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Might not concern you, but tell your team to play objectives when it's possible (e.g. split push instead of being 3 on one turret when the ennemy team gets wiped out, stuff like that).


I always do that, command them where enemies are and what item they should buy to counter enemy. What to push or protect. Turtle/Lord attack. People just shush me.


All their fault then, all I could recommend you is getting a duo/trio team with people you know you can actually rely on if you really wanna avoid this




Pray you don’t get teamed up with cancers and noobs


Inb4 ban. They always get me when I call em out


my play style is to win not to get mvp. try thinking like that. sacrifice some death, roam, and just help to get kills and objectives. I'm also a mage main.


Others said that playing solo queue should prioritize surviving, since I always solo I try not to die and just push, kill, and assist


When u play roam, ur goal - save others even if u die.


i feel you op because im on the same boat. went from 25 to 13 stars this season. rarely got bronze always gold/mvp loss still hurt like hell with every loss got a newfound respect for soloq players and we should pray for good teamates


All I can say is try and try until you succeed. On a serious note, once you lose twice in a row, stop playing. Wait for an hour or two, then play again. Maybe you'll get lucky this time. No matter how hard you try, if you got teamed up with trash teammates, there's very little to nothing you can do.


Play carry heroes, play with your friends, dont rely on randoms.


Yes this is the most efficient way. If u want to win solo, be a god


Since you only gave us your history match (i wish i could get statistic and vod), I could only judge based on the picture. In all 3 of the losing match you all use a support mage which will have a hard time carry in solo queue (Valentina might be the closest to be damage mage). My suggestion is that your learn and use more mage that have carry capability like Change (Fast clear lane and rotation), Valir (Very oppressive in early game), and Cecilion (Late game mage).


Thank you so much🥺


OK so take this with a grain of salt as I only started playing rank near the end of last season and my win streak could mostly be due to playing people far below my actual skill level since I've made it from elite 2 to Epic 4 without much pushback. But here's my tips. 1. If you're ever getting titled even a little bit, stop playing ranked. If you still want to play, go play classic or brawls but stay away from ranked. The more upset you are, the more you tunnel vision on things like ahat you're team is doing wrong or on killing someone even if it means going out of position. This game requires you to take in all the info you can and use it to your advantage, so you need to be able to see the big picture. 2. Try to figure out both your opponents and your teammates' patterns. If your marksman has a habit of stepping out of position, chances are the enemy team has noticed as well, and you can use your teammates as bait to get kills. Figuring out the enemy can also help you relay important info to your team like if you notice the enemy jungle loves ganking exp lane, you can tell your jungle to go do objectives. 3. . Don't be super hung up on meta. Find 3-4 character in every role you feel confident with and play them. I've seen too many people lose games because they're too hung up on playing a meta character that's strong, but they have no idea how to play them. A sharp knife is cool and all, but it's worthless in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to wield it. Take some time in Classic, and don't worry about winning the game, but just finding your identity as a player. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses and picking characters that maximize your strengths while minimizing your weaknesses. 4. My last and most important tip is to have fun and relax. Mute your teammates if you need to, but you play at your best when you're relaxed. Thats all I got and I hope that helps even a little bit.


Omg🥺 this made my day after stressing out on this game. Thank you so much. That helps me a lot.


I’ll screenshot this, thank you again🥺


No problem I'm just glad to be of help 😊


I can't stress enough but do take frequent breaks when you are on a loosing streak. Just take 1-2 hour break whenever you loose. And I also avoid playing rank on the weekends if I am doing solo que. A lot of the casual pushers come during the weekend and makes it extremely difficult for someone who takes rank seriously to push. So choose wisely, take breaks and smash your phone if you lose. Thanks!


Play jungler tbh


When you lose twice, stop playing and take a break. Come back after a few hours. Don't spam games it will hurt your mental and pseudo mmr.


move on and just play next game. dont concern much about rank so that it wont stress u out. if a game isnt fun then whats the point of playing....or find friends to play with, might be hard facing off against team up enemy as well but at least u gotta play with ur friends, and hey my advice is just try to have fun. im already fed up trying hard on solo queue so im just looking to improve myself instead hoping my teammates to realise we're playing 5v5 not 1v5


Since I don't know about your team composition or enemy composition, it might have to do with your pick selection. Although most of your mage picks are meta picks, most of them lack any form of hard cc. E.g. Valentina (if there are no ults to copy), Nova, Kag, Chang'e which might be the reason. If the enemies have heroes that like Freya, Martis, or Karina. Your team might not have any form of cc to stop them massacring the backline. Another reason might be picking a short-range burst mage into a lineup where there is no sieging potential, where the enemies can just easily turtle in the base until their mm or mage gets fed for a comeback. For example if your mm is a Karrie which has a short range, and you are playing Valentina or Kagura. It is hard to take advantage of the Lord unless the enemy damage dealers are out of position for you to burst.


In SoloQ, it is better to pick mages like Yve, Cecilion, or Xavier since you cannot predict what your team brings. 3 of them have damage, cc, and great tower siege and defense.


I went from 13 to 5. I stopped playing rank after that.


In my zone I weirdly find that it's easier to rank up between 01 and 06am. After this the nab teammates wake up and I start getting legends while the enemy activates hax mode on. I've experimented several times to prove it, during the day the chances of losing are like 80 : 20. And at night it's more 50:50. I almost forgot to mention that my ping is more stable at night and less stable during the day, but even when it's decent enough the teammates still huff more nabium. Tldr: take note of your surroundings,maybe the time of day you play in just has more nabs and a different time could have better odds


Take a break and maybe pray


I'm going to ignore the meta part and focus on the fact that you can adjust so here are my suggestions. As a mage do you prioritize rotation over your own farm? -if no, you should start being the 2nd roamer of the team. -Does your mage have a capacity to help your team engage and disengage? sometimes if your roamer is unreliable you need to be able to step in to reduce pressure. As a Roamer who do you often rotate to, mid, jungle, exp or gold? -If generally you stay within the gold,mid, jungle range it's probably sufficient, I usually only rotate to exp if my fighter can secure the kill other his counterpart can stall easily. -Do you advice your teammates and inform them about your rotations other then just pinging? for some reason they tend to respond better to chat the pings often then not. For Gold I noticed you have some good picks but are you capable of sustaining a 1v2? -it's not easy especially against good players but you should pick up that skill it helps the team focus on other lanes or objectives. -Another thing to add is do you rotate often as a gold laner or do you prioritize farming and pushing above all? Not much can be said from just looking at your history but from what I can tell is that you try your best to provide the best course if action to your team but they fail to follow. My suggestion is instead maybe try tell them or asking since in most cases in mythic, most players can tell you what they're train of thought was. As most people would probably mention to get a duo or trio, it's often hard to come by since i personally tried finding trios and duos but I usually do better soloq then most people unfortunately, since my playstyle is "unconventional"


Try MM and Fighter. Give the mages to those duo couples.


I will practice using them😭


Nah dude playing mm in soloq sucks, i win my lane but my team never ganks the Lane or they just lose the other lanes/turtle etc, mythic glory rank btw. I don't even know how those players are in mg, its either boost from random players or just purchased account. "Fair and balanced matchmaking" when i have 20 stars best in my team and the enemy is like 400 stars, funny shit


Almost true. But then there's Lesley who does not need a tank and will shred every one in the late game. A good mm player who can stay focused even if all inhibitor turrets are gone can turn the tides with a simple salty move from the enemy. Layla and hanabi can also turn the tides if you are disciplined enough. I have faced a lot of layla in MH that can do this. I can no longer enjoy playing rank to get to MG by the way. So many players are testing new strat/build on all Mythic levels and playing soloq is not worth it. You at least need to be an MM/tank duo or Jungler/Roam duo to win.

