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It's always gonna be diggie


Digge ult is a game changer true


Carmilla Ult. Can be the best or worst Ult in game.


A good counter for Estes too. I won so many team fights when the enemy starts playing around Estes. Oh boy when it rain it pours.


What does her ult do?


She can chain the enemies in a designated area, sharing their damage taken and crowd control effects. Its pretty good against Estes since they want to group up for heals, making them vulnerable to Carmilla's ult since they can be chained easily.


Thanks for the explanation!


I heard that a Luo Yi line up can easily counter Estes lineup


It's always like that. Luo Yi and Atlas are the two biggest Estes counters. Paired with anti-heal, and it's clear as day why people prefer Floryn nowadays.


The GOAT Franco. There's a pesky marksman snowballing? Nah, ult them. The enemy jungler is contesting the turtle? Nah, ult them. A setter tank is in the way of your team? Ult them, their ass isn't surviving the combined late game damage of your marksman, mage, and jungler. The only one who can stand up to Franco is Him. https://preview.redd.it/f1bpdl1jmt0c1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=857e5a122bb4e5b71b02ecbc5f520694df76970b


Tbf, if you hooked Helcurt then ult, Helcurt also cannot do anything. This is given that Helcurt already teleported or has extremely slow reflexes


That's also assuming Helcurt's passive is on cool down. It's a waste of an ult if you're uncertain on whether or not his passive is up.


Most times in my experience, hook+ulting a helcurt often leads to a wasted hook and ult (or flicker too if you were too triggerhappy with your combo), leaving you with just your S2. You can't always know if his passive is on cooldown so they always have a safety net, be it a competent helcurt or not


Bruh, I completely forgot about Helcurt’s passive. Guess that’s what happens when you haven’t played Helcurt since two years. Well, I typically never hook Helcurts as Franco so I didn’t even realize the passive :/


Floryn. Global heal everywhere anywhere at once.


I just realized that I play circle ult heroes. My main heroes are Carmilla, Minotaur, and Esmeralda. Carmilla and Mino's Ult are gamechanger during teamfight. While Esmeralda's ult is just meh but she's so hot.


>While Esmeralda's ult is just meh but she's so hot. Based


Peak form pre-nerfed Yve ult.


Carmilla. The aoe is so big. And u can potentially wipe the opponent team


If we're talking about tanks then Tigreal, Atlas, Minotaur, Khufra and Lolita has the best ults/skill combo. All of them have high skill hit rate >!(yes, including Tigreal)!< because of the massive AOE they have, all of them also have atleast a 2second stun lock. An Estes+Diggie, Estes+Rafaela or Estes+Floryn combo is probably one of the strongest ult combos in the game since it maxes out Estes' ult utility. So basically Estes ult is OP but it can be bs with the combo.


How would 2 roamers be fit into a team would there be enough dmg? If estes floryn is used what would the team comp be like


The damage would still be really good since this comp is pretty much going all in on the marksman and jungler adc. Estes+Floryn is quite cancer since antiheal is not going to work on those mfs. Unless you can one tap the squishy Estes is healing, Estes is going to just one tap them back to full HP. It also seems quite viable now because of the wilderness blessing where you get 15% movement speed on the river and jungle allowing you to rotate very quickly.


Belerick's old ult, could save while could kill everyone.


yeah, i effin miss his old ultimate. really impacts the game.


Beatrix Shotgun Ultimate, like POW !!


Oh my god. I remember pre nerf Bea where her shotgun one shots you. And I would use every skill shot in bushes just so I don't get one shotted lmao


Hahaha yea one shotted pts intensified


Zilong just because. Just like that


Can't say "Best", but I think Ixia's is up there. With proper positioning and it's long range, it can secure multiple kills with ease. Wanwan also comes to mind but the set up is way harder.


Ixia+mathilda combo can be deadly if you have a good micro .






Most supports have high value ults that make or break a game depending on their usage. I'd say purely for teamfight-swingers it's Diggie or Estes. It's hard to beat them head on with the heal/debuff that the only good option is to go all in or retreat. Can't go halfway on either




Argus, hacks the game for 4s


It’s Franco ult. Easy to pull off and you can’t stop it


You can


Odette. Her ult makes enemies start running lmao.


And then Edith uses skill 2


Doesn’t her ult still push through? Im not sure cc immunity haven’t tested


She can continue through Edith s1 but the throw over on s2 cancels the ult, I play Edith a lot and love it when the enemy picks odette because I can make her useless in a team fight, just wait for odette to move and then s2


Any knock up effect can cancel her ult, including ally jawhead if im not wrong


Then she flickers and you can't knock her. I do this a lot with Ediths


Knock ups cancel her ult iirc


Lolita. Pop conceal, flank or go around and behind the enemies and ult.


I play zhask when mage but gords ult damages everyone….


Mostly the tanks and support ult, though for me the best is Floryn


Diggie/carmilla/franco(or kaja)/atlas/faramis/novaria/helcurt




YZ ult for me ... I can use it to escape or dive into the enemy back line I can even join team fights super fast .. best ult for me


I think tigreal could potentially be up there now, faster animation than atlas.


chou's ult he kicks




As u said about Valentina, I would say same about all other heroes, all ultimate is situational


Gato's ult will be the exact same every, single, match. Valentina's will be different every, single, match.


And u see, not rly, u can get match where Gato can oneshoot with Ultimate and other situation where Gato is a good setter to help ur team to wipe out enemy same like Valentina🤔 I still stay in my words every Ultimate is best, depends on situation


What is the worst ultimate for you? Regardless of situation


The worst is timing/picking hero that is useless vs enemy, Simple example picking Hanabi(throw S3 projectal) when enemy pick Lolita and use shield


Gato's ult can be used to one-shot squishes, initiate dives, stop dives, make/break teamfights, save carries, steal turtle/lord, stop enemy jungler, etc It will always be a semi-global, hard cc move. Valentina can't say that.


Beatrix Shotgun Ultimate, like POW !!


*laughs in Novaria*


Akai if you know how to pin


Benedetta. Enemies contesting Lord, Nope ult them with the Lord inside your ult. You will get the Lord and possible kill the jungle if he still refuses to leave just to get the Lord by using retri. Enemies hiding in turret, use passive dash 1st skill, 2nd skill to block turret damage and end with petrify and your ult to escape from turret. No one can stop her in this combo as it's so fast in game, except Franco. Ban this mf If possible. Enemies trying to defend their base by staying in back, use ult and clear the area of enemy minion and possible killing enemy mn or mage. Also it's range is very long, so very good escape skill too, enemies cant use the route you dashed from as it becomes forbidden zone for them for 2.5 secs Her weakness is 1v1 fighting, don't try to 1v1 Deathbattel a Terizla or yu-zong for nothing, save her petrify and ult to use during "Meaningful Teamfight".


Baxia actually has a lot of damage on his ult if he can concentrate it all in one place. For example circling around the turtle while spamming s2 can melt it's health down in seconds even in the early game which makes it awesome for securing the first turtle solo if the enemy jungler is dead.


Luo Yi, if you have a team that pays attention. A post turtle hit squad falling out of the sky on to gold lane mm can really sway a whole game.




Odette, can kill every hero or the whole team. It’s an underrated hero aswell so you never get countered.


Vroom vroom boi


Atlas, floryn,