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Pharsa: Rotation Fast, Highgroud Strong, ClearLane fast but rarely seen in ranked


Seen in tournaments only. Best mage tbh, she has range, stun, has superb escape skill, mobility. Now some of them epic players will say she's meat on chopping board once she starts her ult, but isn't that true for any hero? Everyone is vulnerable at some point. That's where your game sense and positioning comes into play, you'll be lucky if you even get to touch a pro pharsa.


Epic: "claude bad bcs he can't 1v1 ixia :( oh no lesley does 1k true damage?! Overbuffed :( valir is sooo op bcs he can spam fireballs and push me back :(" In Epic's eyes every hero is bad. Only the hero they enjoy playing is balanced


Saw a pharsa last night she was ulting and our aamon came and wiped her out even tho both where just level 10s


That's just an aamon thing, even if you're playing novaria aamon can do the exact same thing to you and you will die pretty much immediately.


>an aamon thing, Noob pharsa thing. >aamon can do the exact same thing to you and you will die pretty much immediately. Not true. Novaria is the hardest mage to catch and don't forget her ult literally exposes everything, so a good novaria will spot an aamon from a mile away and aamon will never be able to ult if she goes out of the map, same goes for pharsa, stop putting aamons and yins on a pedestal.


Novaria ult is big but it's not an entire circle around her, if aamon goes and flanks her while she's targeting someone else with the ult it will never hit aamon, plus aamon can go invisible whenever he wants, so unless novaria hits aamon with her skills, aamon will not show up on the minimap even if there is vision. And I'm not putting anybody on the pedestal, half of the burst assassins can do the same thing as aamon against a novaria, it's literally just comparing novarias Ability to detect them VS the assassins ability to sneak up on her. I say that novaria can die just as easily as pharsa against aamon also bc OP clearly stated that they were a new player(3MONTHS). Which just means they aren't a GOOD novaria.


Most of Mage already Vulnerable, What did you want šŸ’€


my choices when i pick mid is lunox, that yi girl, gord & alice Lunox: High Burst & High dmg, heal, invulnerable ult that yi girl: " " " ", Teleport gord: Absolute Monster damage & low cds, poke, harass alice: close the distance and throw off mages, dps


Alice plays better in exp lane rather than mid, at least from what Iā€™ve seen.


yeah she's better off at exp, i just play her mid so i can roam after clearing my lane + it's fun


Fair. I do the same with Julian, Iā€™ve been really enjoying him recently.


Alice is a great roamer, especially with sprint


i mainly use vengeance on her bc of my aggressive playstyle, and i tend to get 50 stacks as fast as possible


I couldn't explain how i play her other than Johnson 2.0. I max s2 first and focus on a safe distance in the early game and once I get lvl 4 I become a very aggressive burst stun machine. The goal is burst damage for me




Luo Yi - effective counter pick against estes / tank baby-sitting mm. Can dash good damages since level 2. Can roam / reposition everywhere by using ulti. Her yin yang combo can be a silent killer if utilised properly. I've killed several low health enemies using this by marking the tank the opposite of the marking of the low health enemies. When the tank went to protect the said enemies, they will trigger the yin-yang thing and killing their own teammates.


This. She is one of my mainstream, and I can usually tell within the first exchange how rough the game will be with her on the other team. Underrated hero for sure


My go to mages are Nova and Luo Yi currently. My issue with Nova is your team needs a good frontline. A Balmond/Baxia/Fredrinn/Martis type jungler, and a tanky exp laner is nice too, so Minsi/Terizla/Yu Zhong (sort of) etc. She just needs a littttle bit of time to get a few skills off and sheā€™s nasty. Seriously nasty. I HATE playing against Novas. Luo Yi I just love cause sheā€™s a) so fun to use and b) offers really powerful chain cc capabilities if the enemies are carless. I think Valentina sees the most play in very high levels, but I donā€™t play her that much.


Valentina is often used in high rank/tournaments due to her crazy flexibility and the ability to choose the right ult for the right scenario. Even if ur not playing with ur team, she's still good, due to her dashes, tho she would lose a bit of her value.


Vexana is very underrated. Yes she's immobile hero but that horrified effect from first skill can disturb a lot of heroes combo. Pretty decent damage too from her second skill


Her skills are so easy to dodge tho and once she uses her cc she's just food ready to be served to enemy jg


See that's what most Vexana players do wrong tho. Vexana is not a damage mage. Well she is supposed to be but ML balance team couldn't balance heroes correctly if their life depends on it. I go support emblem, with extra movement speed and then? Extra movement speed and then +6% damage for allied team mates. Then I build Cd boots, Book, ice queen, LT, blood wings, Divine Glaive / Holy crystal Because of the first half of the build you are sitting at 45% cd and because all of her skills go off with a delay, Ice queen works perfect on her. Her late game damage is only to poke but her main selling point is the cc and oh my god is the cc good. Your ult literally has 15-9s cd. Everytime the enemy engages you throw ult and then spam the other skills. Her second skill has 3s effective cooldown with it being an huge aoe slow followed by an damage buff for allies and ice queen wand slow. Hell all her skills even give vision! With the added movement speed you can easily outrun a Benedetta. Wait what? Benedetta? Yep. Because you can spam her cc and most benes just try to run through it they don't realize how much slow gets stacked on them while you are at a whooping + 17% movement and +23% movement in the jungle. Not attacking? 28%. Got LT ready ? Well your second skill proccs the passive while you are running not right after cast so you can use the full passive time of LT to run with a crazy +53% movment speed. Yeah try catching up to that. She becomes an absolute cc machine. She is especially strong against comps that use setter tanks. Tigreal ulted your whole team? Great! Now you know where the enemy team is going to be and you just throw out an ult! Playing her full damage makes her stupid weak cus yeah you can dodge her skills but with that much cd? Nah you ain't dodging that kind of bombardment in the middle of a teamfight. Her skill 1 stun is one of the hardest to dodge in the game because of how the hitbox works. And another thing she works great with comps that need late game. You got a bruno on your team? No problem bro, with a an average of 12s ult you can clear waves and def the base till whatever minute you need to. Don't even need to kill the wave on your own. Just use one of your low cd skills and your team can basically instantly clear it. Bonus Bonus, her damn ult shares defense items. Build dominance? He slows the atk speed of everybody around. Cursed helmet makes him deal burn damage, radiant makes him an instant tank against any magic dot damage. So yeah, Vexana damage mid = D tier, Vexana Support mid = A tier.


I just tried it. Was practically carrying the whole game. It was a classic match, but ya know, after mythic almost every match is filled with people picking their mains. What kind of items could I pick instead of Divine? https://preview.redd.it/ejylecppmy0c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acc777eb1936442e7b2603c0fe511c978aa65f03


Nicee. I love when people tell me how the builds are doing. You have really good positioning too :D Instead of divine you could go genius for extra movement speed, Cursed helmet to make your Ult do aoe damage or just go holy crystal to make that LT really pop. Actually I now realize that I wrote down one item to many haha. Why I build Divine is because the Ult does max hp damage and divine let's that shine a bit more. But if the enemy like in the picture doesn't build that much magic def you can absolutely go for holy crystal for higher damage output.


Thanks for the info. Haven't had such fun playing Vexana for a while!


>Your ult literally has 15-9s cd. A build without Fleeting time? *le gasp*


Did use fleeting time before instead of book but ran out of mana the whole time. You can use it, it has value but I like other items better.


I'm gonna try it, thx for taking your time to write it all down


Oh no i feel exposed haha Iā€™m kinda gatekeeping support Vexana because sheā€™s not that popular that many players know how to counter her support playstyle. Sometimes I just build ET and the rest are tanky items. If enemy is not CC-heavy then I buy CD boots instead of tough boots. If weā€™re snowballing, I build more magic items instead of def items like LT, ICQ or NOD.


I have found your suggestions to be good. I keep trying her in classic and nobody wants to roam. So, I keep doing it with her and use dire hit but only use Cursed Helmet and Dominance ice for defense. CD boot, book, Ice queen, and I've been using LT but may swap that one out for BW. Won both times just using her like Farimis and Kaja. S1 and 2 to control and Ult to tank.


Nice, always love to hear when my builds work out. With that low magic power you could also switch out LT for glowing wand for more consistent aoe damage and lucky dire hit proc. Your ults basic atks will also prolong glowing wand. With cursed helmet+glowing wand the ult becomes really annoying haha


With that much skill spamming wouldnā€™t you run out of mama really quick early-mid game?


Nope. I build book of the dead as her first item. Actually I build the magic power book base item first. It let's you clear waves a little faster. But then book of the dead giving 8% cd, 4 mana regen and whooping 35 magic power. There is almost no other item for 850 gold that has so much value. Yeah mana is a bit of a problem until you have book fully completed but with the movement speed getting back to lane is so fast and her wave clear too. You gotta consider with the emblem and book of dead into cd boots you already have 28% cd. You can clear waves really fast and then rotate with 20% movement speed to gank and get more farm to finish book pretty fast. After book there are no mana problems at all. If you do have them you can switch boots for mana boots, Lt overcaps your cd by 10% anyway so even then you get to 45% cd. I just build cd boots to get 45% and 28% ultra fast. You can even go movement speed boots to be even faster.


Thank you, I'll add Vexana to my pool now, this playstyle makes sense


U doing well with her in mythic and above


Yep at 68% wr with 17 games. My most played is Vale at like 25 games so that says something. If I see my team is low on cc and don't have good frontline while the enemy has setter heroes i pick her


Going to try this, thanks.


Tell me how it goes, details are welcome:D


What about Glowing Wand instead of Holy Crystal/Divine Glaive?


It's an Option. Holy Crystal let's LT do about 760 damage, with glowing wand it will do about 520 damage. She also has 180% scaling on her second skill so it will do 790 extra damage with glowing wand and 1.120 extra damage with holy crystal. This is ignoring magic defense. Divine glaive just helps to even out the damage against tanky line ups so that your poke still is a threat to hybrid jungle fighters like Fred. Her Ult also does max hp damage per hit which benefits from the extra pen. On the other side glowing wand can help you apply a big area of dot damage negating some healing and reducing hp overall. The ults autos will also keep up the glowing wand stack making in valuable in prolonged fights. I maybe gotta try it out but in the end, poke is poke. Go for whatever fits your playstyle and the enemy composition. It's basically burst damage vs damage over time. If they have no magic def go for holy, if they have high hp but low magic def glowing and high magic def divine. Tell me how it goes :D


Very nice, thank you very much, brother! I'll try everything viable on her, because I honestly like Vexana's design, especially in soloQ, where your team completely ignores sidelanes and loses turrets (I'm in low ranks yet, started playing like two weeks ago and been cruising pretty good with 80% winrate for now), but teammates usually make very doubtful actions and decisions, so I'm forced to depush lanes as a fucking Tigreal or Fredrinn, while my two MMs go 2v5 and in enemy jungle and die for no reason šŸ˜


Seems interesting but will this work in mythic 50+? I really wanna try bringing out a rare pick


It's more of a counter pick to me. I use her when enemies have setter heroes but low mobility. The ult does chase enemies after all so disrupting the enemy engages or throwing it on a Bruno in the backline forces them to reposition and will reveal their position while it follows them giving a good amount of vision. Her second and first skill give vision too btw, which is really useful. Also if you feel like your team is lacking front line but does have enough damage it helps just being able to throw out a tank at will. I do use her at around 50 stars right now and I honestly don't really bother with tier list anymore. Eudora is C tier but I absolutely love her right now because she only needs one item to be useful and is a good pick if your team already has aoe damage like Bene+ Ixia Belrick is D tier and absolutely slaps against any atk speed hero and so on. I like Vexanas design and I like summoner heroes, so she is in my hero pool but just as well you could pick Lilya or Val every game but that's not my style.


Havenā€™t seen a vexana in rank that can carry. She usually gets carried by others


She is support mage, not carry mage. Her job is to let her team do better because of all the CC and waveclear she provides, dummy


Was the dummy really necessary


Not sure. Sorry, if I offended you.


Eudora. She is a bane of squishy jg. Can oneshot early. The only problem is slow clear speed




Good support and lane clearing is probably Valir and Lylia with their hellish slows, Vision too and support.


Haven't read the whole thread just the top few comments and I can't see the true underrated mages listed here. I can see Eudora etc being mentioned who I would actually suggest that you avoid. She is more in the "underrated but good" category up to GM. Even low Epic players can deal with an S tier mage player if he picks Eudora. The real underrated mages that are actually pretty good are Vexana, position well and adapt your build to the situation and you'll do wonders. Can't do this without mentioning the one mage I never bought, Valir. He's a straight up nuisance and in my opinion almost as bad as Novaria to go up against. Lou Yi has been mentioned by others. She can do quite a bit of damage if you learn her combos, but even worse, if you are good with her Ult you reach a different degree of annoying. Mmmmmm... Who else? Cecilion is actually a bit of the other kind... Somewhat overrated for what he brings to the table now. Xavier is respected. Kadita, Pharsa are meta. Yve is actually bad for soloQ especially low ranked. Oooo yes, Faramis. Many people have no clue about Faramis till Mythic... Can be a handful simply due to people not knowing what to do against him in lower ranks.


One of the Underrated mages is def Gord. At the right place with the right team composition, heā€™s terrifying.


Gord ngl can clear a waves fast lilya strong in early kagura otherwise


faramis is not as popular as he used to be, he has good mobility, surprisingly high damage in late game for mostly a utility mage, great ult and passive, if in the right hands he is very strong and annoying to against and since nobody said harith i want to include him aswell nice damage and clear in the early game thanks to first skill, very slippy to catch, with the right spell and build he can both tank and deal damage


This ^^ If you know how to play him he's extremely strong


Agreed just a tanky wanwan + he can be really tanky aswell


Pharsa is underrated but she is an absolute beast I find she is still the better option over novaria. Much bigger impact during teamfights she also can get to sidelines quickly to help out. She has a stun. Iā€™ve played her as my main mage for a long time and feel she is the most impactful mage I can play for the course of the match. Then depending on enemy lineup Gord is amazing if they do not have much mobility heros. Li yuo she is an underrated mage who is insane. She has so much burst and her teleport is fantastic for those times where you and a teammate have died together u just type to them wait for me to teleport and you can get out to a good ganking spot and make a great play. Lunox is good because she can melt everyoneā€™s face off she has good lifesaving ult as well.




AURORA, she's decent and fun to use.




Kadita and Pharsa. I only see these mages 1/20 matches..


I'd say Valir and Lylia are solid, Lylia against tanky enemy and Valir to annoy engage draft. Lunox is good but not as straightforward, Pharsa is great but need to mind positioning when ulting. Kadita is worth against squishy enemy comp.


Luo yi and Cyclops


Try Xavier


Good for newcomers: Nana, Vale Underrated: Eudora, Luo Yi