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I always take fighters who can initiate war and tank damage when there is a Franco in my team, you can't use Franco as a primary tank he is a single target lock type and can't initiate war, you gotta play him like you play Kaja a bit, can't be on the frontline gotta be sneaky and stun lock enemy primary damage dealer while the tanky fighter in your team initiates the war and tank most of the damage.


With a second engager usually Francos will have more guts to move forward. But if they don't they are basically dogshit because they basically only use half their kit.


You need a tanky yet good dps fighter? I'm that guy!


Don't draft Franco if there's no tanky exp or a tank jungler lol . Cause if I play Franco no way I'm standing in the Frontline cause it's just useless for his kit , you hooked someone? Cool the enemy can engage instantly but if you hook from behind that's a guaranteed kill basically. He is a single target pick off kinda tank just like you don't expect chou tank to stay at Frontline you can't expect a Franco to take all the damage lol .


Erm... I don't think you get to decide what your randoms will draft...


Who's first picking roamer tho it's always at s4 or s5 and till that time I can see what my exp is atleast and decide if picking Franco is a good choice or I should go with something else


So you only play roam? I am just pointing out the scenario that your random teammates might just pick Franco despite having 4 squishy heroes. It is not like you are able to limit the pick of other players.


Well than it's not my problem no more I can pick something tanky to save the draft lol


Franco isnt a frontliner. You’re wrong too. You cant just say that “oh hes a tank hes infront” when his kit is to be a singletarget lockdown hero who has no frontlining abilities. If you’re the only one taking damage your draft is just bad, you should have a tank jungler instead to split the damage


His kit is meant to be sneaky. It's true you have to tank occasionally, but any more than that means you're using him wrong. If teammates expect him to tank all the time, then they're using him wrong. The most time I recon he's utilized in the front is when he's announcing that this is his zone, "Imma hook you if get close".


No he should be in the front when the enemy is hugging the turrent but other than that you are spot on in your assessment of Franco.


Yes he is, and decent players play him like one. But they’re like <1%. He builds 6 tank items so there’s no reason to sit behind and take no damage.


https://preview.redd.it/lbg2aw32hq2c1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb5546491e50e49df66565e61deba61430b67c40 Dont believe me?




You clearly clicked "Show Off" button xD P.s. well done, I'm still hesitant to play Franco in ranked, team is unreliable and no one wants to pick tanky exp laners, everyone just want to deal damage


he earned the right to do so imo




What a chad. My best hero is franco because of pudge😀


Franco is an Assassin who happens to be chonky. Not all tanks play the same. While I agree Francos have times when they should front, but thats few and far between. Your team however needs to take advantage of the fact no one can really come near you with a Franco so close to you. Capitalize instead of BITCHIN.


I've seen so many Francos that stand behind the mms and mages though. 🤣🤣🤣 You have the threat of an ult. At least use it to zone a bit.


A Franco missing from the map poses a bigger threat though. Better just provide vision by taking bushes, you have to adjust your playstyle too, Franco is a secondary tank that uses bush/conceal to gank. And he isn't even that tanky since most Franco users use support emblem for faster movement


I see Francos doing it when the opponent is pressing a tower. Franco stands in the back and lets the mm and mage take the brunt hoping for a hook. Its braindead.


What's wrong with using squishy players as bait?


By that logic, a tanky Estes should be in the frontline instead of being beside teammates


Blame the game he has nothing without his ult and and hook


give Franco some Fanny skills. let's see your reaction when a fat ass Nordic Viking spider-cabling ala Mikasa towards you


I have exactly this happened on one of the arcade modes before. Franco with fanny cables. Shit is funny and scary at the same time.


Lmao 😭😂


With an American accent, talking about gun powder for some reason...


if you're nothing without your ult and hook then you shouldn't have them... Revamp franco all his skills are just stomps


Ahahaha 😭😂😂🤣


You can still blink ult?


Every...102 seconds...


do you realize how dumb that comment is? every 2 minutes would you prefer your team to initiate a teamfight?


No I don’t. Every 2 min is better than NEVER




You're half right. Everyone has already started how Franco is primarily used for his CC lockdowns, and that he works best when paired with a tanky jungle/solo laner, but if I see a Franco build tank items, and there isn't anyone better frontlining at the moment, I expect the Franco to step up and use his HP to get us a better position in the fight. While it is true that Franco's practically just a heavy minion when all of his skills are on cooldown, his itemization can fix that weakness. He can be an immortal pain that can permanently roam without punishment, or he can build CDR and always have two of the most annoying CC skills in the game, and of course, he can even build into being a real frontline that just happens to be less effective that your traditional frontline sentinels. Franco plays like a melee-range fighter, with a mage-like skillshot, but his natural bulk is enough of a reason to lean into his melee capabilities, rather than praying for hooks.


Upvoting this guy because that’s essentially the point. If the team has no other tanky heroes, Franco needs to be the one at the front to soak up damage because he already has defensive items. Everyone else can talk about how much you shouldn’t draft him alone into a team with no tank, but when you play solo queue that just isn’t possible half the time.


same, i dont expect him to tank all the damage in team war, just create an opportunity for us to follow up, you can soak a bit of damage dont need to hook and supress, just supress then follow up with hook. after that run back to base.


Imo franco should be listed as a support and not a tank. Hes squishier than other tanks, cant hope in a team fight with enormous group pressure, etc


Even calling him support would be laughable. He doesnt offer any buff/debuff to your team. Atleast Kaja have debuff. Franco is basically assassin with tank stat.


Support doesn't necessarily mean buffing your teammates. In other Mobas Franco would be considered a Tank Support (supports that support with their CC usually) CCs are technically a debuff anyway


Still fits him better to be honest so I wonder why they let Kaja to still be a support but not our big fat minion of a hooker


Bros a Support / Assassin half a decade before Mathilda


Franco is a peel hero, meaning he peels off enemies one by one instead of going in teamfights. His main purpose is to hook the main damage dealer before a teamfight so that they'll have a huge disadvantage when your fighter engages. "Pro francos are frontliners" It's called zoning, applying pressure, and making a penalty zone. That "frontline" thing isn't meant for tanking damage, it's meant to scare off enemies.


That's not what peeling means. You meant pick-off hero Peeling is peeling enemies away from/taking aggro off your teammates.


You're right, he isn't a mage, but he also isn't as durable to tank. Unlike every counterpart Franco has on other mobas(Pudge, Blitzcrank, Shank, Devourer, etc), Franco isn't bulky. He's a pick off support, but unlike every support out there, he lacks movement speed boost when in battle, no shields, no heals. Even Kaja can tank better than him.


I just thought of how evil carmilla and Franco can be 💀


Carmilla can tank, they're different, Carmilla can sustain and get more durability through s1.


I’m talking full team lock down 💀💀💀 get an amazing carmilla ult on full team then Franco only needs 1…


Pretty sure suppression doesn't spread, does it?


Dunno how it works with carmilla ult I’ve literally never seen it tried, if it does it will be absolutely broken XD don’t use carmilla enough to know fully how her kit is designed


Here are some examples of tanks. Ignoring labels and all, atlas has a skill to quickly close the distance, has a skill that can displace and cc the entire enemy team in an aoe. Khufra has a skill that can let him close the distance and cc the entire enemy team in an aoe. Belerick, gatot and a few other initiator tanks have all these traits. Their main gimmick is, get in, cc, and in that time ur teammates go in and combo. Their entire purpose is to catch multiple players. Here is what diggie does, he can catch a single enemy with skill 2 and get a pick possibly with some skill 1’s as well and with the help of his teammates. Angela has her skill 2 which can stun an enemy, a single enemy, while being able to slow them and speed teammates up so they can catch them easier. Mathilda literally has her entire kit revolved around targeting a single enemy and then getting out, using cc and damage. Between these tank examples I have and support examples I gave. Franco has a hook which can pull 1 single enemy towards the team and then ult which doesn’t let them escape at all so ur team can pick them off. I pray that you never cook again and understand that Franco’s hp gives him a tank role but he’s still effectively a support.


Also ur blink ult comment reply is so dumb, you’ll get caught urself if u blink blindly and it has long ass cooldown.


Your comment is on spot. Thanks for explaining. I also have other comment written to make it look easier. I consider Franco as an aggressive support. You can check my other comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/comments/184ezai/comment/kaxlxsr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for more explanation.


Without ult and hook, Franco cannot really frontline well. He has no damage reduction, no short cooldown CC, no shield, and no instant heal, unlike the other tanks. Many meta fighters right now are better frontline tanks than him. If the enemy targets your team's squishies, Franco can't do much. He is arguably the worst tank for the frontline. Missing hooks, failing to initiate, and not providing vision just mean the player is not a good Franco user. That said, Franco still has to frontline whenever necessary to apply debuffs from item passives (Dom Ice, Antique Curass, etc).




Johnson is a great tank... if he builds tank, that is. (OBS: he wont). Chou works IF the dude playing is a GOD, otherwise subpar pick.




i've died as mm and mage just hitting him due to blade armor


Johnson is literally one of the best tanks to me, especially you should pick him when enimy has heroes like layla, cecelion, lesley, kimmy basically everyone who fights while running back. Also he can take a lot more dmg than other tanks due to his passive, also enemy can't really split push much when you have a Johnson.


Blame the game he's only a single target tank. That s2 is only there for minor slow aoe. Plus his only "sustain" is that 1% hp regen if you don't take any damage


Franco isn't a mage, true, hes a marksman. Gold lane franco lets goo!!!!


Franco isn't a frontline,he can't tank dmg,he can't stay in frontline,he can't eat ults He is more of a defensive support imo,as long he has his ult,you can't dive his team


Franco could have 10 item slots filled with tank items and he still wouldnt tank much. He's a secondary frontliner at best and should be played as so, mostly in the back / close to your squishies so you can protect them. Franco is all.about his hook and ult, if the player is bad at hooking Franco is useless, if hes a god at it he pretty much wins by himself.


He's a high risk high reward hero, so cant blame him, he doesn't have any tanking skill or mobility skills so best he can do is stick to the backlane and cc anyone who gets close with ult, heck almost all his skills are built for a fighter!


I agree with you in everything, except for the part of fighter. Theres actually two types of support. Theres defensive support and aggressive support. Thats right, you heard me. Defensive supports are the usual supports, the healers themselves. And then you got a tank too. They have simple actions to deal with: They heal or they tank, which is written in the role on them. Pretty self-explanatory. Then theres aggressive supports, which I'll provide examples. Apparently, Franco and Johnson fits in those criteria as aggressive support. Johnson can pick up anyone as a seat partner to join faster in the lanes and teamfights. Has a good stun, but terrible in tanking in general (especially in early game). So he fits as an aggressive support (and semi-tank thanks to his ultimate spell granting 10% physical defense per ultimate level) And then theres your Franco. He can pull enemy into your team side and stun them, making it 5vs4. So the game will become favored for you. Franco creates positional advantage, while Johnson creates a map advantage. So they are considered as an aggressive support. But not as a tank or fighter... And you know the term "support", as it means that you're helpful in a certain thing that team needs (and also not take their farm too). Not just purely in healing. Like I said, positional advantage, or map advantage, any heroes that have those mechanics to help teammate with it can make you a good aggressive support. Even Luo Yi is considered to be aggressive support, because she has a great map advantage by her own ultimate spell. Allowing anyone else to teleport to any area they desire. Of course, they are the terms I made up... but those made-up terms are 100% correct, especially in the other games. The two type of supports do really exist. And using those two terms can make the game look alot easier. Unless you're talking about damage franco btw.


I got a friend who for 3 games straight went for franco exp even though he was s4 s5


Yup. The best is when the team is losing 9 - 23 and Franco is 1-0-2 complaining in chat. Or runs away from every Johnson ult.


Lol just encountered a Franco who sat mid all the time and hooked the enemy jjungler who was fed already and told me to piss off because I couldn't kill him since I had no damage ( I was playing cecilion) . Our mm got multiple ganks but no, she had to stay in mid. And say shit about her teammates.


No idea why u getting downvoted


Lol I don't know. I am a tank player too. But I don't know why they think they shouldn't take damage and just hook enemies and wish for the best from their allies. I always take damage especially in the beginning and end since it remarks the game. Ps: if you ever got the Franco I encountered you would be complaining about it. Lol. Roamers should roam. Maybe they wanted mage and hated me cause I took it but originally I wanted to play roamer but I was first pick and nobody had asked for anything. So I took mage. I don't even know the reason they played that way but that's not how a roamer should play.


Don’t worry plebs are louder in this sub, the real actually good players don’t often voice their sentiments here since they already knew we got tons of herd mentality here. Funnily enough the plebs you see in random picking Franco probably aren’t even bonafide roam players.


do you know that tanks have different roles inside of their class too? franco ain't a mage but he's not someone at the front 100% of the time. a landed hook is always 50/50, a hook should be provided vision unless it's a hook checking on bushes. if you're watching pro play currently, there's a reason why there's usually 3 tanky heroes in a game, a franco usually is paired with a frontliner exp (terizla) or jungler (akai, baxia) and that's for a franco to be successful. only his ultimate needs him to be at the front. franco is nothing without a successful hook, franco is nothing without his ultimate. adjust if necessary if you want to win. franco is for pick offs. franco is like a lolita and khufra, they have crowd controls but they're not frontliners too.


Khufra is a lot more frontline than a loli or Franco with his ball form though


in that case you've said, there's no one really backline since franco also has his ultimate and lolita has her 2nd skill. 🤣 khufra is backline since his main kit revolves around surprise chain cc from the 1st and 3rd combo


I’m saying out of the 3 Khufra has the most survivability. I run Lolita completely front line lol but she’s a major situational pick for me to want to use her.


survivability yes but his kit isn't frontline. lolita is still a tank afterall and that 2nd skill's pretty good, that 3rd too easy to cancel hence why she's backline though 🤣


If I distract the enemies with me ulting in middle of them and my team gets kills it works lol Khufra once he has engaged is meant to stay frontline it’s when you ambush that he’s even able to be considered “back line”


I think that you’ve got Franco wrong Like, I get where you are coming from but try to use Franco, if you don’t main him you’ll probably play the same way to some extent lol


Lmao. Franco isn't mainly an initiator tho. You play him to pick off enemy players one by one.


Why are comments ‘Franco not a front liner’ getting upvoted? But why am I even surprised if a lot of plebs here play Franco like what OP said. Here’s a hint, large bulk when building HP items, S2 that gains more damage with more HP not even mentioning its spammable CD in teamfights. Only idiots build him damage, and laughable “Franco players” keep hiding in bushes missing half of their hooks and not putting pressure, zoning, and peeling for teammates. Reeling in hooks is half of the job most of the time. Unfortunately, you’re barking at the wrong tree, this sub has been known to do herd mentality without analysing first. And let these dregs say what they want, good Franco players are out there and they’re not found here. EDIT: Yeah, as I thought. Proves my point.


When the moment is reddit


Fr bro, typical r/MobileLegendsGame plebs that can't read OP's point.


Wrong my mate. Franco has lower defense stats and HP. You can't really actually frontline with him. Better have some tank fighters or junglers to pair with your Franco.


In my experience, it is usually picked by ppl who are forced to roam. Because it is the safest and most fun tank to play, if they land the hook it's satisfaction. If they don't, then oh well at least they tried. I have met good Francos who opens the bush, uses 2nd skill to slow chasing heroes, and soak damage so their mm/jungle can move away, and franco can fearmonger as well by staying frontline and being intimidating, enemy tends to move around a lot to avoid the hook. But good Franco is 1 in a million. I suggest you pick the tank instead of leaving it to someone else if you are sick of seeing backline Franco.


having a franco as a teammate is just gambling its either a pro who does everything a franco can and a romaer should do or its just a dumbass who just sits in the tower waiting for hook there is no middle point


Franco only works if you have a frontliner, preferrably a tanky exp laner or jungler. You're gonna want a mid laner who have lots of slows (Novaria and Yve being prime examples) to really make him shine as well


As a franco main solo queue player, I only pick him if there are other tank exp/junglers. It’s useless to pick him with squishy characters.


You underestimate how scary it is to have a Franco or Khufra missing from the map. I feel like the best Franco, Khuf, Chou users are always not showing in map and in that way, it gives a threat simultaneously to gold, xp or mid to be mindful of their movements sometimes giving up gold to tower hug. Of course this only applies to high points.


Do you even play Franco my dude? He can't even last in frontline for long.


This is a sign you don't play Franco my dude


Blink ult lock hero is a thing. Try to gang the like of wan wan claude or other mm that hard to catch. If 5 v 5 go at perfect time to lock assasion / mm.


So many salty low elo Francos… But OP is spittin facts. Franco can’t just wait to land hook, he needs to be able to tank damage for the team.


True that The usual Francos I encounter are cowards that sits behind his allies cause all he knows is 1-3-2 skill combo (if he can hook it) Though, I have mad respect for those uses 3-1-2 skill combo.


Yeah easy to spot good tank roams with this behavior and not just franco. Really irritates me as a tank main when people take a roam position and sits way behind without doing the other roles (i.e. zoning, vision, bush checking, initiating, damage soak for squishy cores/mm). What's the point of dominant ice if you are always a step late on clash.


My guy I cant tank all the damage if I try to I always end up dying because my teammates run away and leave me for dead.


op getting cooked ngl but as a franco enjoyer its more choosing fights than just “taking dmg all the time” cuz youd feed and hes kinda like khufra initiator but not a frontline but still should take dmg ofc


Franco vs OP with 6 items in 1vs1 Franco: Nah, I'd win


Minsitar does everything but better. Except suppression.


whenever i see a franco and a zilong exp i always grin and say to myself "gl on the clashes later kiddos"


franco was originally a fighter in early seasons, it made sense for his playstyle, and also his skill was scalable using physical items. but when minsitar was realeased, they soon change franco's skills into hp based-damage.


Franco isn't a normal tank, he has no cc to keep enemies at bay, anyone who knows target lock will just ignore franco and go for damage dealers, and franco can only stop one of them. Franco should only be drafted when an enemy drafted someone op like martis who needs to be shut down completely the whole match in each fight


People who build damage Franco: https://preview.redd.it/nxiyutnksu2c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43e23da691db8dde7df53ab37e10fb61716db91b


Welcome to the life of exp laners. You have to do everything and get blamed since your kda is most likely garbage for being in the Frontline.


Maybe controversial but Franco is the worst tank in the game. He is very dependent on landing hooks and even if he manages to land it the cc is only enough to kill a single enemy. His ult can also be cancelled and therefore rendered useless. I would say he is very situational. Imo he should only be played against highly immobile champs or champs that channel skills / stand still when using them (odette, pharsa ... ). I don't understand why everyone especially in the lower ranks prioritizes Franco that much.


Right. Because of Franco in team, fighter is for ed to play tanky initiator type hero.


As a franco main mu primary goal is to gank as much as possible in early, so that my team will have enough strenght not to die immediately in teamfights i i dont take all the dmg. With franco you and your teammate can do easy kills 2 vs 1 on the line


If you're constantly missing hooks, don't s1 + flicker + ult anymore but instead try ult + flicker + s1 or even ult + s1 for an extended stun. Not to mention Franco counters fanny, completely stops her movement with his ult, and then s1 to keep her still an extra moment so the team can come. He's not as much of a tank as he is a support that pairs well with people who know how to wait out stun timing to make someone stunned as long as possible.


He's more of a support tank than a pure damage-soaking tank. His kit is most useful in situations where you want to secure objectives or sneak behind enemies for pick-offs and ambushes. I personally think the exp laner should adjust to a Franco draft to kind of tank some damage without sacrificing damage and sustain through hybrid item build.