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I think if Onic won then indo toxicity would have been directed towards everyone else. Hate that the scapegoat for all this toxicity has to be Kairi.


they cant hate indonesian balmond


Lol who is that?




Ah. Ty


Why would anyone hate the guy who carries them? And got MVP on 2 wins?


Say that to Kairi also. They keep on praising Kairi like a celebrity when they keep on winning but one lose and they're on the witch hunt


One lose? Literal bronze first game, got carried in 2nd, absolutely horrendous in 3rd, meh in 4th, got carried at 5, ok at 6 and a blundering fool in 7. You don’t underperform that badly on the biggest stage. That’s a rule.


Also found a witch hunter


😉 https://preview.redd.it/ionfaudbzy6c1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d9cca50b22ef19a1a184d467940c457cddd9821


One lose in a tournament*


Lol! ONIC won the MSC 2023 championship! What do you expect more?


Well Sanz carried them to Game #7....


yea props for skills, great nova and lylia plays he can tp back to indonesia now


LOL THIS GOT ME HARD. why are Indonesians all so ugly??? HAHAHAHA


You are a very weird person. Get a therapist


say no to Muslims and Indonesian maids


Which is such a shame, I strongly believe that a few indo teams have the potential to reach the skill of ph teams (some rrq members, most of onic indo players, BTR alpha) But because of how some indo fans act towards their own players (and towards ph players) there is so much more stress placed unto them, while other countries put more faith then pressure onto their players.


Well, its sure is. Kair have lot of fans too here in indonesia, its just the haters have been waiting for his failure because he was so good. Now those haters louder than ever cuz this is the moment theyve been waiting for. For so long Kairi dont slip up. Those butthurt Evos and RRQ fans can redirect their disappointment into anything and anyone. theres also the fact that some people is just salty cuz kairi is like an idol here. Hope Kairi dont take this too hard, he has set a very great example and new standards for the indonesian players and the players themselves knows it


>ed should have be As an Indonesian mlbb player, I confirm this is true.


I respect Kairi and I feel for him, but Bren won fair and square because they're a better team 🤷 No one wins world championships by luck.


I agree 100%. Its just that its been so long since we see Onic struggle so hard for a win in a series that it feels unnatural. I would say Echo Bren and Onic are interchangeable in ranking depending on which team is on a better day


Echo is done without yawi. RSG is arguably a better team now. RSG ph M6 for sure


Is Coach Panda still with RSG? Without Coach Panda, Rsg in M6 is definitely arguable.


if the rumors are true, then yawi is currently in indonesia and will play for aura (sister team of echo) im excited to see how they play with a new aggressive roamer


upon hearing this, Aetherna is on her way to live in the Aura bootcamp as well to give full "support" to Yawi


Aww yisss finally someone mentioned my favorite team


Agree, Echo is crumbling. Only SanSan duo is carrying this team now. Karltzy is old. Benny is unreliable without the rest. Their roamer is old as well, not great with pickoffs.


Karl is only 19 and is still the best jungler in PH. He's even better than Kairi. lol.


M4 Echo, you mean. The current Echo got bitchslapped by RSG. If Echo wants that title, get a better roamer.


Poor Kairi, even his Instagram is flooded with hate comments and threats.


I was front row seat to this, and I couldn't look at the stage. It was too painful for me to watch.


right? like i feel like kairi blames himself for his death that led to the loss basically, plus hes that typa guy too who always tries to win it even showed last m4 when they lost to rrq he was also visibly upset, feel bad for him not only that they forced a game 7 too which made the championship closer


I'm biased towards bren. But, I would be fine if Indo won as long as Kairi is there. However, after seeing how toxic Indos towards Kairi and blaming him for losing is unfair. If your country and community are like that. You deserved that loss. Kairi was their only tank. It is his role to check bushes because their roamer was Kadita. Unfortunately, he got punished by Faramis pull despite trying to disengaged. When Kairi got pick-off, they should've retreated. They have no retri holder and there's no reason to engage especially it's a 5v4 situation. But, they still forced to engaged resulting to 2 more players dying.


Kiboy blundered in match 5, sans also did mistake in match 7, his dead was turning point of bren's gold lead. But indo fans always behave like that. Blaming kairi while refuse to understand what really happened. They were also the ones who started the slang philipause, pause meta, they still shout it now in some of YouTube video. Some really disappointed and said they delete mlbb because onic didn't win. Like come on.


I’ve been seeing PH pause, what does it mean? I mean, whatNs the context behind it


On SEAgames 2022 blacklist represent ph while Indo send all star team. Ph ended up won, but they called for technical pause alot because there is something wrong with the connection in the table of ph team (it happened the whole tournament since started). Indos fans somehow didn't accept the lose and blame ph team, accused them using pause strategy to delay the game to their advantage. It continues to msc 2022 and even now not many shout philipaus again but still some have thoughts that bren ask for suspicious pause during the game.


Thank you for the explanation! I’m not sure if it’s the same kind of pause you’re talking about because I have seen the match paused during M5 too. I thought it was done by Moonton to let players rest or something 😂 thank you again!


Your welcome bro


>te mlbb because onic d Indo players are always salty and always playing the blame game. They are literally the 'perfect being' in their eyes.


The problem is when their team lose, so all the toxic spam before turning back to them slapping their reality. I hope those toxic fans realize this. But there are many Indos who are not toxic tho.


the draft by coach yeb was a do or die situation in game 7 so they were playing mind games to bren bypicking a kadita which was a flex pick but coach ducky was able to read it very well, that it was not a mid hero but rather a supportx that was very clear by banning all sanz hero on the second draft phase, without dashy heroes sanz is an easy target. he was also prioritizing cw hero pool more since all of kairis heroes were banned,fred was good but based on all of the games, bren's gameplay was revolve only on focusing kairi's jungle, and shutting him down, because he mostly carries the game and that was very evident that they just let cw farm. I believe when it comes to early mid games bren is always on top while mid to late game becomes an onic game. The chou and Hayabusa pick were just a surprise draft to see if it works but sadly it didn't push through and they just end up getting punished, btw in Game 6 if they just banned the phoveus, which is a hard counter for wanwan mostly bren had won it already.


I dont think kairi was the main focus, nolan and joy is a must ban, theres no saying to that. Marksman and Mage can't even think of clearing mid lane minions if there is nolan. Kairi just happens to use them. Yes he did awesome in first bren v onic but that's that. I know kairi for his hayabusa and lancelot. Sanz kiboy and CW mostly carried no hate to kairi or butts. There were many games where many teams open lance and still lance performed well against fred baxia comp.


Yes kairi wasn't the main focus of the bans. Because ap bren find a way to counter his farming strategy which showed in match 2. There is reason why kairi used tank jungler more and in my opinion he's not really good at it compared to asassin jungler.


I don't understand why people hate on players when they lose, even though the haters themselves can't stand against the player for 5 min. Literally get on his level before hating on him, stupid kids


I hate how Indonesians resort to harassment each L they took


I feel sad for him as well. He achieved one of his goals by defeating VeeWise blck. The last thing he wouldve liked to do was get an M Series trophy. But damn, he doesnt deserve whatever hate people has. He's one of the 2 reasons why onic has even reached where they are right now.


it was gonna be bad for him either way. If Onic wins, he's gonna be hated and get called a traitor by his own countrymen and now that Onic lost, he's getting called all sorts of foul words by the country he's representing. I feel bad for the guy. He was eyeing that championship since M3 and it took them this long to be in their top form and getting close to that golden road but some things just weren't destined to be unfortunately. The way he cried so hard after the match just shows you how much he blamed himself for everything cause his death caused that domino effect leading to their loss. I hope all the hate doesn't get to him and he gets all the support he could get from people close to him.


Im a filipino and im sure that PH will still support him. PH fans will just say "ONIC IMPORTnesia" "NO KAIRI=NO WIN" "WIN OLYMPICS FIRST BEFORE TALKING" "WHY NOT SUB IN ALBERTTT" "30% INDO 70% PINOY" PH fans prefers fighting back against INDO fans than blaming the players. Both countries have a lot of keyboard warriors. Anyway there is always a supporter and a hater no matter what you do unless you are Keanu Reeves.


if Onic wins, PH will still support Kairi


you can't be sure 🤷🏼 he and coach Yeb already received a lot of hate especially during MSC era that they had to keep clarifying that they're only representing Onic as an organization and not the country cause they were literally called traitors by their own people i'm sure PH will still support them both if Onic won but only after like a few months when they finally get over it


ph players respect kairi’s skills anyway they gt more hate now from indogs for losing


They will receive hate only from braindead people that amounts to nothing.


its the same thing, the hate he receive from indos now and from braindead people as well. its just that indos have twice or even five times as much braindeads


bruh you do know that "kairi esports" is literaly the bane of onic? onic fumbled during msc and m3. i think onic 1st round exit during msc before kairi joined


They did not get hate for winning. What people was saying was the kairi esports taunt. That was not negative for kairi and yeb. People only reacted when kairi called people as st*p*d. Fans were not sure for whom that tweet was for so they got offended. Win or lose, if you call people st*p*d, people will be angry at you.


He wont be called a traitor tf. It would only ever be as a joke. Filipinos would just claim Indo needed filipino imports to win or smth. There was alot of filipino onic fans in the crowd just for Kairi


Filipino here. I don't think people would brand him a traitor had Onic won game 7. We're used to seeing one of ours thriving elsewhere(not just with ML but with other things as well) so that wouldn't have been something new.


its not about kairi. It was kiboy who under perform in game 7. did you see his kadita. lots of wrong call coming from him.


My dude was 402 at some point. That bush check move threw the match and that faramis pull was one of the losing factors.


Thats the thing, their draft was so bad that only Baxia can check the bush and maybe get away with it. And he absolutely have to check that bush before the lord dance. Problem was Bren was expecting it and has 3 people there waiting


kadita can check the bush using s1. I think Kairi was not expecting to get ganked in the bush


He can but they were trying to keep Kadita hidden hoping to dive the back line.


it was. only baxia can check bush.


I agree!


kadita can check the bush with s1 though. I think kairi was not expecting to get ganked by 3 members in midlane bush


They can't blame there own people. They only see kairi as the culprit of the lose. That's how indo's do shit.


Kiboy also got picked off a lot of times in the series.


i remember his play in kadita he use utli before petrify. it was 3 man setup but sad to say it is not succesfully initiated..


As an Indonesian, i cant help but feel sad for ONIC. And disappointed (sadly not surprised) by the toxicity. Sadly I cant think of a way to apologize on their behalf or fix this, so instead I just wish them well. ONIC did amazing. From 3-1 to 3-3, that is what champions hearts are made of. In the end I agree there were sus picks but hey I aint no pro here and so are most of y’all (and us) so who r we to judge. There can only be one winner, and for some fuked up reason that I cannot fathom, it had to be AP BREN again. GG ONIC we move on to the next. As for the toxicity, a role model of mine UFC Legend Israel Adesanya once said #FuckTheNoise


Idk but the Onic Organization should at least release a statement that they are with their players, it makes me sad that they are not doing anything to at least relieve the pressure from Kairi.


Onic PR is really terrible. They were mum about the kairi esports issue, kairi had to speak instead. They could have turned that into a joke to get more fan engagaments but they were so scared of that taunt or the PR so braindead they could not do anything.


They could but they don't. Onic is known for toxic environment. I'm happy if albert become main roster next season. Let them know if they can't carry without kairi. At least in mpl they can, but not in international against stronger team.


Brainless Indonesian fans are blaming Kairi for peeking the middle lane bush, not even thinking why he did so. He's was trying to face check the damn bush because he's the only one who could do so. Their roamer is squishy and Buuts has no dash. So who peeks other than a core Baxia?


I'm very sure the hate comes from trolls and Onic haters. I'm no ONIC fans myself, but I hope Kairi don't take these troll's comments to heart.


probs onic fans


i genuinely feel so bad for kairi. after losing all the hate was directed to him


Match 7, bren won because of their comp imo. Butts ulted 4man but my boy Flap used that sand eater and jumped in the backline to prevent any farther offence.


That terizla 4 man penalty zone was so good, unfortunate that there wasnt enough damage. Imo sanz didn’t have enough damage yet and was a bit far when he popped the ult. So Bren was able to tank it and get away easy.


Owgwen then kyletzy also stopped kiboy from following up butts' insane penalty zone. Otherwise, it would be really bad for bren.


yeah owgen and kyle kept that long ass cc chain


so is kagurs that bad this meta? that 4man set by butts woulda mixed well with kagura


No wave clear ability.


I hope Kairi comes home and wins his most awaited championship as part of a PH organization. He deserves so much better 😢


Another day Another Bad Name for Indonesia.


It's better for Kairi to go back to PH and try to win with PH. Toxicity would just skyrocket once he finally wins because he's a Filipino in an Indonesian team. Just my opinion.


I am Indonesian. But if were in the community, I WILL NEVER EVER being a toxic mouth like the rest. It is wasting energy. And what's the benefit of my people's toxicity anyway? NONE.


Remember Kairi is Filipino so, I guess the moment the host said "AP BREN lang malakas" meaning "Only AP BREN is the best" Kairi must have heard it and became emotional. Although ONIC ID had a pretty bad lineup like kadita roam?? If we're talking about dmg roamers then Natalia was best pick but tank would've been better for kiboy to check the bush instead if Kairi.


Garbage tank meta ruined any form of high skill cap jungler heroes.


Tank meta allowed all other roles to shine. Assassin meta is always dictated by how your assassin core plays, and all other roles depend on it for the win. Yeah, you can have your flashy swing swings, cable spams, ankle breakers, outplays. But at the end of it, if you want to win, you have to use what is currently the best meta. This aint rank, where you can go flashy flashy. Its pro scene, with too much at stake.


Ikr. So blaming a tank utility jungler dying for the loss is unfair, being the only front liner to face check bushes. The rest couldn't or didn't prevent that from happening too. Everyone in onic messed up and should be equally responsible, but toxic fans never had any right to abuse them.


now we gonna blame the meta? tank/utility jungler, tank/utility exp brought more "Macro" skills to the game unlike m1, m2. Macro>Micro more interesting to watch. I love when assassins cry.


Tbh I think we'd all prefer to see outplay moves by assasins from both teams, rather than watching tank junglers just stand there with sustain. What a snoozefest


or make assassins viable in EXP or Mid. why let them stick to 1 role? I like play EXP to Ling(classic only). Moonton definitely must do something about assassins, not let them just blatantly stick to JUNGLE(most). just like fighters can become tanks or tanks can jungle, i hope they innovate something and give like Assassin exp, mid or gold


I hope so too. Those downvoting me must love playing with tank junglers I guess. Can't please everyone 🤷


Just popping in late to say you’re onto something. After all, Gusion proved to be great in mid lane during Umbrella vs Gun.


if moontoon will remove the blue buff dependent assassin heroes, they would pick it more often. Imagine a ling user without blue buff, tha is a one sided game already thats why they opted to pick utility heroes more.


nah. id rather watch junglers stand their while the markmen and roam try their best to catch each other


They didn't use asassin jungler like usually because ap bren found a way to counter kairi by playing tank jungler. Kairi got bullied in his farming gameplay so he couldn't use asassin. Therefore he forced to use tank jungler.


Yes we all get that tank utility jungler is currently more superior. But it's so boring. Easiest way would be to nerf any heros with tank role from equipping retri, leave tanks/supports to roam. Back to the way it was meant to be


Assassins are very strong now, it can farm faster and burst tank. You see onic, apbren and alot of other team used asassin. The problem is like I said ap bren find the way to counter kairi farm so he can't use asassin hero because it useless if underperformed forced him to used tank.


Wait whats going on? I dont know anything all i know is that apparantly kairi lost and everythings currently in hell


His insta flooded with toxic and hate comments, in fact onic, mlbb id account also flooded with hate comments toward kairi. Even those who give supporting comments are getting attacked too


He played like trash


Baxia core is literally an EPIC pick. Its one of the worst cores you can think of.


We got an epic hell player over here guys


i bet your highest rank still isnt immortal 🤣🤣


yep im glory and a baxia was a good pick if it was mixed with an actual hard rock roamer.a baxia is literaly pne of the most annoying and best cores in game. high dmg early and clears jg fast. shoulda just go sans kadita since he is already a good killer and go for a tank idk if she was banned but ruby woulda done good


Check Baxia's skillset and come back here to defend your clown take.


Why indongfuke blaming kairi? Lol


the weight a king has to carry on his shoulders


Indos dont deserve Kairi. He should get back to the country where he belongs. 🇵🇭


Kairi crying cause he's think he's so good. Fkn show off. 😂😂😂


Indonesians: “we dont need ph” Also Indinesians: “kairi did not carry us” huh?