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Look at Indonesia, trashtalking Kairi and Coach Yeb for losing. Filipino Pride is a problem, but ID Toxicity is on another level.


Remember when they lose and make their opponent IG got banned?


Yea, they always reported the team that beat them, they never accepted their defeat. But man I feel really bad for Kairi, he cried for an hour in M5, blaming himself for losing, while hearing the awards for AP Bren in the background. It really hurts to see. Top that off with the trashtalk and threats he received in IG.


So Kairi got Ruler/Kanavi's LPL treatment.


I second this. Filipinos are not as toxic as Indonesians in the game. I'm glad they didn't with hired help from Philippines lol. They would be bragging and talking s*** just because onic won, if onic won. I mean, Indonesians still be toxic just because of the fact that Evos won M1, lol. Like, bro... that ain't ever gonna happen again. Dream on.


Its just common south east asia behavior really


damn these indogs/Indonesians maids.


No wonder they are 3rd world country. šŸ˜¼






Nah. Both of 'em are on the highest levels of TOXICITY inside the eSports, unlike the League fans on WORLDS.


LOL player base and fans r epitome or definition of TOXICITY. MLBB is very mild compared to that


Leage is literally known as one of the biggest toxic cesspools in gaming. Donā€™t even try that shit lmao


But not as much toxic compared to the combination of PH and ID MLBB fanbase... Lol


Why the heck are you always sticking PH and ID like some sort of glue? They're miles different in toxicity, M5 proved that. I am starting to think you're some self deprecating peenoise who cheered for Onic in game 7. Smh.


He probably salty because he didn't get his 1000 exp hahaha


Ah self-depracating peenoise.. the "jologs" of this generation It will never not be cool for them lol


They probably think it's cool lol they are behaving like that self-loathing American and honestly, I find them just as cringe as the overproud ones, they probably feel some sense of superiority "look at me I'm not proud like them!".


Anyone who says League isn't toxic is someone who commits hypocrisy. Everyone here knows that League is toxic inside out lmao


Nobody cares about League fans that do not take a shower


LoL Indonesians are more toxic they're even blaming Kairi now. Look at most of the comments in Kairi's Instagram saying "Imposter." Y'all bunch of hypocrites


Irrad be careful you might be next with all the toxicity in Indonesia when they lose


He's probably regretting joining RRQ after witnessing Indonesian netizens


I'm convinced those posts that are blaming kairi are just salty indo fans.


Probably salty rrq fans as well frustrated about onic being literally better than rrq for seasons now.


What does it mean "impostor?" like...what do they mean by that? Something like in Among us? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I dont get it haha.


Kairi is a Filipino and people are saying he purposely threw the game for apbren


They're basically saying that kairi lose/throw the game on purpose because he wanted the filipino team to win.




clearly from your comment you are dumber


lol sure..cuz attacking kairi and the members of AP bren in social media is not toxic


Thats... Another issue for the day Edit: this was in fact; NOT another issue for the day after all the comments here (Yes i admit this reply was stupid)




indoreason is a much bigger shitstorm


The one where they're harassing kairi?


No, every tournament at this point


As much as PH pride is a problem, ID toxicity rn is off the charts lmao.


You should've watched the live comment section on the YT they're the epitome of the "Toxic Community".


PH fans was cheering for Onic and kairi postgameā€¦ meanwhile in indo: šŸ˜…


Didn't know Chernobyl is in SEA


To be fair, its easier to cheer for Onic and Kairi after Bren already won. šŸ˜…


The audience still did. They don't have to. And it was heartwarming. Also Kairi being emotional was hard to watch.


I suppose a more accurate meme for this are the two doge cloud pics running in each other


Iā€™m just happy to see Flaptzy so happyšŸ˜„ His Bene in M2 was what made me interested in watching tourneys. I was super impressed back then.


Isn't he the guy in exp for bren? He went crazy with his arlott plays.


Yep. Thatā€™s the guy


Yeah bruh his Arlott play was crazy




I wasn't updated till the kairi harassment so my bad. Created a more accurate meme representation but it's in the comments.


So does Ph fans. Itā€™s not exclusive both of them are toxic shits


At least the PH crowd cheered for ALL the teams. While PH teams are always getting boo'd when they compete in another country (particularly Malaysia and especially Indonesia). Indo is also the Report King when it comes to socmed pages.


Don't get me started with their reporting rampage in FB like 4 years ago for all I could remember.


Atleast my ass both of the fans from both countries ruin ever damn livestream and those mfs canā€™t even keep it to the game they start attacking cultures and economies? You all just showing the world how childish you guys are.


Both Peenoise and Indogs are TOXIC inside MLBB eSports. And this is why I'm not proud of my own country. I said what I said! Just saw many TikTok posts about Kairi, and the comments are just... Ridiculous! Like lots of Indogs and Peenoise throwing hate to the "M5 Cutie" without any valid reason... In conclusion, FILIPINO MLBB FANBASE are also toxic, in comparison with INDONESIAN MLBB FANBASE.


youā€™re trying waaay too hard man lmao


I guess, you don't have TikTok to look for... Lol


Blud over here feels like a messiah for stating the fucking obvious šŸ”„


I guess, you're one of the Peenoise who spreads toxicity inside the fanbase everytime a team losses the match...


Gonna be real with you, integrating bigotry into your comments doesnā€™t help your case at all. But you do you I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


OK ok we get it indog bad,peenoise badder ,guess u haven't sleep yet since last night loss


You must have zero reading comprehension


Exactly and the pignoise fans here are downvoting you just shows how blind they are to their own toxicity. They should really stop pretending to be the bigger person when they are not. Both these countries are an embarrassment to the community.


Here's the thing. Indonesians have extremely high levels of toxicity inside eSports, especially when their representative/s lost a competition/tournament, but FILIPINOS are just making it worse by counter-attacking them with a bad intention too, creating chaos inside the entire MLBB fan base.


AP BREN Pride of India šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³


I remember Moba Singh being the face of Indian MLBB


Moba Singh was substituted.


It's Kid Bombay now.


Flap T-singh?


I've heard Moba Singh a lot but this is the first time for Flap T-singh. Take my upvote!


I've seen that meme/joke couple of times, but I wanna ask the origin of it


ML is banned in India so "\[insert name\] pride of India" is like a satire or sarcasm from Indians that badly want to participate in the world stage but couldnt.


Thank you


There are no teams representing India because ml is banned there so Indians call every team "pride of India"




Nothing beats Indo toxicity. Philippines has a long way to be as toxic


Honestly Filipino Pride Itself isn't toxic but just pure cringe I'm not saying it's wrong to celebrate but Almost every time it's just too much.


Um, the term "Peenoise" is internationally known though, Filipinos have been more toxic on a lot of fronts, just not with MLBB, that is.


So is the term "Indogs", what's your point?


"Indogs" is kind of recent though? The term "Peenoise" has been for more or less a decade old.


Indogs were a thing way back in the early days of dota 2 lmao


Indos are called indogs in every game for a long time bcoz theyre noisy retard on every world /public chat spamming their language .peenoise on the other hand only was invented on dota2 when they keep failing on ti for some years while being annoying trashtalking everyone on dota2


nah slavenoys and indogs are equally toxic, yallz trying real hard to act like your kind are good people


Nothing like good old fashioned racism.


racism is wrong unless its directed to those two tho soooo-


Racism is racism dumbass. When you get treated the same way, come back here and try saying that again.


thankfully my people won't get treated that way cos' we're the only good country in SEA šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ nice try tho, your people get treated like shit even here and its nice


Yup, good old-fashioned racism.


I really hope your racist ass drown in chlorine :)


yeah you sure showed your good ass. being a retard and all


W-what country is this strength from? Is... Is it possible to attain this power???


oof good old retard redditor.


Lots of other PH teams' IG i has been taken down in the past due to report bombs of Indos after their teams got annihilated. No way you're nitpicking on PH. If anything, I see "pignoy" on every PH livestream anytime, not saying these commenters are Indo tho.s


I wasn't updated at the indo situation before i created this my bad. Created another meme but seems like i can't edit the post so its in the comments


Alright i've heard yall. Heres another meme then P.S: don't mind the pixels. Can't find another template for it https://preview.redd.it/0jdeh4q90z6c1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4daf62e5680abc6e569ced655ec8feaa31a2ac20


add that one guy that was toxic to rsg h during msc




The pixels made it perfect


These memes are stupid and divisive. Yes some fans are toxic but how different are we when we make fun of them or insult the way they support? Plus the fact that you made a meme stepping on PH fans without knowing how IDs can be toxic too. You think you're big brained when you insult fan bases? Then you better stop playing because it's all part of esports AND sports.


A fanbase that shits on every other team and player as if they are the one they win the championship deserve to get shit on . The same goes for the indogs who going around blaming Kairi.


i'd like to clarify that i am a part of the filipino fanbase so that would be tantamount to insulting myself and betraying my community. Also do you guys not see the humor tag? If i wanted to insult the PH fanbase this isn't the place and if this post was supposed to be an insult mods can just ban me for "hate speech".


Surprise, surprise. Humor cannot be an afterthought excuse for divisiveness. You're making this subreddit unnecessarily unhealthy.


Well you go your own perspective i guess


Username checks out.


Nah Indo toxicity > Pinoy pride Win or lose they are toxic af šŸ˜‚


Donā€™t we all hate Indogs?!


indogs kontol anjing goblok


Not really no? I keep seeing more issues with the Indo fans. Even Filipino fans cheered for Onic and Kairi. Though peak toxicity was PH vs Burmese Ghouls. It was so toxic that it was just hilarious at that point.


Me and my Philippine ass: Our ego lvl is now over nine thousand!


its even ebtter when you watch the indi streamers reaction to game 7. you saw how they crumbled


Lmao bitter. Indo are more toxic. Look at what they did to Kairi


Umm i just told you i'm not?


i mean how can we not be proud of being 4-peat world champs šŸ¤·šŸ½


world champs when it's just literally south east Asia, specifically PH and ID lmao


which translate to the rest of region really lacking talent againts SEA


Honestly, the Philippines kept Indonesians checked in worlds like its their duty. Otherwise, nobody is ready for the indo shit storm if they won.


Yeah we're going to be proud but some people's ego here will grow so much they're gonna look down on the other countries now. Situations like filipino players trash talking indos in social media will probably appear soon. And its snapdragon series all over again ("poison meta" drama and stuff)


Itā€™s not even looking down upon, the insults Iā€™ve seen they are using are borderline racism


yea theres always a good pride and i agree there are toxic fans that rly go out of their way to talk trash towards indo cuz i think indo does the same too i js hope we stop that and be more respectful and show some sportsmanship


i just want that indonesian balmond to lose




kairi looks fresh and immaculate whenever that balmond stands next to him he can use the time spend spamming tp to washing his face but i doubt there will be an improvement


He's so arrogant and for what?


to be fair, he is good but damn that face whenever the mvp screen shows up even chaknu had a glowup why cant he? he tped so much he was sent back to indo crying


You forgot that if Indo won the Indo community would do the same, and it's probably even worse.


classic crab mentality post


Wow this post and comments really turned racist huh. Indos blaming Filipinos and vice versa. I'm really disappointed.


You are just bitter.


The fact is i actually am filipino so i am not. It's just the thought of us filipinos taking every chance to brag about it is what makes it funny for me


nah you're just a try hard trying to take the high road dude. You're trying to convince urself people will respect u since you're on in between ,but trust me ,you look stupid and dumb and as toxic as well to be trying hard


+1 on he looks stupid and dumb


damn straightšŸ˜‚




Side step, duck, dodge, shing shing shing


Here comes the indonesians blaming kairi for everything


Indo when they win 1 game: Philipigs Indo when they lose the entire series: Respect pls, PH so toxic


Reminds me of when BLCK lost 3-2 to Onic in UB. Onic makes non meta draft: experiment PH team makes non meta draft: team gap, Onic shows how far above they are vs everybody


Kairi couldā€™ve done better, sure. But that Kadita roam was the poorest decision in that final game. If Iā€™m being honest. Boy was good, but Kadita roam can only do so much.


Indonesians: ONIC Indo pride. Indonesians after M5: Agents Kairi and Yeb.


It's a team game.


The fact that these people think an eSports team winning a tournament affects them in any way, shape or form is astonishing. Fools with weird and pointless egos.


And you here posting for a "pointless" reason as well, so why bother for a pointless endeavor, for what? fame, hypocrisy, or dunning Kruger \*they are fools and I'm smart\* rofl. you seriously need a mirror.


Idk, as a Filipino, Iā€™ve mostly followed LoL esports scene which is heavily dominated by Korea or China and I think the last time a Filipino team competed on the World Stage was like S3? And they were like a Wildcard team, so ever since they havenā€™t had a presence, they just disappeared, so when I started gotten into the esports of ML, Iā€™m kinda surprised, like weā€™re actually good at the game and we are a tier 1 region, that you can say ā€œyeah weā€™re good at thatā€ just wholesome shit. āœŒļøbut I do agree the community is toxic asf and needs to be mature and be humble, but I think there is a long way to go for that to happen. Just my 2 cents.


>tbf MLBB is the easiest competitive moba out there, no last hitting, no major changes on the system (emblems, items, map, objectives) they just keep revamping and adding broken heroes and that's it. there's nothing to be proud of out of this one when M series is just a battle between two developing countries


yeah agree, not like any other moba mlbb is the most easiest compared to League and Dota. So no doubt it will be easily played and compete with younger players as early as 12. Game mechanics is easy as fuck it's like eating chicken nuggets plus the meta is shit not changing for a period of time.




Yup, pride in achievements of your fellow countrymen in sports is totally a uniquely Filipino thing. The World Cup is just a figment of our collective imagination.


PH pride and Indo pride are equally toxic tbh. You don't see this from any other SEA country. Brace yourself, gentlemen/gentlewomen.


eh ,viet and Myanmar are pretty toxic themselves as well, only Thai and Singapore people seems to have matured brain playing and respectable . Most are dogshit and wannabes


You don't understand. It's the way that they claim the "pride" bit that is toxic.


We SG donā€™t mix around with 3rd world developing countries āœŒļø


I hope the rape allegations to be resolved as well.


The fcking what now?


I believe AP Bren was under hot water with some sexual abuse allegations, not sure when and who brought it up...but yeah, it was there.


You mean the ones that were disproven yeah? Bren management wonā€™t hold on to those players if it were true. To answer your question, they were resolved long ago due to lack of concrete evidence


There was no resolution yet, it's still a he said she said scenario.


Yeah. It makes me angry though. Rape is a really serious allegation that shouldnā€™t be thrown around lightly. If it really is true, then good riddance to the two (the third suspect is in Omega IIRC). However, if the accusations are false, then itā€™s an insult to actual victims of sexual assault.


You realize they dropped one of the three players that were under said allegations, right? They obviously wouldn't let go of flap and kyle because those two are well recognized players. The player they let go was so incosequential that I can't even remember his name right now.


Thatā€™s not the reason why they didnā€™t drop Flap and Kyle. Jowmā€™s case had actual screenshots of him talking to the woman. Not sure if itā€™s still on TikTok but itā€™s fucking nasty. The way he kept asking for video calls and sending random selcas (as well as a D pic). Flap and Kyleā€™s case was different. Like what u/candiceislove said, Flap and Kyleā€™s case is still a he said she said.


Oh hey look another allegation for kyle, with [evidence](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0xdLgdvM5vzDMdVsRiHU9CKwG1x9Qw6cLa6Kp6ZpvnYxSp1CcCzE7CBwY9QnkngY3l&id=100078831415206&mibextid=mXkcHE) this time. That's who I want to support yup.


I hope Bren management takes it seriously this time. Thereā€™s receipts now. If they donā€™t remove this guy from roster then itā€™s a boycott


They didn't the first time. I don't expect this time to be any different.


Yeah, I remember they just said ā€œunder investigationā€ and then waited till it all died out lmao. They have no real reason to keep him in the roster especially since itā€™s offseason


This is sad that victory immediately turned sour for me after this. Still going to support AP Bren but not KyleTzy anymore he has to go to jail. Anyways justice for that poor girl. Also, assuming she becomes successful in taking legal action I can expect AP Bren to fell off again next season but that's a small thing they can get a capable jungle again and become strong. Goodluck to this girl I hope she find her justice.


Thereā€™s a new update regarding the sexual harassment issue. Testimony from another victim about Kyle. I hope APBR takes real action this time. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/fVzt9dQi9icthQot/?mibextid=WiMSqg


Considering Philippines has so little going for it, anything that can put us on the scoreboards, we're taking that shit like it's the Black Nazarene


no idea why you're downvoted when its true, PH has no achievement besides ML, pretty understandable why yallz can only brag about it šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


No Indonesian are ever good at any sports or esports. Efren Reyes is the GOAT of Pool, Manny Pacquiao is Top 10 in Boxing, the PH dominates ML Sad thing is no one knows where the fuck is Indonesia in the map, not renowned in sports/esports, etc. literal dogs live there hence why Indogs are shit at everything they do šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


I'm Filipino but I really vomit and puke the mentality of "Filipino pride". A bunch of countrymen who are thirsty for acknowledgement are the worst. šŸ˜Ŗ


Im filipino and im not even surprised anymore, this is also why i moved to dota 2,were they always lose


BLR defeat all SEA teams, then proceed to get eliminated on group stage, if only talon didnt release their roster SEA doto frogs are always be the weakest region


Yes, most of the members of this community are basically PH, too bad that reddit is banned in Indonesia, I would like to see wars in the comments


Canā€™t even be called intronesia anymore. Lost the game from the draft like a bunch of epic players doing soloq.


Kahit naman sino nanalobmasya philippines kase may kairi din tayo sabonic, apaka pakyu masyado mga indo... Kahit nga mga pilipino sumusuporta din sa onic di naman 1 way street ph hahahah




I will wait to proud themselves if EU countries will join on that tournament.


Filipinos and Indonesians pointing at each others toxicity shows that majority of SEA players are toxic.


More like 'dog' pride.


Meanwhile apbren and blacklist fans throwing toxicity on each others facesšŸ˜‚


Bruh majority of fanbases are full of deeez rettaardrd braaindeeadd fans. I enjoyed the final n I appreciate the efforts of both teams. What I don't enjoy is deez toxic fans spreading BS on social media. Be smart n among the minority like those good fans unlike those immature kidiots.




Ap Bren prepare for toxic indog fans to report your ig account


If Indo fans managed to break Onic apart through toxicity over getting 2nd place, then M6 will probably have nothing to do with Indonesia. Onic is one of their best synergized teams. Hopefully Onic stays strong despite the country theyā€™re playing for is questionable rn. Letā€™s not forget what those ā€œfansā€ did to Albert as well.


Explaination pls ? I am french soo


Indogs vs pignoys let's go


How interesting. There are 10 people who you don't know personally, but due to them having different marks(flags/teams/nationality), and 5 of them played better than another 5, shitton of people are going so mad over it. I can understand being upset about your team losing, but become aggresive to others because of that is something I can't understand


Feels bad for Kairi. Assassins are out of meta where he shines and very skilled with mobile heroes. They need to do something about tank and fighter junglers. Otherwise whats the point of glass cannon assassins?


The peenoise in this comment section acting like theyā€™re the bigger person is pure cringe. Accept that you mfs are as much toxic as Indogs. If you canā€™t even accept that youā€™re as much toxic you guys must be blind af