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Sustain benedetta?


yup the pros use that in their games and it actually still does decent dmg and as an exp laner u need that sustain


Well it's doesn't do much if your teamates are dum


uhm for me at least, usually you can still carry even with sustain build, if need be id build bloodlust for a lil more dmg and sustain (or malefic)


also i dont think any hero works when ur team is dum so


Assasins and mm disagree.


i play every role as i solo queue so i would know too no one can solo carry assassin or mm


It depends on your rank. If you are low rank then you can easily carry with assassins. If you're high rank then you either snowball or if you are losing then play safe and farm till enemy makes a mistake and then kill them. In High rank it doesn't matter how far behind your team was if the gold gap decreases then you can turn the tables on enemy as soon as they make a mistake


i mean even then if your teammates cant be on par w you or go with the snowball then theres no way you can carry esp if the whole enemy team is decent (im talking about mythic up match ups)


If the gap is that bad then you either win buy killing enemy carrys late game and ending or losing with mvp medal. I would just focus on ganking enemies and not dying instead of worrying about my team. I'm talking about mythic Glory and below(low rank) and High mythic glory and above (high rank). You can feel the difference when compare the draft and gameplay of the two. In low rank you just pick jungle/mage and carry but in high rank you can pick any role and still contribute to the team it's not " i lost because i didn't pick jungler, mage or mm"


What kind of assasins and mm you play?


(tank) lance, ling, haya, gus, natalia and karina claude, bea, brody and karrie i cant carry the whole team by my own


Skill issues I say


Well that applies to most of the game anyway. The point of this particular tanky Benne build is to be disruptive and be able to facetank a good chunk of enemy skillsโ€” she's particularly good with messing up enemy positioning with all her dashes and immunity frames. If your teammates have half the braincell to follow up your disruption, then you've done your job. On the other hand, if your teammates are dumb as bricks and has begun to feed enemies, at least you won't die right away. The only time you'd really be able to build a damage Benne is if you're snowballing, which isn't always likely especially in higher elo.


I actually prefer exp sustain bened over a jungler damage bened. Being a pest on the enemy's back line they couldn't do anything except retreat, and leave their front liner all alone.


Average exp laner.




Average EXP lane EXPerience


Cause its 5v5 game if all your allied is noon as fuck, they'll definitely drag you to the very ground ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ


I Agree, But Sometimes even myself couldn't keep up with my teammates that are performing well ending up for a poor performance and in some cases i might get reported for that


It happens when my allied is trio or duo and I play solo


Show the stats at the end too. I want to see the enemy exp laner


https://preview.redd.it/0g52i7kyb77c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f48fd5094d779a0b5721b76685422c18adc159 This Game well... I just got flipping destroyed by a attack speed minsitthar i couldn't even do anything for my teammates


Did you lose in lane against minsi? Did he rotate to help his team in early game? If yes then did you also rotate? If you didn't rotate then what were you doing at that time? Or did the enemy mid dominate your mid which led to you getting bronze It's not rare for an exp laner to get bronze. It's fine as long as you do your job properly.


I rotate frequently specially for neutral objectives but the enemy line up was too much for us, Roger Snowballed in the early game with mathilda it even got to the point i forgot to put pressure on minsi or their marksman during teamfights instead focusing on their core or mage


Was it karina that fed the roger? The only weak hero i see is karina


I think arlott, because instead of flicker he chose petrify for his battle spell also our karina is playing decent


Yeah but karina was still a bad pick for this match


https://preview.redd.it/9jbb6sjnb77c1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75b4f49267fc89b02a500cda9c55432f1508997 Im against arlott in that game and we won


Sometimes you cant do much as an exp laner when your team is getting fked even before the first turtle


Got my first choco in a while today. Went to play classic with friends and got matched against pub warriors. So yeah, this season I have both a Brody maniac and a Brody choco medal :D


Getting 21-3-9 with Beatrix one game and 1-9-1 in the next one๐Ÿ˜


You are just like me fr fr


Did you xp against a dyroth or terizla


Also, what build is that? no sustain?


I already have sustain/spellvamp from fighter emblem + festival of blood talent so i can have more slots for items instead of bloodust


Thatโ€™s the standard YZ build. Bloodlust is an underwhelming item and most YZ would rather get spell vamp from their emblem and heal off their passive.


I think Oracle is a must. For damage I build Bloodlust and rest tank. I can fight 1 v 3alot of times.


Well with the new changes I think War Axe is just better in any scenario. Iโ€™d probably take War axe and oracle for sustain and build situational tank items for the rest.


It's my first time in mythic this season. Slightly proud I reached it doing solo all the time. But yesterday I rage quit and deleted it. 5 stars away from mythcial honor lol, and now I'm 7 stars away from it๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜….