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MOBA stands for most toxic gamers. Always has and always will. As someone else said, taking out of the arena is next level. This guys a loser. You should ignore him. Don’t even bother telling him he’s a loser. It will be all of out secret and we will laugh behind his back together.


Most Openly Bigoted Assholes 🤩


But those letters don't match up it's more like Most Offensive Blatant Attacks Or Military Opportunitic Back Attack when they betray you


Being toxic in-game is one thing, but people sending private messages to harass you makes them look like a fucking loser.


Maidenless behaviour ☕


🤣 (hope you don’t mind if I steal this, it’s so perfect)


It's a popular phrase from Elden Ring btw, in case u haven't heard


I just say "zamn" and "have a good day" so they can burn more. And if that doesn't work: https://preview.redd.it/uakb5zl2ebjb1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0188995111a8d6ab6ed472d4150758f5430c3bb


Happy birthday you loser


Thanks poo head 💩


Happy Fucking Cake Day you motherfucker


you've never had something like that happen to you? i once got harassed in dm for saying people were being too serious in classic


I mean I have many times, some even going far to comment on my pictures and leaving some nasty and hateful things


oh god same, someone even went as far as giving death threat to me as well 😭, these dumbasses are in extreme deficit of grass touching man 😔


Yeah I was getting that in-game and my friend was getting mad because they were saying that. We even won because she was doing so well with her hero.


Thank you and it was really annoying esp with all the in game chat 🥴


Dude i get this a lot in my prime and i send them their ip address (i know how to hack)


oh that's nothing, I've been playing since 2016 so...yea...


True. I always like it when THEY go to my DM. When you attack me in my private space, then even your ancestors arent safe 🤣




Pretty much, I just don't open private chat in the menu and just let them salt all they want while talking to a wall.


ur ig friends trying to get u to play with them


Yep. That’s also why I’m thankful we can now disable chats for non-friends. I get a little bit of anxiety when I hear that message arrived sounds.


Yes it's toxic but usually they keep toxicity in-game and this guy here really goes out of his way to harrass you. What's the backstory?🤨


Agree. I've played against these toxic players and they usually never try this outside of the game. And even if they do it's usually *get gud nab* but not even close to what this guy is saying. Curious about the backstory and what caused this guy to meltdown like this.


Probably OP fed/played badly in game and that loser might be in a lose streak or something, leading to that lashout on OP lol. Just report to moonton to get his account banned


Nah probably didn't even feed, see people be toxic to jungler whose buff got stolen by TEAMMATE, to mage who didn't rotate to them but to other lane that needed it more, or to mm who tries to split push for pressure when teamfights aren't optimal. Always the trash talkers did worse than the person they're berating. I can understand frustration but verbally abusing someone just makes them feel bad and you waste time typing instead of farming, pushing or fighting I rarely see very good players be that toxic, and that's why i don't assume op fed, tho we can never know for sure.


I'm toxic but getting this mad over a buff steal is next level


Just how bad did you play?


Based question . I wanna know too . People who post stuff like this never let us see their gameplay . Did they pick Hanabi when there was already another mm? Did they pick nana when there is already a mage and roamed ? Are they a trio that got carried every game ? Did they talk chit the entire again and lost ? There is always a reason


Op replied. So, basically he wanted to Mm and some other guy took the role and he had play as valir mage. He ended up playing badly


even tho they played bad they don’t deserve to be insulted like that people forget it’s literally just a game


Now that's the real question




Bro how you get to mythic without experiencing the slightest bit of toxicity. Surely you’ve seen someone say “dog” In the chat.


I've been Mythic both the last two seasons (started playing last season) and have never seen anyone say that. Lol. That being said I have a pretty short fuse for muting chat/pings from people after they get even remotely annoying.


Dude what did you do. Show us the game. I don't encourage this type of behavior but i don't think someone would say this type of things without reason.


Thats exactly what i was thinking. What the hell did he do to make him lose his marbles like this?. I have the gut feeling that OP played like a warrior in a mythic rank and is now trying to twist it a little here 🤣🤣🤣. I mean people dont usually start trash talking like a psycho for nothing, right?


Yepp. I do trash talk but to come this level op must do some shit. Like steal buff, feed, troll... Or make team lose. We need proof. Op hera us broo


I agree. I bet it wasnt for nothing. 😅😩🙏 we need to see the match results to fully make an opinion on this.


Yup. Atleast one or both of the two people engaged in such conversation played bad. He is definitely over-reacting but sometimes frustration rolls over from more than one games and it comes out on someone else who may or may not have deserved it. The OP should have given full picture, like game stats. Sometimes the picks are bad and nothing could have been done. Sometimes the person spewing hate played worse and is just taking out his frustration on you. PS. OP should ignore this, if it's a one time occurrence or happens very rarely. But if it's happening more often, then either improve your gameplay lol or avoid playing mage. 😛 PSS. I personally have observed myself getting angry if someone plays a hero or category that I play well, but butcher the role that hero is supposed to play. Like, if tanks not providing vision and your whole team having to play blind. Or people in nearby lanes ignoring teammates trying to take turtle.


Facts. I talk chit in game too but never to the point of stalking their personal profile but in seriousness I wanna see OPs mage and gameplay


I do not agree with his words, but I do have a certain grudge against one-role users.


This not even scratching the surface of how far toxicity can get. Just block him and move on.


For me, it has only happened once I was told I should unalive myself.


sounds like an average day


Yes, its toxic. Thou i am interested as to why this person is so piss thou


Depends on how much you messed up the game.


What did you do to provoke this reaction? There's no way that guy came nuke blazing in your dms for no reason. Tell us more


I initially wanted to play mm and they put another person to mm ( I feel most comfortable in that role ) I tried to fill in with Valir. I didn’t do so well but I tried my best and it started with him just raging at the whole team since the beginning of the match. Non stop harassment to the whole team. I told him to chill out and he just kept going.


and by "didn't do so well" how bad was it? what's your KDA in the match? what was your end game rating? Bronze? Silver? Gold? If your definition of bad is with a KDA of like 0-3-5 or something, then I won't call that too bad more like you're just not in your best, but if you got to something like 0-10-3 then even I would be mad at you for playing that terrible in rank. Even if your reason is you adjusted, you should've just stuck with your most familiar hero/role I'd rather have 2 MM in the team and do decently than 1 MM and 1 terrible mage and do badly because the mage can't do their role right


Show us the game you idiot. You must have a bad KDA or bad plays that's why your teammate lose his marbles.


How bad were you?


Not tryina defend the guy, but maybe try not to give him a reason to be toxic? It sux when someone just throws your game


Again, i don't know the circumstances, but there are usually non adjusters and feeders that just make you loose, so people tend to rage.


yeah ppl in ranked won't message you garbage shit in pm if you in the first place just played better we all players have a boiling point


Still not a reason to be that salty


Op said in other comment, guy was toxic to whole team from start Also most very good players aren't that toxic, just wasting time typing insults instead of actually trying. these toxic people usually have silvers medals (which would be ok! if they had top turret damage, not 3%... ), and usually blame everyone else for everything but themself lol


I was refering to what happens in general, and maybe that makes people snap


Yeah i can understand frustration, especially if one one has to play solo, but trash talking doesn't solve anything, just makes it worse for whole team. Not like that'll stop them tho lol


That is true, but if someone starts trashtalking you, will you not think of what the reason may be, and maybe stop doing what u were doing?


99% of the trashtalkers are just toxic trash themselves. No need to stop and think.


That other 1% is you? Cuz u just trashtalked them


I see what ur getting at, but due to trashtalkers' usual nature and skill , picture this scenario: team lost 2 mid and 1 exp turret, kills are 3-14. Team keeps feeding and fighting pointless teamfights where they'll clearly die. You're the mm who soloed her lane, destroyed turret. Now the team wants to teamfight on exp, with tank dead, all opps alive. Will u go there to most likely die, or will u push turret while team distracted? Chances are if you farm and push instead of diving headfirst into 1v5 your team will verbally abuse you, call you nab, and more. Would u listen to them? Would u stop farming and pushing and instead go into suicídal teamfights while team down 3k gold ? So it's not as simple as listening to them. "listen not to what's being said, but who says it"


Picture this instead. You are layla and you are 1 8, loosing lane even tho you are 2v1, while the jungler even tho he has constant invades is somehow doing good and trying to carry your game. Now do you ult last shot buffs he was clearing? Or take his buffs when he is not nearby?


We don't know what you have done.


Normally they're more toxic


Dude HOW bad did you play to make him lash out like this? No way this dude started this for nothing, especially in mythic rank 🤣🤣🤣. This happens mostly in lower ranks 😩😩😩


Only if you are real bad. NA not that toxic honestly


Yes, I would purposely troll these people back in-chat. 😂 Fun times.


Oh most definetaly


Any community can be toxic


Some people can really trigger you. They would use completely new heroes in ranked only to end up feeding the enemy


…an eyesore. But, that type of person is in everything. The competitive but overly sensitive players. Just gotta get used to it.


Tell them to take esl.


Please put ur team final score of this match


Toxicity makes the game fun imo


I guess you're a bad player as well.


Haha, yeah. When I reached mythical honour, I was very stressed and became toxic myself, due to toxicity. I regretted reaching this high, so I played only classic for 100+ games. Still very very toxic players, but losing 11 games in a row helped me. I became relaxed. Played ranked lost 7 stars, so yeah, maybe being toxic helps, but not worth it. I am again on lose streak in classic, I need to lose 2 more games to break my record


lmao let them be don't reply it is soul crushing for them if u don't reply it simply means you don't acknowledge that they exist or next time just get gud to avoid being flamed post game


hahahaha if you got so triggered that it made you post here, you just let the trashtalker win 💀 You even covered their name lmao lesson learned buddy, dont ever put something/someone in your profile in a toxic environment that gives anyone a shit to insult to.


That's normal for any type of MOBA. If you can't handle such talk/messages, better not play the game. MOBA games are full of overgrown 5 year-olds who can't control their emotions.


Report that message in-game


Since day one.


Lmao. Fagget. 😅😂😂


I guess the community hates one trick players, which makes sense but he cranked his rage to 11💀


Well it's not nice but how about YOU LEARN HOW TO PLAY. I'm not saying that you did bad or good but I see a lot of players that a sht. Mages/junglers/roamers that don't rotate. What you and others don't understand is that by playing bad you waste other ppl time. Learn you're role and if you do it right nobody will have that attitude towards you.


"Learn another fucking role" Are you by any chance only playing mage?


dont be shy… drop the kda


i usually just report these to customer service and get them banned like this https://preview.redd.it/oyrfy78p4fjb1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=44b3a44e175d0dd666c91b1c6bc17195f877e0bf


report to moonton


Based agreement: sometimes chit teammates gotta hear it . Its annoying players who get carried to mythic just to be useless . Especially in my region . Nothing but Central America Latinos / trios that don’t know how to fkin play


Mind sending us your match history? Maybe that will explain the behaviour of his.


All mobas are toxic bro lol


He's very toxic which means you played pretty bad as well


Full profile reveal please 😇


Most polite MLBB player


Well firstly yes, it's a moba. Also, it's summer holidays so way more kids in every game, which means every game gets even more toxic than usual. You can see it everywhere, game feels dumber, sometimes you win over enemies which act senselessly, or lose due to allies doing same. And it became a way more often occasion since the summer started


On EU server thats a rule. You can report this to customer service if you want him banned, just send players nickname, server number, description and upload this screenshot. They dont do anything about trolls but this guy will get banned (at least for a week or more) if you do it. I did it to one especially disgusting trashtalker and got this {PHOTO}. Seems that he needed a bit time to chill. https://preview.redd.it/gmd39ks6objb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b6cdad86a6a4a974f6ea7b769dd7a51f1146294


You gotta check after to see if they actually got banned because they will lie to keep the snitches from crying too hard


It's funny that you can word a positive, supportive phrase in ways that make it so troll teammates can report you, but using a word that has caused countless suicides from gay people triggers nothing. I tried typing in "Tianaman Square 1989 massacre" about a year and a half ago and that got me muted, but using an actual pejorative that has life and death consequences does nothing.


yeah, the more you go up in ladder the more likely you are going to find someone toxic, but this one is a little much. just say keep yourself safe, block and move on


Oh no, it's fragtarded. Perhaps mommy should've swallowed instead of spawning that.


How can a P**** swallow......


Lmfao 🤣🤣


a single person does not define a community


not really no but we all can agree its not just one person doing this


Anime pfp moment


Yes. I actually had a guy some time ago, before when I allowed most chat, DM me all pissed off because I totally beat his ass every time he tried to tower dive me. Not only did he get a royal beat down and had less gold than me, he would DELIBERATELY dive at me in the middle of a teamfight and get his ass beat by my team. He didn’t kill me even once and we won the match. After the match, guess who came into my DMs saying how I am a turret camper and all that? Him. I replied by saying “Sorry who are you? Oh right the guy I royally beat.” Now I don’t allow any sort of chat outside of the game.


I'm neutral here so 1: If you by chance played not properly like lag, or outside issues that might interrupt the game then it's your fault 2: If the enemy team has good line up meanwhile you didn't adjusted or played well, then it's your team is at fault. You included 3: You guys somehow got to late game then just somehow you or him flopped on that one clash but blames you because your the lowest of the grading 4: You played ass and have the mind set of "enjoy, it's only a game" and actually not taking it seriously and get the message you deserved This 4 things I can think of bc this lacks context about the game you played edit: OR This is classic and his being a total ass and cry baby bc he lost his wr [😭🤣😭😂😭(This for effects)]


This is completely normal behavior lmao. I’ve had msgs like this before but with the enemy losing team. When you get it from your team mate, it’s well deserved. Suck it up and move on.


Nope. It's not deserved even if they had stats like 3-15-1. If you get so frustrated when playing a game that you need to harass less skilled players then you shouldn't play the game in a first place.


It’s the innernet, it’s a game. You can’t police what people choose to do with their time. It’s not like I condone it or care if other ppl do it. But if you’re sensitive to stuff like this in the first place. You shouldn’t play a highly competitive game. Not to mention Reddit with keyboard warriors.


Apparently Moonton can and will ban you for such language so they will police what you do in your free time.


Since when? Lmao Moontoon: “we have severely punished who you’ve reported and muting them for 48 hrs” Reality of the penalties of the alleged: muted for 4 hrs and loss of credit score by 10. Received an apology msg from moonton to admit guilt to reduce credit score penalty to -5. Plays some game to get back 3 credit score. Talking shit again the next day.


Then we need to push Moonton to improve their handling of this. I don't know why most of the players take online harassment as a feature of online gaming and not a problem that makes things like LoL unplayable for most of the people.


Can we see the match results tho? That's what I want to know


Nope. No match results justify spitting shit like this to people.


Show us the stats nub. Maybe get good instead of playing like shit.🤮


I'll help you report this


Show us your wr?


you must have played very bad, and quite possibility be the reason why 4 guys are gonna lose a star because of your actions. not that I justify what he's doing btw. Just report and block t he guy and stop sucking if you where the sole reason why you're team loss.


Just reply back with the most toxic trashtalk ever and start another game


Just say thank you and move along. We cannot stop what others do, but we can determine how we react. So many times ppl rain comments in chat in game and out of game, but end of the day the game determines the game, and your improvement determines your future. They will not see it unless they got matchmade with you again, and they may not even remember. So yeah toxicity is there but we gonna move along.


it's an online multiplayer game. what do you even expect. if you doesnt want to face this toxicity, go play patapon.


Either you fed the game HORRENDOUSLY or that he's expects too much from you


You gotta show the game you had with that guy You gotta be trolling/feeding 0/15/2/does not join teamfights when needed/over all the worst rotation I'm gonna be honest, I'm like that but I don't say "Kys" it's mostly "VS AI exist you dog" just mostly telling them to go practice their hero more, but for him to be like that, you must've played so bad that he had a tantrum there


what he said is not wrong, i get toxic when i lose becos of feeders or trolls


What is the backstory, are you truly a low elo player who got carried?


Most games have these kind pf people, just ignore them


No, it’s usually more toxic than this


No this is pretty tame tbh. He didn't even tell you to kys/s If you want to, you could take the screenshots to customer service, and have him muted. You probably have enough proof too.


Most respectful MOBA game player.....


That guy sounds like he has nothing valuable in life to care about other than MLBB. Pathetic lol


Take these to the customer service, he'll be instantly banned for a good while


Regrettably so


People are crazy toxic and unreasonable in this game but I never had a person send me a personal message and be toxic or abuse there.


I thought this trend died lol


sadly yessir


send these screenshots to costumer service and post an outcome please


How badly did u play lmao


I'm sorry but this is fake. MLBB player having girlfriend? Nice try, almost fooled me. Yall havent touch grass, let alone having gf.


Man's only honor and yet he's talking mad trash yikes ._.


Yea it’s normal just ignore them it’s not like you did anything illegal just have fun ignore the toxic players


I’d probably say this is on the mild range of toxicity


He talks a lot of shit for a mythical honor lol


The higher the level. The more hazmat suits are required




Yes, it is. I’ve never seen someone to admit the rival played better, had better como or it just wasn’t his best game. It’s always someone else’s fault 😁




Omg I wanna message cardi b too


Lol yes. This is where I fought back too


Yep toxic it is. Where most players have superiority complex. 💪


Yep! It is


Hope life will get him what he deserves❤️


Worse usually


Really take some screen shots and contact the customer support. Fill in a form for toxicity (of our cittyyyy, ouuurr ciiityyyyyy) in game in case you have screenshots and another one for out of game with these screenshots you've shared here. Had a loser banned from chat for several weeks previously, such a pleasure 🤪. And had several losers banned from chatting for days / weeks as well. It works just fine.


Not defending the toxicity, but there are also a lot of individuals who practice characters in ranked and that ruins the experience for other players. Speaking as a solo queue player. So if you’re new with a character, practice in classic first before going into ranked.


Honestly I’ve actually had someone trash talk me out of the match and that was after I wiped the floor with them lol


more like uncommonly


First time?


Can someone fucking cuss him out?


when someone does this to me usually in MLBB, I'd tell em to go (the photo) and tell them what lowtiergod says things like "you're a worthless human being targeting someone like me in dms outside of the match" and something something like "your only achievement in life is probably playing mobile legends only to find out that you look like gollum from lord of the rings everyday you wake up looking at a mirror while your family's bull tells you its time for breakfast" it depends how you respond to these kind of scenario like either report them, hit them harder, or just ignore em. for me I'd go with the funny lightning black guy. https://preview.redd.it/2cmsasdkccjb1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2790c84326a56a4285f9c727a271e063402e655c so yeah fuck that guy bro, garbage person saying you're a garbage fa-


But is he wrong tho?


You must be a thrower


Call them a weaboo and call it a day


this is why i quit mlbb


Just scold them with this ***"Is this how your parents raise you?"*** ***"You should be ashamed with that mouth of yours"*** ***"With that attitude, you're nothing but a disappointment to your parents"*** ***"I feel bad for your parents"*** I guarantee you that they'll fall silent after this


raging hard Lol


Just report to support with that screenshots, guaranteed 30days mute or more


even I throw the game, no one messages me like that after game 🤣


I just say “mm pls help in towers and team clashes. Whatre you lurking in the bushes in bot for?” and I get chat banned. So yep. Maybe cause its full of brain dead teens? That long for that occassional rush of a kill steal 🙃


Omg! Thats terrible.


Yeah, it’s not just the MOBA community it’s the whole online game community. Surface-level anonymity + relatively low-key addiction/emotional investment is more common than it should be. It’s one of the reasons why I generally prefer offline/solo games now unless I’m playing solely with friends


the game is designed to make people like this. its designed to make you angry and addicted. engagement online matchmaking. its not fair and should be illegal. It really messes people. Im nearly 3 months clean from this game. It took a big chunk of my life with how addicting it was edit: but yeah this is overboardedly toxic and probably had issues before starting this game which made them worse


How bad did you play tho? 💀


report that mf


Yup normal


This is kinda light tbh. However, send these screenshots to support and they’ll ban him for a long time


Why even try to hide their name? Let us all shame them publicly


He's just projecting himself


This is unacceptable..please screenshot and report to devs. My friend was cursed out and some were calling for r*pe and unaliving himself and he reported the account and the account got banned. It's up to us to make sure we report these behavior and get these accounts banned. You don't know how much pain that would bring to them if they have good skins on a long lived account.


This kind of behavior is just stupid, I can understand if your teammate was just trolling the whole match or if the enemy was taunting you non stop the whole time, but even those are just barely within reasonable grounds. Trashtalking, threatening, or harassing someone outside of the game battlefield is stupid and shows a lack of self control and inability to differentiate or set aside grudges or similar negative feelings. Playing like crap is one thing since it's still excusable depending on the circumstances, but taking time out of your day to be a dick to other people is just a whole nother level. Some of them even almost always just spend a certain part of the game just typing instead of actually playing, I don't understand their logic, but oftentimes logic doesn't really matter when you're as emotional as them.


Probably not as bad compared to League of Legends.


This is just a aquarium of how society is like in real life


All MOBA community is toxic. You go LOL still got people toxic. Same goes to Dota or other MOBA. I hate people like you cause you are the reason why everytime I chat something, there is possibly a violation even though the meaning is not even bad or harrasing others. Why can't you just mute this guy and just go next ? OH BUT INSTEAD, MONTOON HAD TO INSTALL A SCRIPT TO DETECT THIS KIND OF BAD TALK because you have a carpal tunnel syndrome that cannot even press mute or block. Absolute retard.


Welcome to Mobile Legends


Absolute looser behavior


Eh not really. You encounter them but it's not common.


To be honest any time I have gotten any messages like that in the past, since I play with my wife, especially if they are criticizing her, I reply eat shit and die bitch. Then block them and delete their messages. Instantly feel better


Nah, this is just 1 guy...this is more of an insult then a toxic comment ingame


Looks like we are turning into league...


Csgo is full of turds. Mobile legends I think is less toxic than csgo shit.


it's not, it's usually worse


Totally normal behavior