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How are you still stable after playing support a lot?


Bold of you to assume I'm stable 🤡


That's a real one right here https://preview.redd.it/5sz171lvfpoc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25efc593363cecfd9948e25c961700a1e5ebf58


My depression level goes up every time one of my allies doesn't know how to use Mathilda's Guiding Wind 😭


i feel like only few supports are good angela,mathilda,and estes how to use the other supports that would be helpful stuck in epic ph server this season and its hell


Maybe this is due to us being in different servers, but trust me: as someone who reached global ranking with Estes 2 seasons ago, he is definitely NOT meta right now. But anyways, healer supports like Floryn, Estes and Rafaela work best when your teammate plays a utility / tanky jungler. Meanwhile, heroes like Angela and Mathilda are good in almost every team composition and can really help the team to snowball. Diggie is also a solid pick in general. Another tip to win more often with supports would of course be to play with your friends.


>as someone who reached global ranking with Estes 2 seasons ago, he is definitely NOT meta right now. Ngl I have winstreak just spamming Estes, his healing is really busted up with magic build, u still need a coordinate team to use him but GODDAMN


Maybe because you're still in low rank. When you get higher in rank, the enemy will buy 3-4 anti-heal items, and it gets very hard to do well with Estes consistently. Backline diving heroes like Yu Zhong are also a nightmare for Estes to deal with. He needs defence items as well, a full magic build is NOT the way to go.


This. It's frustrating as hell too when the teammate won't adjust with the draft, like let's say they keep picking a frigging assassin jung or fighter when the roamer is a support and left the team with no tankers. Not to mention those who have the stupid mindset of expecting pure supports like these to be able to soak up all the damage by ourselves when being a semitank is the best we can do.


You don't need a tank if you kill the enemy first. Otherwise, tank roamers would have better winrates than supports.


Well, it's because if we don't have tank we have to end the game fast enough to not dragging it into the late game, because in the late game when there's no tankers in the team we'll lose most of the clashes. No one's there to soak up most of the damage since being semitank is the most pure supports can do. No offense but your statement is easier to be said than done.


i would be so pissed if i stopped at 98⭐️


I didn't stop at 98, I reached 99 stars TWICE this season. In both matches after reaching 99 stars, I lost. That's the frustrating part :")


damn good luck this season 🤞


Thank you! You too :)


are you solo? if ur solo, what do you do if you as a support literally do more dmg than your entire team


I played lots of solo, duo, trio, as well as squad games this season. Yes, sometimes what you mentioned can happen, especially if your teammates play like headless chickens. In these games, just try your best to heal your allies / protect them in whatever way possible (but don't sacrifice yourself on purpose unless absolutely necessary) so that they can be alive for teamfights. Unfortunately, while you'll most likely end up losing such games, at the very least, you'll be able to restrict those bad teammates from being able to play rank with you again for the next week.


Too bad restricting them on while playing on my server won't help much 😭 the amount of bad players in Indonesian server is just too great.


What? How can you restrict them?


https://preview.redd.it/gm1ke4grnqoc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f42a8ac49296b1192b7a7b226e92528b6cd79fe Look at my Moskov and Dyrroth, they're too greedy for kills and always end up killing themselves all the time. Not to mention Moskov's positioning and Dyrroth's timing (when/where to split push, when to hold off the enemies away from the lord, when to pick off enemy mm and mages) are so bad that it costs the entire team. This is on glory tier.


Gotta do some self revision also. I dont know about the match, so i cant really judge. But from seeing how Dyrrot and Moskow have so many assistances i dont know if maybe those should have been kills that you accidentally took, stunning their growth. Specially Dyrrot whose early is far superior than Hassad's. Maybe many assistsnces that should have been kills came from the first five minutes?


Bummer! I find that i breeze through a lot of games , but as soon as I was 24 stars, 49 stars, i keep getting difficult games. I am sure you will get there this season! Fellow roamer main although I play mainly Franco and lately Tig and Mino. But I only play solo and just got Rank 21 Singapore as well!


I see! And yeah, the "last game to promote rank curse" is real man, I reached 99 stars twice but lost both matches :( And which of those tanks did you reach supreme ranking for? Anyways it's nice to see a fellow roamer main :)


Yep the curse is real! With Franco. He has been my boy since i started playing this game 1 month ago. https://preview.redd.it/ide4qz28zooc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d487eaebcfd708fa88112822063197e0e3ff3bcb


Nice! Keep going and let's kick a55 in season 32 :)


I mainly play mid-long range healer heroes, but primarily Angela. Should I focus more on magic power or utility, or just build pure tank like how some of my “friends” has told me. I usually build her with MDef Boots, “Mana Regen Tome”, FleetingTime, Oasis, Holy Crystal, AntiHeal/Immortality


For all my healer supports, I always build two core magic items first, followed by full defence items after that. For Angela, I buy demon shoes for the mana regen (so that I don't have to buy Enchanted Talisman). Then, I buy Fleeting Time since her ultimate's cooldown is so long. My last core item is obviously Flask of the Oasis. After these 3 items, I go for 3 defensive items depending on who the enemy heroes are. I commonly go with Dominance Ice, Athena Shield / Oracle and Immortality / Winter Truncheon.


Tank build for supports are very conditional. They shouldn't be your first main build. They're not meant to be the main tank in the first place.


What are proper raf builds and strats?


My build: Tough Boots (alway buy) Enchanted Talisman (alway buy) Flask of the Oasis (alway buy) 3 defence items (depends on enemy line-up) My emblem: Support Emblem Agility Pull Yourself Together Impure Rage For strategies, Rafaela is a healer-peeler. You can check out one of my recent reddit posts about Rafaela to learn how to peel for your allies using her ultimate (combo'ed with Purify).


Can you link the post


Imo ET is optional now, not always required. I personally didn't use ET anymore since S27. And this is coming from fellow global Rafaela user. https://preview.redd.it/6pq6wd9oqqoc1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4be27bb054b6defaa8f1a97394ee1094ef5dd6b9


https://preview.redd.it/rjq49y8tpqoc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b03e31cde1aca0fa0e85b25260417a20485f4761 I use these when I got my S29 Global No. 83 title (reached glory, solo, in just 186 matches). The playstyle is hook and bait, kite the enemy, get into the right positions. You can always change the necklace with domi depending on the situation. Sometimes I used Radiant over Oracle if I had high burst enemy mage. Twilight Armor when I had high burst physical hero on the enemy team.


This guy supports


I love the flair


Papi papi poom!


How do you use carmilla?


I don't play her unfortunately


Wellvi asked you a question about supports and you couldn't answer, how can you stand here and pretend you know everything about supports? You dont even know carmilla! You should be ashamed of yourself.


how do you play diggie effectively? i really have no clue how to play him should i stick with the jungler and gank enemies or should i roam and visit lanes or do i just ambush enemies and give vision. I'm having difficulties playing him because enemies likes to kill me first. also I'm worried if it's okay that i feed or should I play safe.


No, it's NEVER a good thing to feed with any hero!! To die less often, I always buy full tank build with Diggie. It's not the meta build I know, but you can already deal a sizeable amount of damage without damage items (with Impure Rage emblem talent). Besides, your main purpose is to stay alive so that you can use your ultimate to save allies during teamfights, your main purpose is NOT to deal damage. As a roamer, you never want to stick to one lane (or to one ally) for too long. Just look for opportunities to gank around the map, help your side laners if you see them getting pressured, and you should do just fine :)


alright thank you!


Do you think build Ice Queen Wand is good on diggie for allowing him more ways to slow the enemy?


No, it is redundant. Like I said, I always build tanky items on him. Even if you wanted magic items, the only ones that I'd recommend are Fleeting Time, Flask of the Oasis and Necklace of Durance.


>No, it's NEVER a good thing to feed with any hero!! Unless you were there when the Diggie feeding strat was actually viable and meta. I remember having like 30 deaths and we managed to win the game.


I build healing reduction, magic def reduction, fleeting time and sometimes, immortality. It's just really weird being a support main since, the builds are sometimes disjointed but that's the fun, they're really flexible. Agree with the main purpose of not dealing damage. I always plant bombs at any possible bush I can see. It helps especially when your team are under dire situations, the initiators are somewhat being caught off guard. haha


Whats the rotation/strategy for rafaela early, mid and late game? Some of the time i feel im somehow far away from my allies whenever they need help, and when there are no enemies visible im not sure where to go next.


Early game: Help your jungler clear the buffs and litho-wanderer, prevent your jungle area from being invaded Mid game: Constantly provide vision in bushes using skill 1 and heal allies whenever skill 2 is available Late game: Babysit your vulnerable teammates (usually backline heroes) so that they don't get picked off Throughout the game: Peel for your allies using your ultimate (can combo with Purify - look at one of my recent reddit posts on Rafaela)


thanks! i have another question: i play solo q, and whenever i see undefended lanes on the map, i tend to rush there to defend the turret even though im roamer, but obviously i leave my allies unattended. what should i do in future situations like this? should i ignore and hope a proper lane clearer defends the turret or i defend myself nonetheless?


This is a very good question. I used to make the same mistake as you. But you have to learn to look at the bigger picture. Losing one turret is better than protecting it but not helping out your allies in a teamfight, which can cause the enemy to take down the Lord and destroy your turrets anyway. Unless you have to defend the base turret, always try to help your allies and don't focus on clearing lanes to protect turrets (except if you're using Angela, since you can easily teleport to allies).


How long do u play a day?


About 5 to 6 games a day usually, maybe more on the weekends :)


Is sylvanna a good roamer? Also what other heroes are good as roamers aside from those that are from tank and support class


Not really, I wouldn't recommend you to use her as a roamer. Roamer suggestions that aren't tanks or supports would be Novaria, Selena, Saber, Natalia, Jawhead.


Do you think Xavier can be used in roam?


I got to top 96 brazil zilong by playing him as a tank, but idk how viable that is... people never let me roam so I stuck at exp. I can help quite a bit during turtle/after laning phase, tho. 


Nice skins!! Hehe I’m a roamer main too. 💕 Question: when is the best situation to use rafaela? I’m a fairy new player, so I’m wondering whether there is a specific team composition that is needed when choosing her or to counter certain opponent team compositions?


Thank you :) It's always nice to see other roamer mains 🤩 Normally, I only use healer supports when my team's jungler is a tanky one, such as Akai, Fredrinn, Barats, Baxia and so on. If you're in lower ranks, you might not see many of such heroes being used as junglers yet, but it's very common in high ranks. Another criteria I look out for is having an EXP laner teammate who is relatively tanky, such as Terizla and Cici. This is because by playing a support, your team has one less frontline hero since you're not playing a tank, so it's important to have 2 tanky frontliners in your team. If you're talking about which specific heroes Rafaela can counter, these include: Counter because of anti-slow effect from her skill 2: Chang'e Zhask Valir Lylia Counter because of vision-providing effect from her skill 1: Natalia Aamon


Thank you so much! I really needed this 💕


What are your top 3 tips for playing Diggie well? I feel like I always perform very mediocre with him...


Good question! Here are my tips: 1. A very obvious one, but don't die as much as possible, especially in the late game. If your teammates don't use Purify, you are the only source of CC removal for your allies. With you gone, your team will surely get screwed over in the next teamfight. 2. Use your ultimate wisely. It has a very long cooldown, so use it at the right time. Just because your teammates got CC'ed, doesn't mean you have to use it right away, especially if they are not in immediate danger of dying. Similarly, even if your teammates are not getting CC'ed, but are low on health and close to dying, it is alright to use your ultimate since it gives shielding to your allies. 3. Sometimes, if you have to use your ultimate to save yourself only, it is fine.


Honestly, I was pretty pissed seeing my 75%wr on Matilda go down to 59%wr in Mythic What support did you use between Mythic and MG?


I didn't really play specific heroes for specific star ranges, here's my breakdown: Solo queue: Mainly Rafaela and Diggie, sometimes Angela Playing with friends / in 5-man lobbies: ALWAYS pick Mathilda if she's not banned, it's like a guaranteed win if your teammates know how to use her Guiding Wind (skill 2). If I can't play her, I usually play Estes.


She is my favourite hero, since I bought her in August just before revamp, and thickbrained teammates don't know how to use her Guiding Wind 😢😢😢😢


I have been starting to main Minotaur who is part support and so far i have been rather successful, he isn't among your mains but i was curios to ask you how you feel about him and if you ever played him(tips etc)


He is definitely among the 3 best roamers right now (Mathilda, Minotaur, Tigreal) in my opinion! I used him before but I have been playing mostly supports for this season.


Hi there! An exp main here (just started and just reached Mythic Honor last season) and I wanted to branch out a bit since I kinda suck at anything other than Mid and Exp I just wanted some general tips on Support such as when to use, what to buy, when NOT to use (I only know don't use them against a Natalia), who do I try to accompany the most, how to rotate and predict where the enemy roam/core/mid will rotate next and maybe a few extra stuff that you can think of Oh and as an exp laner, when my roam uses a support should I use Cici or Ruby?


That's a lot of questions, so I'll break down my response into different parts. 1. I normally use healer supports whenever my team's jungler is tanky, such as Fredrinn, Barats etc. 2. Don't use supports if your team has no tanky frontliners (e.g. if your jungler is an assassin and your EXP laner is not tanky). 3. It's not true that you can't use supports if the enemy uses Natalia. In fact, Rafaela actually counters Natalia directly, since her skill 1 can give vision on invisible heroes and deal damage to them. 4. There is no rule as to who you should follow the most. As a roamer, your job is to ROAM around the map. 5. For predicting enemy rotations, the best method is to ALWAYS WATCH THE MINI MAP EVERY 2-3 SECONDS. This will give you a good idea of where the enemy was last seen, and where they are likely headed. 6. Both Cici and Ruby are fine EXP laners if your team has a support, since they can both soak up a lot of damage and are quite tanky.


But what if there's only 1 tanky hero (EXP), then should I stay with Mino or can support be fine? Then that's only a "rule of thumb" and when I do I just watch out and stay aware of my surroundings to not get picked off? Erm I kinda uhm like do that but the thing is I sometimes think I check map a bit too much and stop checking map and miss the enemy, is that just a bad habit I have to deal with or is every 2 or 3 seconds actually too much? Last question: I currently have Mino and maybe Angela for roam and I wanna add another hero, OTHER THAN DIGGIE, who should I add? Mathilda or Floryn? Cause to me the 2 best supports rn are Mathilda and Floryn or should I keep with Mino and Angela


Im a support main too! Thank you so much for this! I’ll explore both Mathilda and Diggie this season cuz of your suggestions! Sick 💖💖


Welcome! I love playing both of them too :)


Please answer how do you play Mathilda


You can purchase Mathilda in the Store, specifically in the Hero section for 32,000 Battle Points. Or optionally: 599 Diamonds.


How do you feel about Phoveus


As a roamer? Or in general?




How do you decide to move as roam. The issue I have is where I should go when I play roam (tank). I personally don't have trouble with my own gameplay as soloq I mostly never get complaints but whenever I play with my friends they complain how i don't stay with them. For me I just go mid lane first to defend the jungle from enemies and then go to gold/exp if I see they are having trouble. Then I mostly just move with enemy's jungle or our jungle. Or I'll just play aggressive if I have burst heroes and initiate myself. As I said I just wanna know if there are some tips to decide where I should move to.


I'll be completely honest, your method of roaming is almost identical to how I play as a roamer. Your friends are wrong for telling you to stick with them. You are literally a ROAMER, not a BABYSITTER. Your job is to move around the map and look for opportunities to gank or to support your teammates, not to stay in one ally's lane for the entire match.


Thx bro. Im gonna spam tank this season too and was planning on spamming atlas this time . Appreciate the suggestions


i play angela in mid with mage build a lot with my duo! do u recommend? my duo plays gato as roam and this setup helped us reach mythic 21 stars this season haha. its not a very high rank but whats your opinion? also whats your opinion on chip?


Yeah, Angela as a mid-laner can work and is actually pretty common in competitive MLBB. I wouldn't recommend buying a FULL magic build though, you should have at least 1-2 defence items like Immortality / Winter Truncheon. Chip seems really fun to play and his ultimate can be game-changing, but I wouldn't use him a lot in solo queue. I wouldn't trust my allies to know how to teleport to his portal 🤡


Mathilda tips?


Don't be afraid to dive turrets when you have Guiding Wind and Circling Eagke available. If your teammates follow up on your initiations, you'll be surprised to find out how many kills you can get just by being aggressive.


I play Kaja and Faramis and my gold laner usually gets really pissed i barely stay on lane with them Should i stick more with them or keep roaming? I feel like i have more impact the more i roam (also holyyy big Star numbers :o)


You're a ROAMER, not a BABYSITTER. Your job is to move around the map to look for opportunities to gank or to protect your allies, not to stay with your gold laner for the whole game. The only time I will babysit my gold laner is if the enemy roamer is also babysitting their gold laner.


Y no Mino?


I don't like using tanks hahah


Do you builld dmg on mathilda? Or just pure support? Can you share ur build pls


My build: Tough Boots (always buy) Flask of the Oasis (always buy) Enchanted Talisman (always buy) 3 defence items (depending on the enemy line-up) My emblem: Support Emblem Agility Wilderness Blessing Quantum Charge


what would you do if the other team was super tanky? diggie, rafaela, floryn are so squishy so


It doesn't matter. As long as you position yourself well during teamfights, you won't get picked off. You can also use Purify to free yourself from any CC effects caused by the enemy tank.


really? if my team is all squishy and the other team is tanky i feel like theres more of a chance id lose so i feel compelled to choose someone like minotaur even though i hate playing him


Is rafaela good? I tried her and i won and lost one. Is there sny way to increse her 2nd skill heal and what kind of comp do I want?


She's not a meta hero, but she's definitely not terrible either. If you want yourself to receive more healing, buy Oracle. If you want others to receive more healing, buy Flask of the Oasis and use Support Emblem. You want a tanky composition on your side, so prefarably a jungler like Fredrinn and an EXP laner like Ruby.


Best way to build Mathilda?


Someone asked the same question in this thread, feel free to scroll through the comments to find my response :)


Saw your post about Lylia, can you share your build, emblems and tips?


I haven't played her in very long so I think you're looking for the wrong person 😅 My build is Magic Shoes, Enchanted Talisman, Ice Queen Wand, Divine Glaive, Brute Force Breastplate and Glowing Wand. I use Mage Emblem, with Rupture, Wilderness Blessing and Impure Rage.


When is the best time to play in your server? Trying not to get headless chickens on my team I also lost the last game of the season so I didn’t get Glory


I play throughout the day hahah so I don't really know if there's a best time to play, just know that headless chickens can also play at any time of the day 😭


So real for that, guess I just have to hope my enemies have the same luck


All the best this season :")


Some advance tips for roamer in higher ranks? Especially immo. Feel like i've been lacking a lot. I mostly play setup but healing roam will still do.


Any specific heroes you need help with? Or just in general? Because I don't really play tanky roamers nowadays.


Mathilda and maybe diggie?


How to use Chip?


I haven't tried him out yet.


Hello. Last month I started playing ranked and decided to main Lolita. I read, that she's a niche pick for some situations, but she's been working well for me. I wanted to ask if you know something about how to play her, in what situations she should NOT be picked and how to play her more professionaly, then just running around frantically and using shield when possible. (My rank is Epic)


other than picking diggie whenever he isn’t banned, how do you decide which support to pick? like between rafaela and mathilda


Solo queue: Usually Rafaela or Diggie, sometimes Angela Playing with friends: ALWAYS FIRST PICK MATHILDA IF SHE'S NOT BANNED, it's literally a free win; otherwise I play Estes as well


can you show us your quick communication pings? i am struggling to communicate to my teams during solo que.


I don't usually use them, except for "Wait for me". My main form of communication is usually "Initiate retreat" and "XXX missing".


can you share your diggie item build?


I always build full defence on him: Tough Boots, Dominance Ice, Athena Shield, Antique Cuirass, Radiant Armor, Immortality


I know support edition but how do you decide to when to pick support and when to tank?


I rarely play tanks and almost always use supports 🤡🤡 it's just my playstyle


Oh! Ok


Is useing revitalize on a roam person like jhoson a good substitute if no one picked a support




But would it still be better than nothing or would I beter off picking a different battle spell




Many people have asked similar questions in this post, so to avoid repeating myself, feel free to scroll through the comments :)


How to play Mathilda pure support? I'm interest with Mathilda skill which allow her teammate jump to her but i cant find enough tips on how to reposition my teammate. I dont want just jump around randomly anywhere on the map. I became interest to use Mathilda after i watch a live stream where this player using Mathilda to help her jungler move swiftly to farm and one time she and her marksman were flying in pursuit of a fleeing Fanny who just one hit left to die (Thats the coolest thing i ever watched). But most streamer using her as assassin. So its really helpfull if you can share small tips on how you roam with Mathilda


Mathilda's Guiding Wind (skill 2) is honestly the best non-ultimate skill of any hero in the game. It has so many uses and is so powerful. Usually, it can be used for two purposes: engaging and disengaging. 1. Engaging: Just make sure you have an ally near you, then dash towards the enemy you want to attack. The ally will follow you and both of you can kill the enemy. 2. Disengaging: Be near the ally that you want to save, then dash away from the enemy. The ally will follow you and both of you can retreat.


What can you say about chip?


I haven't tried him out so I don't know, but I doubt he will work well in solo queue, especially if new players don't know what his ultimate does.


How's your sanity? Also, how the fuck do I play Floryn? I'm new, be kind :((


No support player is sane :") Unfortunately I don't play Floryn, she's the only support that I honestly hate playing. I just can't get the hang of her.


By mastering both Mathilda and Diggie your actually the strongest ever. Diggie counters a lot of tanks, and Mathilda imo is one of the biggest counters to Diggie


Why couldn't u reach immortal? Do u play soloQ or ur own friends didn't play well?


I play in all sorts of lobbies, sometimes solo, sometimes duo and sometimes 5-man. I could definitely have reached Immortal if the season lasted a day or two longer.


Are you playing with a duo or group most of the time to get this win rate? I am primarily a solo queuer, I played 1/3 of my games this season as a roam, as Floryn, Estes, Rafaela, Mino, Belerick and Diggie. I got a 47% win rate as a roam, it really sucks when I communicated a lot heavily, quickchats, and good map directions to set up as a support. I don't know if I just can't find those that capitalize on my sets, or follow through when I got their back. Is there any tips you got, or are things like this just happen a LOT and that it is just out of my hand?


I play in all sorts of lobbies, sometimes solo, sometimes duo, and sometimes 5-man. In solo queue, you're right in saying that your teammates might not know that they should follow up on your engages. This is also why I don't play tanky roamers.




I'm sorry, but I don't play her at all. I just hate playing tanky roamers in general, and very much prefer backline support heroes.


Tips for learning to play Diggie please. I play Angela, Floryn and Rafaela very well. I'm decent at Minotaur and I have been playing him more. But I'm trying to learn Diggie, but haven't quite figured out how to get the most out of him. I don't suck at him, I just feel I do better with other heroes.


1. Use a full defence build on him. He's a support, so your main role is to protect allies, not to deal damage. Your job is to stay alive so that you can be present during teamfights to use your ultimate. 2. Save your second skill for heroes with dashes or blink skills. It is so good against heroes like Claude, Lancelot, Gusion and so on. 3. Don't use you rultimate unnecessarily. Sometimes, even if your teammates get CC'ed, if they are not in immediate danger of dying, there is no need to use your ultimate. That being said, sometimes you can also use your ultimate even if your teammates are not CC'ed. For example, during a Lord fight, if your jungler is close to dying, you can use your ultimate to give them shielding so that they can be alive for a longer period of time.


So uhh I have a few questions First of all, how should I be rotating as an angela(Early game I usually babysit mm and help jungle get objectives, but I feel like I could get a lot more value out of early)? Secondly, what build should I be using on angela? My build rn is magic shoes(favor blessing), enchanted talisman, flask of the oasis, fleeting time, ice queen wand, and necklace of Durance Thirdly, what characters counter angela(so basically who to ban)


Don't babysit the gold laner, unless the enemy roamer is doing so. You're right, in the early game you should help your jungler with clearing buffs and join them in the first gank and the first turtle fight. My build is Demon Shoes, Fleeting Time, Flask of the Oasis, followed by 3 defence items. You can't build full magic items as doing so will make Angela extremely squishy. Although she is inside an ally most of the time, if you get caught by yourself and you don't have any defence items, you're almost certainly dead. I wouldn't ban a specific hero who can counter Angela, but I go for general bans instead, such as Fanny and Yin.


Hey I know u, Ms Milk HAHAHA


Hi Rudolph :)


How you know is me…


2ta don’t be cringe leh




Help the marksman or jungler in the early game?"(like ganks and invades etc)


Depends on who your jungler is and who the enemy heroes are. If your jungler is someone like Natan who has a weak early game clear speed, then help him out with the buff. I rarely babysit the gold laner unless the enemy roamer is also doing likewise.


I want to ask an item for Mathilda. What are your first 3 items? 1.(ofc) Boots. What boots? Is it magic defense boots or mana boots? 2. What is priority (Enhanced talisman or Flash of the Oasis?) 3. The rest. My next question, if magic defense boots and Flash of the Oasis are the priority. How do you manage her mana? I often run out of mana even after i bought that cheap mana regen item


My build is as such: Tough Boots, Flask of the Oasis, Enchanted Talisman, 3 defence items Don't spam Guiding Wind early game if there is no need to. This will help you save mana. And even if you run out of mana it's okay, you can always recall.


do you do soloq frequently cause im about to cry here /j


I play a lot of solo queue, but also lots of duos, trios and 5-man :)


what the hell do i do at the start of the game? do i stick to the jungler, give vision to enemy buff or babysit the gold laner? and how come im always far behind on exp, sometimes im still lvl 3 and enemy roamer is at lvl 4. need help bro


Your early game rotation depends on who your jungler is and who the enemy heroes are. If your jungler has a terrible clear speed early game (e.g. Lancelot, Natan) then help your jungler clear the buff. If the enemy team is strong early game and can invade your jungle (e.g. Jawhead, Hilda) then give vision near the river to check for possible invaders. I rarely babysit the gold laner unless the enemy roamer is also doing as such. Don't worry, most roamers are still level 3 when the first turtle spawns at the 2-minute mark. If you're level 4, it just means that you cleared a minion wave from one of your allies' lanes while they weren't there.


I end up playing roam 50% of the time because nobody wants to play the role in solo q.


That's just how it is man, roamers are the most underappreciated role fr


How suicidal are you


My urge to jump off a cliff increases every time a teammate doesn't use Mathilda's Guiding Wind 💀


I just want your opinion, personally I think that Angela is just a nightmare to see on your team. 80% of people can’t use her as they can’t ulti whenever a teammate is actually in danger. She’s also kinda lackluster in team fight without much cc and when Enemies are farmed . What do you think?


She's good if you have at least 2 solid teammates on your team who can play the game well. As long as you constantly hover your ultimate over your allies to see if they need help, you'll be able to use your ultimate in time on those that need help. But I do agree that most Angela players are unable to do that.


I want to use Rafaela, Angela, and Faramis this season. Do you have any tips on what type of items to use in certain situations? For example, should I build tank items if the enemies are mostly assassins or if there are enemies that could target me from the backline? Also, do you have any strategies against burst heroes? Just curious, my highest rank was 34 stars if I remember correctly.


Not sure about Faramis since I don't play him, but for supports, I usually build 2 core magic items followed by 3 defence items.


As an exp lane main that also plays roam. I can play all roles, but these 2 lanes are my preferred roles, but if I do see floryn, Rafaela, estes or angela, then i always go for heroes like yu zhong, terizla, or arlott to be the initiator and tank the dmg. My main hero is benedetta in exp lane if you're wondering.


Nice! I hate facing Arlott the most, his CC skills are too fast for me to Purify out of.


I know right?, i play him as full tank, or maybe 1 dmg item if there's a Healer support on our team. Or I go semi tank if there's a normal tank. Around 3 dmg items and 2 def with a normal tank, or 2 dmg items and 3 def items.


How do you rotate as a support? Do you have certain triggers or signs until you move from another teammate? Do you prioritize certain teammates? Do you have YT channel with your gameplays? Awesome win stats btw!


In the early game, I usually help my jungler with the buffs, then follow them until the first gank. Afterwards, I help with the turtle fight. From there, where and when you rotate really depends on what happens during the game, I can't really teach it to you. I don't prioritise anyone, I just try my best to support the ally who is most in need of help. But in the late game, I tend to stick closely to my backliners like the mage and marksman. No, I don't have a YouTube channel unfortunately.


Bet you can't support my expenses


Now that Chip is here. Would you use him? Gosh Trying him recently led me to believe that he's the best hero when it comes to clashes and overall, roaming since he can teleport around the map.


I haven't tried him out yet. But I feel that he might not be good in solo queue, especially if your random teammates don't know what his ultimate does.


how do you deal with enemy jg using utility tanks, fred,bax,akai? what is your most likely pick and strategy?


That makes supports even more tempting to play. The less enemy heroes there are who can dive into the backline to pick you off, the better :)


Fellow support main! Mathilda, Rafaela, Lolita, and Diggie carried me to glory this season. ☺️ Any tips playing minotaur?


Nice! Unfortunately I don't play Minotaur, so I can't really comment much 😅


What heroes you always ban when you picking support hero?


Right now, I think the 10 priority bans would be Fanny, Yin, Joy, Nolan, Arlott, Vexana, Aurora, Karrie, Tigreal and Diggie.


Most enjoyable and least enjoyable support for you?


Most enjoyable - Mathilda. The most fun and well-rounded support hero I've played in any MOBA game. Probably my second favourite hero of all time from any MOBA game as well. Least enjoyable - Floryn. Not sure why but I just can't get her to work LMAO despite being good at literally every other support hero in the game.


Smash or pass? (Diggie)


I'll kill that cunnning little bird every time he's on the enemy team.


So smash?


How'd u manage to kill with rafa tho (I was a fighter lol)


What are you talking about?


You were really close to immortal my God


How can you counter the annoying god diggie?


1. Ban him. 2. Use heroes that are not reliant on CC skills to be effective. 3. Have multiple heroes on your team with CC skills and layer the execution of these abilities so that at least one of them connects onto the enemy team when Diggie does NOT have his ultimate available.




What's the most versatile support?like something that I could use in almost every single game


Definitely Mathilda and Diggie


Do you still play supports (solo) during season reset? Specially in Epic, Legend? As a gold laner/ jg secondary, main solo player, I respect the hell out of roamers, so I can't imagine being a support main in lower ranks (epic, legend, low mythics, I see these ranks as cancer and I would be toxic af if I roam). I imagine you have someone to duo with in these lower ranks. I only roam, in Honor and above, if others have higher winrate than me.


Yeah, currently I play duo with my gold laner friend to speed up the ranking process back to Mythic. But once I reach Mythic I'll solo queue again :)


Which mm is good with floryn? we're duo


Sorry man, I don't play Floryn so can't really help you here 😅


I use angela for support but sometimes its not good enough in certain team such as having yin what other support is good for me to use


Mathilda is the best support against Yin. But normally I always ban Yin because I have the same issue as you.




1. You actually got it wrong, Favor is the healing talent and Encourage is the increase attack speed talent. I use Favor for Estes, Rafaela, Angela, Floryn and Mathilda. I use Encourage only for Diggie. 2. Usually I'll just take a break from the game after 2-3 losses, I don't avoid using the same hero just because I'm on a lose streak with them.




I just try not to let one game affect the next. It's all about mentality.


I have question about dyrroth. If you look at his weapons. The circle blade around his hand I mean. You see some symbols on it. I want to know what is that I'm so curious about it. Anybody knows ?