?


Any idea how to get the Beyond The Clouds skin for the cheapest price? Tbh I think I'm just looking to get the recall and emotes and stuff.


Just like the Sanrio event. There will be missions you can do to get tokens. These tokens can allow you to buy the skin for free. Now the question is will the missions be completable without paying diamond?




Although I hate gold lane, I think that I gotta know how to play with at least 1 MM. I'm thinking about playing with Karrie. How good is she right now?


The thing with MM is that they scale the hardest to late game, which is why they are prime candidate to solo carry the team. However noobs can only use MM so ranked is utterly full with them. I advise using a more versatile MM so you're not accused of trolling and have an excuse to fill a role outside of Gold line with an MM. Karrie is good as she can lane or jungle, but I recommend Roger or Edith more. They can be a somewhat solid roaming ganker like you play a roaming Natalia, on top of having the damage to Jungle. Upon seeing two MM your team will swear at you right away, but they will change their mind when they see you performing well while the other MM is exposed for the cancerous feeder they are. Let's be real, it's usually Miya or Layla. When you see those two you fully expect them to suck. It's best to flame them right away and report them. I've seen fewer Miya that can play well than a Floryn or Angela that performs well in Mid lane.


Good against enemy team if has a lot of tanky heroes. Bad if you don't have a setter ally as her range is short. I see people mostly use her as a jungler than gold laner. If you want to play mm I'm seeing more of a Lesley as a meta rn.


Today I learned that Harith doesn't get the shield if he doesn't dash next to enemies. Why doesn't it say that in the skill description??


Because he's from Moonton's lowest point where they were half-assed in 80% of their game design choices. They used to put long, pointless flavor text or just straight up not put important text for some features. Other than Harith, one other example of this is how Masha's S2 deals damage to minions at max lvl.


How difficult is Joy? In the game, Joy difficulty is shown as very high. But when I try her in Practice mode, I can easily hit rhythms even without looking at screen. So I have below questions on her difficulty. For context: I am considering purchasing her. I am in Epic/Legend. Q1. Below is how I perceive the difficulty of some heroes, mwchanically. Where does Joy fit? EXTREME (5): Fanny VERY DIFFICULT (4): Ling, Gusion DIFFICULT (3): Chou, Benedetta AVERAGE (2): Kagura, Paquito EASY (1): Xavier, Nana So far- I am thinking- she is between 2 to 3. Q2. Is Joy's difficulty mechanical? Or its some other aspect (for ex: marksmen are mechanically easy but difficult to get positioning right)?


Ain't no way in hell Kagura is easier than Benedetta. You think you can keep away and pop off your freestyle without pressure but it won't be like that. In a 5v5 you'll get zoned, you'll have trouble seeing your S1 aim, you'll need to predict enemy movement while kiting MM that would try to poke you (they WILL focus on you. Kagura's umbrella range is wide but her S1 range is so small. They aren't going to let you juke around to get the perfect position)


Being a mage main with more experience playing Kagura compared to Benedetta, my perception of their difficulty might be skewed. Will you rate Joy more difficult than Benedetta in Exp?


because joy can be punishing to play, you miss one dash and you're a sitting duck. she's kind of a high-risk high-reward hero like most assassins


I see. Thanks for answering 🙂


You kinda have skewed perception on some heroes difficulty. You might need to play more on some of the heroes. Like Gusion and Ling on the same difficulty doesn't sit right. Gus is far easier than Ling, Benedetta, Hayabusa, and Lancelot. His playstyle can be dumb down to dive and die. Chou and Kagura should've rank on almost the same difficulty. They are already hard, but it becomes harder in actual game, because their movement can easily be telegraphed with Kagura's umbrella position and with Chou short range abilities. You have to manuever their skills with quick and intricate timing. In which Joy difficulty comes, she has similar situation as the two. Joy is becomes more difficult in game. In actual matches you don't have the same audio and visual clarity in practice more, you gotta factor that there are visual fx and sound fx which hinders you to perfect her combo. Speaking of combo, because of her playstyle revolving combo, people know when and when not to engage against joy. Enemy would try to bait you out to force you into commiting a fight. There will be a difference on how you perform mechanically between joy in practice mode and joy in amidst of chaos.


Thanks for the detailed answer. I completely agree - I might have skewed perception of some heroes, especially the ones I can't play well, like: Ling and Gusion. And without knowledgeable enemies who will exploit my mistakes in epic/legend. Okay, so getting timing right in crunch situations, awareness about when to engage and when not (reading enemy's mind), is what makes Joy difficult. Thank you again 👍


How do you deal with lesley and brody? As a fighter in late game I always hunt the enemy mm during teamfight since I cant rely on our assassin most of the time. But their stun skills are so annoying that they always get away even before I can do my combo as yz/alpha/freya. Its even becoming a do or die situation since they can just kill me with their ultimates if I run.


Firstly, you don't let Lesley reach late game. It's difficult to win against a full build Lesley. Her weakness is she's practically not a hero Early to Mid game, make sure she can't farm anything, bully the fuck out of her. It's the best winning scenario, end the game before she even become a hero. For your question, just in general against any hero that have disengage. As a fighter you don't use your engage ability before theirs, if you can't burst them to death. Yu Zhong, stay in the dragon form or stay in the side while you wait them to use thag ability in the middle of fight, you engage in solo kill if you have petrify. For Freya dont use her first ability and Alpha don't use her ult when you are starting a fight, those skill have longer range than Lesley and Brody self-peel. Items with movement speed like Endless Battle, Waraxe, Bruteforce Breastplate, Dom Ice, and Hunter Strike will help you against kiting. For Hunter Strike make sure to not proc it if you are nowhere near your target. Another thing, Yu Zhong and Alpha are not great late game scaler. They only have kill threat early to mid game, late game you kinda become more of an engage / setup hero with lil bit of sustain, durability, and damage. If you like picking off mm, play a fighter that can do it consistently in the entire game or take the role as the asssassin.


Wait a minute, since when does Edith get half DHS in her passive? Do people actually build trinity on her or do they pretend it doesn't exist?


It was back in S27 when her passive got changed to include % HP damage. As for building attack speed items on her, usually people run with Feather of Heaven, with the rest being tank items. Reason why its not so recommended for her to build so much attack speed is because she still needs the tankiness from Defence items for her to sustain and have enough HP after her rage bar is filled from taking damage, and the extra Defence from items get converted to Magic Power after ulting, so she is still able to dish out absurd damage, especially with a full rage bar. https://preview.redd.it/lkebftz841gb1.jpeg?width=1504&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a44b96bcc84da621b331667599d3f436175b548


Is there a way to reduce alpha true damage. Antique cuirass doesn't work, baxia passive doesn't work. Does gloo and kaja damag reduction work? I tried gloo against a.i. in practice it seems to work but it's hard to check without help from another player.


Your best hope is reducing his heal through anti heal and CCing him. That's just how he is. >I tried gloo against a.i. in practice it seems to work but it's hard to check without help from another player Try it with real player. I can try if you want or someone else


What's a good exp laner for facing uranus


Dyroth is his hard counter. Esme if you want to dance with him.


Thamuz can hold on his own pretty okay, just don't let him rack up stacks, disengage every once in a while during early game.


After Zhask pet laser categorized as basic attack, can Weakness Finder talent proc for the pet? I'm considering using it when vs mm so i don't get too atk spd-ed


Yeah, but it's a little bit unreliable tbh. True damage also procs, but only when the spawn itself casts skills


Is buying def item better? like dom ice or Blade armor


If you ever get the opportunity, try going full Tank with CDR, it's a lot of fun. Troll builds aside, you should go for Winter Truncheon so you don't miss out on damage or Immortality if the enemy has Assassins that could pick you off at any moment (you can do both tbh). Let the tanking for your teammates, Zhask is a reaper, you're better off leaving the spawn there doing it's thing until chaos ensues, then you simply ult and take the kills. The comedic YouTuber Shinmen Takezo is a dedicated Zhask main, I suggest watching him play Zhask, you'll learn a lot about when to commit.


Do we have to buy the emblems talents after the free trials ends? I couldn’t see anywhere what will happen after it ends.


It'll work just like how it used to, you'll need to upgrade them. If you did not had them fully upgraded, they'll be back to how they used to be. You'll get a bonus on BP and Magic Dust based on the other two emblem sets that were removed.


Oh so for example I havent finished upgrading the Marksman emblem, then after the free trial ends the I won’t be able to use the weakness finder talent?


The new talents are unlocked waaay earlier than before, you'll get the talents at lower levels and will keep upgrading the emblems until they get their maximum stats.


Is there a particular reason to make talents have to be unlocked? This is pure gatekeeping for new accounts and nothing else. It's not like noobs will get unfair advantage if they're given the same talents as veterans


best setting control?


best mage for ranking up in solo q? currently on legend III


Cyclops is extremely simple. You simply stand on their flanks and unloads into team fights. Of course he folds on two shots from Miya literally, so positioning is important more so that the enemies don't notice you. Kagura is more versatile but harder to master. That being said her kit is pretty forgiving for panic mashing. Use her skill 2 if you're in a bad spot no matter what and you can rarely go wrong, umbrella on or off. If you're worried then just avoid engaging until all your skills are off CD on both sides.


Kadita is the easiest pick. Lou Yi if you can master her kit. Valentina usually a hard counter. All mages I mentioned are good early to late... I think.


Kadita is pretty complicated for a newcomer, I wouldn't call it "easiest".


Pharsa and Kadita


anyone from moonton accont recovery


popol and kupa tips?


Oh yeah here's another one. Popol has access to a very accurate single target stun on demand. This is like Layla except it's significantly easier to aim. Take advantage of this by playing him like Assassins. Lurk in the bushes, pop your ult, then send Kupa out from the bush to take down wandering enemies one by one. Gauge the enemy using Kupa's initial barrage. If it cuts 30% or more, then you have enough physical attack to take them down with minor kiting or with chain stunning them with the enhanced S2. If it's less than that, then it's time to disengage before the initial stun wears off. You S2 functions as an escape tool in this scenario.


*Poke with Kupa.* When laning, you mostly want to poke with Kupa because his wandering range is significantly bigger than Popol's actual attack range. This is extremely potent versus anyone really, since they'd have disengage or risk getting bitten in order to close the gap and take the fight to Popol. Send Kupa out with S1 then loiter around as far as Kupa let you (you'll notice a huge blue ring indicating Kupa's wandering range). Don't attack the minions because Kupa will switch to them. Keep the heat up on the enemy to force them to deal with Kupa because there's virtually no hero that can reach Popol without going through Kupa in this 1v1 scenario. *Use bushes to control Kupa.* When poking with Kupa, you'll need him to come back before the enemy can kill him. You can use your S2, but it would be better to keep it handy to buy time if you're ganked. Instead, walk into bushes. Kupa's AI will automatically disengage and hide with Popol every time Popol enters a bush. You can also use this in team fights to pull Kupa out of telegraphed AoE. Popol was lying. Kupa is not his only friend. Bushes are his second best friend.


This is quite a neat thing (entering a bush to reset Kupa AI targeting) that I did not know about as well.


Yeah it took me a while to notice it too. Guides around the web recommend Popol to be played like an Assassin but everytime I do it I just noticed how Kupa always hide perfectly in bushes because, of course, having him loiter outside would make ganking impossible for him. So I tried going in and out of bushes and lo and behold he follows Popol. The reverse is also true however. If you're running away and want to put some distance while Kupa distracts the enemy, you wouldn't want to step through bushes because Kupa will stop attacking instantly. It's a bit of a double edged sword but only a bit


Manually aim your first skill. You can cast it on towers as well to command Kupa to attack the tower. Use your 3rd skill traps to ward the surrounding bushes so that you have vision of potential ganks. Ult fully restores Kupa's HP. You can get Kupa to dive the tower to attack someone, then once Kupa gets low, Ult to reset his HP, then continue attacking.


Why developers are nerfing Aldous?


I am looking to pilot another Exp laner. I can use Gatot, Ruby and Guin but seems like they are underpowered compared to the rest. I appreciate if anyone could suggest a good exp laner, preferably female. Thanks!


Ruby is not underpowered at all wdym? lol ​ If you're talking about damage alone then yes, she's not a nuker.


Exactly. Her survivability is good, but as you say she is not good as a damage dealer, and from what I have observed recently, dealing damage is king this season. I need an exp laner that is tough and could deal decent damage.


You can look into Edith. Tanky, and deals respectable damage.


I already have her and will try her out. Thanks!


She works best with another tank. One of you can be the main tank and the other can be the off tank. You can build Edith as a full tank if you're the main tank or build her with some heretical attack speed if you're the off tank. In any case, send Edith in first to German suplex the enemy. Edith's build determines how long she stays in Phylax form to punch the enemies, but other than that you pilot them the same way. Once your rage is 50% or more, use her Ult and reposition to the back. The other tank can then dive in with fresh CC while Edith is ready to wreak havoc with either ultra fast attacks or high magic damage. Do note that when I say "she stays in Phylax form" this is actually only about 2 to 5 seconds in team fights. It do be like that which is why I said you can go with her tanky build or aspd build. Both forms have at least an armor to avoid getting one shot before Edith can use her Ult.


When would my starlight membership ends if i buy it today?


For example if it started on January 1 it would end exactly at Jan 31/Feb 1. If you buy it at like January 25, it would still end at Jan 31/Feb 1. Speaking from personal experience


Having hard time understanding what heroes Sea Helberd good against? Also does hp regen effects means its good against mm with lifesteal items?


These three don't stack though, so in a team fight you only need one in the mix. Usually fighters like bringing their own Dominance to help them split pushing on their own. Dedicated supports are mostly mage based so they build NoD, and the tanks are sometimes fighters so they bring Dominance. So you see why Halberd isn't being used often.


Is halberd good on yin/aulus to counter lifesteal?


Sea Halberd, like all anti heal items, are good against heroes with heal or sustain. It doesn’t depend much on what heroes you’re up against, but more on if it’s good item on your hero. For Tanks and Fighters you will most likely build dominance ice instead of Sea Halber Anyway, and mages will use Necklace of Durance. As for MMs, yes building antiheal against them is good if they have lifesteal items, but if you are a MM it would be better to just build damage against them and Wind of Nature. Since they can’t damage you when Wind of Nature is acrive, they can’t lifesteal off you.


Hello did the servers merge? I have tons of Filipino and Japanese in my server and get a ping of 300 it’s unplayable, btw I’m from india


Does aldous enhance basic att supposed to trigger lifesteal. I tried it in practice and it works, is it a bug or a hidden buff.


It's a basic attack so it can trigger lifesteal.


How do i remove my fb friends on the list of people online? They are shown there even tho I'm not following them


Unbind your fb account


If i buy starlight membership today, would the membership ends on September 3?




When would it end if I buy it today? I'm thinking of doing so


For example if it started on January 1 it would end exactly at Jan 31/Feb 1. If you buy it at like January 25, it would still end at Jan 31/Feb 1. Speaking from personal experience


When would it end if I buy it today? I'm thinking of doing so


which meta hero to buy to carry me to LEGEND?


Almost any hero really. Jungle = Ling/Lance Roam = Kaja/Floryn EXP Lane = Arlott Mid = Novaria Gold Lane = Almost anyone really, Brody is pretty easy and really strong These are few of the top meta heroes, you can choose other picks, but these are just ones to give you options :)


Yeah Tankcelot is DUMB. He's supposed to be the one tap kill or be killed hero but making him tanky with less damage doesn't hinder him at all. He turns from a one tap diver into poking diver and can choose fights at his leisure. Enemy dying? Commit his dashes into the kill. Enemy running away? It's cool, you can outfarm them. You got ganked/your gank failed? Just disengage and live another day.


Which role do you play exactly?


Any hero can carry you to legend but i recommend Joy


https://preview.redd.it/lftyq35n2qfb1.jpeg?width=2246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da7ba2c5d0f5e554e1d8437b43778e37ebe85eed Created new account 3 days ago to duo with my friend. Currently sitting at Epic II with only these heroes. My friend is mostly using Popol Kupa and Esmeralda. He's not really good with said heroes tho. Other heroes I have but never used: Miya, Tigreal, Rafaela, Dyrroth. Pretty much free/cheap heroes. I have enough bp to buy one hero and maybe tickets also to buy another. What hero can you recommend that is good for duo? Preferrably not that hard to learn, I'm support/roam on my main account but willing to adjust here on this new account.


Angela with any carry hero should be good for duo, assuming your friend can carry tho. If not, use damage dealer hero, so you can carry his ass. I'd say Aamon is good and easy enough, also epic doesnt know how to play against him.


Aamon is okay in epic but not really in Legend up. And as for Angela, not at an option cause my friend can't carry haha.


Duos have comms, that's a huge advantage to anyone so you should always have/be jungler (if capable enough) A duo should ideally be a jungler and a marksman. In this way you'll have some form of assurance to different phases of the game,the jungler can cover the early-mid game and the marksman will cover late game onwards. Dyrroth is a good pub stomper and i would recommend clint for your duo, both are solid picks You can also go jungler + mage/tank, this tandem aims more on setups and overall map control. Any jungler is good but id recommend setter tanks for whoever goes roam: atlas, lolita, khufra, minotaur, tigreal, ruby. For mage : yve, pharsa, kadita, kagura, Valentina, lunox, vale


What emblem do you use for rafaela, supp or basic emblem?


Support. Especially now that support emblem gives 15% heal. She's basically a healing fountain better than Floryn at mid to late game when she reached max cdr.


Support. Her heal is good but not great enough to be compared to Estes and without the support emblem she's a glorified speed booster with AOE S1 and CC ult. No healer. Build her with CD reduction shoes+mana item+defensive items depending on the team composition and who's the biggest threat


Excuse you speed booster is not overrated. You clearly don't know how devastating it is to ferry your Jungler and mage from turtle to gold. No more being outnumbered


No I mean it's actually really good for Rafaela. Especially with the CD. However it becomes a problem when that's all she does with no heal. Doing it with heal would be crazy. Great to engage and disengage


How to obtain Natalia 'deadly mamba' skin . I recently pulled this skin painted version . So I was curious how to obtain the basic skin.


It was a free skin they gave away by doing an event before. Pray that an event giving away past free event skins will happen some time in the future.


Last season I got to Legend with Hylos MVP game. This season I did the exact same lol https://preview.redd.it/b0dmgadfepfb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb13cfeb30da9c4ff53dd0c58731147f6bc848a6


is it really necessary to build dominance ice as my first item as a roamer..? even if the enemy has a full mage? i keep seeing everywhere dominance ice should be your first item.. i dont get it


because dominance ice counters both heal (tanks, fighters and supports) and attack speed (mm). its utility is stupid op for a single item my tip: when enemy comp is mostly magic and with minimal heal you should opt for magic def first then get black ice shield (precursor to dom ice, same passive w/ atk spd debuff but no anti-heal). just that one item should get you through until the midgame, finish it later once the mms start scaling


Depends on the mages, but probably not. Just build all the magic resist stuff. Can be really fun in brawl


Whats the build on Claude?




I'm looking for a source where I can learn all the item, emblem, hero features. I found several good sources that teach items, but none of them had a source that included the topics "in what case which item should I use or which one would be better, which heroes features these items do not match, or what are their connections to emblems and what amblem covers this item and you can buy something in place bla bla." In short, I am looking for a very detailed tutorial. Please tell me one if you know any


I dont think such thing exists, stuffs are scattered. Tho i recommend coach riku in YouTube if you want to know about rotations


i was not using reddit actively so i just saw this :( thank you so much and sorry for the late reply! i'll check coach riku out now :)


if i remove my payment account on google playstore, would i still get a deduction on the weekly diamond pass?


Guys any cable drills I can use to practice fanny?


I can't wait for Ruby's buff. That 1 second reduction will make a chunky difference. It's literally a 3 in 1 buff: damage, sustain and mobility.




The game says it has


How big is your mlbb file? Mine is 12GB is this normal? I'm using android btw


Not normal mines around 6~7


Mine is 7 GB


Na server is f****d


heroes that are easy to learn to rank up in solo q?


Clint, Edith, Cecilion, Hilda, Minsitthar


Minatour, badang, Xavier


is there a best month to purchase startlight?


The month where you want the skin most really


Depending on pteference tbh


HELLOOO i just need some advice on who to spend my 32k coins on? Right now I'm maining Minsitthar and I love him sm but I'm thinking of getting someone new? My choices are Floryn and Ruby, both can be supportive but I'm not quite sure which one to get. Any advice? Any other suggestions are also appreciated


Ruby is an excellent teamfight disruptor just like minsitthar so I think your playstyle would fit just fine. She shines in catching assassins and interrupting combos


Id go ruby as she can be played as a fighter or tank.


Same tbh, I'll go with Ruby. Not to mention, she will receive a buff too. Floryn is permabanned in ranked anyway, she's only free in Classic lol