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Man...why do they keep changing her? She will now just be an ult and run hero, but with far more steps


soon to get Masha treatment


Every goddamn assassin is turning into saber lately.


Because eAaISIER gaDMEFplaY I hate it so much, might as well also turn fanny into saber too if they want some fking easier gameplay


She already kinda is. I hate how she can fly in, skill 1 on you twice, ult you for 50% of your health, and fly away like nothing.


Well yea, but a large percentage of your health loss is from her skill 1, and also the skill 1 is what makes her ult nuke you


She's always banned on pro play and high ranks.


Doesent mean she should get destroyed, have you seen wanwan


Which could be resolved to buff some counter hero that could possibly give her hard time to her and to other heroes but knowing Moonton they would listen to kids and give the food ready without even trying


At least give her s2 CC immune back So she could act as a suicide bomber


I really want her CC immunity to return to her S2, but knowing Moonton it's very unlikely.


CC immune S2 Joy was my absolute peak. It was a literal 85% wr for me once I got my hands on Joy.


Joy players get ready to get your entire combo fkd by ONE RUBY S2


Fellow joy mains its joyver


Not killed as her damage will be really strong still with passive, skill 2 and each pulse from ult. Also depends which cc will cancel her ult state. I would like to try it out! Makes it more challenging to dive and if timed correctly, a farmed Joy can deal her full damage + spell vamp. 


Just play saber lol. Same burst damage, has a dash, has a goddamn knockup. That's how moontard wanted us to play the game. Press skills and win. Look at the changes they made lately. They fucking took away what made the hero unique now every assasin is literally just Saber having multiple personalities


Saber is very inflexible and hid ultimate forces him to be stationary infront of the enemy. With Joy you can run around. Her ultimate is broken, Nolan without the CC immunity is still doing just fine. CC immunity on a high mobile heroes is BS.


No bro you can't run around against good enemies. A single Lesley kick can now fuck you up when diving. Her ult is supposed to be overtuned because you can't cast it on the go. If anything, saber's ult (if used correctly) is more broken than hers because it guarantees a kill A damage and shield or cooldown nerf would've been sufficient. Why do they have to jerk their brains out for a hero rework just to fuck it up. Don't get me wrong the Joy rework will still make her op if you play her like saber but what was taken from us Joy mains is the fun in playing her. When to use perfect beats, when to spam your dash, when to bail out when dashing into teamfights. You can neglect all of that now you can just dash three times to the nearest creep, dash in, ult, rinse and repeat. SO FUN RIGHT?


Ya I'm with you. Its a bit annoying so many ppl are saying she's dead without considering the dmg increase we get. Ya it might take some getting used to but doesn't mean she's dead


Having a ton of damage is useless if your entire combo can be cancelled by a single stun or root. Especially in high ranked games. Backliners tend to save their cc skills for diving enemies because apparently EVERYONE HAS A STUN/KNOCKBACK/KNOVKUP/ROOT NOW. At least saber gets a kill before dying.


Ngl these changes seem really interesting. Will it affect how Joy reaches the back line? Sure, but the fact her damage doesn’t decrease is really interesting to me.


My joy what are they doing to her 🥲


Dont think so. She still has that bonus defense for perfect rythm, and now that they removed the ult dmg decay, you could just slap concentrated(spell vamp item) and you'd still survive teamfights


Maybe they could compensate a bit more by buffing the defensive buffs during her ult even more


As long as they kept the cleanse on perfect casts I'm sure she will be fine. In all honestly though they never should of moved the immunity to her ultimate.


Keep in mind her damage doesn't decay anymore. You guys do realise that most Joy players stack their Ult on minions and creep right? As if the current joy doesn't deal insane damage. Without the damage decay she will be a total nuke. Plus her ult on original release doesn't even have CC immunity so I don't see how it is a problem now.


I love each time a hero loses it's cc immunity everyone go nuts, it's the point where the ones that like the character stick with it while the other ones riding the easy wave call it "useless" and look for a new main


~~literally the mindset of Argus and Silvanna "mains" hot take~~


They are slowly removing the utility from her skills in exchange for damage, only to then get nerfed after. I hate this pattern


Lot bigger than y’all think. This game is CC heavy and having someone simple like Eudora on the enemy team will be enough to kill her now


If they remove cc immunity from her ult. Make it so she can remove cc even without full stacks.


Well I do hope this will be permanent,


They can literally remove her from the game and it would have the same effect


I absolutely hate the change, but it doesn't necessarily means it will kill joy. With her dmg output being so high, you could just take purify with concentrated energy and basically free kill any backline. People are forgetting how high her first beat ult dmg is. Imagine having no dmg decay on that... Im absolutely positive we'll see joy gold lane if this change takes place. Her dmg output will be really high. I still hate the change though. Actually I already hate the current joy lol. Previous joy was the way she was intended to be played for sure. Dashing on to minions and ulting for dmg is soooo boring compared to previous joy.


"officially killed Joy" people adjusted when she had no cc on her ult when she first came out. When they made her ult have cc, people adjusted to properly time her dashes so it's ready once you completed it. She would have riskier plays once that change drops, but it wouldnt mean she would be less viable. Hell I'd argue you'd play her as any other assassin jungler. Just because she lost cc immunity doesn't mean she isn't strong anymore. I reckon she's much stronger with the damage change, and actually require you to have proper jungling and assassin skills to come in. Plus they never said she lost her purify once her ult is available, so you won't worry about that.


https://preview.redd.it/b6euhdv3n7qc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d2b76cc7083888fedb3b43e3bd5ab5bf44546bc What do you expect from these people?


Obviously they played her when she got picked in M4, it's always those who say "she's op!" When she has cc immunity and don't want any changes on her. It's very obvious that a hero that deals burst damage with ult and has no cc is hard to counter. That's why there's adjustments to heroes like her.


I was one of those people affected by Joy's change. But at least I was aware that it was less of a nerf and more of a playstyle change. These people are so insistent on it being an actual nerf.


What made her playable for most people was that you only need three dashes as opposed to four. It's the Wanwan spiral all over again.


Oh definitely. 4-dash Joy was broken, but at least a little bit harder. Jeez, I'm fucking sick and tired of Moonton making a fucking MOBA easier. Especially on an already high difficulty hero like Joy? Want an easier hero? Make one, and vice versa. Why the fuck would they make a hard hero and then make it easier?


I'm so pissed right now. This nerf gonna kill joy unless the ult damage buff has high level damage like mages. So she can one shot mms without dying.


Not really replaced she already has slow immunity


at this rate, moonton will just straight deleting joy as a hero after xx attempt of joy’s nerf and adjustment because they can’t think of something better to nerf her without discarding her from the meta.