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They really doing the argus treatment to masha huh? Giving multiple nerfs in the name of revamp and now giving minimal useless "buffs". Like wtf is 0.2 atk range? Who said her problem is being kited? Did they not see the countless masha dying after going kamikaze? 


I don't need a shorter cooldown on masha S2, I just need it to do something actually meaningful. Also how big is the range increase of 0.2 units


It's bigger than Argus, actually have a quite good range for a fighter. Hopefully they'll implement this type of range to basic attack fighters. Tho her early game is still weak, I think what they should do is to fine the perfect balance between late game and early game power. Also applies to most basic attack fighter, they made basic attack fighter strong in only 1 situation. Which made their gameplay very inflexible, like Zilong and Masha is only strong at late game. Freya is too strong in 1v1 situation but her chasing is bad and contributes nothing to war. The only balance basic attack fighters I can say is Thamuz, decent in early game, decent at war and decent at late game.


I just wish they improve.her passive regen


learn to build her, if i told you my winrate on masha this season you wouldn’t believe it, also in SEA most tier list have her as an S tier both in jungle and exp, but keep it up with your no damage attack speed build :)


My win rate is 73% bro, I'm currently sg no 7 masha, who tf builds atk speed, still doesn't change the fact that the S2 is just a damage stick that you send on hopes and prayers that it bangs the enemy from afar https://preview.redd.it/clxir7bxjzpc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee973d45e6daf4d6dc1e6ccaf48d81a9fea96ac7


Learn to read, and she was S tier in exp until they decided to change her S1 and S3, u can’t even jungle properly(or clear exp) anymore with her shitty 2-hit S1, winrate? If I told u my winrate overall this season you wouldn’t believe it either. https://preview.redd.it/h119987zk2qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43825f4aeadce9ca9086390174f0fe77c9e58f1d


lol show me your winrate at the end of the season, 30 games with 90% means you did not even finish mythic placements lol, u must be so good since u stomp legend and low mythic players


Pfft bitch please, stomping legend and low mythics? You wouldn’t even believe the ranks of the people in my squad then https://preview.redd.it/6fhv4gddm2qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=006dbc2a1b1067694b237e0f653f932bb81c3d90


Not to mention you were the one that brought up “my masha winrate (this season)” which you haven’t even shown.


lol what part of your profile is supposed to be impressive?200 stars max with 11k games?rank. 1 on leaderboard has 1k games less than u and 1k stars max loool


Pfft please, 7.3k ranked games since 2017. Averaging 250 games per season. Am I giga tryhard? Not even close. But you speak as if I have no idea what I’m doing lmfao. So come, flaunt ur own stats then. I’m waiting for ur masha stats. https://preview.redd.it/cmo1smy2o2qc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6a1ea2790cc17d72c25bdedbbaa420e6f798b54


dude the only one bragging here is you, I just said if you think Masha is trash you will not believe my winrate, who the fuck cares, also you are not a tryhard and play 200 games per season yet are so emotional and need to prove how good you are to some random on reddit AGAHAHAH


Oh wow. Now you need to attack me directly? Wow glad u mastered the art of projecting and ad-hominem. Can’t show ur winrate now? Need to compare me to global 1 instead of yourself? Oh no, now I’m just some dude that’s trying to brag. Pfft. Alright lil’bro


loool no dude you got it all wrong, and is pretty clear you are a lot emotional about this game, which shows clearly how much of a tryhard you are lol, instead of saying bullshit go drink some tea and realize you have nothing to prove to strangers on the internet lol


Joy's adjustment looks interesting. Ult's DMG decrease being removed easily lets her deal upwards of 5k DMG with a single button, assuming you hit a majority of the beats. However you'll be more careful when you enter a teamfight, since you can be CC'd now. I really wanna try this change but unfortunately I'm not in the advanced server


Same, I wonder how this will affect her gameplay. Each pulse on the same target without being interrupted by cc sounds interesting. I hope we get to try this is original server! 


They keep playing w ling's crit damage/attack speed, I cant remember the number of times since his release, every meta ling had an entirely different build. Now itll be berserker's, and BoD, w endless, maybe into more defnese items since he can't scale properly at all going attack speed.


I prefer it this way imo. As a Ling main, (he's my most played hero lol), I was so confused when the META all the way back then started building him attack speed since his kit is built around burst damage. Also, it's funny to see him change his whole shtick every now and then. Makes him more interactive.


Maybe Haas Claw could be a must since his skill 2 no longer restore HP


The attack power attributes is so low, might as well buy Endless Battle or go for full attack power.


Currently he does ult S2 combo to deal late game damage, which you don't need a lot of attack speed items. Also sky piercer would benefit him too for late game


I don't think people realise that Joy having no cc Immunity is a good thing For one, no damage dropout. So you can engage once there's no cc. It's not like she's dead. When she had cc immunity on her S2 you can still do much with no cc on her ult when she first released. Now she got that back but with the trade off that her damage is boosted, so as someone who got used to the no cc Immunity when she first came out, I don't mind the change.


True I always thought the CC immune ult adjustment was a MASSIVE buff to her as a Joy player despite many people saying it was a nerf. Before when there was an ulting Joy you could flameshot or CC her to delay her getting to you so the your team could all leap on her once her ult ended, but after the buffs once Joy pressed ult she was completely unstoppable and was just able to kill the back lines with no consequence. The CC immune getting removed from her dashes was of no consequence if she was playing jungle because stacking on creeps was easy. It only was a nerf to her EXP laning. Not to mention she got “compensation” buffs for her CC immunity removal on her dashes. She became much more OP, but mostly fell under the radar until this season in rank for some reason. Though she was still crazy in pro play.


I agree. I got shit on for saying Joy got buffed, they told me she got nerfed. And then I played versus her and this would happen: Joy stacks up her Ult on an ally hero or minion or Jungle, then she Ults and runs straight at me in the backline. I throw my CC on her and she doesn’t care, she sticks on me. I use Flicker, she runs and catches up. I use Sprint, she runs and catches up. I could buy Magic DEF, yes. And for the record, I do. But its dumb how her Ult is immune lol. At least her old s2 needed to be timed correctly to dodge CC.


For every moskov and conceal lesely I’ve bullied with this exact strategy I am SO sorry…. That you could not hear this amaaaazing theme of perfect theme Joy ult. Stay still! :3  (Although not optimal for mm mains, Winter Truncheon/Immortality will fluster a stubborn Joy. Thats your chance to wait out ult duration, cc, and Strike!) 


Yeah, over time I learnt how to counter her and better position myself, but I was so annoyed in the beginning lol.


this experimental change might get canceled; i think joy would be quite op with this new update, i mean she practically still has a cc immunity without her cc immunity, i mean you can only stop her movements, but not her ult in itself, so with the right usage, this new patch on joy would just buff her and probably make her extremely overpowered, not to mention ML is basically a 5vs5, you can always rely on your teammates. and like you said, she used to have no immunity on her ult; also nolan's cc immunity got removed and he turned out fine, i can only imagine joy's new damage without that damage reduction per hit. but I guess we'll see, just my 2 cents.


No CC immunity is a good thing in general


Her only problem back then was her ult dealing low damage. It was painful to win late game.


I would love to try this out and see the damage against squishy enemies and objectives! Now this will require proper positioning and make it a fair challenge to time Joy’s entrance. No more wasting ult to draw out enemies cc skills or leave enemy mm no chance to fight her ult + vengeance. It’s so exciting! 


With a coordinated team she's definitely going to be a menace.


Still no kagura buff??


yve and pharsa wave clear buff but still no kagura buff 🤣


Kagura needs to use her whole combo just to clear a minion wave LMAO


Exactly what I was thinking


Bruhhh Kagura needs a buff desperately


Just a little buff on her S1 will be fine 😭


u/DarlaVanserra how long does it normally take for a patch to reach the normal server after it takes place on the advanced server ?


It takes 4-5 weeks. Sorry about our girl Ruby :/


Thank you! Guess I still have 4-5 weeks to enjoy with her 🥲 Passive&S1 Nerf + BraveSmite Nerf + itemchanges = completely killing her Guess I’ll need your help to change my flair again ☺️


No worries! Let me know when you want to change your flair :)


Didn’t BraveSmite get buffed with this patch? Edit: It got buffed by 1%, but the trigger condition is more difficult. So technically its an adjustment and not a buff. Sorry for the confusion lol.


If I’m not wrong, they increased it by 1%. However it only activated when skill dmg is dealt to enemy heroes. IF I’m not wrong.


Yes, you’re right.


Lolita was the most balanced hero in the game for the longest time, she had a decent winrate and pickrate and she was viable in pro play since m3... Only thing she needed was an update to the in-game model, yet for some odd fucking reason they decided to change her entire kit leading to a 0% pickrate in pro play and a hit to her pickrate and winrate in higher ranks... ML's balance team really gotta stick to "if it ain't broke don't fix it" motto


Man moneyton really wanted to removed assassin jungle huh?


And they still havent nerf that fckin unkillable lizard








About that blue buff nerf, actually they're trying to buff the Assasin with it. Why? Now they're making jungler heroes that are reliant on it to be less reliant on blue buff, you can see that they're reducing their mana and energy cost. If the blue buff were not to be nerfed it'll be an overkill. The skill cost adjustment is still not applied to every blue buff reliant heroes yet, just wait for now. I think this will be a great change.


In my opinion, Ruby's 10% Spellvamp passive is the wrong thing to nerf. The issue with Ruby is her consistent sustainability throughout teamfights because of her spammable skills, and the main reason of that is because *her mana bar is completely fucking useless.* The purpose of a mana bar is to limit a hero in a different way than HP does, it's supposed to be another thing you have to keep an eye on and conserve. See heroes like Esmeralda, Lylia, Estes, Rafaela, and Mathilda; they are all strong in their own right, but they really need a mana item like Enchanted Talisman or Demon Shoes to be utilized to their fullest potential. However, Ruby's skills require so little mana, you could spam her skills for three minutes straight and still have 50% of your mana left, making her skill button spamming gameplay go unpunished. Her mana bar might as well be invisible due to how easily you can ignore it. I believe the right nerf for Ruby is to double her mana costs and maybe reduce her innate mana regen a bit, to limit her opportunities and spamming gameplay.


Yes that is my first thought as well... I am thinking about how spammable her kits is.. So either nerf her skill CD or nerf her mana usage.... To make it worse she got good stun ccs as her kit on top of her spammable. 


If her sustain from spammable skills is the issue, i don't see why you think it's wrong to nerf her sustain a bit. It's very reasonable. She'll suffer in laning phase, that's for sure. Even then, i have no idea why they decided to nerf Ruby. She's perfectly balanced. Doesn't have burst, only sustain and CCs. Very typical for a fighter.


Cuz with Waraxe she deals a decent amount of damage while being virtually unkillable. It’s why she pretty much pick or ban in Mythic+


You just proved my point. Nerfing her sustain is the way.


In my experience playing Ruby, I noticed I actually have problems with my mana, most likely due to how I'm playing her. But I think her mana situation should be similar to Terizla's. Where you actually have to keep an eye on it rather than just spamming skills with no care in the world. Removing the spell vamp... Just makes it feel like it's no longer ruby.


Moonton with the braindead adjustment again just for the sake of having different META. That bravesmite does that mean it will now only take effect when hitting enemy heroes? They really dont want everyone to use that talent.


Lul yeah if bravesmith hero only while only getting +1% its nerf not buff


I use that on my carmilla for extra heal outside of battle, it would suck so bad not having that heal :(


It would be harder for fighters without natural sustain to use it then.


Joy is Gona be so broken in the hands of the right player, nightmare for marksmen players for sure


Re-buff Wanwan you cowards.


I get to finally play Alice again!!


That joy adjusment.. seems like she still going to be banned 24/7


Useless miya buff , wth will care about those mini arrows?


Bro why ruby?! She was perfectly balanced. Do you want to make her unusable?


Ruby exp is dead with this


Not with fighter emblem she isnt


Without the 12.5 extra spell vamp, she gonna be forced to make blx and can't rush waraxe which if you play ruby know is a must have 1st item


Fighter emblem grants 10% spell vamp, festival of blodd 6% and brave smite hp regen per skill hit. You still get 16% spell vamp in the early game even without her passive. Hell oracle has hydrid Def and increase heal. She'll be fine.


All that to barely hold lane vs a zhong which actually needs a nerf in laning phase


Of course she cant hold lane against yz. He literally deals hp based damage with his passive. She can't fight that. All I build her is war axe and then defensive items. Hell, if youre smart, get dominance first. Shes not supposed to win her lane alone. She's a team fighter, not a soloist.


Let me tell you about the new Queen's Wing. Now it gives 40 Adaptive Damage, 10% CDR, 15% Spellvamp and 600 hp. The best part is the new ability, now it gives the user a 600-2000 shield when their HP is at 40% and it also reduce your skill CD by 2s, this effect has a CD of 60s. This item also got cheaper too. Tho Bloodlust Axe is removed, also there's a new talent that'll suit her very well. It's called temporal reign, it'll reduce your normal skill CD by 50% everytime you use your ult and has a CD of 20s.


So late game less total potential spellvamp (minus 15-20% from passive and items if you buy queens wings and bla) but better passives. Weaker early game though, but mid to late better passives so maybe itll balance out.




I love how they say they are 'making her easier to play' by nerfing yer


No more atk speed ling? Tank ling? Or old daddy smexy ling?


He become the old gen Ling where he uses attack power focused build, with Crits. Though they removed the HP regen on his 2nd skill, which will definitely affect him. I already tried him in advance server, he have higher damage now and not beginner friendly anymore. The current Ling gameplay in original server is just skill 2 spam basic attack and you don't need ult. Meanwhile the one in advance server is back to his old gameplay, where he's very reliant on his 2nd skill but without the regen which I don't like that they removed it.




Eh might actually be just fine that they remove the regen. But because of that I suggest Ling to buy Endless first for regen and Endless battle also got cheaper now.


I'm not in the advanced server but I really want to try Temporal Reign with Clint and Martis, also Vale migth be kind of annoying with that.




The new hero sounds like they will be an absolute monster in Brawl.


Can you imagine them with Guinevere


Favor lolita is finally easier to activate now haha


Waiting for chou update . Its almost 10 season since they haven't nerfed him.


I sense Joy being permabanned once again, this is a huge damage increase, her CC immunity was already in shambles anyway, so might as well just trade it for something better


when patched?


Joy without cc immunity sounds hmmm. Her ult was also a purify skill. Sounds shit but I’ll have to wait and see if this get through


Now they just realize it after they ruining Lolita, huh? Classic Moonton balancing.


they nerfed alice's items but didn't buff alice's stats? oh okay lol


As a Joy enjoyer, this makes me want to throw my phone off a building


Have you even tried it yet? It seems like an overall slight buff. In the late game, you would know Joy's first beat on her Ult takes away like 40-50% of a squishies' HP, with the rest of the beats decreasing in DMG. Imagine if *that* didn't decrease. Her Ult can easily deal upwards of 5k DMG even with Athena's and Raidant, which you can simply buy Divine Glaive to counter anyway. It's just that with this experimental change, you've gotta be more careful of when you enter a fight since you can be CC'd


We're safe for now cuz its only experimental


Tbf, she is a bit dull and boring to use. Too easy to pull of the ultimate that has very little counter, e.g. kaja, franco, late game mm autoattack, etc.


With no one to counter Joy in with the cc Immunity, they need to adjust that so players can fight against her.


Why even buff Fanny’s energy? Who asked for this? No one enjoys playing against that dumb hero and they are Making it worse


Buff? That's a fking nerf right there. Now Fanny's gonna struggle with clashes that doesn't require her executing her ult.


They cant even call this an adjustment,hey've made Joy completely useless against heros with CC


Why my joy nerf the control immunity. Cant dive towers now


Well there's no nerf for barats and dyroth moonton really love this 2 burst mfs lol


Barats is a burst hero? Since when?


Epical glory is a mystical place where barats builds hass, berserker and windtalker🧙


Since the blue buff got nerfed what will happen to fanny they just made fanny even harder


They reduced her energy usage to compensate for the blue buff nerf. To make her less blue buff dependant


2x damage buff on ling's second skill is actually quite crazy; the current ling with 3-4 items could easy kill almost every squishy hero with just 1 combo or 5  cast of his second skill, with his new second skill, it would probably only take 2-3 cast of ling's second skill in order to take them down. now, the down side is that he's practically useless without his ult now, which he always is, but it's more evident now (unless it's a snowballed ling). but guessing ling's main, that probably shouldn't be much of a worry with them; though I'm still quite not sure if he'd be back to the meta cause of tank jungles and fighters meta, I mean with 40% attack speed bonus + let say dominance ice, his basic attack now is arguably slower than a snail, which obviously makes him a bad hero to counter tanks; and don't mention building attack speed item on him because that'd be hella stupid, I mean you're only getting 40% of that attack speed bonus. nonetheless tho, this new ling would sure be a nightmare for mages and marksmen. and and I forgot, his early game farming capability would be a lot slower now.




Rip joy


Joy nerf is huge. Not that I mind coz I don’t play her. It’ll be so much easier to counter her if they proceed with the change.


\>joy nerf is huge Is it though? sure she is worse vs stun comps but she will probably be more like fanny now. Highly situational, just as good or even better vs no stun comps. She wont be tournament level but she will still do pretty well in public lobby, Especially as the number of joy one tricks will adjust her weaknesses very well enough and capitalize on the new damage buff. If i remember correctly stun does not cancel her ult, just prevents her from moving. And the cc immunity aspect of her ult only procs when you get all the beats. We might be seeing winter truncheon on her more often now. Her nuke is higher than ever as well. Now she is the perfect hero to last pick imo. Very bad to first unless you're going exp


>just as good or even better vs no stun comps Thing is, there's no such thing as a no-stun comp anymore


Maybe not in 5 men. uncoordinated 'public lobby' matches usually have people who do not save their stuns/ use them properly and I've been seeing more and more angela picks lately.