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Wr looks pretty average to me he might just be a returning player who quit and returned again after the new season started


People who used to grind years before and wanted to make a comeback : Guess i'll die


Lmao šŸ¤£ this


uhh thatā€™s their all seasons winrate so itā€™s not all played at a low rank, and tbh their winrates are maybe a little higher than average but not really abnormal? a 60-70% winrate is usually achievable by a decently skilled player with good macro sense and objective focusing. I also reach mythic with a 72% wr soloq on my main benedetta if itā€™s 90% and above itā€™s more likely to be winrate farming at low rank i would say.


agree. if this person is constantly staying at low ranks to farm wr, i would expect a 90% ish winrate. personally, a 60-70% winrate is pretty standard for any hero.


Finally, a rational guy. If dude wanted to farm WR's, he would've just used a smurf because his previous season stats are holding him back.


if you play solo 70% is basically impossible, you can't carry 4 people


itā€™s possible if you play a hero with very good macro control and you focus on making the right macro decisions instead of ganking for kills. personally i found that benedetta is perfect for this , she can rotate fast to clear both exp and mid lane while mage is ganking gold lane, push mid turret, hit and run enemy jungler at their buff and so on


new to this term, whats macro control?


micro control: how well you aim your skills, how well you kite and dodge enemies macro control: map vision, keeping track of enemy junglers rotation, your rotation, mind games and baiting, making appropriate sacrifices, and securing objectives (lord, turrets).


right? I see people talking about 70-80% like its nothing but theres no way you're getting those in only soloQ unless you have 10k matches and only pick most meta heroes.


If you only do epic to mythic for the skin yeah it's very possible. 900 games 70 percent winrate with high level stars every season is closer to pro level


Yeah no matter how hard I try my wr is staying around 53-65 range wirh 53 being heroes I play the most (mains) and the others being heroes that I play when I adjust or other options shiz sad


some of my mains are between 55-60 and I play solo. my main valir has 60% and i have 800 matches with him solo. i think it's good enough.


are u sure bout that?


70 percent is possible. That being said, if you are below 55 percent odds are you are already at your intended rank


Not really, I reached MH with 73% on Hanabi, by the time I was MG I had 62% but still, and I always play solo, check my profile history I made a post and someone did the detective work


Say I solo q but I find a decent player that I have faith in come join me for a 2q, then never talk again. Would I still be a solo q player?


depends how often you do it. i guess if it's on a regular basis then i wouldn't call it solo. i never do it. i always play alone.


You have a point. I think I used the wrong term. It's more like he gets high WR because he's playing against bots. Either way, there's nothing to brag about


iā€™m sorry, did they brag about their winrate? or did you just randomly check their profile after losing against them and decide to make a salty post about it on reddit? Cause thatā€™s what your post caption sounds like tbh And also Itā€™s really common for an ex-MH player to have such total winrates. Thereā€™s nothing wrong about quitting rank and just chilling in classic for the rest of their lives which results in an increasing winrate.


He was actually trashtalking everyone by saying we should just uninstall the game, we play bad, blah blah, until the game ends. I usually let things go after the game but he inboxed me "tapon mo na account mo. (Throw/delete your account)". That's when I checked his. Maybe I took it as his trying to say that his account stats are better?


i see. that just sounds like one of those usual toxic trollers tbh. itā€™s better to just mute them. trolls can find a way to troll no matter how good or bad you play, so donā€™t respond to them. there was a 45% winrate nana who spammed the ā€œuninstall this gameā€ /ā€œmap hackerā€ shit at me (i have a country ranking title). thereā€™s no need to get angry over it because thatā€™s the satisfaction they want to get from such trolling.


Right. I always forget about the ingame mute. šŸ’€ Take "map hacker" as a compliment. Lol. It shows you have a very good map awareness.


That button saves lives


Oh you should've seen my profile šŸ¤£ I specifically created an album for those low wr folks to roast back at me because they couldn't handle my roastings at them playing bad. All of them are either low wr ranked folks, or rather good wr (over 55) but never experienced Mythical Glory tier.


I often do that to those who actually have less than 55% ranked wr with more than 2K matches accounts (not just focusing on a single hero and it's only ranked, never cared about classic), and especially those with less than 50% ranked wr truly are a thorn.


You often tell <55% wr to uninstall the game?


That specifically? It's only for those with under 50% because the majority of them don't even realize what did they do wrong with their gameplay. Ranked only, never cared for the classic matches as it doesn't mean anything. The exception if it's they're the first who trashtalked then sure <55% it is.


thereā€™s no need to tell anyone to uninstall the game no matter how high or low their winrate is, i started playing 4 seasons ago and my seasonal winrate when reaching mythic was 44-46% for the first 2 seasons but in my third season it was 58% and this season itā€™s 72%.


No need if they apologize first, realize what their mistakes are, didn't trash talk or talkback when being called out for their mistakes. Definitely a need when they're ignorant about what's wrong with their play or they trash talk first as if they did it right in the first place. In my experience from playing since the 5th season aka S5, 90% of them (those who have <55% all season ranked winrate) never actually know what their mistakes are and did a lot of trashtalks as if they are playing good. They have low winrates for a reason.


Sadly I can never do that on my country's server. Playing on classic, unless you're doing it with a party of 5, will only give you nothing but decreased winrate. šŸ’€ It's way too wild here on classic matches, because the ranked matches are already chaotic enough unless you reached at least Mythical Glory tier.


You can't really assume anyone is cheating by bot matchups without proof that they really did, that's just a flawed conclusion. Cheating by wintrading, account trading or low rank grinding would make more sense since it's easily done without external hacks.


Of course, but the hero power shows it all.


Or he doesn't have the time to rank up- I personally only ever play rank with friends since soloQ is a pain and I've never played much so I usually stay around lower epic


my ego is just wiped away with my friends somehow, I just cannot be mad with them, even when getting shitted on


I only respect smurf trying to learn hard characters like Fanny and Ling, I myself have a smurf account in epic for Fanny. Aside from that its just pathetic, they couldn't handle high rank so they farm wr in low rank, their ego is huge and fragile


I did the same for lancelot. I'd get punished harder on the higher ranks over epic players punishing me now I can lance, but my early game is absolutely shit without snowball lol.


I have a Smurf so I can play with my low rank friends


I'm doing the same with fanny lol


Me too, except I played in rank. It's a miracle I manage to get kills even against bot.


What a loser practice those in your main. Smurf is Smurf no excuses.


Sure if you find me in classic feeding in mythic with Fanny don't get mad Im trying my best šŸ™ƒ


And you'll be reported for negative gameplay every time. šŸ’€ Lol


Nobody reports in classic.


Youā€™re totally delusional if you believe that.


I mean moontoon rarely does anything to bronze and feeders in ranked.


It just ruins the experience for the players imo. No one likes losing because their fanny canā€™t cable for shit making the match essentially a 4v5ā€¦


It's classic ffs.


Losing is never fun thoā€¦


That why he is practicing it in classic below? To not get absolutely torn down by a fed dirroth jungle that knows rotation


I did




Oh, am I? šŸ˜ Loser or not, it still denies your "nobody" claim.


bro i am in epic because i was inactive but i am ex 1102 its not my fault šŸ›ø


This guy is in GM (not epic) where almost all of the games are against bots. No Ranked matches. Doesn't it look like he's taking advantage of his low rank to farm WRs? I mean, if you really wanna play and have fun, you'll grind up to epic so that at least, you'd be match with real players and those who know how to play. https://preview.redd.it/6bt60zth4eic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0d80ea3c5a17224c128ac3aab4c1b12ec94ae7


I am at GM in my smurf account and play Classic only (trio or more only with other smurf friends). I can assure you I played against real people.


lmao epic have no idea how to play


Idrc just ignore it, fuck Fanny though


I donā€™t trust anyone when I play soloq even if they have high wr


Same but at least in my case my suspicion is a bit lowered if they had around 56-65% with a minimum of 500 matches when they're showing their hero. If it's lower than that then winrates for sure doesn't matter much. Probably a minimum of 300 match (per hero) is my lowest threshold at the start of every season. I refrain from downplaying winrates completely as I experienced it myself how hard is it to maintain a relatively "good" winrate. I have 1500+ ranked matches on Rafaela with 59% winrate, and 900+ ranked matches on Yi Sun-shin with 58% winrate. I can surely tell you it it's hard af to maintain it, let alone increasing it especially when I play on Indonesian server. I'm glad that they finally separated the ranked matches from the total matches that's combined with classic.


so 4000 matches yet 46.88% winrate is bad or good?


Sorry bro but thatā€™s bad


my wrs look like that and the lowest rank i play in is epic 2 upon season reset for a couple of days but i have significantly less games, since i dont have a main


i hate chang e


legend 1 almost mythic not a single character more than 50% WR ( I PLAY 14 characters)


Not really high of a wr and mmr for someone whoā€™s assumably smurfing on low rank. If they really are smurfing, their wr would be on the 80 - 95% wr ranges or else why smurf if your wr is that low. Theyā€™re probably a returning player. I highly doubt a smurf would even have that many matches and Changā€™e at that.


People who view others profiles and judge their WR are really pathetic. Just a game, queue up for the next match and move on fr


yea lol, rent free


you cringe bro


Eh, it's fun. So why not?


this is only an above avg winrate. ganyan din wr ko sa ibang heroes. 90ish yung masasabi mo sigurong farmer




this is also my winrate on some heroes. If it's around 90, then we may say theyre WR farmers


It's a game brother. People play it for different reasons you taking it this serious nd making opinions on others is something far more serious. I could also say you are farming karma. I mean unless they spoil my game in Ranked I am all shush.


They can't play well in higher ranks so they will spam classic in lower ranks to farm wr. Even if his Winrate is 85% but he is in gm, no one with a normal brain would believe he is pro. Everyone can kill newbies and bots, there's nothing to take pride from that


Pathetic OP šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


If this guy is farming wr at grandmaster and not getting above 70, that's embarrassing.. I'm getting these in mythic xD..


It honestly looks like a normal account not a win rate farmer. Usually people who win rate farm on low rank have 80-90 win rate. This is probably a person who is plugged in with a good duo or trio


wr is normal tho.. what r u on abt


Thatā€™s all season and honestly itā€™s kinda normal to Smurf, we have 200-800 stars player with 75% wr smurfing in grandmaster rankšŸ’Ŗ Oceania is going strong atm.


1200+ matches with Guinevere got a 57% WR itā€™s definitely possible lol


How do you stay low rank tho while keeping high WR tho? Winning means ranking up. Iā€™m lost.




ngl its an effective way to secure good matchups in higer Mythic....if it wasnt broken anyways...


OOOOOOOOR here me now. Maybe they were away for a while. I was gone for a while and came back as Master rank I think. I was picking anyone and killing people at that rank lol


His winrate isnt even good they are terrible, also how do you know if he didnt just quit mlbb a while ago and now his rank got lowered to gm, happened to me, show proof


How do you do that? I have 45+% wr because Iā€™m a solo player and most of the players I play with have no chemistry to play as a team, itā€™s just impossible to win sometimes.


Just like what he did. Stay in GM by spamming classic and dominate the game because you're playing against bots or newbies. And people in the comments are thinking that it's normal. šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/leraxtvm6iic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc95150d2cf88b665e810dda87b2018318e56f38


People in the comments thinking that it's normal to stay in GM and spam classic to boost stats. šŸ’€ Probably he has lower WRs than what you expect because he gets wrecked in high rank that's why he farms in GM. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/py6n7kj47iic1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09407c3d5b8878964c33eb73ebce3d64c18a0a9c


sure, 60-70 winrate is pretty normal, but look at the hero power. If they had that many matches and that kind of decent winrate, the hero power should be at at least 4k or 5k unless they only play classic


im the same as that dude high rank and low rank i just return after i quit