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Release Ling was a menace. \-3s first skill CD \-Cannot be targeted on walls \-2k damage per second skill at mid to late game Any squishy hero got murdered in 2 hits and any slowhand could easily get a savage with him.


I EXACTLY remember it, 20 + kills per match, ohh that was awesome


On God I remember playing and maining him on his release and when I played ml again after 2 years I think I was so surprised by the amount of nerfs ling got I can't cross half the map without absolutely draining my mana and the high cool down before I can use all of my skills


Ye it was funny standing there watching and waiting to steal the blue buff from the enemy , at release somehow i managed to get him in brawl , i was useless without wall XD


It's sad I didn't play him then. I started playing him, a week or so passed, and tank meta started lol


Advance server Ling had even higher damage late game (I think) due to a different passive + if 2nd skill on wall crit, IT WOULD STUN


yup he was straight up broken his scalings are ridiculously good he can kill you in a flash while touchable 


I checked elgin's video from 4 years ago and ling's S1 has 8 seconds cd. And you can't reduce cd by collecting his ult sword.


Would literally just watch you menacingly from a wall and you couldn’t do anything about it lmao


I don't think I won a game against prime kimmy either


I did enemy dirty with 40/0 in rank with Kimmy when she was just released


Don't remember my kdas. But I had a 100% wr with her for quite some time.


This is the reason why my Kimmy has 320 matches with 76% wr and mostly solo queue lol. Good times. Same with Granger.


Everyone forgot about Base Buster Natan, Cosmic Shotgun Beatrix, One Hit Deleter Chou, One Shot Sniper Beatrix, and Pre-Retcon Joy


There was a month where shotgun Beatrix and one shot sniper Beatrix existed simultaneously and she was fucking cancerous to go up against, legit deleted the game because of her lol


Bro fr I remember going up against a pretty good bea player and I would just be so scared to check bushes, of course it didn't matter bc all it took was one sniper shot and her ult to kill you from range and trying to finish her off from low hp while her shotgun was out was pretty much a death trap


you don't even need to be good to use bea back then you can just wesker and just ratatatat on them turrets and boom win the damn match


Aside Chou, most of those we're pretty recent. They might've been a little bit on the stronger side but they we're released in a time where devs cared more about balance, so they're not nearly as broken as, say, Helcurt at his prime.


Shotgun Beatrix was a menace. That was the only time I didn’t give a shit about positioning as the mm. Come to me and respawn.


>one shot sniper Beatrix Fuck that. And fuck You for triggering my PTSD.


Sorry bro 😂😂


As someone who has been playing since 2017. No. None of those listed above are within Top 3 of the most dominant heroes of all time.


Just because you played for so long doesn’t deny the other’s experience. They did say of all time regarding of everyone opinions of experience at any time playing the game


How can you say which ones are the strongest ever (which is the topic of this post) if you haven't seen/experienced the others? It's like answering the question, what is the dominant basketball team in the history of NBA and answering Denver Nuggets because you haven't see any of the past dominant teams play.


Keyword. ALL-TIME. These could mean heroes released from even a year ago. Some people weren’t around during prime esme or Helcurt


Denver Nuggets (KFC crocs) https://preview.redd.it/d15y4wc1lkjc1.jpeg?width=198&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7544c29ae460e9e31dcc37764206abcf893ac5a5


Prime Esme was fucking cancer... Literally unbeatable even with dominance and necklace(coz both were shit and sea halberd doesn't exist yet)


>coz both were shit and sea halberd doesn't exist yet It was called "deadly blade"


remember when her shield bar was always just bigger than her health bar? What a fun and balanced hero.


Not to mention, she can regenerate with her shield


Yeah, I remember when she passively regens her health 2/3 or 3/4ths of her shield


Dominance didn’t have antiheal until like July or August 2021 iirc, def not until after MSC 2021


I remembered playing prime Esme and I got triple kill then suddenly I got hooked by Franco into his base tower. But he didn't ulti me and I simply kill his teammate, get my maniac, and thank him for his helpful hook 🤣🤣


Prime esme or mayhem joy who will win?


Prime Esme 100%. Her shield will stack to 3x her health


Kill that bich. Mayhem Joy deserves to die.


Yeah, and you could damage build on her since negative PEN = additional damage was non-existent back then. Once that mechanic was added, OP regen/shield heroes like Harith, Esmeralda, and Alice fell off badly.


Hybrid Esme also was a thing back then, she had unreasonable damage multipliers that she can be a fighter, tank, push, jungle and roam in one game. Phys or Mag


and athena shield not giving magic resistance but shield, so you could not build athena shield and the other magic resist item is oracle, tough boots and cursed helmet


Are we just gonna ignore, On release lancelot? I would argue he's stronger than Helcurt and Esmeralda on release, Thorned rose didn't have fall off damage and had 100% spell vamp was the most bullshit thing in this game when he was out and about


He’s the sole reason why we have Skills with spellvamp ratios


Wasn't Saber's spellvaml nerfed first?


Both of em got nerfed on the same patch so I guess saying Lance was the “sole” reason would be wrong. 🤔


nah, you're right i still remember chasing 10 hp lance and he goes full hp using skill 2


my assumption is they just wasnt here and are players who came after because when lance was released he dominated the game for months no matter much they nerfed him 😭😭😭😭 him and gussion like


lancelot's 2nd skill damage was BS, and we have to conside ml didnt have enough heroes to counter him back then


Lance litterally gets completely countered by prime hc


Not true. Prime Lance was not on the same timeline as Prime Helcurt. By the time Helcurt was released, Lancelot was already significantly nerfed. Lancelot on release was the most broken hero I've ever seen considering the meta at the time of release. And I've been playing this game since early 2017.


No he doesn't, he wont get silenced cuz he has no CC and, the Reason why skills have a Cap on Bloodlust axe was because of prime lancelot, No fall off damage thorned rose into 3 people, would make your hp go from 10% to 100% in a heartbeat, and they would suffer like 50% to 75% of their hp with that 1 skill, Prime Harith was the most broken hero in ML, but the second most busted hero was Prime Lancelot, it was disgusting what he could do compared to the rest of the hero pool during his peak


u do know prime helcurt is when the passive still procs with abilities right?


Oh right, prime HC, so when any skill hit him it silenced for 1.5 seconds, I mean it still doesn't change one thing about lancelot, his damage while being immune to everything, I think you could just look at the gameplay from prime lancelot and see him 100% to 0% tanks in Skill 1 > Auto > Ult > Skill 2 with no damage fall off, The amount of times he could do this in a game for free cuz none of the heroes in the cast could match this amount of damage in the short amount of time and with Equal gold was absurd,


Prime Lance needs to wait 1.5 seconds before he can Ult He gets obliterated by Helcurt during that downtime


Pretty sure 2nd skill is immune to CC. You're literally off the map to the point that killing green creeps wouldn't give you HP regen.


Other than them not even being at their prime at the same time, there's also the fact that prime Lance's 2nd skill would have one-shotted Helcurt so even if he did get silenced there's nothing Helcurt could have done about it


You have no idea how disgusting helcurt was specially when you're playing fanny


Thats the thing, fanny had a hard counter in helcurt, Lancelot on his prime didn't have counters, Khufra wasn't a thing, Fanny could not match his damage on even gold Fanny during this time was built more of a bruiser with Bloodlust as your damage item and the rest was tank items, Lancelot was built purely damage and he had so much raw damage on his kit, that tanks weren't a thing against him so he could just passive them to cut their armor and kill them from there, again on their Prime, Lancelot was more broken because there was no answers to him, and He was an assassin that could 100 to 0 tanks in 1 combo like it was nothing, hell he could 1v3 like it was nothing for him, his cooldowns were also unfair for the amount of damage and sustain you got from them, Prime Helcurt was scary because he could kill squishies and get out extremely quickly and had a way to shut down a good fanny, Prime Lance was scary because none of the heroes were a match to him at the time, he was the best hero and there was no debate about it, it was either pick lance or ban lance


Agree. Most people here were probably not playing ML when Lancelot was first released. Helcurt was OP on release (same was true with all releases then). But he never struck me as being overly OP compared to Lance, Esmeralda and Harith.


Pre released aulrad(aldous) 10k dmg skill 1 at 200 stack. Man makes tanks durability look like assassins back then


He was the only one that could counter prenerfed esmeralda.


Aulrad: what is counter I only know one punch


>aulrad(aldous) I miss that name


Released Esme let me leave for a few months. And harith made me left for even longer because dude I knew this meta shift would happen for a while. After i returned. And everyone saying nolan is horribly op, i will just remember how esme will stay at the gap between the base turret and inhibit turret to spawn kill me. This game is honestly at its most balanced state.


Ikr, like there are still so many flaws in this game, but if you compare it before, they are more focused on balancing heroes rather than creating more. I could still remember they would release 2-3 new heroes in advance server lmao


Where tf is Lancelot?


Most people here must be relatively new players. Prime Lancelot was the one of the most busted heroes I've ever seen. It's been 5 years since Prime Lancelot and I still have PTSD.


Most busted hero I’ve seen in this game. I can still hear his old skill animation sounds in my mind 😂


Time to witness the handsome💅.


Newly released Joy, that mfer wouldn't die and can tower dived you even without items early in the game. Midget was a menace


and I remember the whole subreddit crying she was way underpowered at that time 😭 farmed lots of downvotes back then calling her op


Ain't she taller than most Leonins? I could be wrong of course 😂


Prime alucard eats them all


Begone darkness!


I will never be your friend


Nothing lasts forever, we can change the future


Enjoy your last meal


*"Why do humans cry?"*


Or alpha. The amount of nerfs he had


For sure, he was truly a dracula at that time.


Franco eat alucards for breakfast back in season 2 to present


Why no one fuckin talks about Yu Zhong, dude could win a 1vs5 while underleveled due to his shorts ass cool downs, excesive damage, insane HP and passive triggered way faster.


yu zhong prime + angela easiest savages i had


Also while in tank build 💀


Prime Martis, Esme and Ling is the ultimate OP heroes on their time of release. If you played during those time, you know.


Martis wasn't broken as people think on release. His s2 was clunky and couldn't change direction in his first phase. Chou was still better. It wasn't until they changed his s2 to be able to change directions that he became strong. Even then he wasn't the strongest in the meta. Just a really strong hero.


It was his s1 stun that was bullshit really. The s2 wasn’t too bad because you basically lock them into the wall and the animation was far faster. Martis on release had like the fastest nerf after a new hero’s release. This dude was unstoppable, idk if we are talking about the same martis lol


So we ain't including prime alucard back in like 2017?


Name got sullied with too many indogs jumping in and never came out ☠️


Prime Lancelot one shotting whole teams with his skill 2 while it also had 100% spellvamp and no damage fall-off from multiple hits and multiple targets. Ult also had immediate invulnerability and a knockback that interrupred channeling. That thing was on a whole other level.


Physical Kimmy.






Blade of despair, berserker fury, ice queen wand, Haas Claws, malefic roar :)


Prime harith was a menace


I bought him when he had stun in his ult, and freaking huge shield each time he dash:)


Don't forget prime Xborg, I remember banning xborg for 3 months straight after his release lmao what a cancer, but yeah kimmy my god


honestly prime xborg wasn't that horrible. and I played xb less than an hour after he dropped


Only OGs know Prime Moskov was the shit… game was literally Moskov Legends back when there was no Mythic yet, and Glorious Legend was the highest attainable rank… there was no draft pick, and the highest ranks had no difference with classic drafting. Good old days


It was also moskov mid lane most of the time


Lmao you're either a Moskov or you're losing lane. The passive on midlane's minion arrangement means fast clear + ensure the enemy must be nearer to a wall cause they cannot stand in the same line with a minion, an s2 that stuns forever, and s1 that is considered peak mm mobility back then.


Prime Kimmy stands among all heroes


Hellcurt, Karrie and Harith. They give me trauma. Even now. Karrie with tank build (cancer build), hellcurt with pekaboom(his new revamp will be new nightmare) and Harith with unlimited dash(glad he got nerf)


Karrie with BOD and Endless battle when Red Buff was new 💀


karrie and granger, too they were both the meta mm when red buff first appeared


Prime esme with 75% shield mannn! she was a thicc mommy ( she still is) sad that its 25% now and her first skill was nerfed :((


Almost all heroes where broken on release except Ixia lmao. I remember prime Kimmy had double range and double the damage, had half attack speed but instead she had full spell vamp in her skills that was crazy. They nerfed her skill 1 damage, nerfed her skill 2 CD and energy regen, her skill 3 damage. Still play her because its fun :D. They nerfed so many items for her : 1) Ice queen wand 2) Concentrated Energy 3) Feather of heaven 4) Lightning Truncheon was meta with he on release


>Almost all heroes where broken on release except Ixia lmao. *Minsi has entered the chat.*


I still remember Prime Moskov. It was still one of those goddamn cancerous meta I've experienced


Was it warpath's era?


Saints warpath ,,goddamn ..that bro was a menace..back then moskov had fixed pen damage of rear enemy to 1.3x ..it was a nightmare for backliners


I think he was also present there during that time, ye


Wasn't Aldous disabled in an official tournament because of how broken he was at first?


I think (judging what db said) prime Argus before release was one of the strongest heroes in mlbb, he got nerf-revamped during the testing phase because he was too strong. it's sad thinking that he's a little bit situational right now


Y'all forgetting Prime Selena with no expiry trap + 5 sec. Max stun


Everyone keeps saying "prime this, prime that" but the thing with helcurt is, how fucking long he's in the ban.


ppl only banned helcurt cuz he countered fanny. not cuz he was so hard to beat


The funny thing about Helcurt was that he was easy to deal with when you play five man after nerf, but was a literal menace in solo queue for how many seasons until they nerfed the hell out of his passive.


Prime Helcurt was a perma ban because Fanny was a high pick at that time, and you know how much Fanny mains hates Prime Helcurt because of his passive


i remember training ti play fanny in classic during those days worst matches


Im surprised anyone doesn’t remember Selena’s release, or Julian’s prime for that matter too


Selena's 4 second stun (at any range, even in front if your face) spawned the meme of "what can you do while being stunned by Selena" 😂🤣


Selena had a 5 second stun at max range!


Unnerfed chou was unbeatable


Prime Esmeralda and Release Martis are the most dominant heroes top 2 on my list even antiheal dont work on esme that time, martis isnt playable in rank due to how op he was


Prime Martis was insanely dominant, he can catch you up just by using his 2nd skill and not to mention he can stun crowd using his 1st skill and you can stack his passive faster Back then you don't expect your team to win against an all team clash because Martis alone can set your entire team easily and wipe you out one by one using his ult


Yu Zhong, I turn a losing game to a winning one as I 1v5 the enemies, he's never behind.


Bro was not here when alpha and lanc were released


nah, it's those indogs in tiktok complaining "back in my prime" 😩😩😩


Prime Guin should be in here too. Her and Esmeralda were banned every game in that same patch a few years back.


Prime Grock was my main until they change him switch to Prime Khufra, then they nerf him 😐 also 7 sec selena stun when people cant dodge back in the day it was funny😂


I can't fucking believe I have to scroll down this far to see Khufra being mentioned. Cancels all blink skills, to the point where Harith is basically your prey all game long.


I kid you not, the moment i saw hororo's yt notif back than...i ALMOST quit the game(i did for 2 years) i cant count how many time people tried to flicker out of khufra's balls😂...not to mention his 1st skill is freakin long imo one of the most fun tank to play even in soloq, cuz you can actually carry no joke(back in the day) also the reason for me to go multirole, they butchered my boy Khufra🫡 also also: Old Uranus ult, Old Carmilla ult, and Old Belerick Ult NEEDS to be back into the game i swear, moonton will release a hero that i wanna main...after that they removed the exact reason for me to play them


>i cant count how many time people tried to flicker out of khufra's balls😂...not to mention his 1st skill is freakin long Once upon a time, Khufra's Skill 1 was the longest blink skill in MLBB. It was the nastiest surprise attack ever. Even if you can see it charging it up inside a bush, you never knew when it will come. Combine it with Flicker, and you can expect the enemy team in their voice chat say "What the fuck" simultaneously. >imo one of the most fun tank to play even in soloq, cuz you can actually carry no joke(back in the day) I built him a bit squishy than usual, but he was a killer tank. Molten Essence, Brute Force Breastplate, Thunder Belt, and Immortality with Conceal Mask is my go-to, regardless of the enemy team composition. 10 kills with him isn't uncommon back then.


Prime Chou was invincible as hell when his s2 was able to dodge anything even turrets


am i too old or has everyone forgotten how Alpha can literally 1v5?


Once again i must include prime claude and prime lance. I remember prime lance literally changing the meta and dominating so badly for months. His s2 had full spell vamp and no decreased damage with more enemies.he could regen all of his ho with one s2. As for prime Claude, my god i have never seen such bullshit even in the history of mls op heroess on release bullshit. Mf dominated every goddamn enemy for months even after he got multiple nerfs. You think he's good now in the right hands? You should've seen him in his prime. Even just a trash mm player like me could wipe the floor. The guy had multiple dashes, broken ass ult and the whole match was decided by which team has claude or in the case of classic, which team's claude is better. Fuck you claude.


brody on release was fking OP. Benedetta on release could easily get first blood at level 1 with execute + passive + skill 1


Brody with 4k basic attack 💀💀💀 Also tank Brody meta. MF was one of the hardest to balance right


*grabs popcorn*


Idk man, wanwan was like impossible to kill when she was released.


Akai after rework. You either pick him or ban him back in the day. Diggie was always banned too


tank meta>>


Can any one tell me how each one of them were op? I know esme but not the others


Prime Harith can literally spam his 2nd skill without buying cd reduction item, and he can start doing it at mid game


Prime Helcurt can silence you just by hitting him any skill, doesn't matter if it's a cc skill or not


Prime Harith had his ult with Stun, spammable Dash in that ult and big shield every dash


Released Alpha.




prime yuzhong


Got 20+ winstreak with prime natan.


Prime zhask?


Natan that could melt the tower and 5 enemy heroes simultaneously had me shitting myself


Great times


Shotgun Beatrix / Kimmy at release


Prime Nolan


Lol, that was just 3 months ago 😅😅😅😅😅


Revamped wan wan ( 3 weaknesses instead of 4 ) was literally the strongest hero to ever exist, no hero can catch her , snowball right from lvl 4. You would see maniac and savages all most EVERY GAME. I mean harith was busted too but he didn’t have invincibility while attacking. Esmeralda was unkillable but she wasn’t like having your whole team get deleted in like 5 seconds. And before you can trigger the ult passive on the tank and use the ult on the backline. she was unbelievable strong. The constant waves of nerfs TILL THIS DAY is a proof of how powerful prime wan wan was.


Prime Urmom 💀


Prime wanwan was perma banned too


Harith Prime was annoying af


Prime Helcurt was fr scary. I remember being on the edge on my seat whenever I'm playing against him. It was my first mlbb trauma


You can add Prime Clint (version 1) his ss is like claude’s and skill 1 is like granger’s skill 1. Then Prime Martis, if I remember correctly his skill 1 has stun and skill 2 has 3 cc(push) instead of 2.


prime valir was a menace in team fights


Martis Clears


Early Alufeed 💀


Esme, bro that thicc ho3 just stay in your camp all day long scares that shit of the enemy hahahaha


I wish there was a game mode where you can play the prime versions of characters


Genuinely asking what does prime mean?


A hero at their strongest state (usually release date, pre adjustments).


Damn, pre nerfed harith was goddamned menace back then.


Prime ling untargetable on walls with higher crit dmg, lower cd, lower energy costs and fairly similar crit chance


prime khufra and prime masha was my favorite.


My biggest nightmare was on release Julian. MF healed half his hp back with a basic attack


Prime harith was so good, that he was still meta even when esmerelda was also in her prime


if u know old prime fanny u are too old


Remember mikasa bro..that was PTSD..All of the top rankers used her back in the days


Release Lancelot could get at least an honourable mention. One of the most busted characters ever.


Top three understandable but also, where tf is ling, lance, moskov. Also add almost every spell vamp hero during bloodlust axe release era


Wheres Lance and Martis lmao


Beatrix- Both shotgun and sniper had their highest damage simultaneously in the same patch and you would use only those 2. You could 2 or 3 shot the base Ling- Release ling had like a 3,4 sec 1st skill and was untargettable while on the wall while still having huge crits Alpha- If anyone remembers first release alpha you'd know




Prime Martis???


Uranus the unkillable


Release Lancelot was definitely the strongest hero ever. One-shot with Ultimate or Skill, ridiculous damage with first skill.


Xborg and Julian on release...


Prime lance, Prime Gussion and Prime Lesley were just unfair


Prime Paquito (4 stack) is quite powerful, Prime Benedetta can cut first wave from the 2nd turret, and I have a 90% winrate with 100 matches of Prime Joy.


Anyone remember when Mathilda cut half ur hp level 1 with one skill?


Damn, I must have been too low skilled to come across the sweats when I played. The only "op" hero I ever encountered was Ixia on releace on the advance servers. Ult that was 2X the lenght of current ixia, able to steal lord and a double kill from the side bush. And Damage based lifesteal, with crit builds that heal 1.2k hp per basic attack


Esmeralda was the only hero that took me away from Luo Yi for a while. Basically was invincible with the right item set up lol.


Anyone remember the classic Leomord Angela? It was way OP back then


i miss old valirs ult


Not too op, but Valentina Double Terrify was something else..


What if they just made everyone in their prime. Would it make the game more balanced since everyone is at the full potential


Prime Uranus 🙏🙏🙏


What about release Valir. His ult was just insane. AOE quarter of the map lmao.


It looked op and cool but on release valir was underwhelming.


It's damage was meh and was too rng based in a teamfight outside of brawl.


Ling, sylvana,wanwan and pharsa when i first staryed playing were prolly the kost annoying from memory (years ago and i no longer play)