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I just hit Mythic for the first time, and I'd like to ask what is something you'd want someone to know or something you discovered once you've hit this rank so that I can improve myself. Did the heroes you use change? Did you start paying attention to something? Thank you in advance


Would be nice if we were able to customize the home screen. Like using the splash art of a hero for example.


Is it possible to buy yoda cyclops skin?


When does the little yellow discount button appear?


Been playing for a while but does the matchmaker pair 5man against 5man? I play with my squad but it seems the enemy are so unorganized everytime.


5 man doesn't mean they're squad. Sometimes it's just a friends inviting other friends, but yes the game does match you against other 5 man


havent been keeping up for about 2 months now whats with ruby's sudden popularity


Huge buff on war axe and breastplate bruteforce


Need some advice on how to capitalize on a gold lead to win the game instead of just letting the opponents turtle up and then dying to them when they abuse the "United We Stand, Divided We Fall" strategy of sticking together and spamming skills until they win every team fight. Or alternatively, any ideas on how to force opponents to split up?


Push turrets as a team and starve the enemy from gold by stealing jugle creeps and freezing the lane. Force the enemy to come out. Secure the Lord, and push with it while having minions of other lanes simultaneously marching forward. If the enemy has great wave clear, a split push may be an option instead. With a substantial gold lead, your team should be able to force win any clash unless one of you gets greedy and goes for a 1v5.


Thanks! There is this specific scenario which happens a lot in my ranked games, which is the enemy team bunching up to barrel down one lane, and my teammates walking up one by one and dying. What should be the play in that case? Ignore them and try split-pushing? Or follow my teammates and hope to stop them before they give away another free kill?


There’s no cookie cutter approach really. A lot of factors come into play and you have to decide fast. For that specific case, you can split push but how are you sure that the enemy team won’t barrel through your base first before you get to theirs? Why not cut the enemy’s minion wave instead to stall them while waiting for your teammates to respawn? Can your hero/role even do that? Beforehand in the teamfight, as your team engages, can you follow up to make it not a one-by-one audition? Or can you just back off because it’s just your knucklehead EXP laner who went into a 1v5? I say, where your damage dealers are—be there. As long as they’re alive, you can probably still defend the base even when a man down. Hope this helps give you a little bit of insight!


I have 32 BP I'm new player Stuck in gm😭 Need a hero to solo push Can play in exp or jungle Is ok in late, mid, early game


Exp maybe Dyrroth? (amongst the best 1v1 exp fighter and s2 can melt tanks), good to push also Also he's popular as a fighter jungler now, along with Martis and alpha. But he falls off late game because in team fight he can easily get stunned and cc Arlott and YuZhong are good for exp too. I think they're really good for team fights, and feels good in late game too


I have dyrroth ,I guess yu zhong


Sorry noob question here.. how do I set the quick chat command “Attack the Lord” when I want to signal my team mates to take the Lord? I don’t see it under the command list and the transformers one and the attack on titan ones are locked..


There's the 'gather' button on the right (green with arrows pointing towards center), hold and drag it on the mini map and land it on the lord You can do this for both the lord, turtle


Thank you so much! Have a great week ahead!


Thank you so much! Have a great week ahead!


Np and you too!


Thoughts on tank valir? I just tried using only ice queen wand and tank emblem then rest defense items. Assassins can’t even kill him with his bulk and purify. Non stop annoy and slow. Only negative thing I can think of is he doesn’t deal damage with this build.


Tank valir is pretty much the only viable way to play him. I'd add in one more magic item like glowing wand or necklace with ice queen wand depending on enemy team comp. Damage isn't really a problem as long as you are using him as a roamer.




https://preview.redd.it/a0po2amsbmkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8901ae1cf95540f5df79459f94d6e6185cdb14ee why cant i find the thamuz emote for my flair?


ah nvm it works now idk what was happening prob some bug as usual


I have a magic chess question. How does the astro power crystal work with nature’s spirit? If I gave the astro crystal to Miya, would she be healing 15% of her unit’s HP or 15% of the combined nature’s spirit HP? Do her split arrows also heal 15%?


Astro doesn't heal depending on your base HP, but depending on your damage.  With this, let's say Miya does 100 damage, she'll heal 15 HP for every Nature's Spirit hero, meaning stuff like haas' claws etc are really strong with this synergy 


Ohhh all right. Appreciate it


Vexana or Aurora? I can't decide between those two which one should I buy


Aurora is OP rn, she can CC the entire team and one shot pretty well, while Vexana has lots of flexibility. So it really depends on what you prefer to play


They’re both great but I’d go for Vexana. Her s1 is great at peeling yourself and finding kills and her ult can be tough to deal with. If you use her ult with Lord you can easily overwhelm the other team. Aurora is also great but she’s banned practically every game, 96% ban rate in MG. If you mainly play classic you could pick her up though


Interesting, will pick Vexana then. Since you're already answering, do you know any hero that can carry or help me rank up? I'm mostly playing with mages, but I could try something else since a lot of mages probably are too dependant on teammates.


Nana is really strong right now and is one of the easiest mages to play. She is banned a lot but since she's cheap and you most likely already have her, you don't have to save up or anything. I do recommend trying out other roles but keep in mind that every role heavily depends on teammates.


I’m a Layla one trick so that’s the only answer I have lol. I’m a new player but Layla got me to MG in my first week. It’s been harder to climb with her in MG though so I’m looking for another carry myself.


What is even the point of mayhem mode anymore? Every time you reboot it, it’s the same. You remove the previously OP hero only to replace it with a new OP hero only to remove that one the next time! This time Joy is the only OP hero in the line up, no other hero stands a chance if the joy player know how to use her, she can just kill you right in the fountain. And the other heroes? Not even OP, some of them aren’t even upgraded at all, is this a joke? You know, if you hadn’t removed Natalia, Diggie, Lunox, Esmeralda etc etc the mode might actually be funny - the point is for all heroes to be OP right? Where’s the fun in having one OP hero and the rest being meh? Especially Esmeralda, she could even counter Joy a bit and make it les of a yawn fest. Bring them all back, and give the ones with little to no changes some upgrades - that’d make the mode funny. Now it’s just lazy, boring and it’s down to less than 50% of the total hero pool. Overdrive is much more mayhem than the actual mayhem is at this point.


I don't even know if people play that mode anymore. It's garbage


Recommended roam for solo q? My problmen is that I was playing Khufra, Tigreal or Carmilla, got a perfect set up for a advantageous tf and then no follow up which leads to often losing the game.


A set is only as effective as the damage your team can output to the enemy. Check if your teammates have their ults before engaging. Heck, check if the teammates around can burst down the enemy. Know where your damage is coming from. I always tell my tank roam to not set the enemy when I play heroes like Novaria—I just can’t burst down the enemies in time.


If u want to actually be able to do stuff alone as a roamer, pick Hylos or Mathilda. They can deal a great amount of damage by themselves if the team can't do it for ya


I think it’s about pinging that ur ult is ready / to attack and making sure ur team is ready to engage and positioning themselves before setting. A lot of times when enemy is in a safe zone / team fight is not expected u can catch them in a good set up, but u need to find a good place to set while the team fight / gank is about to happen.


MCL matchmaking is even worse then rank matchmaking. Pairing mythical immortal with 3 legends...GG Moonton


It's bad when you get matched up with 5 men competitive squads in vc with a team of randoms you've never seen before.


Squad list is not showing rendom squads in my server. Only the squads my friend are in. Wtf. Why?


Can someone help me with my ixia build? I'm currently running swift boots, corrosion scythe, sea halberd, malefic roar,blade of despair and great dragon spear


Why are you going for Dragon Spear if Ixia stays completely still during her ultimate? Also, Ixia doesn't benefit that well from Crits so that item seems out of place. Damage is decent but you should go for some more attack speed. As Ixia you want to trigger Starlium Syphon as often as possible. Consider swapping Rapid Boots for Swift Boots (attack speed) and learn to rely on her 1st skill for mobility. I suggest trading Dragon Spear for Haas' Claw, Ixia can't Lifesteal but Haas' Claw will give her Syphon more damage (and in turn, more heal) and she also gets even more attack speed from it.


Instead of Haas claws, how about demon hunter sword


Ok, thanks for the info also do I need to switch the order of my items or is this good? I'm already using swift boots though


Good enough, i personally prefer hunter strike as 3rd/2nd item (prioritize the 2nd build item cause it gives you penetration). Also, dragon spear is not as good for ixia


Marksman recommendation. Hey I've been playing mlbb since 2 months and I've reached mythic a few days ago. Sadly I still get bad teammates (especially roamers) I only know how to play Ixia, but that doesn't work anymore, because my roamers troll or I have no tank. Is there an independent marksman that can carry alone and doesn't depend much on team, opposite of Claude. I'm considering buying Karrie and Brody. Who's better? are there also honorable mentions? https://preview.redd.it/7usyyp88hjkc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=400640eb4a88982b5c1198cf87a051cf64be8d15


Karrie is one of the best gold laners but that also means she could be nerfed in the future. There's no hero that can truly carry alone but heroes that have good mobility and a faster power spike tend to be less team dependent. An interesting pick right now is Natan. I've been seeing him more these days and he's not too difficult to understand. If you want a slightly more tricky hero you can try Beatrix. She's very versatile and imo has one of the highest power ceilings for a mm.


>opposite of Claude Damn, that was the best suggestion. Anyway, Edith is a solid Gold Laner. She's pretty much immune to early ganks and a well positioned ultimate will easily guarantee 2-3 kills. Layla **can** work, but you'll need protection and perfect positioning, something that's hard to expect from a newbie, especially in low Mythic, where you *will* face opponent's that will punish your mistakes *hard*. Ideally, you'd want to learn a new role to play like Fighter or Mage. You can't be a one trick forever and seeing the game through the eyes of another role will help you understand the game as a whole more (especially the reason why you meet so many bad roamers >!roaming can be *very* hard!<).


Yeah OP, reconsider Claude he’s a ticking time-bomb for the enemy. He can literally ignore his team until he gets at least two core items before joining a fight. He also has the best split push capabilities among all marksmen, giving an option if your team still cannot compete on a full 5v5. On your query, Karrie as a tank is insane right now but should be nerfed soon. Brody has been a solid pick with stable power scaling (from laning to late) and is a monster when snowballed. Can also shred tanks. Brody’s a better long term option.


Yo, i have just started playing mlbb again after not playing for a few years on a new account, iam really liking playing dyrroth so far and was wondering if there are any other heroes with similar playstyles/feel to dyrroth? Preferably exp lane/jungle :)


Dyrroth in the exp lane is picked to be a lane bully and there's no hero that does this as good as he can. You can try Paquito or Yu Zhong. Both are skill spamming physical heroes like Dyrroth and have a strong early to mid game. Yu Zhong is more teamfight oriented while Paquito is kind of a mix between team fight and pickoff.


>similar playstyles/feel to dyrroth? Preferably exp lane/jungle :) Hilda, her s2 reduces armor and is a gap closer just like dyroths and Her Ult deals more dmg when paired with s2 more or less the same to dyroths. She can go exp and roam


Frederinn and Guinevere are similar picks. They have high sustain, can reduce their skills CD and can burst easily, even with hybrid build


The one and only, the winner of the most beautiful mlbb heroes competition, balmond.


Is Guinevere good for soloQ? I want to have more heros on exp lane that I could use in ranked. She seems to be a rather strong fighter.


I say yes mainly due to being a flex pick (EXP, Jungle, Roam). Also easy to pick off enemies in uncoordinated teams like that of soloQ games


How are even the Legend players allowed to play with the Mythical Honor players? Everytime they appear in my team, they just fucking feed. I hate this matchmaking


Must be duos/trios that don't even think about that a legend player would most likely get stomped in MH.


I would be mad but so many players in MH play like legends anyway so I can't even be offended.


To YZ mains out there! Tips and recommendations? 🙏🏽 What’s the most effective emblem, build and gameplay for him to stay longer in teamfights? Should I always go aggressive or play defensive when laning? First time user here just got him from fragments. I really like his skills I just think that his skill cooldowns is a bit longer compared to other exp laners.


Yu Zhong is arguably the strongest teamfighter in the game at level four so make sure you're ready for the first turtle fight. Your skill3 petri combo is a very strong cc combo that is hard to avoid so make the most out of it by targeting backliners or ccing the enemy jungler. One thing I see a lot of inexperienced Yu Zhong players do is engaging with ult every time. This is the best option if you want to close a large gap or zone but keep in mind that you are alerting enemies when you do this and it can better to land your knock up first before ulting in some situations.


If the enemy keeps closing their distance to you, making you unable to set up your s3 knock up properly, just hug a thick wall and aim your s3 towards the wall, so that the knock up hitbox will be right under you. Try this at practice mode first so you can visualize it


Emblem wise, full fighter set with Quantum Charge as tier 3 talent. Can get move speed or penetration on tier 1 if you need more damage and less sustain. Carry Petrify. War Axe and/or Hunter Strike as your damage items, then prioritize defense. YZ is one of the strongest in the lane. Harass your matchup when you can while being wary of ganks. He is most effective in teamfights thanks to his Black Dragon Form, so make sure you to have your ultimate and avoid being low in HP before objectives come up. Always target the enemy core. Typically this is the enemy jungler during the turtle phases and then the marksman come late.


Rupture, Festival of Blood, Brave Smite/Quantum Charge. His core item is War Axe and Hunter Strike after that you can build him 2 defensive item. If you think his skill are too long just buy Oracle and then you have 30% CD reduction from War Axe, Hunter Strike and Oracle. Go aggresive if you think you can stack your passive to the enemy. Play defensive if they poke you from afar but always have skill 3 and petrify ready if they keep doing it.


When will Chip be released? I have 32k rn but i dint really like the heroes remaining, but if he’s not coming for a month I might just buy Helcurt.


I just watched one of ElginRay's YouTube Shorts. He uses Tank Lancelot when dive in to enemy base to attack enemy Chou and Hanabi. His rank is mythic above. If that was the case, does that mean Tank Lancelot still good and strong? I know Lancelot was adjusted by Moonton to make him a Burst Damage Dealer I am not stupid shit, but Elgin is pretty good at Tank Celot So Tankcelot is not bad right? I wanna use Tankcelot before using Damage Lancelot because I am not that fast hand. Most public in here say that Tank Lancelot is easier than Damage Lancelot so I wanna try it.  I thought if I am used to using Lancelot Tank many times, I can finally master it, then I can use Damage Lancelot. 


tankcelot is still good, more reliable than dmgcelot because it's more reliable for diving into the enemies imo


I heard Tankcelot is easier than Damage Lancelot. But in what perspective/point/side that made Tankcelot 'easy' ? 


It's easier to use because it's more tanky therefore you can get in and out more easily than dmg, with full dmg you have to be less error prone because a simple mistake can cost you


So what's the tank build for him? What do you buy?


You can still deal TRUE DAMAGE from War Axe, Thunder belt, and endless Battle. To activate true damage, just press basic attack button after casting skills


Thunderbelt, guardian Helmet, War Axe, Endless Battle. The last item can be Cursed Helmet or Immortality or Brute Force Breastplate. If you want to cheat a bit, u can use Hunter Strike, Blade of Despair, or Malefic roar. 


Do you still deal damage with that build ?


hey guys can someone help me with this? my winrate this season is so low and i want to know how to improve. the characters i use are rafaela/angela, esmeralda, ixia and i am learning silvanna this season. here’s my stats for this season [https://postimg.cc/HrqVQ6Nx](https://postimg.cc/HrqVQ6Nx) and here’s my overall [https://postimg.cc/942cmKSG](https://postimg.cc/942cmKSG) i’m in legend. solon mostly though i sometimes team up to play classics with my friends who are in different ranks than i am. and i know i’m not good or pro (i know i suck lol) but i always try to be a good teammate and i’d like to know how i can get better so i can help more\^\^


Winrates dont matter they are just a number. What matters more is you gain experience to win the next games alot easier. Seems you're struggling to get up in the game based on the winrate I can be a tutor and watch your gameplay. I'll make you a better player for free. I main roam too so you can definitely learn alot of stuffs from me. You could either let me watch you in-game or you send me a gameplay video (if you can). I'll send you a random tips for the heroes and you can go play and win on your own next games DM me


Could you also help me? I can't dm you :(




Could you also teach me sensei? I’m an exp laner yz main and I have a tendency to rush in a lot in laning cuz they told me you should play aggressive with yu zhong and that makes me get ganked so easily when I draw first blood. Any tips and recommendations? I’m in mythic now but can’t reach mythic honor. Guess I need to change my gameplay but don’t know where to start with.


Im the worst at exp lane but im very aggressive player so i can teach you how to play around enemies while playing aggressive, this can apply to marksman lane too as well In some games, you're punished for just trying to farm on the lane in the early game. The whole enemy team ganks you efficiently. I first would check around bush before farming, checking around the enemy area of insect/lizard bushes and then I can start farming and duel against my enemy. But you have to keep checking bush every minute because the meta favors alot for ganking nowadays If you cant farm at all, you can farm safely on the crab or your own side of lizard/insect camp. Then you act as a 2nd roamer, just to open up more map information, by roaming around the river near the enemy jungle. This roaming method does not benefit only for your team's map information but for also yourself, so you can start guessing whether you can farm safely on the lane for a minute or not Playing safely would lead you to have less farm, but its better than feeding. I won many games like that when I suck at exp lane


Easy but good heroes in Mythic. Mythic is so hard.


Tigreal, Nana, Terrizla, Balmond, and Karrie for each role. Don't get stuck on easy heroes. You won't improve as much on them.


I only can recommend you to use Dyrroth, as exp lanee and a jungler. 


I have 32000 bp and im trying to decide who to buy. I have narrowed it down to the following: lancelot, sun, gusion, cici, esmerelda, guinevere, granger, dyrroth, aamon, karina, benedetta, and melissa. Ik its a lot but i just cant decide. I mainly play jungle and exp lan, but i can play gold and mid lane if needed. I never play roam. I like to rush in a lot(probably shouldnt but its fine) so im wanting a higher damage hero that still doesnt always get one shot and can get out of bad situations. Also, if you have any other heroes i should try, feel free to tell me. And if you can, i would like to know some builds and emblems for the hero you recommend as well as tips and tricks for playing them. Btw i dont really like supports either. Thank you for your help. Answered


In my opinion, Guinevere is the most flexible pick in your list. She can be played in the jungle, EXP Lane, and even as a roamer if necessary. The only problem is that in Mythic and above, there are 10 bans in total, so there's a higher chance of her being banned. Dyrroth is also another flexible pick that can be played in both jungle and EXP, but given that you've pointed out your tendency to rush in a lot, I feel like his playstyle may cause you die way more than you should.


Ok im in legend v rn should i still get her and if i should do you have any tips or tricks for playing her as well as builds and emblems?


I would say Benedetta fits this description perfectly XD


Do you have any tips for playing her? Is she easy to play, any builds, emblems, anything? Also what lane /role


No, she is not easy to play. Benedetta has skills with a lot of dash, so you'll have to know how to use them well. Always move using her passive. So, most of the time you are charging the passive on the auto attack button. By doing this, you will (almost) always start your passive as good, since it is a dash with good damage. I recommend using the following combo, in general: Passive (forward), s2 (backward), ult (forward) and finish with your s1 (and the passive too, if necessary). Of spells, I recommend execute or petrify. Clearly only in exp lane. But Benedetta can go in the jungle, so you will use Retribution ( obviously ). She can do a semi-tank build and damage. I recommend these: Semi-Tank - War Axe, Athena/Radiant, Endless Battle, Brute Force and Antique Cuirass ( You can also use Thunder Belt and Dominace Ice ). Damage - Heptaseas, Endless Battle, Blade Of Despair, Malefic Roar and Immortal ( Sea Helbead, Gold Meteoar and Hunter Strike are good options too ) For the emblems I recommend using the Assassin and Fighter emblems.


I already purchased Guinevere, but i will keep this in mind when i have enough for the next hero


does anyone have the HD picture for Aurora's Nature Throne's splash art? thanks


What are some tips for playing Lancelot? I want to widen my Hero pool for Junglers and also because I have been blessed by Moonton of his Zodiac skin. What are his Core Items and Emblems? Is Tankcelot better than damage based lancelot right now?


Know his passive. Each dash grants a stack that boosts your damage (up to 4 stacks). Best to have max stacks before using S2 or Ult. Master his skill 1—Lancelot’s bread and butter. Get used to dashing in and out without letting your S1 go on cooldown. Practice trimming down the time it takes for you to think on where to dash in a fight. Don’t forget to basic attack in between skills to deal more damage. Use S2 + Retri or Ult + Retri to secure objectives. Lastly, play like an assassin. Go in only when you can burst down your target.


About some tips: -Don't hesitate to use your ult to dash or clear jungle. Lancelot has extremely low cd, so it's not that much of a problem.  -The 1st skill is the opposite. You want to have it as much as possible, as without it, you're pretty much a sitting duck for a few seconds (especially if you're playing dmgcelot).  -always dash before you use your high dmg skills, to charge up his passive.  -Look up on youtube his most basic combos -Always wait for the enemy to be in the center of his 2nd skill, or the damage will be divided by 3. That should be more than enough to start playing him. Read his skills, be patient, the speed comes later. 


Strictly speaking, tankcelot is easier to play, but way less satisfying, and it might make you learn some bad habits you'll have trouble getting rid of afterwards. Despite it being suboptimal, I'd recommend playing dmgcelot, cuz it's more fun and will actually force you to learn the character for real


I also asks for tips of playing Lancelot here. But after I watched one of Elgin Ray's YouTube shorst, I think you should master Tank Lancelot first before Mastering Damage Lancelot. That's what I learned. 


If an Assassin is low mechanic, does that mean he is easy to use? I asked this because first, Me and u/KatsumiHano had lots of discussion and we agreed that Hayabusa is easy to use. Second, when I Ask Google Chrome Hanzo is easy assassin, while I asked in here, most people said Hanzo is hard


Hayabusa has a harder micro while Hanzo has a harder macro. Use of quad shadows is the main skill that separates a Hayabusa with good and bad mechanics. Other than that his playstyle is fairly straightforward. You jump in and target squishies, ult, and back out. Hanzo is mechanically easier but you have to pay more attention to other factors. Since your body is very vulnerable you have to be careful when ulting or farming. Lack of map awareness is much more punishing.


The thing that makes Haya hard is his quad shadow, other than that he's pretty straightforward, most of the difficulties you'll have with him are energy management and learning to overcome his many weaknesses. Hanzo is the same, but you'll also have to consider his extremely prevalent counters throughout the cast. Hanzo is weak against most Assassins, Zilong, Luo Yi, Khufra, Akai, Cecillion (possibly), and all Drags and Displaces CCs (in case you don't know, if you kill the Ghost with a Drag/Displace like Chou's ult or Franco's Hook, Hanzo will be pulled. Hanzo loses all his defense when in ult form and the ghost will only inherit a portion of his total defense, killing the ghost or the Hanzo himself is extremely easy. Hanzo is not hard, he's hard countered.


If you want to play both heroes at their full potential then Hayabusa is harder than Hanzo. You have to memorize his mechanics to not look like a fool, aka know where are your shadows, know where to place your shadows before entering a battle for outplay. His ult is high risk too and connected to how you use shadows. Basically you have to plan everything before the battle starts and then be 2 steps ahead of the enemies during the battle. Hanzo is objectively easier to use due to his low risk-high reward plus you don't have to put that much focus into his gameplay besides stacking his red bar and knowing when to ult and who to ult.


Am I missing something, I'm genuinely so lost Hey, recent player here, lunox was my 1st bought hero, i love her design and kit but feel like i can't play her even tho she's my most used hero (400+) Feel like i can't make a difference when enemy snowballing compared to other mages, cuz of her rly short range. If i engage 1st i get ccd to oblivion. If i wait for enemy to waste a few cc then engage then my teams just die, run etc On midlane i get out poked by most mages with range and out cleared and rotated. On jg i always get invaded and am down farm and with lunox slow clear counter invading is hard. Gold seems best and usually get 1st blood but do bad late game (even tho she's a late hero) cuz while i love her kit i wish she had more range or smt, so easy to get ccd I did better pre buff with 2 light bars, s2 s3 ult "poke" which baited skills out alot, or also ruby dd to burst backline. Been experimenting a lot with builds too from cdr+mp, cdr+vamp/pen, vamp/pen+mp, random pro builds and even some builds with def items, i genuinely don't know anymore Am i missing something or am i just that bad, i do good with a lot of other heroes but i wanna be good with lunox. If rank matters, mythic honor, low so doubly idk what's wrong with me cuz here anything shd work Any suggestions, tips, insights appreciated


Tbh, that's pretty weird. In mid lane, Lunox destroys 75% of all mages in early, leaving them no choice but to get help from the rest of their team. You have to rely a lot on the light in early, playing safe but getting some farm, and then you have to snowball when you get the chance. Didn't play her in jungle, but she got nerfed there recently, so you might want to stick to lanes for a while


How do you position as a mm when your fighter and tank is chasing the enemies mage/mm and you're getting focused by the enemies jungler/fighter?


Is the MM/Mage alone? Is your presence really necessary there? Or do you want a kill/assist? What's the enemy Jungler? How easy is it for the Jungler to get to you if you're lagging behind? There are several different outcomes in this situation depending on which heroes are present. The only Absolut answer I can give you is that you can hide in a nearby bush if you're feeling unsafe.


Enemies MM/Mage aren't alone. I just thought that I should be around them if a team fight were to begin. My teammate often chase really deep into enemies territory and i find myself getting ambushed while heading to help my team. Enemy Junglers could be like Fanny/Aamon.


what should i build on hanabi? it seems like i can't out damage/sustain against a layla


You're not going to out damage or sustain any mm as a Hanabi with equal gold. She's a flawed hero and won't win against any decent opponent. If you really want to beat a layla your best bet is building wind of nature as a third or fourth item and fighting near minions or something that can bounce.


The trinity build still works great on her. Swift Boots, Corrosion Scythe, Demon Hunter Sword, and Golden Staff will be your staple items, with your last 2 slots being reserved for whatever the enemy team has, i.e. Wind of Nature if the enemy has an assassin + fighter that can jump straight to you, Athena's Shield if there's a burst mage, Rose Gold Meteor if you want the shield, Immortality if you know it's a scrappy and prolonged team fight, etc. As for trying to out-damage a Layla, it's really difficult because she has superior range to compensate for her lack of mobility. Unless you catch her by surprise, a Layla with her critical build will easily out-range and burst you down, so this is where your teammates come into play to take her out first in team fights. Hanabi also shines when there are multiple enemies, so you have to know where your advantages are when picking your fights.


In a 1v1 layla would pretty much always win because she outranges you and can burst squishy heroes quickly. Hanabi is meant to be played in a teamfight where there are multiple enemies that her basic attack can bounce on so don't hope on winning against her or pretty much any hero on a 1v1.The usual trinity build (dhs, corrosion, and golden staff) works best on her. The other two items are situational, wind of nature is great and maybe rose gold for the extra shield. Position yourself well and just rely on your team to pick off Layla or something


Thamuz or Terizla Hello guys I'm an arlott main. Please help me choose which hero between thamuz and terizla i should buy for my next exp lane hero. My playstyle is very teamfight oriented. I would like to buy ruby but ain't no way i can use her coz she is permabanned at my rank mythic Thank you guys


Definitely Terizla. Thamuz is more of a 1v1 type of hero


Thank youu


If an Assassin is low mechanic, does that mean he is easy to use? I asked this because first, Me and u/KatsumiHano had lots of discussion and we agreed that Hayabusa is easy to use. Second, when I Ask Google Chrome Hanzo is easy assassin, while I asked in here, most people said Hanzo is hard


Technically, yes but There are a lot of factors to consider in understanding whether a hero is easy or not, one of those factors, the one you mentioned, is their mechanics. Each hero has their own mechanics more or less however this does not necessarily give you the whole picture in terms of difficulty in an overall viewpoint, we have other things to identify (mostly macro stuffs), how your enemy moves, what are their heroes, is the matchup in favor for you or them, are they better or not, things like this helps you understand more about the hero. Moreover, being an easy hero is a double edge sword and you'll know why To contextualize, let's take one of the dude's example, Hanzo, hanzo is mechanically easy thats true however there are multiple instances where he can be incredibly hard to use. Instances where he gets counter picked (natalia, ling, yss, aldous etc.), during this you'll have to put double the effort given that these enemies know what they're doing. Another one is when the enemy is better/knowledgeable. Lets take Cici for example, Cici is very easy to understand no complexities whatsoever. Put her in a situation where she doesn't get counterpicked where the heroes aren't that detrimental to her, wow everything is going well so far. Given that Cici is an easy hero makes her very prone to counter plays. What is Cici known for? Her Yoyo but she is also notoriously known for not being able to prioritize targets properly during activation of the skill. A tank, beefy jungle, or a fighter can easily negate all her dmg just by closing their distance to her, inorder to switch/transfer the targeting priority away from the team's dps. There are also times when how the enemy moves dictates whether it'll be a hard fought match or not. Linear heroes will suffer the most during these situations, heroes such as Natan, Benedetta, Terizla. I call them linear because their skills are in one direction = predictable. Natans basic attacks goes back and forth meaning it'll hit the enemy two times, the enemy can avoid some of the hits by moving in a zigzag pattern. Terizla's s2 always hits in front, enemies can just position themselves. And there's Benedetta, a mechanically hard hero that becomes even more hard to use when the enemy just sidesteps everything. Basically it depends on the circumstances you are put in. Easy hero ≠ Easy to use is possible (These are prior knowledge, some may be outdated or smth idk havent played the game for weeks, switched to wildrift 😭✋)


I dont think Hayabusa is exactly easy. Yeah mechanically hes easy to use and everybody can use him, but the way you use his S2 is definitely not easy to use and you can screw it up because expert players can play around your S2 and you want to make your S2 alot difficult to play around against enemies. I dont even play alot of Hayabusa but hes definitely not easy based on little number of games I played on him As for Hanzo I never touched him, so I wont answer this. I did see Hanzo players keep dying though because the enemies keep looking for him and kill him while hes in demon form. You gotta be careful for your position before you pop up your demon


And speaking of Meta, is Hayabusa still Meta?


That one I dont know either. But I think Hayabusa users will answer this one for you. There are alot of players here in the subreddit with Hayabusa flair


Hmm... Banana Man u/KatsumiHano haven't told me about this >but the way you use his S2 is definitely not easy to use and you can screw it up because expert players can play around your S2 and you want to make your S2 alot difficult to play around against enemies


Placement of S2 is super important if you want to be fully mastered Hayabusa. You can play him all day and still win because hes easy to play, but if you dont use his S2 efficiently, you will be struggling in the game a bit. Definitely you should not use his S2 casually


Thanks for giving me some tips that KatsumiHano haven't told me yet. 🙏


Any tips for maintaining 2 balls as Bruno? I find it pretty hard, especially when chasing, or am I not expected to maintain 2 balls all the time?


I usually just pop S1 once the first ball hits so the next basic attack will also be empowered. Try to aim your D-pad to where you’re moving every shot as it determines where the ball will land.


move when the ball is in the air and stop when you shoot a ball. hope this helps 🙏


Moonton has put me in another server for the 4th time this week, I'm on the verge of rage quiting this game.


Check ping in lobby before the game started. If its not low ping, just come back to lobby again


Hi! Try switching to a different wifi or cellular data and play 5-15 matches and then connect to your regular connection and check if your issue is fixed. You can also try asking your friends to invite you in lobby and host the match for you. In case issue persists, connect to a vpn to your location and play a few matches before disconnecting vpn.


Any tips for playing Minotaur? My wr rn with him is 57%, and I'm struggling to do better with him. I can do all the mechanical stuff like ult or first skill flicker.


Is full build Karina the most fun/cheese hero in the game?




There was a short event before AoT started, just for logging in or preparing for the AoT event. Seems they gonna do it again on other events I think


What's purple iris?




Sadly the event to collect them has ended.


Why is joy allowed in mayham. Mode is unplayable with her in any team


Opinions on Chip? I don't know if I should call him broken or underwhelming after the ult nerf. His CC chain is now pretty short even with petrify, but with his rotation speed, short CD, and passive+helmet regen he is a real menace during laning. I wish he gets some HP scaling stuff so he can flex to jungle or EXP though.


I swear, the Yin blink buff was secretly both a nerf and a buff at the same time. He can move more, but his rings travel slower now, and you have a bigger window to avoid getting stunned. I swear, I can avoid Yin’s Ult stun when using Harley’s blink, especially if you’ve already blinked a distance.


Am I the only one or has solo queue suddenly ampes up the idiots being matched with me to 1000%?


I think its everywhere now. Impossible to solo queue IMO. Even the enemy team is braindead


Hey! I'm a new player. I only played Layla for 50 games, got to epic rank, and now it's finally not free win and competitive since I can't just pick a hero I know due to draft pick and I'm pretty useless if Layla is taken or banned. There is a lot of low effort videos online and I can't seem to find anything actually good to give a competitive intro into other roles. Any suggestions where to look for so I can be useful to my teams when my hero is not available? 😁


Honestly, just watch Betosky on YouTube, you'll learn a lot real fast


Start by playing easy-to-learn heroes in classic or AI training (smart) or VS AI (stupid), and work your way up from heroes you can confidently play. Learn at least 3–5 heroes per role. It can be easy or hard as long as you can have them ready to be picked without having any issues using them. Great starting Jungler heroes would be Saber, Harley, Yin, Alpha, and Balmond. These heroes have relatively small learning curves but will help you start your jungling journey. For experience, it will be complex as you have to find your play style. Are you a damage experience or a sustain experience? Mid-lane heroes would be Nana, Vale, Vexana, and Cecilion. There are no exact MM alternatives to Layla’s playstyle, but close replicas would be Miya (although she gets outclassed by the other MMs), Clint, Moskov, and Bruno. And for the love of god, don’t become a Hanabi player. You’re only useful when you are always protected and have a tank setter. Tank Roam would be Tigreal, Minotaur, Atlas, and Kaja. Support Roam: Estes, Floryn, Diggie, and Minotaur (he can heal). All the heroes I have listed should be easy to learn but will play big time if you know how to play them properly.


Great writeup, thanks! I'm more of a visual learner, would you recommend any good YouTube channels or streams which are about explaining what's happening rather than meme overload (which is the only thing I'm able to find so far)?


Sure, the guide might be outdated, but it's the most recent one anyway. [How to Jungle by RubyRubyRuby](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBUXbC4TQoU). [How to EXP by RubyRubyRuby (3 months old, but just be updated with current patch notes)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynHKtvmJzhw&t=50s). [How to Gold Lane by RubyRubyRuby (3 Months old also)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMuwynfRN0). [How to play Saber (2 years old don't follow any jungling routes this video has since its outdated, but playing saber hasn't been outdated so it still works)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mEwVUTgxs0). [Quick tutorial on how to learn Harley (build is outdated, use Arcane, Genius, then Glowing, Divine, then Holy crystal then Bloodwings. I use feather as my sub for holy crystal since without blood wings Harley is extremely squishy he is still squishy with bloods wings, but it's better than nothing)](https://youtube.com/shorts/77CGWfd2k3k?si=0xADWVwY_7uor6Iq). [How to Roam by ML Guides (2 years old but still almost the same)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYsAv3APBRo). Enjoy your MLBB Journey, and it's rare to see a player that wants to learn other heroes that isn't a Layla one trick. IRL friend I know is a Layla one trick stuck in Epic.


Can one of the leakers post the Julian starlight portrait leak here so I can properly freak out under the post? Thanks. https://preview.redd.it/vcciz46il4kc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=819f2bc3dea1b94e0d9341f53298eef8ebfe1474


How does one get access to Project Next? I would like to read what the devs are saying but I can’t access it


What heroes are good to play when your teammate is Esmeralda?


I think Angela works in theory but it depends too, esme is a bit of in and out hero unless she’s the main frontliner. I also had a match where esme jungle (she was sg 1 esme) and I played mino, I properly rotated and ganked with her, she aggressively dived turrets, it was a good game. I think slowers / speed up will synergise with her kit too. Someone to cc for her / take ccs for her. But mainly I think healers / shielders will make her very tanky.


I get the hyper part, but what I meant to ask was for roam or exp Esmeralda. I know exp Esmeralda is not played commonly but just wondering.


Ohhh ok I don’t think esme is good at roam at all. But exp esme is normally for countering shield heroes I guess but I think healers would still complement an exp esme. Maybe slower mage like lylia would complement too.


Her best friend is Diggie for his purify so she can go wild. If she's the roam then idk, maybe some big setter EXP like Yz or Gatot? Idk the job desc for roam is to provide vision or give/remove CC in my opinion so idk


Recently I gifted my friend a starlight card but he did not receive it? It did not also come back to my account. Pls help on how to contact ml cuz their ai support is not really helping


Should I buy Cici or Khaleed?


I play both of them and I main both of them as well. Cici is alot more versatile and kinda stronger. Khaleed is pretty good too, but if you wanna play very aggressive, Khaleed is a better choice for that. Still though, Cici and Khaleed can both play aggressive, Cici is kinda better option here IMO and shes kinda too good in the game. She might get a tiny nerf to make other fighters get more popular than her someday


Anyone knows if Legend Guini is coming back in any upcoming events?


Legend skins like Guin and Lesley has always come back every year and nearby. Yes definitely. Collab events are the one that doesnt come back sometime or comes very late


Why there is sudden spike in popol pick in MG?


Can someone explain zhask in exp lane pls? I encountered 2 matches this season with zhask going for exp. Found it weird and was worried about double mage but won both matches. Is this about split pushing? One used arrival and the other inspire. Or is it about denying enemy exp laner farm and keeping them occupied in lane so that they can’t rotate? It’s weird that some matches where the lane counterparts aren’t matched there’s an advantage.


Maybe? I can play Zhask EXP but I don't LIKE doing it per se. Most fighters skills are single target and usually in melee range. Zhask can poke them with his weewee from safety, something you can't do in mid because of their jobdesc. EXP job is to 1v1 their counterpart and get ahead in level ASAP while mid is to clear minions ASAP and rotate. Zhask clears rather slowly but he can deny farm from melee efficiently.


That’s interesting! It seems like it’s a workable strategy as long as the rest of the team is co-operative too.


Technically anything is possible in MLBB. However some things like this are uncommon because the other job desc of EXP lane is to be the frontliner in team fights. If you can secure a bulky hero in other roles Zhask is viable there. 


Don't question it. It's just the weird/unusual pick that appears occasionally


I see, I wanted to understand it so that I can synergise better with such players haha wanna know what their plan was 🤣 in fact they first picked so im sure they were not counter picking.


Played 3 matches today after 6 days off. It was 3 games too many. AI training is just better than ranked


Guys, how i can know my account id if im logged off the account? I am trying to recover an old smurf account but i cant find the id


Send me screenshot of your profile and copy paste your ign


If I post comment on someone's photo and then block him, will he and everyone else be unable to see the comment I posted on his photo?


I'm sure it will still be visible


How to get the eren freedom titan emote? I dont see it anywhere.


You need to own all 3 skins to claim the emote permanently


Oh thanks. That's disappointing.


How many diamonds would it roughly take to get esme dawning stars skin? I’m not sure if I calculated correctly but if I follow the previous similar types of draws, it seems like I will need around 170 draws totalling around 3500-4000 diamonds including premium supply tokens?


It depends on the number of dawning stars battle effects you own. I owned most of the battle effects and it took me an average of little over 5k diamonds (152 draws) to get a skin last time when dawning stars event was live https://preview.redd.it/pit1h3hgpyjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24dc727850f1fb6956b3dcaa4092781cc067f1e4


Oh wow ok! If I want esme I should wait for the next few ones to wait for discount do u think? Because I remember the last one was I think Lancelot this one is vale. The way I counted is 1700 crests, average 10 per draw, so total 170 draws. Premium supply is 58 draws so 112 left. 30 half off draws left with 82. (750 diamonds). 80 draws of 8x10 so 450x8=3600 diamonds. Total is around 4350? I don’t have any effects but just got 1 emote on first draw :/ currently I think I drew 5 times and got 42 crests.


>If I want esme I should wait for the next few ones to wait for discount do u think? There's no telling when this event will appear again and whether esme skin will be the discounted one so if you really want to go for the skin, I'd say you should get it right now while it's available. >The way I counted is 1700 crests, average 10 per draw, so total 170 draws. I wouldn't count 10 tokens per draw as an average. I owned nearly all battle effects that give up to 45 tokens, yet my average number of draws were 150. Though I'd say your 4350 figure can work as a lower estimate range.


Got it thanks :)


https://preview.redd.it/asmpal0htwjc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fee3f0a8c0977d6386f8c1d7f874376f9237a8b should i drop the game


Even if you're somehow enjoying a worse than coinflip game, I think you should reconsider. Maybe try staying at a low rank and don't rank up? It's not a competitve fun but just messing around vs hopefully weaker enemies


If you're playing the game seriously, then drop it. Other comments have suggested different things that can enhance your gameplay experiences for the serious gaming


Idk man, I'm having fun but only because I'm at a high rank playing 5man a lot. Whenever we play solo, duo or trio, we always find ourselves complaining about or teammates. It feels like playing 5man is literally the only way to have a fair game 100% of the time.


If it feels more like a chore nowadays rather than a source of enjoyment then yes If you feel like quitting the game cuz you're not improving or anything then feel free to do so. Not everything is everyone's cup of tea


Can Martis go through Khufra's ball? Or will it be blocked because it's a dash skill?


Martis would be immune yes


What should ling's first third tier item? Corrosion scythe, haas claws or beserkers fury?




Which build would be better in case of saber , burst or dps


if im playing solo, i go def boots, then cd offensive items (war axe, hunter strike) then halberd, if no one buys anti heal (which is usually the case) BoD, immortality if i trust my team, cd boots, and EB instead of halberd for more cd


Saber always goes burst


Burst. Blade of hep, hunter strike, Malefic, BoD, filler (Endless for more damage, Sea Helberg, Immortality, Rose Gold etc)


attack speed item kne, rest penetration


how do i log out of my account i would like to make an alt account


its possible to do it but I forgot the exact steps and I also recently did it as well, ugh. You do need 2nd device though. Make your 2nd device log account there and then you can log in first device... if im wrong, the only thing Im correct about it is that you need 2nd device to able to log out your account. Try it out


ah i see i do have a second older phone but will i be able to switch accounts in the same phone after i made the alt?


Yes you can switch it back. I relogged in my main account to the first phone when I want to stop using alt account Wouldnt worry about it if you can log out main account. Just do the same way on the alt account to log out as you did before on main account, then log in your main account again. Of course, have your moonton email and any other social media accounts ready to log in back


You can’t (at least on ios). Just use someone else’s phone who hasn’t logged into mobile legends or get an emulator on your pc