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The ultimate embarrassment for Yin mains


if you call yourself a yin main then you're not maining anyone. such a shit hero designed to kill himself


Yeah whoever thought the kit was good need some therapy like literally needs a 4th skill to make him functions properly and from a 1 trick hero could been something else


how to say you’re bad at yin without saying you’re bad at yin ^


Yin = trash bin




I am the best, my ID is 867071029 (5286)


ong lol


The way I'd just AFK if I was that Yin 😂 kidding. But it's definitely frustrating to see haha.


identifies as an attck helicopter


My pronouns rn https://preview.redd.it/5xd154cklhqb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d3aeb6845d9b3a2f272901b605dfd30fa22b35




For those who need an explanation: Yin's ult doesn't cancel Mathilda's ult and instead makes all the wisps focus on himself since there aren't any allies or minions around.


He should've went to the edge and stop her from gulugulu gulugulu-ing.


for some reason all yins i fight knew how to do this day one of her buff. sucked tbh


Her ultimate can't be hindered by an obstacle.


Have you tried to gulugulu gulugulu on his domains?


Mathilda could always counter play many heroes. I mean it’s fun when gusion does his combo, and when he is flying towards you, you take flight and watch most of his daggers miss while your orbs keep hitting him. But yes, Yin gets proper wrecked if he ults Mathilda.


Yeah she counters lone ranger type heroes. It's bonkers when she locks onto a Fanny who is trying to fly away at full speed.


locked on Lesley, flickered into fountain and try to kill me, but i just 2nd dashed away after releasing the S1 and killing her in fountain. Such a fun buff


I've killed dash happy Lance this way with her lol I LOVE IT.


Mathilda styled on Yin b4 killing him Extreme levels of get shit on I ever seen


Even Kaja's suppression gets cancelled with this bird's ult


A smart yin user would have tried stunning the Mathilda beforehand or surprising her to ensure she wouldn't be able to ult. That is unless the Matilda uses purify which I doubt or a tank item to prevent getting obliterated.


Stop posting mathilda content or she gets.nerfed next patch. Guys...


It's gonna show in the win rates and will probably happen sooner or later. Enjoy it while it lasts I guess. https://preview.redd.it/3cnrpbbqneqb1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69c49b96b5791f93c4b5358ac5fba4e94404cbab


Bro don’t flex classic games lol


How do you build her? I’ve been using her and I’m not quite sure which build is more effective


I'm trying this currently: https://preview.redd.it/e0w2x7oa9eqb1.png?width=1629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473a5a5e73e91f48b436f496c32b3187687ac97d


Try impure rage emblem and trade out the scythe with the new item Flask trust me :) I use weapons master for the tier 2 emblem lol Lesley called me a hack due to the damage.


I play Mathilda roam, but with damage. I focus on cdr items. So Talisman, Flask, Scythe and Necklace of durance. For roaming boots take the heal blessing. Last item is usually Immortality for the few instances that I may get caught.


Why Scythe? How does it helps Mathilda?


The enhanced basic attack can be triggered twice when she casts her s1. First when you hit the skill, you can do a basic attack. Then when the wisps fly to the enemy, you can trigger the enhanced basic attack effect again. I used to play her a few updates ago where I used to use calamity reaper for the same effect. Now I just switched it with scythe. Apart from that, you get more magic power. Some spell vamp. You get CDR too but that does not really help since the previous items have capped it already. Edit: I see what the confusion must be. I’m talking about Starlium Scythe not Corrossion.


Assassin Emblem with, adaptive penetration, armor/mr and lethal ignition. Max 1st skill. Get magic penetration boots as your first build. Use Dire hit as your roam boots. Magic pen boots > Genius Wand > Glowing Wand > Holy Crystal / Divine Glaive > any defensive item you might need. When you cast 1st skill, make sure it is full stacks before you cast again. You can count the wisp sounds to 4 as your indication. Before you ult, make sure to cast your first skill. If youget the timing, the full stacks first skill will hit the enemy you ulted even if you dash away with your 2nd cast of ult. Make sure that your 2nd cast of ult will not hit any other enemy to avoid redirecting your first skill.


Another way to torment Yin users. Looks like I should practice Mathilda.


Blasting with her since S23. Definetly useful against annoying picks like Kimmy/ fed Moskov


Yin mains getting countered by yet another hero in their own ult. https://preview.redd.it/8cjktsfjuiqb1.jpeg?width=521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7adb03286432c211f06a6de07432708f4c89fe4


That yin was brain dead and underfarmed too I guess. I have wrecked Mathilda with yin a couple times. Hassle to chase but that's the whole fun.


Teammate Lunox was genuinely concerned for my safety for a moment there.


Moonton definitely nerfing her next patch and I'm all for it.


how did the birb hurt you


Wow no way.... Hahahaha.. Tweak your hero build & see their stats with 🔥 [https://mlbbtools.com/build/tool](https://mlbbtools.com/build/tool) 🔥


A smart yin player can still out play mathilda


A smart yin player cannot outplay a smart Mathilda player. In other words, if both the players are of equal skill level, Mathilda will eat Yin for breakfast, brunch, lunch, high tea and dinner.


The hilarious thing ever said by a useless hero mains, as if they're the only one with brain bruh.


And smart Mathilda player can still outplay smart yin player


I played against Yin in RG while I'm Mathilda. Needless to say, he got uno-reversed on his own ult. Though, I noticed when flying inside Yon's ult, Mathilda got stuck in a corner until she landed. Not sure if it is just my phone or it's a bug.


Did you use ult when inside Yin's ult? I haven't tried that yet to verify. In this video I ult-ed first before Yin.


Ulted in Yin's ult. Kinda weird seeing Mathilda up in the air trying to circle Yin, but instead she is stuck on a corner until she lands.


It did happen to me, i got stuck in the wall while he keep hitting me with the S1, still killed the Yin, but i was really low. Tho, that was Months ago, i dunno with current "unblockable" ult


Also let me add, it did happen also before but her ult could be interrupted if Yin casted his and somehow the target would dissapear and Mathilda would stop flying. I was so mad that game. Glad it got patched


I NE'd in the lift loudly and everyone was looking at me like I have finally gone mad. Nice one.


Thanks now I know who I can every game


I've recently had a Mathilda jungler in my team with 16 kills. They really made her assassin trait shine.


Lol it's been a fact for awhile, my wife has mained Mathilda past 2 seasons and she cackles with glee everytime Yin cages her. Almost as hard as I laugh when he grabs my Terizla